Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1871: 1 epoch

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Maybe for the top players, everything here is disgusting. Inhaling it into the body will be of great benefit to the human body, but for some low-level players, everything here is no less than poisonous gas.

One day in the next month, Qi Donglai's father will come to this area to bathe in order to reverse his body, due to the aging and decay caused by the five decays of heaven and man.

That way, you only need to wait here quietly and wait for the rabbit, but Pei Junlin is completely different. He first patrolled the area completely and found a lot of interesting things.

The strangest thing is that the sky in this area has a hole in the sky. This may seem funny to ordinary people, but in Pei Junlin's view, there is a crack in the sky that does exist, and it is a crack that cannot be healed.

If it is an ordinary place, where there is a master, the space will be easily torn in the battle, but the torn space will soon be healed quickly because of the rules of heaven and earth, but here, it is because of the rules of heaven and earth. This kind of unhealable wound will appear only when it is destroyed and manually shielded.

After Pei Junlin saw the wound, all her hairs stood upright, because she didn't expect that someone could be so bold, nor that someone could have such a huge energy.

But it pierced a gap in the sky and didn't let it heal. Not only did it not let it heal, it drew some energy from the world.

Please notice that there is a pool under this wound, and the golden liquid is the blood left by this heaven. Pei Junlin is no stranger to the blood of heaven, and there are still some in the mysterious earthen jar in his hand.

The blood of Heaven’s Dao has many uses, it can be described as magical, but the blood of Heaven’s Dao alone is not enough to make Pei Junlin feel surprised, because from this gap Pei Junlin can also feel another strange energy, according to Jin Ye's The argument is that the fairy qi leaked from the fairy world. !

According to Pei Junlin's speculation, there should be an expert in Xuankong Mountain, who specially surveyed a location, went to the closest position of the Great Thousand World to the immortal world, opened the world barrier between the two worlds, and went from the immortal world to the immortal spirit there.

Of course, this is just Pei Junlin’s guess. Pei Junlin also doesn’t know what the real situation looks like. In fact, there are many times when Pei Junlin can’t determine what it is. Pei Junlin found one in another area. The pond filled with fairy qi, this pond is filled with light blue liquid.

The light blue liquid has high energy and high energy. One drop of concentration is equivalent to hundreds of millions of superb spiritual stones. Below, there is a water pool diluted with the blood of the Heavenly Dao and the chalcedony of this immortal tool.

There should be a place dedicated to bathing, of course, this is just Pei Junlin's guess. During these days of waiting, Junlin Pei also tried to collect some of these liquids. He found that these things are extremely precious, and they should be the most precious things in Xuankong Mountain. If not, they would not send such a powerful formation to protect them. Here.

"But don't move these things yet. After you get your hands on these things, let's swept away all these things. I can drink half of the liquid in the pool alone, and leave the other half for you to recover your body." Jin Ye smiled. It seems to have planned.

If Pei Junlin heard his brain buzzing, he didn't expect that Lord Jin would have such a big appetite, wouldn't that pool of energy be afraid of bursting his body?

But a saint-level powerhouse, even if he swallows one drop at a time, he will burst his body, and Jin Ye can swallow half of it at a time, which is simply incredible.

"You are not bragging, such a strong energy is almost equivalent to a liquid bomb or bomb, you can swallow half of it and you won't be afraid of your body exploding directly." Pei Jun was surprised, he thought Lord Jin was bragging.

It's a pity that Jin Ye didn't brag. He said to Pei Junlin in a serious tone: "If you don't think about you, I can swallow all the energy that has been so long, it's not a problem at all."

Jin Ye said that Pei Junlin was directly injured, and he did not expect Jin Ye to be so tough. Such a strong energy density can be swallowed directly, which is simply amazing.

At this moment, the formation was fluctuating, and Pei Junlin instantly entered the mysterious earthen jar. He hid it deeply to ensure that he would not be discovered.

After Pei Junlin was hidden, he saw a figure and landed. This figure Pei Junlin had seen countless times in the memory of the activation, but after seeing it, it still shocked Pei Junlin.

This person is Qi Donglai's father, Qingzi Patriarch.

As soon as people came in, Pei Junlin smelled a foul smell, that kind of rotten smell Pei Junlin could not describe, she didn't want to smell it for the second time in her life.

If we completely seal the nose, this kind of breath cannot be blocked, because this kind of breath is transmitted through divine consciousness. Unless Pei Junlin doesn't think about it, she can't get rid of this unbearable taste.

Qi Donglai’s father did not hesitate. After entering this area, he quickly jumped into the bathing pool. Its energy is slowly recovering, and the smell of decay is gradually fading away. It's just this process. It's extremely long and takes half a year.

Now Qi Donglai's father's strength is at the lowest point, only the strength of the Saint King Realm. This is the best time for Pei Junlin to take a shot, but Pei Junlin did not take a shot, but was waiting for another opportunity.

The energy of the undead golden body is still in the hands of this person. If a surprise attack is launched now, the other party has the time to destroy that energy directly.

Pei Junlin was about to wait for an opportunity to wait for the other party to swallow the undead spiritual energy, suddenly shot the energy away. As time passed, Pei Junlin's heart became more and more anxious, and there were several opportunities that he couldn't help but want to make a move.

Just when Pei Junlin felt unbearable in his heart, one thing happened suddenly, that is, there was a cloud of golden energy in the opponent's hand. After Pei Junlin saw it, he immediately refreshed, because this is the original energy of his body. .

At the very first moment, Pei Junlin launched a flying sword with a buzzing sound and carried out a raid from the left, while the other flying sword made a buzzing sound and carried out a raid from the other side. Pei Junlin was holding Xiantianfei. The sword is in the middle.

Everything happened between the electric light and flint. When the other party reacted, a mirror-like incision appeared on one of your wrists. Pei Junlin even cut off the opponent's palm directly, and the golden energy was even more powerful. It was directly caught in the palm by Pei Junlin.

With the sound of the water, Qi Donglai's father wanted to jump out of the water and escape, but Pei Junlin would never give him this opportunity. A master of the legendary realm, now he looks like a fool.

Because of the five decays of heaven and man, only Zheng Wang Jingjing’s eyesight was degraded. This was not an opponent of magnitude to Pei Junlin. When the sword light flashed, the man’s head fell to the ground, and the headless corpse ran forward. After a few steps, he fell to the ground with a crash.

Things were simpler than Pei Junlin imagined. He never expected that a master of the legendary realm would be killed like this.

"You do have serious consequences, do you understand? The death of a master in the legendary realm will cause vibrations in the air. Time is running out for the two of us. Quickly take away everything that can be taken here. , Leave here quickly." Jin Ye's voice was filled with excitement and blame.

Pei Junlin didn't hesitate, and jumped directly into the pool water, began to swallow the pool water, and at the same time integrated the original energy into the original, and began to restore his physical body.

To restore the physical body, a lot of energy and blood qi must be consumed. However, Pei Junlin stored a lot of blood in his body, but at this time Pei Junlin began to swallow it, and the endless breath of blood was swallowed by Pei Junlin into the body. UU看书www But soon Pei Junlin found that it was of no avail.

"This kind of thing is completely useless for you. Wasn't the blood of the Tao placed there that day? Are you a fool?" Jin Ye couldn't help but get it at Pei Junlin.

Hearing Jin Ye's reminder, Pei Junlin's spirit was refreshed, like a long whale absorbing water, and immediately began to swallow the blood of Heaven's Path. The energy of youth was integrated into Pei Junlin's artifact and began to cast a golden **** for him.

The process seemed to be very fast, but it was also very slow, but the endless energy was completely absorbed by Pei Junlin into the body.

To re-forge his body, Junlin Pei needs a lot of energy, but the energy here is too pure. It is also a difficult problem for Junlin Pei's body to absorb and transform.

And it was not the first time that Pei Junlin's body was exploded, and he exploded automatically. Before that, he had no experience in re-forging the physical body, so this time Pei Junlin was also extremely difficult. He had to re-forge his meridians and internal organs, which was a problem for Pei Junlin.

Suddenly Pei Jun came to his mind. He thought of the meridians and veins in the body of the ancient **** and the structure of the body, which gave Pei Junlin a huge inspiration.

If you use the flesh of the ancient gods to forge your own flesh, then what will happen in the end, there is no doubt that Pei Junlin's flesh will follow the ancient gods and possess the same abilities as the ancient gods.

Although this was just a guess, Pei Junlin didn't want to give up this opportunity. He started to operate the ancient god's refining technique, and began to break his body, and the meridians completely imitated the ancient god's meridians and began to form.

All this was seen in the eyes of Jin Ye, but he did not prevent the power of a bloodline from forming in Pei Junlin's body, and began to slowly rotate along the meridian.

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