Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1872: Old God

"Rebirth of Shura Return (

The current Pei Junlin has no facial features or qualities, and even some details in his body are completely absent. This is a general appearance, which looks like a huge meat intestine constantly squirming.

But at this time, the details of Pei Junlin's body are rapidly enriching, such as some meridian points, etc., these are the most important things.

The magic and most mysterious thing is that when the human brain is broken to the brain, Pei Junlin refers to the operation of the entire universe, the operation of heaven and earth, etc., and he starts to operate a brand new brain.

After the initial formation of the brain, Pei Junlin began to transfer to the meridian and school in the mountainous area. This process was very slow. In addition, Pei Junlin began to arrange his internal organs and his Dantian Qihai and so on.

On the other side, Pei Junlin also noticed the chaotic progress floating fairy. The whale on the pond began to absorb water, absorbing the energy there, and accompanied by huge energy pouring into the chaotic golden bucket! Pei Junlin didn't notice that the Chaos Jindou was constantly upgrading, and some of them had never been in contact with the formation, but they started to operate.

"No, no, even if it goes on like this, the blood of Heaven's Path is far from enough to condense my body's vitality." Pei Junlin shouted loudly, because it was too late.

Pei Junlin stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and the chaotic progress was directly opened. One of the flesh and blood planets was directly grabbed by Pei Junlin, and the inside became the size of a fist.

Without any hesitation to you, I swallowed this flesh and blood planet directly, endless blood qi running continuously among the limbs and hundreds of skeletons, rich in Pei Junlin's body and some details.

This flesh-and-blood planet was once an immortal, and the remaining piece of flesh and blood slowly developed into it. It was as large as a planet and contained endless blood.

Of course, these blood qi are far more than Pei Junlin's original body, because this is the flesh and blood of an immortal, which is indescribable.

Pei Junlin’s series of amazing operations even looked stupid, because Pei Junlin said that this corresponding piece of flesh and blood was swallowed into the body and caused unexpected changes. In addition, Pei Junlin’s body structure and the direction of the meridians, unexpectedly Completely fighting in the order of the ancient gods.

Before all this, Pei Junlin had not discussed with Jin Ye. It was completely self-assertive, but after this series of actions, Pei Junlin found that he had bet right, because when the outline of the body was formed, Pei Junlin felt his body. The strength of holding energy is much greater than the original body.

An energy storm can be formed between one breath and one breath, and the strength of the body now far exceeds the original undead golden body!

"You are simply ascending to the sky in one step. After you have fully condensed your body, you will cross the realm of the saint one step, and you can kill the masters of the legendary realm by relying on the energy of your body alone." Jin Ye was amazed and saw Pei Junlin now. With an incredible look in his eyes.

Although you seem to be calm and calm on the surface with a cold look, but his heart has already blossomed, his heart is empty, and the whole person begins to uncontrollably ecstasy.

As the saying goes, a blessing in disguise, Pei Junlin experienced such a huge disaster this time, and survived from it, but he did not expect that he would actually get unexpected benefits.

His body is as powerful as the body of the same immortal, Pei Jun Lin's heart is unspeakable surprise. The body's acupuncture orifices began to condense. There were only one hundred and eight acupuncture orifices, but now there are more than 30,000 acupuncture orifices.

Now a saint-level powerhouse in front of Junlin Pei will be slapped to death if he dares resources. The strength of the upgrade gives Junlin Pei a strong confidence, and he instantly completes the remaining blood of the heavens with one mouth. Swallow it.

If it is an ordinary powerhouse at the level of a saint, even a drop of sign-in and swallowing will cause the body to be unbearable and powerful, and even the meridians will be burst.

However, Pei Junlin’s current strength is completely different. It can swallow a large amount of the blood of Heaven’s Path, how much it can swallow, and even Pei Junlin feels that it is still unfulfilled. His body has become huge, like a giant, even opening his mouth to face the day that arrived. The crack began to **** violently.

Pei Jun Lin fiercely breathed a large amount of Heavenly Blood, which was directly inhaled by him, and was instantly absorbed and refined by his body.

After this scene, Jin Ye was surprised and speechless, but his face quickly changed: "You have broken the balance, and Heaven will soon discover this place. For example, if a person has a small wound on his body, it may not I will find it, but once a mosquito bites here, it will be found soon."

Your reminder can’t be said to be untimely. Now Pei Junlin’s facial features have not been completely completed, but his brain is running fast. Pei Junlin can feel that the rules of the world seem to be slowly brewing and perfect.

It means that if you don't leave here again, then the wounds that you won't be able to leave this piece of heaven will soon be discovered by the real heaven.

Xuankong Mountain is actually equivalent to a thief secretly making a small hole in Tiandao's body, cutting out the blood of Tiandao. It's just that the wound was so tiny that it was unbelievable, and there was an expert in Xuankong Mountain who used means to blind the will of Heaven, so it was not discovered.

What Pei Junlin did just now was undoubtedly sprinkling salt on this wound, which caused great pain in Tiandao, and Tiandao's will soon discovered this.

Pei Junlin didn't hesitate, his face was blurred, without any facial features, but he could see everything clearly. When he is bald and has no hair, it looks ugly, but this does not affect Pei Junlin's escape. He directly picked out this space with a shake of his body.

The mysterious earthen jar began to cover Pei Junlin's body, and fleeing towards the outside of Xuankong Mountain desperately, but soon Pei Junlin would soon be discovered by a large number of Xuankong Mountain masters because he didn't hide his figure much.

The entire Xuankong Mountain has now all been messed up with some top masters, and they have felt the attention of the will of the heavens, until the disaster is approaching and they start to flee, and some middle-level masters still can’t know the news. They are the first to sense it. King's Landing.

It just formed a strange landscape above the hanging mountain, that is, the top masters turned into a ball of light, and began to rush towards the outside of the hanging mountain, these people will leave here before the heavenly path destroys this area.

Another group of people, these are the middle-level masters of Xuankong Mountain, for example, Xuantianzong is such a person, their strength is close to the legendary realm, but they are far inferior to those legendary realm masters.

Therefore, the perception of danger is far inferior to those top masters. When they encounter this time, these people will show a kind of limitation. They have very high altitude to intercept Pei Junlin.

But at this moment, where is Pei Junlin or Wu Xia Amon, now Pei Junlin looks like a very ugly thing. But Pei Junlin's strength was beyond words, he suddenly shot, and a saint-level powerhouse was directly destroyed.

This scene was seen by many people, and the body was trembling. The Xuan Tianzong was stunned when he saw this scene, because he felt a familiar breath from Pei Junlin.

"Is it because Junlin Pei can't, how did he become like this? How can his strength become so strong? Did I read it wrong? Or am I dreaming?" Patriarch Xuantian didn't know the disaster was imminent, but still Standing there blankly.

Pei Junlin’s divine mind swept out, and soon discovered the Xuantian Sect’s style, and blasted it with one punch. The entire world was shrouded by Pei Junlin’s power. This is the power of the ancient gods, and the ancient **** Of supernatural power.

Facing this high-level energy, the Patriarch Xuantian had no power to fight back, and with a poof, it was directly blown by Pei Junlin like a snowball.

Pei Junlin punched and kicked and killed, but this was not the purpose. His purpose was to quickly escape from this dangerous area, because the will of Heaven had already reacted, and the entire Hanging Mountain might not exist when it really came.

You know that you stabbed a big hole this time, and unexpectedly became the gravedigger of this hanging mountain. You know that this is the inheritance of the Supreme Master for hundreds of thousands of years.

Once such a sect falls, it will cause the power of the entire Beiju Luzhou to collapse. By that time, even Pei Junlin does not know what the entire Beiju Luzhou will be like.

"It's too late, come in quickly." Xin is also reminding Jun Pei that a whirlpool of chaotic power is enveloped, and the mysterious earthen jar must be attracted into the chaotic world.

Pei Junlin had just entered the world at the end of chaos, and immediately felt that the external world had undergone earth-shaking changes. A strong will enveloped the sky above the hanging mountain, making the hanging mountain full of blood and anger.

A purple-red lightning entangled down, causing a large number of disciples in Xuankong Mountain to turn into ashes under the thunder. This is Tiandao's anger and Tiandao's revenge. Some low-level and intermediate-level disciples of Xuankong Mountain have no chance to go.

Before this, even many people didn't even know that Xuankong Mountain was in disaster. Only some top masters left here before then, and the rest were completely turned into cannon fodder.

Seeing this scene, even Pei Junlin was a little frightened. Where is the thunder tribulation, it is simply an ocean of thunder and lightning. Although Xuankong Mountain is a master of the cloud, no one can stop the anger of the will of the heavens in this vast world.

The hazy earth cracked, and a huge figure appeared in the distant mountains. This was a powerful master of Xuankong Mountain.

At the time when the sect was alive and dead, someone finally lost his breath, proving a person of the power level. He stretched his fingers to lay out the formations, and he had to resist the destructive aura of the will of heaven.

Pei Junlin, who was watching scene by scene, was frightened. He didn't expect that a small figure of himself would have caused a huge sensation. Now it is impossible for this Hanging Mountain to survive. Even if it is a powerful figure, can it really contend with the way of heaven? ? ?

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