Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 188: Xiangxi Little Witch King (Happy 2019)

ps: The new year is here, the new year's day of 2019, the author is here to bless all brothers and sisters, happy new year, happy family reunion, all the best!

boom! Boom boom! !! !!

Amazing infuriating collisions exploded from time to time. In the forecourt of Ziding Manor, a good exchange of elixir had turned into a battle between top masters and monks.

In the field, Li Chaoran alone fought two peaks of a monastic path and a master of the nine grades. Not only did he fail but he became more and more brave, as if the tiger was out of the mountain. Eighteen palms of the dragon in the legend.

This scene really shocked many people's eyes. No one expected that Li Chaoran could be so shocked in the face of such a powerful battlefield. Even if the battle really lost this time, his record It is also deeply rooted in everyone ’s heart. No one dares to say that it is a miserly species, but will admire it in the eyes!

Among the onlookers, the Zhu family camp saw Li Chaoran's amazing performance. The faces of the Zhu family were wonderful. The faces of Zhu Zhenzi and others were cloudy, and Li Chaoran's performance also greatly exceeded their expectations. Too much too much.

If this Li Chaoran survives safely today, then the Zhu family must change their attitude, and at the same time, they must change their attitude towards Julia. This role, which has been regarded as a wild child in their hearts, can meet such an outstanding young strong man.

At the same time, among the crowds of crowds, there was another group of people with extremely wonderful faces. This was a group of wealthy children with brand-name customizations, both men and women.

Among them were Xue Yangyang, Liu Zihan, and others, and even Ma Xiaoyue, Yang Bing, and others who had been beaten. When they saw Li Chaoran in the middle of the battlefield, who looked like a strong dragon, the faces of the wealthy children were wonderful!

Among them, Xue Yangyang and Liu Zihan's faces are the most wonderful, which can be described as cloudy and uncertain!

"God, what have we missed? Xue Yangyang, why didn't you tell us earlier that this Li Chaoran was so great!"

Liu Zihan stared at the world-famous battle in the field, with a pair of eyes in a row: "That is the top powerhouse of the Grand Master Jiupin, which is equivalent to the head of a large family such as the Zhu family and the Rong family! "

"Such a character, don't say that he is so young and handsome. Even if he is a bad old man, we are all willing to put it down! You gave away such a scarlet turtle to you and let it go, my heart is bleeding!"

Liu Zihan said more and more angry, did not notice that Xue Yangyang around her had already turned blue and red, holding her fists firmly.

To be honest, she never expected that Li Chaoran would be so powerful and so powerful. If she had known this before, her head would be kicked by a donkey, and she seemed to let it go. that person!

Unprecedented remorse pervaded the entire soul, Xue Yangyang's intestines were almost repentant. At this moment, hearing her girlfriend still scolding her in her ear, she couldn't help being irritable and said, "Shut up for me, don't say it! What am I doing? Know he's so powerful? "

"When he was with me, he was a stingy bastard. He couldn't bear to buy me a Cartier watch worth only 300,000!"

"Well, Xue Yangyang, your heart is really big! You have bought 300,000 Cartier watches for you, how long have you known them! Only a fool will buy you!"

One woman couldn't help but taunt.

"That's it! I won't buy it for you! You really think that other people's money comes from the wind!"

Someone said so.

Xue Yangyang, who was ridiculed by everyone, said with a few words, his face was more gloomy.

On the one side, Ma Xiaoyue, Yang Bing, and others who have swollen noses and swollen faces, gnawed their teeth with interest. Originally, they were here to prepare revenge. I did not expect to see such an amazing scene. So far, all their thoughts have been killed. .

In the future, when I meet that evil god, how far can I hide, and I can't afford to mess with it!

When these short-sighted sister-in-laws were upset, desperate, and regretted, in the middle of the battlefield, the battle between Li Chaoran, Dan Dingzi, and Rongguan, the little Xiangxi witch king, became increasingly fierce.

Although Li Chaoran's talents are outstanding and his combat effectiveness is outstanding, he is one enemy and three, and each person is a top powerhouse who has been famous for many years. Gradually, with the passage of time, he has become overwhelmed.

He was gradually getting more injured, and was slightly tired, and his energy was greatly consumed.

A little careless, he was punched by the owner of Rongguan on his shoulder, his body was beaten, and his face was slightly painful.

This scene fell in the eyes of the people around him, and could not help exclaiming, but more people were indifferent and gloating.

Even if it is your talents, one enemy and three are destined to be a failed ending, after all, this is Dan Zong's territory!

Even the people of the Zhu family showed sneer and ridicule!

"Mr. Pei!"

Off the field, Julia saw Li Chaoran was injured, and couldn't help but whisper to Pei Junlin, who was always calm, and it was self-evident.

Pei Junlin, who always stood by his hands, finally stepped out. There was a bitter chill on Zhang Junmei's face like a god.

"Three fights one, Dan Zong's name is nothing like that! Really when nobody is on our side?"


With the thunderous icy sound falling, Pei Junlin's figure has been inserted into the middle of the fiercely explosive battlefield, ignoring the terrible true wind, his eyes fell on the face of the little wizard king of Xiangxi, Faintly said: "Aloof, I will share the goods for you first!"

Pei Junlin had seen for a long time that among the three people, Dan Dingzi, Rongguan owner, and the Xiangxi Little Witch King, this Xiangxi Little Witch King had the most trouble for Li Chaoran.

After all, in this world, there are too few people who know how to attack mental thoughts. The collision of consciousness has interfered with the strength of Li Chaoran to the greatest extent, preventing him from concentrating and confronting Dan Dingzi and Narong Pavilion Master.

This is like a person who concentrates on doing things. From time to time, the harsh noises in his ears go straight to the deepest part of his mind, making it impossible for him to concentrate on his work. It is not bad to be able to play at most 80% of his strength.

"Boss, you have to keep this dog for me, I will kill it later!"

Seeing Pei Junlin's shot, he directly shared the most bizarre and unpredictable little Xiangxi Witch King. Li Chaoran in the battle suddenly weakened greatly, and his slightly pale face showed a surging wariness and cruelty.

The words did not fall, and a terrifying momentum broke out again. He wholeheartedly fought with the two people, Nadine Dingzi and Rong Guanzhu. The Great Rifting Stele dropped the dragon and the tiger, and the ferocity was a mess.

Feeling the sudden outbreak of fierce stamina Li Chaoran, Dan Dingzi and the Rongguan owner changed their faces directly. Just after the intervention of the Little Witch King of Xiangxi, they didn't feel much pressure. Only then did they realize Li Chaoran's terror.

And just when Li Chaoran wholeheartedly fought with Dan Dingzi and Rongguan, the three masters of Pei Junlin and the little Hunan Witch King were on the front!

"Junior, are you here to die?"

The Xiangxi Little Witch King sounded like a grindstone rubbing, which was extremely harsh and unpleasant. During the talk, the swinging drum in his hand swung again, making a rattling noise.

This sound contains a special frequency, ignoring all physical defenses, and can reach the deepest part of the human soul.

Do n’t underestimate this snare drum. This is definitely a powerful weapon. It is made by the endless efforts of the Little Witch King ’s division. The drum surface is made of the baby ’s skin with various precious ingredients. The drum rack is made from baby bones.

This small drum requires at least dozens of babies' lives to make it. Among them are not all kinds of precious ingredients. This small drum should be accurately called a human skin drum!

But who would have thought that a person who had never been disadvantaged, after making an attack on Pei Junlin, lost for the first time, as if a mud cow fell into the sea, and Pei Junlin did not respond.

Not only that, but also an undisguised mockery on his face: "Well, the little Xiangxi Witch King, famous, wouldn't have learned such a simple mental idea attack?"

"Take out your real chassis, otherwise you will lose your chance forever!"

What kind of eyesight is Pei Junlin? It has long been seen that in this battle, the little witch king didn't do his best.

The Xiangxi Little Witch King's pupils tightened slightly, as powerful as him, and also sensitively aware that the young man in front of him seemed to be more unpredictable than Li Chaoran before. It really seemed like a vast ocean, boundless and difficult to detect.

This is a vision that can only be faced with the congenital powerhouse title of real person or true dragon, but how is this possible?

How old is this young man in front of him, how could he be a real strong or a terrifying terrorist?

"Junior ~ ~ You will pay for your arrogance!"

However, even so, the little witch king of Xiangxi still showed prudence and can achieve such achievements today. No one who is strong in magic or martial arts is a fuel-saving lamp.

Lions beat rabbits with all their strength!

Suddenly there was an odd-looking idol carving in the hands of the little witch king of Xiangxi. , But as if alive, exuding a strange wave.

Pei Jun squinted his eyes, and he felt a huge divine power from the weird idol, and it was very old and should not belong to this era.

At this time, the little witch king of Xiangxi suddenly bit his tongue and spit out a thick spit of blood, which was sprinkled on the weird idol.

Suddenly, the metamorphosis rose sharply, and the idol that I saw turned out to be alive. There was a great light in his eyes, and a bright light burst out from the whole body, which directly wrapped Pei Junlin into the whole person. !!

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