Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 189: Wraith War-Hooked!

In front of me is a vast and desolate land, where the vegetation is towering and dense like the sea, and the end can not be seen at a glance.

In the depths of this vast and flood-stricken old forest, there are many primitive tribes. The houses are made of megaliths, and the clothes worn by people are all made of animal skin or tree bark. They are very primitive.

At this moment, in the depths of this wild and ancient primitive old forest, there are countless dark figures kneeling around a statue about ten feet high. This statue is like a ox head, unusually mighty and domineering, with two horns standing in the sky, like Pierce the sky.


Below the idol, there are a group of men and women wearing animal skins engraved with weird tattoos. They are performing some ancient sacrifice. They are singing and jumping, their expressions are crazy and full of heat.

It was a crazy belief, addressed to the idol of the cow head.

When Pei Junlin's figure suddenly appeared here, he just saw such an ancient scene of sacrifice. His gaze could not be lifted slightly. With his powerful consciousness, he immediately saw thousands of people kneeling below. Men and women, from time to time, a small amount of magical power converged, and finally all of them poured into the body of the god.

This is awesome ... a pure power of faith, and more ancient and primitive!

"Foreigner, how dare you dare to break into the realm of this god?"

Suddenly, the statue of the cow's head seemed to sense the presence of Pei Junlin. The original motionless eyes suddenly opened, exposing a pair of copper bell-like eyes, full of indifferent and high-minded thoughts, like the nine-day deities, really looking down. The ants on the ground are expensive.

Pei Junlin's slender and erect posture stands in the air. His eyes are as bright as a star, and in a blink of an eye, it seems that billions of stars and rivers are hanging down. In the passage of time, the planet is falling apart, the sun and the moon are upside down, representing the ancient times and peace. The vicissitudes of life are more spiritual than the idols of the tauren.

"I really didn't expect that there is still a ghost and soul like you on the earth today!"

Pei Junlin ignored the roar of the idol, but murmured in his mouth. He had a bold guess. There had been a strong spiritual civilization on the earth, and even the birth of a god, but it may be the environment. The changes that have taken place have gradually led to a lack of aura, which has led to this dazzling spiritual civilization or the gods have died or left the earth.

This is not Pei Junlin's imagination, but there is real evidence. He used to read a lot of ancient books there when he was an instructor of the magic technique in the Yanhuang organization.

Combined with the words of the ancient ruins, ancient gas refiners, spirit veins, etc. that General Lu Qingkong told him, this speculation has become more mature.

The mother star of the earth is far from being so ordinary nowadays. Perhaps there have been bright spiritual civilizations and gods.


And just as Pei Junlin stood silently in the void, the statue of the cow head in the distance was angry, and he regarded Pei Junlin's silence as some kind of powerful provocation. Suddenly moved!

boom! Boom boom! !!

Each of the rock-carved thighs weighed ten thousand pounds. When they stepped on the ground, it caused a shake of the mountain. The people who bowed below worshipped in fear, shouting that the gods were alive, run away!

Although they worship idols and worship idols, when the idols are alive, they are not replaced by an excitement, but by some great fear and screaming.

‘Foreigner, you are provoking the great deities. Only blood can wash away your blasphemy! ’

The roar of the idol roared through this side of the world, and the voice did not fall. He extended his arm with a hand that was several meters long and slammed it against Pei Junlin. The situation was really like the supreme giant spirit coming to the world. With thunderous Tianwei.

However, in the face of all this, Pei Junlin, standing in the void, has no fear at all. On the contrary, a pair of lacquered black eyes exudes an irresistible hot color, and the situation is like a sneaky cat encountering Tasty fatty fish.

"The inadequate power of the gods, if it can be swallowed, it will definitely be the most powerful tonic in this world, so delicious!"

Pei Junlin licked his dry lips, his eyes glowed, and in the next second, he lifted his feet and slammed in the air!

No, he hasn't shown the power of the soul since he was born again in this world. Right now is a good time in this world, so let's practice with this incomplete divine spirit!


When Pei Junlin's feet fell, there was no support in the depths of the void, but there was a harsh shattering sound, and it seemed that some kind of imprisonment was broken!

Immediately afterwards, Pei Junlin's body turned into a huge black iron rope. This black iron rope is as thick as an adult arm, dark as ink, like a haunting rope of death, directly facing the body of the **** like Wei An. Entangled away.

Really right, the black iron cable is like black octopus in front of me, and the name is really the hook cable, which is one of the sharpest soul weapons when Pei Jun is in the world.

However, with the reincarnation of Pei Junlin, this haunting rope also lurked, just like the ghostly karma fire, except that the ghosty karma fired very early, but this haunting rope as a spirit weapon, but it inspired It was very slow, that is, when Pei Junlin's strength broke through to the second turn of the Ninth Turn of the Nether Ning Gong, it was only a short while ago that he noticed the wake of the Haunting.

Unexpectedly, the ecstasy had just awakened, and encountered a deficient spirit idea. It was just right, as if this deficient psyche idea was tailor-made for the ecstasy, just waiting to become a ecstasy ration.

Click! Click!

In the void, the soothing rubbing sound of people's teeth sounded, accompanied by a dazzling shot of Mars. As soon as the Haunting cable touched the two stone arms of the idol, it turned into an octopus, entangled madly, The target pointed directly at the head of the idol.


The sound of anger came from the idol's mouth, and his hands rolled back, grasping the terrible haunting cords on his arms.

collapse! collapse! collapse!

When the forceful fingers of the idol caught the lure cord, every lure cord was cut off stiffly, and a crisp crackling sound broke out.

However, this haunting cable is very weird, and it is clearly cut off, but with only a part left, it will grow crazy again, instantly re-formed into the previous appearance, and the winding speed is faster, and gradually, the two arms under it are all Entwined, then spread to the head and body of the idol.

Because this hook is the spirit of Pei Junlin. As long as the power of the spirit is not exhausted, it will never completely disappear.

This is a great battle that belongs to the power of the spirits. One is the famous Shura general from thousands of worlds. The spirit is overbearing. It is even more strange and unpredictable.

One comes from the remnants of ancient gods. Although they have gone through countless years, they are still vast and immense. When the two sides started fighting, they fell into a very dangerous realm.

The danger of soul fighting is far beyond all physical attacks from the outside world. A little carelessness is fatal injury.

However, with the passage of time, the haunting rope gradually gained the upper hand, and the dark chains of the ink wrapped the body of the god's head into a mummy-like appearance.

No matter how hard the roar of the goddess roars and struggles, it will not help. Instead, the haunting cord is getting tighter and denser.

"Seal! Forbidden! Kill!"

Suddenly, a sound like Tianwei sounded through this world, as the short three words fell, I saw the haunting rope that was originally wrapped around the body of the idol, and suddenly a barb came out. The glimmer of light shone into the body of the idol.

what! !! !!

The screams of screams rang out from the mouth of the idol, and soon the huge body of the idol was about ten feet in length, getting smaller and smaller, like a balloon pierced through a hole, getting smaller and smaller, until the last part of the world shattered.

Outside, under the gaze of his eyes, the blood of Pei Junlin, who was originally wrapped in the sky's blood, suddenly disappeared for no reason. When the crowd was still at a loss, he saw the little Xiangxi Witch King who originally controlled the statue carved in his hand. He opened his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of scarlet blood, his face was horrified.

At the same time, Pei Junlin, who had been closing his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes. For a moment, his originally dark eyes were completely turned into two bottomless vortexes, as if they could swallow people's hearts into them.

Huh! !! !!

The sound of breaking air screamed loudly. Under the eyes of a pair of eyes, the little witch king of Xiangxi actually broke into the sky and rushed away towards the distance. Looking at the appearance, it seemed to be ready to escape ...

This sudden scene shocked countless people's eyes and dropped their chin!

Most don't even know what happened, why the well-known Xiangxi Little Witch King suddenly ran away, and it looked like he was very embarrassed.

Only a few people know that the Xiangxi Little Witch King had just fought a fierce battle with Pei Junlin, but it turned out to be the Little Witch King ... Lose!

But how is this possible?

That is the famous little witch king ~ ~ The existence of the monastic peak is more proficient in strange witchcraft, and you can step into the existence of a real person in one step. How can you lose to a young man who is not well-regarded? In the hands, this is too incredible!

"Want to run? Have you agreed with me?"

However, when the crowd was still shocked, a majestic cold voice sounded suddenly throughout the courtyard. The next second, Pei Junlin spit out three words again: "Seal! Forbidden! Kill!"

Suddenly, an invisible wave emerged across the sky, ignoring all physical defenses, reaching the deepest soul of all things.

In the distance, the Xiangxi Little Witch King, who had run hundreds of meters away, stiffly stiffened in the air, then fell in a straight line with a pair of incredible eyes, and crashed on the hard ground, motionless.

Pei Jun walked out calmly and stood beside the motionless Xiangxi little witch king lying on the ground. At this moment, the famous Xiangxi little witch king even had his nose, eyes, and ears. I do n’t know when it was strange. Black blood was blowing out.

Pei Junlin just glanced lightly, then grabbed it in the air, grabbed the idol sculpture that fell on the ground and the human skin drum, and turned away without turning back.

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