Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1940: Buddhist layout

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

The **** cow standing in the cabin was already frightened, but Yun Niang quickly sat down and took out the Jiaoweiqin and began to play. Pei Junlin miraculously gradually calmed down.

Maybe this voice has a natural soothing effect, maybe Yun Yao is using a certain sound wave ability to suppress the evil thoughts in Pei Junlin's heart. In short, Pei Junlin gradually calmed down.

With the effect of Yun Yao's sound waves, Pei Junlin gradually calmed down, and his eyes recovered a little! It's just that although Pei Junlin was temporarily quiet, the frantic loss still dominated his mind, and the turbulent yearning was in Pei Junlin's heart all the time.

What Pei Junlin never expected was that the enemy he encountered when he came to this place did not come from outside, but from his own heart.

Yun Yao is still playing the piano, but Pei Junlin is gradually entering a better state. At this time in Pei Junlin's heart, his body gradually gained the upper hand, his eyes became clearer and clearer, and the Buddha light behind his head gradually appeared, making Pei Junlin's whole person reveal a holy breath.

From day to night, from night to day, the sky is full of stars to accompany you, most of which are sitting there quietly, with Buddha light flowing all over his body.

This small boat has been going down the current without any need for human control, and the **** bull stood on the deck like a **** of war this time.

Pei Junlin has plunged into cultivation these days. While suppressing the murderous aura in his body, he is also practicing a Buddhist supernatural power. This Buddhist supernatural power does not even know what Pei Junlin is.

In other words, this time you are able to understand the supernatural powers should belong to a kind of opportunity. Pei Junlin is suppressing his own murderous aura. While running the Buddhist techniques, he suddenly blessed his soul, seeming to touch a certain Buddhist Buddha in ancient time and space.

These days are actually most of the time, Pei Junlin is in another time and space, and his spirit is accepting the teachings of the Buddha.

At this time, although Pei Junlin was sitting on the boat, Yun Yao was playing piano sound in his ears. But in fact, only Pei Junlin knew that his soul had left his body on the ship, it was just a body.

At this time, in another time and space, Pei Junlin appeared in a deep cave, in which there was a Buddha statue. Every Buddha statue is kind of eyebrows and kind eyes, exuding a kind of compassionate light, and the Buddha statue in front of Pei Junlin shows an ancient atmosphere.

This Buddha statue has a lamp, and Pei Junlin sits formally under the lamp, a message from the Buddha statue in his ear. Pei Junlin is trying his best to study. He doesn't know who is teaching him or what he understands, but there is always a feeling that drives Pei Junlin to move on.

With Pei Junlin's gift, the light of his guardian Buddha's light grew brighter. . And gradually, a strange sight appeared all over Pei Junlin, that is, a black whirlpool appeared behind Pei Junlin.

There was more than one black vortex, after one was generated, a second and a third appeared one after another. A total of six reincarnation vortices appeared. When the party’s sixth reincarnation vortex appeared, a strange thing appeared on Pei Junlin’s eyebrows. This thing was like a dark vortex, as if the six vortexes overlapped. !

"What the **** is this? How could I comprehend this ability." Pei Junlin was shocked to no avail. Looking at the six black vortexes behind him, Pei Junlin didn't even know what was going on.

It seems that she inadvertently communicated with the hall outside the Buddha in ancient times, and was taught this mysterious thing. These six vortexes are called six reincarnations.

The six reincarnations are naturally familiar to Pei Junlin who practiced Buddhism. He was shocked and inexplicably, but he also knew that it was a huge hot potato.

Taoism only cultivates in this life and does not cultivate, while Buddhism is just the opposite. Causal reincarnation cycle. So in the Buddhism cultivation system, or on the path of evolution, there will naturally be things like reincarnation. The legendary six reincarnations are the deepest secrets of Buddhism, and it is difficult for ordinary people to come into contact with them.

What makes Pei Junlin feel incredible is that he was found by the Buddhism power in endless time and space, and he was taught such top things. Could it be that some of the ancient powers of Buddhism have not completely disappeared, and It is hidden in the tunnel of time and space.

The dispute between Buddhism and Taoism has been extremely cruel since ancient times. Buddhism and Taoism are like different roads and different ideas. They have been brutally killed for countless years. In the end, the Dao Sect and the Demon Sect smashed Buddhism to extinction. In these tens of thousands of years, we have almost disappeared.

If it weren't for Pei Junlin, there was a mistake by chance, and by coincidence, he had practiced Buddhism techniques, coupled with traveling through various time and space over the years, and collected some Buddhism practice experience, that made Pei Junlin accumulate step by step to the present.

Now when he calms down, Pei Junlin already understands that it is definitely the Buddhist powers in the ancient grottoes who have noticed him. Maybe not a day. Obviously, you have entered the investigation of these Buddhist powers very early. in. !

Pei Junlin was not surprised that he had cultivated the six reincarnations, because the massive value of this Buddhism can be said that the magical powers of the six reincarnations were directly imparted to him by the Buddhist dragon and not by Pei Junlin himself.

People have self-knowledge. In fact, many times Pei Junlin knows very well in his heart that the six reincarnations of Buddhism are the highest secret that cannot be touched. Once they come into contact with the six reincarnations, it is equivalent to having an unclear boundary with Buddhism.

Pei Junlin's own double cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism, proficient in the cultivation methods of Buddhism, but also does not reject the guides, which makes Pei Junlin feel an extremely contradictory in his heart at this time.

Originally, Pei Junlin was using two boats, but now he was forced to choose the side to stand. It was necessary to choose Buddhism or Taoist side to stand. This was extremely difficult for Pei Junlin.

In fact, in my opinion, the disputes between Buddhism and bad luck are most likely due to competition for resources, rather than real differences in cultivation concepts. You must know that Daomen themselves will have a lot of evolutionary directions within themselves. .

"Since ancient times, the struggle between Buddhism and Taoism is just a matter of secular influence. Don't worry about it. The teaching of your magical powers this time is not for you to choose a side, you go back now." The ancient Buddhism can stay. In a word, it was completely turned into a stone statue.

Pei Junlin carefully savored every word the Buddhism power had just said, and couldn't help but feel more puzzled in his heart, but he could take a sigh of relief for the time being.

Maybe Dao Sect has always hated Buddhism, but Buddhism does not hate Dao Sect. This is the feeling of Pei Junlin. After practicing Buddhism for so long, Pei Junlin has a special feeling, that is the compassion of Buddhism, not true compassion. But in many cases it is true that there is no dispute with the world.

Buddhism's compassion pays attention to the angry eyes of King Kong, and it is about to touch, and sometimes the killing caused by it even exceeds the Daoist! It is precisely because Buddhism was too heavy to kill evil in the ancient times, that is why this Buddhism has continuously evolved some mental methods to purify itself and kill thoughts.

This is the origin of Buddhism. It has developed step by step to the essence of today's transaction, and there are many things that are worth learning for later generations.

Buddhism is not born with inferiority, or in ancient times, Buddhism was more murderous than Daoism! Perhaps during that period, the grievances between Buddhism and Taoism were preserved, and it continues to this day. It is only known that Buddhism was to disappear step by step, and the Taoist eternal sword ruled the entire world and the universe.

Pei Junlin opened his eyes and found that he was on the deck, and Yun Niang beside him seemed to have exhausted his energy and lay on the deck like this, but he breathed evenly, and although his face was pale, he still had amazing vitality.

Pei Junlin breathed a sigh of relief. Yun Yao was fine. At most, he just exhausted all the mana. It was not a problem here at Pei Junlin. Two pills of medicine were stuffed into Yun Yao's mouth. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM Sure enough, Yun Yao quickly woke up leisurely.

Yun Yao, who woke up, carefully looked at the Pei Junlin's idea in front of him. He found that after these days of cultivation, Pei Junlin seemed to have changed again. This time Pei Junlin has become completely different from before. The previous Pei Junlin is a kind of transparency and harmony, or a kind of complete tranquility, but now Pei Junlin and the whole body have a lingering breath, constantly Is changing.

As for what kind of aura Pei Junlin carries throughout his life, even Yun Yao himself cannot understand. He feels that Pei Junlin is unfathomable and seems to be able to order everything and rule everything.

Closing her eyes, Yun Yao can keenly feel the black clouds rolling behind Pei Junlin, the pennant covering the sky and the sun, it seems that there are countless army gathered behind Pei Junlin, only waiting for Pei Junlin's command to beat the world.

After seeing this scene, Yun Yao widened his eyes in shock, he suddenly opened his eyes and stood up suddenly.

"You should have been used by others. You are very dangerous. The Buddha who leads you is not a real good blessing, but a bodhisattva in hell." Yun Yao showed an anxious look on her face, and she was very concerned about Pei Junlin.

But at this time, Pei Junlin himself had no way to encounter such a thing, how he solved it, there was no specific statement at all.

"This matter can only be delayed. Because of Buddhism, I can't provoke and don't dare to resist. I can only find a way to solve this hidden danger after I become stronger." Pei Junlin whispered towards Yun Yao, It seemed that the voice meeting was heard.

Yun Yao fell into contemplation, and seemed to be trying to help Pei Junlin suppress the legendary six reincarnations. Although this thing is mysterious and powerful, it is like a hot potato. Once the power of the Dao Sect finds that Pei Junlin has this Planting something, then Jun Pei will be wiped out in minutes. ?

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