Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1941: Buddhism and Taoism

"Rebirth of Shura Returns (

Since ancient times, both Buddhism and Taoism have not connected with each other, and the massacre between the two has continued for countless epochs.

This time Pei Junlin accidentally became the first time for Buddhism, or the wife of Buddhism. This is a very dangerous thing. Nowadays, the prosperity of Taoism has the upper hand, and once we find that there is a remnant of our language, it will be relieved without hesitation.

This is Yun Yao's biggest concern. He must find a way to solve this problem, or if he goes outside the Kunlun Mountains, Pei Junlin will be wiped out in minutes.

"This earth does have a lot of mysterious things. For example, when you came to the underground palace of Kunlun Mountain this time, there is actually the spiritual imprint of the ancient power left by Buddhism." Yun Yao seems to know a lot at this time. Stuff, it seemed to recall a lot of things, with a cold expression on her face.

Yun Yao's body must have given some mysterious power, but Pei Junlin didn't know what happened to Yun Yao, and could only wait quietly.

Yun Yao looked good, but at this moment, she suddenly sat in the cabin. Like Pei Junlin before, she entered a mysterious state. According to Pei Junlin’s observation, Yun Yao’s divine mind should have also entered a certain In a mysterious time and space.

Pei Junlin opened his eyes and looked at Yunyao, but found that a towering tree appeared above Yunyao's head. The vastness of this tree was something that Pei Junlin had never seen before, and even this tree should be the legendary one. A world.

Pei Junlin wants to be communicating with the divine mind in another world, as long as Pei Junlin has an incredible thought. In Pei Junlin’s view, Yun Yao’s origins are very mysterious. Yun Yao’s body has always been surrounded by many unsolved mysteries, but this time, Pei Junlin saw some real things, and perhaps it did not come from the Great Thousand World. , But from that mysterious world.

The phantom of the big tree appeared on Yunyao's head, which also gave Pei Junlin more associations. In the legend, there is a place called Jianmu between heaven and earth!

It is that Pei Junlin is not sure whether the tree above Yunyao's head is related to the legendary tree, but now Pei Junlin can't figure it out. He is hard to protect himself now, and must always suppress the murderous intent in his heart.

The journey is a long journey, and there are many small episodes in the middle, and sometimes huge winds and waves will be generated, but the ship will automatically maintain the balance of the hull, and will not encounter any major twists and turns.

But more often, it is necessary for Pei Junlin to take the initiative to defend. Now not only Pei Junlin but also Yun Yao have lost consciousness, and the burden of defense can only be left on the head of the **** cow.

It's just that the **** cow is solid in doing things. Every day, he stands on the bow of the boat with two axes, and looks at the water with piercing eyes. Once a dangerous creature approaches, he will be killed immediately.

On this day, Yun Yao finally woke up, but compared with before, Yun Yao seemed to have some special emotions.

"The six marks of reincarnation on your body must be temporarily suppressed and stay on your body. Once discovered, it is a dead end. I will help you suppress these marks of reincarnation. Remember that you cannot resist or escape. You must believe it. Me." Yun Yao looked at Pei Junlin in a gentle voice and said.

Pei Junlin clearly remembered that Yun Yao was wearing a white shirt before, but he did not see any movement from Yun Yao. At this time, Yun Yao put on a long emerald green dress.

Hearing Yun Yao's words, Pei Junlin didn't hesitate. In his heart, Pei Junlin completely trusted Yun Yao. No matter what happened, he would never doubt Yun Yao.

After getting the approval of Pei Junlin, a phantom of a giant tree appeared on Yun Yao's head again, except that Pei Junlin and Yun Yao could see it, even the **** bull could not see a hint.

The huge tree above Yunyao's head needs to start to swing, and its branches and leaves flutter in the wind, exuding a mysterious aura, which seems to be due to entering another country in Pei Junlin.

As soon as he entered this area, Pei Junlin immediately felt a huge force restraining himself. Then, this force directly poured into his own limbs and corpses, directing some of the remaining power in the limbs. Suppressed.

These six powers of reincarnation have no flying mission, and anyone can suppress it. The highest realm of Buddhism in the legend naturally refuses to submit to it.

Just when the power of this world was going to help Pei Junlin suppress the six reincarnation magical powers, suddenly shadows appeared behind Pei Junlin. These silvers were one hundred and eight arhats of Buddhism. At this time, the action was naturally to defend the arrangement of Buddhism. Some machines.

"This is my Buddhism business. Don't mind if you hit people first, so as not to cause murder." A voice appeared in the void to warn the power of this world.

It was a woman floating there, all with skirts constantly flying. Pei Junlin had never seen such a beautiful woman, but when he carefully observed the woman's appearance, it turned out to be seven to eight points similar to Yun Yao.

However, although this woman looked exactly like Yun Yao, she was not Yun Yao, and Pei Junlin could feel that this woman did not have too much emotion. In other words, this was an existence without emotion.

The first is that the woman’s hair is suspended in the air, just like a person swimming in the water, as if there is no power to see in this woman, and Pei Junlin feels that he is the one hundred and eight arhats who need to appear. For a moment, the woman seemed to show a feeling of extreme disgust.

The warning from the ancient Buddhism power in the void also made this woman a little impatient.

"The power of our bereaved dog should also come to me to show off his might. Believe it or not, I will go directly into that ancient time and control it and destroy your lair, so that you can know your mistakes inadvertently." Although the woman was beautiful in appearance, she said something. But far surpasses the domineering man. After passing some words to accompany you, I immediately felt that the power of those Buddhism had been weakened a lot, and even the power of the ancient Buddhism was silent at this time.

Pei Junlin can feel that something is peeling from him. The pain is not something ordinary people can bear, but Pei Junlin chose to endure. This is a gift from Buddhism, and it is also a hot potato. Here, the enlightenment of reincarnation stays on the body, and there will be life at any time. Danger!

But the mysterious woman wrapped her arms around her chest, and there were nebulae circulating around him, and it seemed that the entire starry sky was a servant under his feet. Pei Junlin could feel that this woman didn't have much kindness towards herself. It was able to help herself. It was completely based on Yunyao's face, so Pei Junlin did not say any words of thanks at this time, but was feeling quietly. .

It is not easy to remove a magical power from the body. But this matter really needs someone to do Pei Junlin, but I can feel the weakness of the body, it seems like a tree has been plucked out of a root.

A dark whirlpool was gradually drawn out from Pei Junlin’s eyebrows. The people who appeared in Pei Junlin with money, Pei Junlin himself can’t see clearly now. He felt confused and seemed to be falling asleep soon. Among.

Pei Junlin wanted to stick to it like this, but soon his strength was not enough to support him to stay awake. When Pei Junlin gradually regained consciousness, he found that he was in the original place. Everything just now seemed to have not happened. But Junlin Pei understands that many things are already quietly changing.

The power of Buddhism’s six reincarnations was temporarily sealed in the huge ancient tree, which is equivalent to being sealed in Yunyao’s hometown. In that area, Pei Junlin doesn’t know how many time and space he is away from himself, but he Believe in Yunyao.

After finally solving his confidant problem, Junlin Pei, who has been in a good mood many times, found that his murderous aura had completely disappeared. It can be seen that the scene just now solved many problems for himself.

The ship continued to descend downstream. Pei Junlin looked at the cliffs on both sides. He found that there were many monkeys on the cliffs. UU Reading www.uukanshu. It's just that these monkeys are completely different from ordinary monkeys. These monkeys start to cooperate with each other, and some even use tools. They are not much different from humans.

On the cliff in the distance, Pei Junlin saw a splendid building, but these buildings are rough in style, and they are similar to human buildings, but some materials used in many places are completely taken from the wild. ! ?

Even Pei Junlin could smell a scent of wine, which should be the wine made by these monkeys. Sure enough, Pei Junlin found that many monkeys picked a lot of fruits and moved towards the winery.

Little monkeys have no less wisdom than human beings. They already have a preliminary social division of labor, and they will explain some tasks and division of labor to each other.

The aroma of monkey wine is refreshing, and Pei Junlin wants to enter the wine shop to find some puree of monkey wine, but he also knows that this is a great risk.

For the sake of stability, Pei Junlin didn't take it rashly, but watched the big boat pass through the canyon, and finally missed the group of monkeys. Maybe there would be no chance to meet again in this life.

"There should be a huge waterfall ahead. After our ship rushes down, we are not far from the legendary Kunlun God Tree." Pei Junlin looked at the **** cow and Yun Yao and said that he wanted to tell the two in advance. People, let them have a psychological preparation.

If the big ship is really close to the area of ​​the ancient bronze tree, there is definitely an astonishing crisis. Therefore, at this time, Pei Junlin will first tell the two of some dangers, so that they will be vigilant, so as not to be in a hurry.

However, when turning around a canyon, Pei Junlin found that he had misunderstood the problem. Although the big ship sailed into the plain area, many things about Liang Peng made Pei Junlin gradually understand the trend of the mountains and rivers. ?

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