Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1986: I am the pawn

The combination of these things can only tell Pei Junlin a definite answer, that is, behind the things he has experienced over the years, there is always a pair of big hands that have fiddled with this world, or directly or indirectly manipulated all of this.

But now Pei Junlin is telling himself in his heart that he can only pretend to be ignorant of everything, and can only pretend to be muddled and ignorant of all this. This is the wisest way.

After recording all the circles above the Nirvana Realm, Pei Junlin began to prepare for the next step. The next step was how to leave here. Gradually, Pei Junlin found that the speed of the carriage seemed to be slowing down!

And I don't know when Pei Junlin discovered that he could actually push the board of the coffin. After he left the team of the coffin, Pei Junlin discovered that the copper carriage had stopped on a lonely planet.

This planet and Pei Junlin had seen other void planets before, almost all of them were formed by a strong gravitational pull that drew those void dust.

Whether there are mineral veins on this planet, and how much value it contains, Pei Junlin, you don't care about it now, he starts to walk around the carriage.

The nine dragons are pulling such a carriage, but Pei Junlin discovered that the nine dragons are not goods, but a special organ creature, which looks like a living thing, but in fact they are puppets!

Pei Junlin observes carefully and looks like a lifeless thing, but Pei Junlin feels that the same person seems to contain a trace of sage, but no matter how Pei Junlin communicates with each other , This fellow has been unable to respond.

Sure enough, there were two coffins on the carriage. Pei Junlin opened one of them, and the other was naturally the one that held the crocodile ancestor.

Pei Junlin didn't dare to open this coffin, because the identity of the crocodile ancestor was imprisoned in it. Once the crocodile ancestor was released, then it was tantamount to releasing a monster, and Pei Junlin would personally touch his own life.

So from the beginning of the fight, Pei Junlin began to reinforce this golden coffin. On the other side, Pei Junlin is also guessing that the bronze chariot will bring himself to this planet. What is the purpose?

Just as Pei Junlin was guessing all this, suddenly the bronze man changed again, and the long whip in his hand suddenly swept through Pei Junlin's reaction, his body was already confined inside the coffin.

This time Pei Junlin tried to push the coffin board, and he found that the coffin cover could not push the environment as far as possible. He was imprisoned again, but Pei Junlin was not reconciled, so he was imprisoned again, and he began to use his whole body strength. The lid of the coffin opened in the picture, but as the carriage accelerated, Pei Junlin realized that he wanted to open the lid, which was simply a dream.

Pei Junlin was a little discouraged. He sat on the ground and stared blankly at everything in front of him. Does he really want to become a prisoner? The mysterious existence behind that may be disappointed in myself, but I want to arrest myself like this.

There are many speculations in your heart, but these speculations are varied, which makes Pei Junlin even more talk about it. At this moment, Pei Junlin found that King Kong who had been sitting in the corner seemed to have Changed.

King Kong's body began to melt and turned into a pool of silver liquid. This silver liquid began to enter the hole and crawled towards the wall like a snot. When Pei Junlin discovered all this, he was surprised and speechless. Up.

Following the gap in the coffin board, King Kong actually flowed out, which made Pei Junlin feel extremely surprised, but at this time Pei Junlin found that King Kong had gone back this year. This time, King Kong’s focus turned into a robot. He confidently looked at Pei Jun, and communicated between the two again.

After some exchanges with alloy steel, Pei Junlin found that he might have hope to escape directly from here without the help of that mysterious power, and the most critical key is the body structure of King Kong. It is a special kind of magic. Liquid metal, this metallic substance, is the most mysterious thing in the universe.

Pei Junlin stood still, allowing his body to be covered by the silver liquid. Gradually, Pei Junlin, you found your body was melting, and gradually merged with the silver liquid, waiting until the body completely turned into a pool. When it was water, Pei Junlin couldn't believe it.

The composition of King Kong's body is silver liquid, and it can be combined with human flesh and blood. This is not the first time Pei Junlin has instructed him, but Liang Pei Junlin was still surprised when it really happened to him.

The body gradually passed through the gap and appeared in the carriage outside the carriage, that is, on the cover of the coffin. When Pei Junlin's figure reunited, he found that the carriage was shuttled in a fast void.

A sky moat appeared in front of it, like the border between two worlds, like an infinite abyss between the two universes, and the bronze chariot and horse are going to take themselves towards that for assistance, this kind of leap over. Pei Junlin knew that this was his only chance to escape. If he didn't seize this opportunity, he would probably never be able to escape.

So at this time, Pei Junlin didn’t hesitate, and jumped off immediately from the open traffic. When Pei Junlin jumped down, the copper carriage seemed to be aware of it, but at this time, there seemed to be encounters in the abyss. When Guanghua flashed past, the bronze chariot couldn't retreat, and went straight through the void space, moving towards another world.

Pei Junlin has lingering fears for not dying. The things that have happened these days have made Pei Junlin feel incredible, because all this has completely exceeded his imagination. Pei Junlin does not intend to stay in the void for a long time this time, she really wants to rush to On the planet where the machine race is located, take a look at the progress of cultivation there, and then it will leave here quickly.

A few days later, Pei Junlin successfully landed on a void planet, because she left the coordinates of this planet before, so when she came back, she was naturally familiar with the road, but when entering this planet, Pei Junlin After entering, this void planet was completely transformed into a mechanical city.

Coming to this planet, Pei Junlin seems to have come to the magical city of the future. The city of machinery is full of the crystallization of technology, and some mechanical creatures are legendary in the city at an astonishing speed.

When feeling the arrival of Junlin Pei, the whole city seemed to be shut down suddenly, and countless mechanical creatures began to cheer on Junlin Pei and pay the highest respect to him.

Pei Junlin was not surprised that this planet was completely built into a technological fortress in such a short period of time as Mechanism, but when he saw the degree of purification of these mechanical creatures, Pei Junlin was still a little surprised. With the top-level void metal, the progress of these mechanical creatures' cultivation has far exceeded her imagination.

Fortunately, Pei Junlin has absolute control over these mechanical creatures. Otherwise, Junlin Pei would even have a fear of these mechanical drawings, because these mechanical groups are unparalleled in terms of their reproductive ability and wisdom. More than humans.

As long as there are enough metal substances, the entire machine race will breed and spread wildly, their population will increase sharply, and their power will rapidly expand. This is something that humans will never have.

Although mankind also has technological civilization, human beings may be far inferior to the natural advantages of these mechanical creatures in the wisdom of technological civilization, and it is a long process for human cultivators to have the strength like a machine to be an ordinary person, at least It takes thousands of years.

At this time, Pei Junlin suddenly understood why the manipulator would not have any living space, and would be subject to the geology of other races. He suddenly understood that this race was simply jealous of Heaven.

There are many places in this race, and other races are naturally feared. If you don't say that this race is exterminated and let it spread freely, then in this universe, other races have no place at all. This is the experience that Pei Junlin has now summed up.

But now everything is in a good direction, Pei Junlin has unexpectedly obtained the strength of the highest commander of the machine clan, and on the other hand, Pei Junlin also has absolute control over this race.

Pei Junlin had an idea about how to deal with the machine clan next, and that was to divide this machine into two. Part of it is taken away by itself, and the other part is stationed here to continue to open up the world of void.

This was the decision Pei Junlin made after weighing the pros and cons, because he had to take a part of the machine clan out of this world. This is a part of a powerful force that can only be effective if it is in his own hands.

In addition, this void world is also a vast world. There is a lot to do if you stay here. Pei Junlin intends to let the remaining part of the mechanical group grow wildly here. had better be able to completely occupy this void, and in the future, he would have a way out.

Regarding the potential of the mechanical group, Pei Junlin has broad prospects and expectations. He knows the racial talent of this mechanical clan. Seeing that the Bauhinia is standing in the universe, it is enough to rank in the top three.

If such a race is allowed to develop freely, its future achievements are absolutely terrifying, at least occupying the entire void, and the world is absolutely nothing to worry about.

As long as the machine race can continue to discover, and a large amount of void metal continues to evolve and grow, then this world will be completely the world of the machine race in the future.

Everything is ready, Pei Junlin intends to leave the void world and return to the Great Thousand World, but before leaving here, Pei Junlin hesitated to say goodbye to his elder brother, Kong Xuan!

In the end, Pei Junlin decided to see Kong Xuan!

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