Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1987: Past future

According to the coordinate position in the memory, Pei Junlin came back to the place where Kong Xuan was hiding, where Pei Junlin really found a rampage, and the star appeared very dazzling in the dark matter starry sky.

This is something Pei Junlin has been unable to understand. Since Perseverance is so dazzling, in this deep void universe, it is like a beacon for guiding the way. Why does Kong Xuan still say that these things can be hidden by him, but Junlin Pei Pay attention to thinking, maybe also understand some of the truth.

For a strong man like Kong Xuan, what he hides is not affection but his own aura and the exploration of himself by the heavens. Only by hiding here, may he be able to avoid the enemy's exploration, perhaps this is Kong Xuan's original intention.

After thinking about the joints, Pei Junlin flew toward the swirling vortex of the star to reach the periphery of the vortex. As expected, he felt an extremely dangerous aura, and Kong Xuan was likely to have fallen into a deep sleep.

Pei Junlin convulsed in the periphery for a while, and wanted to leave, but he was a little reluctant. He hesitated like this, and suddenly heard a sound of awakening.

"You have come brother? You have encountered some things recently, but I did not take action, because your chance and your destiny have been determined, there will be no danger." When Kong Xuan was speaking, Pei Junlin felt that A huge figure appeared in the nebula. It was Kong Xuan's appearance. It was a huge peacock standing proudly, with cold light shining in his eyes, giving people a feeling of dominance of heaven and earth.

When the light and shadow gradually disappeared, a man in white appeared again, his face was a little handsome and a little cold, he still looked like Kong Quan, and Pei Junlin believed that this should be the look of Kong Xuan's human form.

Although the man’s affection was very cold, when Pei Junlin saw it, Kong Xuan’s face was rarely smiled. The two eyes were relatively even, like a conversation with a giant, because in front of him is a piece of A deep void universe, and Kong Xuan's entire body occupies almost the entire universe. It is conceivable that a strong person like Kong Xuan has such a powerful energy in his body.

"Big brother actually knows about me. It's no wonder that the eldest brother's pedantic celestial cultivation has reached this point, and he has evolved into a super evolutionary body. It is not surprising that he can know some things." Pei Junlin took advantage of the situation and slapped him in the past, but in his heart It was very shocking.

After practicing to a certain level, Pei Junlin knew about the destiny, but the incident was reflected in Kong Xuan's body, which is also shocking. Is it possible that a strong person who has cultivated to the power level can really know his fate ?

"I can't see clearly about you. In this universe, no one can see clearly that you are a variable, a variable of this heavenly path. I can only tell you that there are many people in this universe paying attention to you. , It’s just that you don’t know.” Kong Xuan looked at Pei Junlin’s eyes with a special meaning.

Reminiscent of the bronze carriage Pei Junlin had guessed a bit before, but he didn't want to touch on this topic now, because once some things were talked about, there would be more behind them.

"Big Brother, I want to return to the Great Thousand World now. I don't know if Big Brother can give me a ride. There is also a race under the younger brother's, and Big Brother Meng will take care of it." Pei Junlin incidentally mentioned the Mechanical Race.

This machine race is extraordinary. It has many secrets and is very powerful. Pei Junlin is worried that the machine race will encounter powerful enemies in this deep void. When the time comes, it will be destroyed. This master may not be able to protect him. , So I told Kong Xuan about this matter.

"The Mechanic Race is indeed a powerful race, and it will be a powerful force in the future that my brother earns it. I already know about this. If the Mechanic Race encounters any danger, I will take action. My brother wants to leave. Here, when I parte, I have a sentence to give to my brother, I don’t know if I want to listen.” The universe that Kong Xuan looked towards when he spoke. The meaning of the universe, the pair of glasses, the vicissitudes of life, seems to contain the birth and death of life. , There are many things Pei Junlin can’t understand.

Kong Xuan's feelings were so subtle that Pei Junlin couldn't understand Kong Xuan's attitude and some of the deeper things in it. At this time, when he heard Kong Xuan say this, Pei Junlin didn't know how to answer.

"If there is something big brother can bring up, the younger brother listens carefully, no matter what it is, the older brother can say it straight, and the younger brother will follow in the footsteps of the older brother throughout his life." In the face of a strong person like Kong Xuan doing this, even if he is a strong one, even Pei Junlin I also had to show a few signs of enthusiasm. This is not because of Pei Junlin's character, but that people will feel awe in the face of this vast power like a mountain.

In Pei Junlin’s eyes, Kong Xuan is like the gods of the universe. It is as powerful as the sea, but a strong man like Kong Xuan also has to avoid the enemy. This has to make Pei Junlin be in this deep universe. Some of the strong people have a lot of curiosity.

"You only need to do one thing when you return to the great world, and that is to find your master Linglong fairy. This Linglong fairy has a destiny connection with you. Maybe in the future something will happen between the two of you, but Now I’m inconvenient to say more, I can only tell you that some changes will happen to your destiny when Linglong Fairy." Kong Xuan looked at Pei Junlin and said.

Pei Junlin was completely shocked when he heard Kong Xuan put forward the four words Linglong Fairy. He had doubts about Kong Xuan before, but now that Pei Junlin is completely convinced, Kong Xuan really knows a lot.

The so-called stomach restriction can only reach this level, and everything I see in front of him has completely exceeded Pei Junlin's imagination.

Pei Junlin showed a look of shock. Kong Xuan saw him in his eyes. He looked at Pei Junlin carefully, and then he shook his head and smiled: "You won't mistake me for calculating you before. Tell you the truth. Before I met, I never knew there was someone like you, but after seeing you, I thought about it, and I calculated it with my heart these days, so I came up with some news."

Pei Junlin nodded. Regarding Kong Xuan's words, Pei Junlin is convinced that this is a great god-level figure with a lot of secrets in him, such a strong person, Pei Junlin dare not have the slightest doubt.

Pei Junlin nodded towards Kong Xuan, expressing that he must remember Kong Xuan's instructions. At this time, Kong Xuan smiled slightly and flipped his palm, and there seemed to be a passage in front of him. This passage appeared in a circular ring. A whirlpool appears, just like a whirlpool in the water.

Pei Junlin’s meeting took King Kong and walked towards the vortex step by step. Unfortunately, Pei Junlin hadn’t reached the vortex. Suddenly Kong Xuan stretched out his hand and the vortex stopped. At this time, Pei Junlin found Kong Xuan’s eyes. Master Dong stared at the King Kong behind him.

Seeing Kong Xuan's eyes, Pei Junlin's heartbeat speeded up a bit, because he didn't know what was wrong with King Kong, so that Kong Xuan showed such an expression.

"...Where did you get this thing?" Kong Xuan looked at Pei Junlin with an incredible expression.

Pei Junlin was also blindfolded by Kong Xuan's questions. After a long time, he shook his head and said: "This is something the juniors encountered by chance. It is said that it is an ancient soul in the universe, and finally reincarnated as the machine now. Character in form."

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, Kong Xuan didn't speak for a long time. He carefully observed King Kong and didn't say anything in the end.

"Okay, I will send you away now and go directly to the Great Thousand World. Wherever you are going to the Great Thousand World, I can deliver you directly." Kong Xuan's voice passed.

Pei Junlin didn't expect Kong Xuan to have such strength, but after thinking and thinking about it, Pei Junlin still felt that he had to return to Beiju Luzhou first.

In the Heavenly Soul Palace, Pei Junlin still has some mysteries and he still wants to keep hiding them, but now it seems that some things may not work well anymore.

Pei Junlin's original intention to go to the Soul Palace that day was to find the core secrets of the Soul Palace, and then save his apprentice An Tie, but now Pei Junlin suddenly flashed scenes in his mind, and there was a new way.

Since I want to get some mysteries from the Soul Palace that day, there are all kinds of difficulties, why should I ask for a fish? Now that there is a high mountain in front of him, Pei Junlin does not need to worry at all. The peacock in front of him is simply a **** in the sky, omnipotent, there is Why don't you ask the peacock for help?

"Big Brother and Brother Kong Xuan have something to ask for, I don't know if Brother can agree to it." Pei Junlin respectfully walked to the ground in the first series of Kong Xuan, with an expression of admiration on his face.

Kong Xuan seems to have known that Pei Junlin's heart is like a smile but a smile. He nodded and said: "Since you and I have worshiped brothers, then you don't have to see outsiders, and we will have a big connection in the future. , UU Reading There are many things between you and me that need to work together, so let’s not say that it is one thing, that is, I will help you with a hundred things."

Hearing what Kong Xuan said, Pei Junlin was surprised and happy, with an incredible expression on his face. He reached out his hand and pointed, a whirlpool appeared in the air, and a figure fell out of it. It was the apprentice who had been in a coma for a long time. Antie.

The origin of this An Tie is so mysterious that it is itself a super evolutionary entity, but it was later damaged by the soul, and then it began to fall into a coma, and now that Pei Junlin saw Kong Xuanken's move, he was naturally overjoyed.

An Tie, who was suspended in the air, closed his eyes tightly, as if he was asleep, but at this moment, Kong Xuan suddenly stretched out his hand one by one until the light was enveloped.

At this time, Pei Junlin discovered that a strange scene had happened. Kong Xuan’s original body had directly become a huge vacancy, and the entire body of this vacancy was exuding five-color divine light. The light of this five-color divine light shrouded it, unexpectedly. So that Antie’s body began to deform

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