Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1990: 0 Ghost Forest

Pei Junlin grabbed these fruits in his hands, and he couldn't help but muttered suspiciously in his heart. From the beginning, Pei Junlin felt that this place was normal, but gradually Pei Junlin also felt something different. This place was too weird, and the clouds were weird and Yunshan's mist was like a dream.

If it wasn't for Pei Junlin to be sure that he is now in a sober state, he would almost be dreaming here, because many things here are not in line with common sense. At first glance, it is normal, but if you look closely, you can’t stand it. Deliberate.

For example, a small river not far away is actually counter-current, and it is counter-current from bottom to top, from low-lying places to high-lying places, and the leaves of those trees are completely reversed.

When he first came to this place, Junlin Pei didn't check these details carefully, but now looking at these things, Junlin Pei feels creepy.

Now there are many questions in his heart. He doubts whether Kong Xuan sent himself here for a special purpose, but there are some things Pei Junlin dare not ask or think about.

He was about to say thank you to the girl, but when he turned around, Pei Junlin was surprised to find that there was nothing behind him, where there were traces of the girl. He turned his head to look at the corpse on the ground, it turned out to be a pool of bones, and This bone is not just a new bone, but it has been around for quite a while, and it has been a bit decayed.

The person who had just been killed would not show this state anyway. Pei Junlin was sure that the surrounding area was a little weird. He began to look at the surrounding area with a high degree of vigilance to prevent any sudden changes.

At this time, there was a burst of laughter in the woods again, this kind of laughter was extremely strange, and it was not passed by a woman.

Pei Junlin snorted, he walked into the woods. Although the situation here is a bit weird, Pei Junlin is not afraid. He knows that Kong Xuan will never harm himself. Sending himself here may have his purpose.

Pei Junlin lowered his head to look at the fruits in his palm, and he realized that the previous fruits had become dry. Don't be rotten and black now, Pei Junlin threw them away.

The weird voice continued to pass, Pei Junlin walked into the woods and saw this group of women dancing in the wind wearing a thriving purple veil.

These women have graceful figures and fair skin. Any one of them can be called a stunner in the world, and when these women dance, they are full of energy, and there is a band next to them, and a group of women are blowing away.

In the center surrounded by these women, there is a man in white sitting on a flower pole, lying on his back, his face is a little pale, but his eyes are extremely strange, staring at these dancing women, from time to time he exudes admiration. laughter.

It seemed that he had noticed that Pei Junlin had come in from outside the woods. The man looked at Pei Junlin. The two of them felt shocked as soon as their eyes touched Pei Junlin and seemed to have suffered a major trauma.

This man is not simple, his origin is also very mysterious, and the scene is extremely strange. Pei Junlin looked at the surrounding trees and found that the surrounding trees were like reflections in the water, and they began to bend in waves.

"A visitor is coming and sit down." The pale men looked handsome, but a pair of black eyes made Pei Junlin feel guilty in his heart.

Two women wearing pink tulle moved in the chair, Pei Junlin sat down, and put a table in front of him, put on the wine, the wine in this glass exudes a burst of aroma from time to time, but Junlin Pei But dare not touch it.

Pei Junlin had absorbed the lessons learned from the fruit before, and now under this weird situation, he dare not touch these things anyway.

The man with white face and dark eyes saw that Pei Junlin didn't dare to drink the wine on the table and didn't force it. He just smiled faintly and drank it by himself. He sighed and sighed from time to time, and even started to chant poems to make right.

After drinking a big drink, Pei Junlin was sitting on pins and needles, watching the white-clothed man admiring the beautiful women dancing and drinking and composing poetry. He sat alone like a dead tree.

Those women were also considerate, and they frequently looked at Pei Junlin's eyes and flirted with him, but Pei Junlin didn't have any feelings for these women, some women from the dust, and they didn't know what they were.

The man with dark eyes was drunk and lay down on the flower pole and fell asleep. He even made a shocking cry. Pei Junlin didn’t go to practice each other, nor did he move his body. In this weird place, Pei Junlin wouldn’t Dare to act rashly, he is afraid of strayed into other places.

The man did not wake up soon, but the women continued to dance. They danced as if not to entertain others, but to show off their charm completely. The man with dark eyes fell asleep, and these women took the initiative When he came to Pei Junlin, danced around him, surrounded by the fragrance of these beautiful women, Pei Junlin remained calm.

These women were quite patient with Pei Junlin at first, and kept flirting at her, trying their best to tease, but helplessly, Pei Junlin was like a person who was incomprehensible, sitting there, watching his nose, nose and heart. I didn't even go to see these women. Later, I became a little annoyed. You said nothing to me.

Hearing the ridicule and verbal abuse coming from the ears around, Pei Junlin was not angry. Instead, he developed some thoughts in his heart. This world seems to be a little different from the original world. Pei Junlin is sure that this is a great world, but this space seems to be a little different. It's a place where reality and dream alternate, which is a bit weird.

There is also the brother with dark circles. This guy seems to be an ordinary wine bag and rice bag, but it is not simple. Pei Junlin even speculates that this person is a powerful person, and even the strength is not lost to Kong Xuan.

Why did Kong Xuan send himself here, and why so many weird things happened? Pei Junlin was also guessing in his heart, this is not certain now.

The scolding around them continued. Don't look at each of these girls as being pretty and charming, but the scolding was simply unbearable and filthy, but Pei Junlin turned a deaf ear to it.

At this moment, the dude with dark circles suddenly woke up, opened his eyes, and his face was angry.

"This is my distinguished guest, how can you dare to be so insulted?" The smoky man became angry, and these girls turned pale in fright, and knelt on the ground in full anger.

The dude with dark circles looked at Pei Junlin, and Pei Junlin quickly smiled, saying that he didn't care, that misty dude, this was a little relieved, but the anger on his face did not diminish in the slightest.

"The guests do not have the same knowledge as you. This does not mean that I will not punish you. You slaves do not understand at all. They insulted the guests and degraded all of you to beasts. Only after three thousand years will they be restored to human form." Waved, these girls instantly turned into rabbits.

When Pei Junlin saw this scene, his whole chin was almost falling to the ground, because he could feel that these girls were indeed humans, but suddenly they really turned into beasts. This picture of Pei Junlin was a little caught off guard. How much mana is needed to transform into an animal, it simply violates the rules of heaven in the entire world.

But everything happened in front of me, and Junlin couldn't help but not approve it. So seeing this scene before me, the body of Junlin's true monarch was trembling slightly, what kind of strength is this?

It can instantly transform a human body into an animal, and it seems to be completely connected and relaxed. Pei Junlin no longer dared to make fun of this dark-rimmed man, this person is simply a godlike existence, and now Pei Junlin even thinks that this dark-rimmed guy is better than Kong Xuan!

"Give the guests new tea." The black-eyed man moved his arms and legs.

A bright yellow shirt unexpectedly flew over and hit this person. The guy who originally looked dying, suddenly became energetic and radiant.

Pei Junlin also stood up, not daring to neglect in the slightest. The black-eyed man saw that Pei Junlin was so polite and smiled at Pei Junlin. At this time, an old man walked out of the woods with a tea tray in his hand. Two cups of tea were placed on the tray. One cup was placed on the tray. In front of Pei Junlin, another cup was placed in front of the dark circles.

Pei Junlin's gaze fell on the teacup, which seemed to be called a kind of emerald green jasper, exuding a special light, and the tea in the cup looked like a green color, and the tea soup was clear and fragrant. It makes people smell it, and it seems that the pores all over the body are screaming comfortably.

This time Pei Junlin was not polite. UU read the book and took a sip. He immediately felt the warmth all over his body. The cells in his body seemed to be cheering. At this time, Pei Junlin felt the strength and speed of his body. I strengthened a bit, and I didn't expect that a sip of tea would be comparable to hundreds of years of cultivation.

"It was Kong Xuan who sent you here. I feel its breath from you! This guy doesn't know where to hide. I haven't heard from him for tens of thousands of years. I thought he was dead. Yeah." The old man with dark circles finally straightened his face, showing a sense of hospitality.

Pei Junlin was puzzled, but didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly put down the tea cup and talked about the cause and effect to this black-eyed man. Hearing that Pei Junlin and Kong Xuan were brothers to worship, the guy with the black eye was shocked and his chin almost fell to the ground.

"Since you and Kong Xuan are brothers of worship, then I have to call it an uncle! Uncle will be the next!" After saying that, before Pei Junlin had any reaction, the guy with black eyes actually knelt directly on the ground.

This scene almost scared Pei Junlin into a faint. You must know that the guy in front of him is not a simple person. Just now, a group of people turned into beasts directly. This is like a **** in Pei Junlin’s eyes. There is no difference.

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