Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1991: Relegated to beast

Now this guy actually kneeled in front of him, making Pei Junlin a little unbearable, and he quickly knelt up, corresponding to this man.

The man was also frightened when he saw Pei Junlin's seat, and quickly got up to help Pei Junlin up.

"Uncle, don’t be polite. Since you and Kong Xuan are your brothers, that’s my uncle. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Junior Xiao Ming Jiang Taixu! Uncle can also call my nickname Xiaoxu or Xiaoxu "The man with dark circles returned to the chair and assumed a humble posture.

Pei Junlin felt incredible about this scene. This man is so strong and he is so respectful to himself. There is a high probability that it depends on Kong Xuan's face. Before Pei Junlin thought the relationship between this man and Kong Xuan It was a friendship, and now it seems that the seniority between this man and Kong Xuan is probably wrong.

And this man’s name is Jiang Taixu, Pei Junlin wanted to laugh but didn’t dare to laugh, because this man was pale with black eyes, and his eye circles were indeed very vacant. These are these things Pei Junlin only dared to think about. , Dare not say it.

"I don't know why I appeared here. The day before yesterday, I asked my eldest brother to send me to this big world, but I did not expect to fall in this woods. I also met a young woman and a man with them before. Some holidays have taken place." Pei Junlin hurriedly called out what happened before, because he found that if he didn't say it, he would probably offend the master here.

After all, it was killed, and the appearance of the girl before had also left a mark in Pei Junlin's heart. He found that the appearance of the girl before was actually similar to Jiang Taixu in front of him.

Hearing that Pei Junlin said that the guy with dark circles was not surprised at all, as if he had known about this level a long time ago.

"Uncle, don't worry, it was just someone teasing uncle before. Everything is a dream, not real, and killing is not really killing." Jiang Taixu was explaining what happened just now to Pei Junlin.

Some words were uttered from Jiang Taixu's mouth, which made people feel indisputable. Pei Junlin suddenly believed it. Just thinking back to the scene just now, it was still a little unrealistic, because everything that happened was too real. Up.

Jiang Taixu has been watching Pei Junlin. You noticed the subtle expression on Pei Junlin's face. After seeing the hesitation on Pei Junlin's face, he said with a faint smile: "It's such a thing, and there is another explanation, that is That kind of thing happens in reality, but whether it’s in our time and space, or in our world, will give you a sense of deja vu. In short, some things are very profound."

This space is very weird, like a bizarre place, everything in the woods is upside down, Pei Junlin is not convinced of Jiang Taixu's words, but is not doubtful, so let it go, Pei Junlin did not say question.

No one like that has the atmosphere to speak, and for a while, it was a bit cold. In order to hide the embarrassment, Pei Junlin picked up the tea and drank a cup again, but the second sip was completely different from the first sip. This second sip After drinking it, it was completely like strong wine, and the whole person who hula la la was enveloped in flames.

This kind of hot feeling is as if the soul is burning, Pei Junlin suddenly discovered that the murderous aura that has been troubled by him has dissolved directly, and it is like the ice and snow melted. The moment Pei Junlin feels blue, as if a gust of wind is retreating. The feeling that I can blow myself up when I come here.

Pei Junlin realized at this time that this glass of wine is definitely a good wine. It can remove all impurities and all toxins in his body. Seeing his body's amazing and thorough appearance, Pei Junlin feels surprise in his heart. , Look at Jiang Taixu in front of him again, there is wisdom and deepness in his eyes.

"Since that Kong Xuan asked you to come over, I think there must be some things. Uncle might as well think about it. If there is something worth solving in the next, let me tell you by the way that the one who is good at next is Yuanshen, if Yuan If the **** is damaged, it may be repaired in the next." Jiang Taixu's attitude towards Pei Junlin is extremely respectful, and even when he speaks, he will slightly lean back.

For such a top-level character, Pei Junlin has a feeling of tears in his eyes for being so courteous. This is a pioneer of mankind and a super evolutionary body. They have gone far on the road of evolution, and they are far from ordinary. People are left behind, even in their eyes, they are no longer the same species as ordinary people.

They have every reason to overlook all living beings, but now in Jiang Taixu's attitude, Pei Junlin feels flattered. It is with such courtesy given by the other party that Pei Junlin has a lot of confidence in his heart.

Now that I have thoroughly understood the cause and effect, and why Kong Xuan sent himself here, in fact, the first thing Pei Junlin thought of was not his apprentice An Tie, but the other injured soul in his hand was his sister-in-law Wang Ziyu. .

Although knowing that the chance of curing An Tie is almost slim, Pei Junlin still moved An Tie out again. Seeing An Tie who is showing off his wealth in front of you, you have a special feeling in your heart. The apprentice, Pei Junlin paid a lot of affection both from the encounter and the subsequent process of getting along.

Pei Junlin has made everything clear. He can only hope that Yu Jiang Taixu can wake An Tie. This is Jiang Taixu. He just looked at An Tie and shook his head: "This man Kong Xuan should have been I've been in touch, he was helpless, so naturally I have nothing to do, so I don't have to look at it. I guess there must be another wounded soul on your body. If you don't, Kong Xuan will not send you. I am here."

Listening to Jiang Taixu’s very determined tone, Pei Junlin could only wave his cuffs, and a crystal bottle flew out. The crystal bottle cap opened automatically, and a wounded soul was suspended in the air. It was Wang Ziyu and a few days. Compared with Wang Ziyu, who had fallen close before, he was a little weaker in comparison.

At this time, Wang Ziyu was floating like a porcelain, and even a crack appeared on his face.

"After a person dies, the divine soul can actually be preserved for a very short time. However, this process can be delayed through some means. Once a successful practitioner, their divine soul will not dissipate, and will become the soul and continue to live in Between this heaven and earth, only the primordial spirit has a speed of dissipating. If you can't find a place for family planning, the primordial **** will soon disperse." Jiang Taixu walked over as he explained, he surrounded Wang Ziyu The primordial spirit turned around and suddenly stretched out his hand a little.

With just this small operation, Pei Junlin felt that Wang Ziyu’s primordial energy was no longer flowing, as if he was frozen, but this was not what Pei Junlin wanted. He wanted Wang Ziyu to wake up, and it would be best to be able to resurrect directly. .

Maybe it’s because such a request is a bit difficult for someone to do, so Pei Junlin didn’t say a lot of words. He just watched all this nervously, and cast his expectant eyes on Jiang Taixu. In Pei Junlin’s eyes, it looked like Jiang Taixu. Such a person can easily turn a person into a beast, which is similar to the existence of a god, and there may be some things that Jiang Taixu can do.

"With my current methods, it is not enough to completely restore this completely damaged original trial, but I can assure you that since you have come to me, with the fate between the two of us, I will definitely want to Help, but I need you to accompany me to a place." Jiang Taixu looked at one of Pei Junlin's eyes, a bit funny, Pei Junlin seemed to feel a bad feeling.

Pei Junlin instinctively wanted to refuse, but as if his lips were stuck, he couldn't speak, because he knew that if he refused, then it would undoubtedly cut off Wang Ziyu’s last hope of survival. In fact, at the beginning, Pei Junlin You know that Wang Ziyu is actually dead, only a little circular energy is left.

But after hearing the real Jiang Taixu's conclusion, Pei Junlin was already fighting. He didn't expect that Jiang Taixu could bring the dead back to life. Using only a little bit of lettuce from Wang Ziyu, Yuan Wang Ziyu could be used. The soul is restored, this is simply incredible.

However, there is more than one incredible thing encountered today. UU reading Pei Junlin has long been accustomed to seeing it, so there is nothing wrong with Pei Junlin at this time. He thought about a lot of things, and finally nodded his head. Say yes.

"Perhaps he is dead in your eyes, and his spiritual energy has been exhausted, but I can tell you that it has cultivated a special technique, the soul is like a winter plant, withdrawing all its vitality. He is not dead now, but has completely hibernated the primitive energy in his body, just for recovery." Jiang Taixu stretched out his hand, and the prince's soul started to float slowly, and finally fell. On top of a willow tree next to it, this willow tree radiated a faint light after acquiring Wang Ziyu's soul.

Pei Junlin witnessed all this in his own right and did not take action to stop him. Although he did not know why Jiang Taixu did this, it may be of great significance. As expected, Jiang Taixu was very quick to die. Someone brought something, it was a pond. Son, when the jar was opened, a light flew out of it, and the light appeared as a pale green and fell on the willow tree.

"His soul can only be parasitic on this tree for seven days. Within seven days, we must find a way to save him. If he cannot be rescued by that time, then his soul will be completely wiped out, so this You can only succeed, not fail." Jiang Taixu looked at Pei Junlin, as if he was staring at something for Pei Junlin.

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