Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1992: Yujing bottle

Pei Junlin gritted his teeth and nodded. This matter is definitely not sloppy. He also knows that some things are compelling to save people and naturally take risks. Moreover, Wang Ziyu's situation has been so bad that it can't be worse, even if it happens. Pei Junlin does not regret the unforeseen consequences.

Seeing Pei Junlin’s performance, Na Jiang Taixu nodded and was very satisfied. She took Pei Junlin into the woods, where Pei Junlin saw a small courtyard, which looked extremely simple. But there is a kind of luxury in the simplicity, in modern terms, it is the luxury in the low-key.

The plants and trees here are not simple. When you approach Pei Junlin in the hut, you realize that the space inside is very large, just like a huge palace. Jiang Taixu took Pei Junlin all the way and passed through. An empty spot unexpectedly came to a back garden, and Pei Junlin saw a magical place in the garden, this magical place.

On a piece of land suspended in the sky of the back garden, a small house was also built on this piece of land, but this house is not like the current building, but like a building fragment from ancient times.

"There is a door inside. You can reach another world through this door, but the human body cannot pass through. Only the soul can go. Then you and I will go to that place to steal something back. "Jiang Taixu took Pei Junlin into this small and small object. Sure enough, Pei Junlin found a huge copper door in this room. This door actually made Pei Junlin feel a little familiar, much like that. The gate of dark hell.

Pei Junlin didn't know what was behind this door. He only heard that Emperor Jiang Taixu Jin Zhu knew that he could only get out of the shell if he wanted to enter the guidance door, but the soul could not leave the body for too long.

Pei Junlin looked at Jiang Taixu and wanted to see Jiang Taixu's primordial spirit coming out of his body. How could he know that Jiang Taixu shook his head and said with a smile, "I have cultivated to my level, and there is no physical body and The original separation is gone. I can go in and out of that place freely. This is you, and you can’t take this pair of skins."

Leader Jiang Taixu said that, Pei Junlin sat cross-legged on the ground, and a golden light flew out of Shaoqing's eyebrows. It was just that this golden light was a little different, and there was a small tripod floating around it. That chaotic golden bucket!

And behind this golden light, a mysterious earthen jar was also wrapped around, these two things disappeared at the moment when Pei Junlin appeared, and replaced by this golden light slowly extending, and finally turned into Pei Junlin. Looks like.

Whether it’s the chaotic golden bucket or the mysterious crock pot, these two treasures can follow the original, so Pei Junlin wants to bring these two treasures, as well as the mysterious blue flame and so on. The method at the bottom of the box, Pei Junlin can't fall naturally, since he is going to a dangerous place, he naturally has to be perfect.

"Before entering there, I will have three chapters with you. After entering the first session, you must act by my wink. Don't pretend that the thing I let you steal is a small bottle. You remember that each bottle is mutton fat white jade, and there is a small grass in it." When Jiang Taixu spoke, a picture appeared in front of him when Jiang Taixu reached out.

The picture clearly and clearly describes the thing described in her words. This is a white jade bottle of mutton fat with a small grass inserted in it. From this look, it is known that it is a peerless treasure.

Pei Junlin nodded to indicate that he had remembered it clearly. At this time Jiang Taixu nodded. He stretched out his hand and pushed the bronze gate to be Junlin, and he felt a breath enveloping himself, through him everything I can't see it, but when it reappears, it has already appeared on an island.

The feeling to Pei Junlin on this island is fairy air, the fairy clouds are shrouded, the pirates are full of peach blossom forests, peach blossom petals everywhere, it is simply a fairyland on earth.

Jiang Taixu walked in front. He had changed his appearance. Without the white fluttering executives, he looked like an elegant young boy, while Pei Junlin looked like a book boy from Huawei. He was with you in Jiangxi. Behind Tai Xu.

Naturally, I won’t ask Pei Junlin about things that shouldn’t be asked. It’s just that the head of the promise was behind Jiang Taixu. Before he went up the mountain, he met a boy riding a bull. This boy was riding on a green bull with a bull in his hand. Holding a jade flute.

"Mr. I'm afraid it's not coming late. Master is waiting for you, hurry up." The little shepherd boy spoke with an old manner, but he just looked at Pei Junlin and stopped talking.

Jiang Taixu shook his head towards the shepherd boy, and took Pei Junlin up the two people in a quick season to ascend the steps, and walked all the way up to the middle of the mountain, where there was a pavilion. Next to the pavilion, Pei Junlin heard the sound of rumbling water, and there was a waterfall not far away, flowing down from the high mountain.

In this pavilion, there is a middle-aged beauty sitting in front of her. Pei Junlin can't see the appearance of this beauty, but she feels the sheer surface of the veil, and her temperament is as blue.

Yuan saw Jiang Taixu coming, and the woman stood up to welcome him. When he entered the pavilion, Jiang Taixu turned his head and winked at Pei Junlin, and walked into the pavilion alone.

"I have been waiting for my husband for a long time, so my husband will do it quickly. This chess player will help me see how to break the game." The woman softly picked up the tea cup and wanted to pour tea for Jiang Taixu, no Thinking that Jiang Taixu raised his hand and held his wrist, the two eyes intersected, and the ambiguous atmosphere was conveyed in it.

Pei Junlin watched the heart beating wildly. He didn't expect Jiang Taixu to be so bold. He hooked up with such a woman. This woman is a fairy in mythology alone with the feeling of Pei Junlin. Pei Junlin even suspects that this is a fairyland. But at this time, Pei Junlin, you also know that you can't miss things, and the main purpose of coming here can't be delayed.

Taking advantage of Jiang Taixu and the woman, you and me, you and I were hooking up and flirting with each other, Pei Junlin turned and walked out of the woods, through a bamboo forest, and saw a very wonderful house.

Needless to say, this place should be the place where the woman lives. Pei Junlin saw a **** swinging outside the wall, but the girl was extremely playful and didn't realize where Pei Junlin was.

Pei Junlin walked along the small wall and flowed into the house in small steps. This was the first time Pei Junlin had stolen something in his life, but for the sake of his sister-in-law, Wang Ziyu, he couldn't take care of anything. Pei Junlin saw a huge incense burner in the hall in the middle of the house.

Colorful clouds of smoke emerged from the incense burner. There was a little boy with a fan in his hand. He seemed to have fallen asleep next to the pill furnace, and the whole hall was filled with the aroma of the pill furnace.

This should be the alchemy furnace, but I don’t know what kind of elixir and elixir is being refined, but Pei Junlin doesn’t care about these things now. As soon as he flashes, he enters the spot and turns around a room, and finds everything in this room. It's all vegetables Pei Junlin turned a page casually, and discovered that the text in it was completely unrecognizable.

When Pei Junlin was unwilling to rub his eyes and read it again, he realized that these books had all turned into white paper. The target turned around and left the house.

After walking through this house, Pei Junlin entered another room, which at first glance looked like a woman’s boudoir, all of which were pink, pink tents, and a dressing table for dressing. On the stage, Pei Junlin's eyes lit up and saw a white jade bottle of mutton fat.

Just by looking carefully, Pei Junlin was sure that this bottle was not the bottle he was looking for. This bottle was a very ordinary bottle. Pei Junlin opened the bottle and looked inside. It should contain morning dew. It's just that the dew is in rainbow colors, and there are seven colors of light gleaming in it.

What the **** is this place? Even in such a divine comedy situation, but he didn't dare to accompany Xu Lin. He passed through this door and planned to leave, but he heard footsteps outside the door. Pei Junlin didn't dare to neglect, and quickly got into behind the curtain.

Walking in from the door, it was a young girl with a sleepy look on her face. She walked into the house and closed the door. She started to take off her clothes on her own. Pei Junlin was stunned, but she didn't dare to look at it. Out.

The girl lay on the bed and fell asleep quickly, seeming to be sleepy by chance, but Pei Junlin didn't dare to make any trouble at this time. Taking advantage of the girl's slight snoring, UU reading directly turned through the window. , Jumped into the back yard.

For the first time doing this kind of six-door lock picking and stealing things, Pei Junlin’s mood has always been like a roller coaster. Suddenly Pei Junlin passed by a window, and when he looked inside, he happened to see that there was a thought in this room. What to look for.

Pei Junlin didn’t hesitate, he just turned the window and jumped in. As soon as he entered, Pei Junlin smelled a strong aroma of pill. Sure enough, I lost you. It seems that this room is a place for storing ammunition, and there are a lot of them. Bottles, cans, and pots, which contain some medicinal pills.

The things here are different from other places. There are thousands of jade bottles, large and small, on the cabinets here, but these jade pings will glow. The color of light emitted from each jade screen is different, and Pei Junlin found that even Some jade screens are still shaking slightly, it seems that something wants to escape from it.

Pei Junlin's first feeling was this. Could it be that there were some kind of special fireflies in the bottles because of the constant dynamics of these bottles, and there was light in them, Pei Junlin was so suspicious.

He took out a bottle with his hand, unplugged the cork, and a ball of light flew out of it immediately, but Pei Jun was quick to catch it, and he caught the light as soon as he reached out and grabbed it.

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