Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1993: Saint Dan

The light started with a hot feeling, Pei Junlin spread out his palm and found that there was a pill lying in the palm of his hand.

Pei Junlin was completely shocked. He had heard that the legendary elixir was capable of flying by himself, but looking at the pill in his hand, Pei Junlin was sure that it was not the legendary elixir, because It hasn't reached that point yet, but having spirituality is absolute. Could it be the legendary sacred pill?

Thinking of this possibility, Pei Junlin was inexplicably excited. He did not expect that he would encounter the legendary pill, which was far more than the heavenly pill.

Pei Junlin carefully checked the label on the jade bottle just now and found that there was a kind of text on it, but he didn't recognize it at all, but when Pei Jun was running the Yuanshi Nirvana Sutra, the text on it suddenly became clear. Up.

This pill is obviously called Nirvana Pill. The effect of this pill is not to serve humans, but to the monster race! Once the Yaozu's cultivation reaches the bottleneck, this kind of pill is needed to directly transform the structure of the body, and the use of this kind of pill requires that it can be directly transformed.

Pei Junlin had heard of the Forming Pill, but it was a very ordinary pill. For ordinary spirit beasts, a Forming Pill is difficult to obtain, but it is not as imaginary as this kind of pill. .

But this kind of Nirvana Pill Pei Junlin doesn't understand it. It is also a monster in the form of a monster. Why does this pill seem so precious? He even has spiritual wisdom.

"That's for the transformation of gods and beasts. What do you think this pill is for?" A cold voice came from behind.

Pei Junlin turned around and found that there was a young girl standing behind her. Although she didn't use pink and daisies, the colors gave people a very charming feeling.

Upon closer inspection, Pei Junlin's face was full of embarrassment, because this girl was the same girl who was sleeping in the room before. Pei Junlin looked at her, and now naturally feels a little embarrassed when meeting.

Seeing the embarrassed look on Pei Junlin's face, the girl seemed to be sure that her expression suddenly became a little gloomy. He stared at Pei Junlin carefully for a while, expecting a little gloomy and said: "You should be with him Jiang Taixu. Come up, you look like a boy. I didn't expect the main body to look like this, but Zhou Zheng looks like this. But I didn't expect you to be so handsome and did six door lock picks and petty thefts."

A girl accused him of becoming a thief on the spot, and Pei Junlin was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't say that he couldn't make a coup at all, because he came here to steal things.

When the girl saw Pei Junlin not speaking, her tone suddenly became violent. He stared at Pei Junlin and said angrily: "You are the one who peeped in my room before. I didn't expect you to steal things. You are still a protégé. Prodigal son. Tell me, what should I do with you, I now call on the World-Venerable to directly put you to death without throwing you into the alchemy furnace, directly refining, and practicing a soul and soul."

Hearing this girl’s words, Pei Junlin was taken aback. He didn’t dare to neglect Yi Shanshen and stopped the girl. Unfortunately, this girl turned her hand on her back and grabbed Manman. Her body flashed with inspiration. It flashed to another corner.

Seeing this girl escape from her own hand without leaving her hands, Pei Junlin's expression was shocked. He didn't expect that an ordinary girl would have such skill to know that he is a powerhouse at the level of a saint, and there is even one here. The little girl couldn't stop it.

"If you know where this place is, I'm afraid you won't dare to do it with me. It's really ignorant and brave." The girl's face was full of Qingye's expression, but her face was a little red, because he and Pei Junlin were back. Intimate contact was made at one time.

Perhaps it was the first time that she had such close contact with a man. This girl was slightly unstable, exhaled like a blue blush, and her eyes were watery when she looked at Pei Junlin.

The tone was not as cold as before, but there was a feeling of continuousness in it, which made Pei Junlin breathe a sigh of relief. He is a veteran in love, as if he could not see that this girl was the first time he had come into contact with a man.

"Where can this be, isn't it just a secret realm of cultivation? Don't mess around with me here, I just take a bottle and leave, don't say I'm stealing things, I'm borrowing it from you, understand? There is nothing I can do with human beings." Pei Junlin saw the girl's aura decline, and suddenly became energetic.

Although he spoke shamelessly, he actually bluffed the girl. The girl looked at Pei Junlin carefully for a while, and gradually heaved a sigh of relief. With an expression of unbearable expression on her face, she said: "If you let the master know that you are stealing things here If you do, I’m afraid you will die, but you are not worthy of death. After all, you came here just as you said, just to borrow something."

The girl’s tone became loose, and Pei Junlin immediately climbed along the pole. He approached the two classic girls and said, “What’s your name? You look very delicate.”

Saying this to such a girl is undoubtedly tantamount to teasing. Sure enough, the look on the girl's face gradually became embarrassed, her breathing was a little heavy, and she turned her head in a panic after staring at Pei Junlin for a while. "You can call me Bi Luo. If you can't hide from Master’s eyeliner when you come here to take things, the thing you take is Master’s favorite bath towel bottle. He will wipe it every day. Let’s practice."

Hearing what the girl said, Pei Junlin was also shocked. He didn't expect that this bottle was actually called Yu Jingping. Listening to the name, he knew that it was definitely not simple, it should be a treasure.

And the master in the mouth of this girl, Pei Junlin guessed that it should be the middle-aged beautiful woman who played chess with Jiang Taixu in the pavilion in front of the waterfall.

"You haven't told me what exactly this place is, why you have such strength at such a young age." Pei Junlin said curiously.

The girl’s emotions are a bit complicated, and she said after a long time: "Don’t you think it’s weird? Didn’t the rules of the world and some spiritual fluctuations that came here make you feel weird? You, a cultivator, have become a saint. At the level of level, it is also a top-level existence in your human world, why are you so confused?"

When Pei Junlin heard the three words Human World, he was a little shocked. Because he heard the inside and out of the other party's tone, it has already shown that this place no longer belongs to the great world, in other words it should be a higher level dimension!

After Pei Junlin came here, he has been very nervous, and he really didn’t notice the changes in his surroundings. But at this time, Pei Junlin realized that the spirits that came in and out of his body were somewhat different from the auras he encountered during the day. Breath nourishes its flesh in the body to greatly increase the strength of the flesh, and some of the rules contained in it far exceed Pei Junlin's imagination.

With these breaths entering the body of Pei Junlin, he found that his unintentional tree of life had grown a lot in a short period of time, from a small sapling to a small tree.

This surprised Pei Junlin. You must know that this tree of life has been rooted in his body for a long time. For so many years, Pei Junlin has used some resources to provide unlimited support, but this tree of life has never changed. But now in just a short time here, the tree of life can grow such a big section.

A bold idea arose in Pei Junlin's heart, but he couldn't express this idea because it was too amazing.

"Boldly think about it and say it with confidence, it doesn't matter if you say it wrong." The girl looked at Pei Junlin's hesitation and couldn't help but urge.

You gritted your teeth and looked at the exquisite dress of this room, and said with some shock and horror: "You are not the fairy world in the legend, are you? You are the fairy of the fairy world, no wonder it is so beautiful."

Pei Junlin is certainly not confused. He has discovered that this is not the fairy world. The legendary fairy world will definitely not be like this, but this place is definitely something that has something to do with the fairy world.

The reason why Pei Junlin behaved in this way was actually to fool the girl in front of him, because Pei Junlin had no choice now, and he had to use some of the girl's strength to accomplish this thing today.

Pei Junlin is indeed a veteran in love. Just a few words and a quiet flattery made the girl giggle. The hatred and guard in her eyes have completely disappeared, replaced by a kind of appreciation and dependence.

"What you said is right. It is indeed the fairy world, but it is not the real fairy world. This is just a transfer station for the fairy world, or it used to be a link between the fairy world and the human world, but then the fairy world shattered and disappeared. , UU Reading, our place has also been abandoned. Some of the rules here belong to the fairy world, so you will see the situation here." The girl was innocent and innocent in her heart. Undefended, like pouring beans, tell these secrets to Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was shocked and speechless. Even Jiang Taixu didn't dare to tell him about these things. Unexpectedly, the girl would tell these secrets without hesitation.

Pei Junlin had indeed suspected that this is the immortal world, but there are some things here that gradually made Pei Junlin doubt this place, and now hearing this girl say so, Pei Junli's thoughts have finally been confirmed.

This is the fairy world and it is not the fairy world, or it is a part of the fairy world, which belongs to half of the fairy world.

There are a lot of mysterious and weird things in this place, and there are also many superb things. Some things that belong to the connection are passed here, so that this girl can cultivate to such a level at a young age.

Pei Junlin has benefited a lot from just staying in this place for a while. Whether it is the strength of the body or the strength of the original body, as well as the growth progress of the tree of life in his eyebrows, Junlin makes a lot of money.

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