Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1997: Real danger

Hearing his old servant commenting on him like this, Jiang Taixu's face showed a hint of arrogance, but soon, this arrogance disappeared completely, replaced by loneliness and helplessness.

"There is no one before and no one after, this is absolutely not dare to be. On the road of cultivation and evolution, I am just a dust. I can expect that this step will come to this stage. I hope that one day I can hurry. Let's break the situation, otherwise such a boring day would really be better than death." Jiang Taixu sighed, the loneliness on his face could hardly be concealed.

In the woods far away, Pei Junlin is full of vigor, and the sword light of Pei Junlin at this time is like a horse training. He has truly achieved ten steps to kill a person for a thousand miles without staying in the woods around him. It was covered with black dust, and the black dust was the highest, and now it raised the entire ground a lot.

After the monsters were killed, there was no flesh and blood, but directly turned into black dust. After a monster was killed, the dust that it turned into was often very limited, but after thousands of endless monsters died, they stayed behind. The dust underneath is considerable, and the dark dust does not know what it is.

It’s already the sixth day. It’s only one day before the final notice. Pei Junlin knows that the next battle with my district will be the fiercest. Whether the sister-in-law Wang Ziyu can survive today is up to him, so this At that time, Pei Junlin absolutely did not dare to neglect, a large black umbrella hovering above his head, this black umbrella was the original soul umbrella.

The Soul Umbrella keeps spinning, sending out black cloth patterns. Above the sky, the black vortex is completely broken by the umbrella. On the other side, there is a golden circle. , Knowing that there is a **** on the circle that keeps flashing.

Pei Junlin was sitting in the circle, chanting the mantras constantly in Baoxiang's solemn mouth, and above his head appeared a mirage, where there were tall electricity and witty words, and the seats were glowing with golden light. Buddhas, Arhats, statues of gods, etc., this is exactly the image of the Bodhisattva's Pure Land.

As Pei Junlin chanted the mantra, the golden halo around him continued to increase in bonuses. And those monsters will instantly turn into dust after encountering this aperture, and some powerful monsters on the other side will accidentally break through, and will be cut by flying swords immediately after the aperture.

In order to protect Wang Ziyu, Pei Junlin took three lines of defense. The first line of defense is the Buddha's Vajra Devil Circle, and Pei Junlin has cultivated to this point, and his attainments in Buddhism are naturally rising. He portrayed the Vajra Devil Circle. Can restrain these monsters very well.

However, a large number of monsters will turn into dust after encountering the diamond ring, but there are also some top monsters. They may or take advantage of a large number of monsters to pour into the diamond ring together, and luckily survive. These monsters are often extremely powerful. , But at this time, the 38 Feijian behind Pei Jun will often deal with these enemies.

These three flying swords are very powerful and extremely sharp. The moment some monsters enter the diamond circle, they will be chopped into dust by these three waste swords.

If there is a more powerful monster or a lord-level monster, once it breaks through the second line of defense, then the last line of defense is Pei Junlin himself. He is burning with blue flames. Once some powerful monsters break through the third encirclement circle, immediately Will be burned by this blue flame.

With these three lines of defense, coupled with the constant weakening of the Soul Umbrella, the surrounding magic weapons and the whirlpool in the sky, Pei Junlin does not seem to be very struggling, but all of this is not what Pei Junlin wants, although it is supported. Today, but Pei Junlin has no sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Because Junlin Pei still doesn't know who the enemy is, and whether these monsters are sent by the way of heaven or not, it is still between the two, so the real danger has not come, Pei Junlin has been accumulating strength.

"Master, if you send so many monsters to embarrass him, aren't you afraid that he will find out and turn your face with you in the future? It is not easy to resurrect the girl, as long as you get the approval of heaven on the seventh day. Endless monsters It will only disturb his mind. If this event really fails, I am afraid he will hate the master for a lifetime." At this time, inside the pavilion, the old slave finally couldn't help but speak.

Of Jiang Taixu's behavior and eccentric character, this old slave naturally knew well, but what happened today far exceeded his imagination. He didn't understand why Jiang Taixu would use secret methods to go. Obstruct Pei Junlin.

"Did you know? After a long period of tension, if a person's spirit is not relaxed, then this person will become neurotic. The reason why I send these people to hone him is to keep him constantly Maintain a high level of combat to meet the changes at the last moment. He knows that I am supporting these monsters behind this, and he will not blame me, but will thank me in turn. "Jiang Taixu is confident and eloquent. Tan, a pair of eyes are full of talents.

At this time, Changsheng Cuxunjiang Taixu suddenly stood up, and in the distance Pei Junlin encountered an unprecedented big change. The sky broke, the sun and the moon were dark, and another piece of sky was suddenly changed around the Hundred Ghost Forest.

The distance also skyrocketed in an instant, and there was a dark creature in front of him. This black fin-based creature Pei Junlin didn’t know what it was, but his shape and strength Pei Jun came to see this creature recently. Pei Junlin hadn't seen it before, but at first glance Pei Junlin knew that this set of creatures should be the incarnation of heaven.

What kind of creature is it? It's like a century-old tree, covered with all kinds of black thorns. It's like a wooden dragon made of dead wood, which is constantly squirming. It's indescribable in human language.

Pei Junlin leaped into the sky with his body-shaped sword, and struck a flash of lightning in the void, seeming to want to unfold the void in an instant.

It was Pei Junlin who failed. As soon as he stretched out his hand, Pei Junlin grabbed countless roots and shots at the food that was transformed by Heavenly Dao. , Unmoved at all.

Pei Junlin was in a dilemma at the moment he was with Professor Tiandao, and the original Jiang Taixu was not nervous when seeing this scene. Instead, the servant frowned and his eyes showed tension, his fists clenched as if for Pei Junlin squeezed a sweat.

Pei Junlin didn't struggle at this time, because she knew that struggling was useless, and if it was proportional to the way of heaven, then everyone knew that it was just a failure in the end.

The flickering of the sword light was precisely the innate perception, which was derived from the fruit that touched on the innate vine.

At this moment, this thing played a huge role. When the light flickered, it flickered like a thunderbolt, and 80,000 li seemed to form a white light in the surrounding space.

Pei Junlin also regained his freedom in an instant, and the surrounding void seemed to be expanded by Jianguang. Just when Pei Junlin was fighting for it, a big furry hand suddenly reached out and grabbed Pei Junlin. It was like the big hand of an ape. It was what grew from that day to Peanut's abdomen.

Pei Junlin was grasped and squeezed vigorously by this big furry hand. She felt the bones all over her body seemed to be crumpled into a ball. The feeling was as if the internal organs seemed to be ejected from the ears.

This feeling was too uncomfortable, but Pei Junlin still held it up. With a fierce roar, a hidden King Kong suddenly moved incarnate in a huge King Kong.

The shape of this King Kong came from Pei Junlin's personal design, imitating the appearance of a robot that Pei Junlin had imagined in his heart. The eyes of this King Kong sprayed out flames and turned into a silver stream, instantly covering Pei Junlin firmly. .

Let these silver liquids drill into Pei Junlin's pores. When Pei Junlin was absorbed by Pei Junlin's body, the alloy steel was almost merged into one. He never thought that he would blend with the pet.

After the silver metal melted into the body, Pei Junlin felt his bones and bones, and seemed to have responded to a certain extent. Allowing this big furry hand to ravage Pei Junlin hardly seemed to feel no pain. Instead, he managed to open it, and gradually opened one of the opponent's fingers, Pei Junlin kicked the finger suddenly and broke it directly.

Pei Junlin's whole body was shining with silver light, as if invincible or the incarnation of the heavens were constantly colliding, and fierce rays of light shot out of Pei Junlin at this time, as if turned into a **** of war.

A ray of light rushed into the sky Pei Junlin and the three flying swords became one. The dark sky was opened by a gap, and it was illuminated by starlight. When these starlights shone, the entire white ghost seemed to be shrouded in a cloud of silver light.

At this time, Pei Junlin seemed to be bathed in this starlight, and his power began to rise rapidly. There was a fate star in the sky that was surprisingly shining, illuminating the entire sky, and seemed to cover up the light of other fate stars. Up.

And at the moment when this gap appeared, Pei Junlin, you felt the power of Heavenly Dao, and Tongren was also rising. Pei Junlin understood that this world is not the Great Thousand World where Heavenly Dao is, but the will of Great Thousand World is beyond Time and space, across space, to fight across regions, so its power will show such a weak state.

Pei Junlin regretted it. He knew that he was indeed a bit reckless just now, and he rashly broke through this space, causing the power of the rules of the Great Thousand World to flood here, directly strengthening the incarnation of the Great Thousand World.

But at this time, Pei Junlin absorbed the starlight in the sky, and the silver metal on the surface of his body flashed this dazzling light. Pei Junlin was like a light without incident, step by step towards the great world, the will of heaven.

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