Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 1998: Tu Tian

When the weird black fog shrouded again, Pei Junlin’s power and Tiandao’s will were also weakened, but the two people were weakened to the extent that they did not win. It may not be that the will of the great world is compressed at this moment. In the original state, after Pei Junlin absorbed the starlight, his power was still maintained.

Pei Junlin was surrounded by lightning bolts, and a large black umbrella was suspended above Pei Junlin's head. At the same time, Pei Junlin's hands slammed a vine directly around the surrounding area.

The will of Tiandao came here across space. Baiguilin wanted to kill Pei Junlin and prevent Wang Ziyu from resurrecting. This is the will of Tiandao. The world is not benevolent. Tiandao always monitors all things, and everything goes against this time. The things of the will of heaven will really be erased.

A situation like Wang Ziyu was discovered by the will of Heaven. A person who is about to die, whose soul is about to collapse, is about to resurrect from the dead. This is something that the will of Heaven will never accept. In the eyes of Heaven, this is a human being. His provocation is the provocation of the building, so at this time his will turned into a clone, descending into this world, to forcibly wipe out this accident.

However, this incarnation of the will of the heavens, obviously did not expect to encounter Pei Junlin, a person who recklessly tried to stop him. Needless to say, the battle between the two naturally broke out. Pei Junlin's strength entered and exited, and almost all of it was suppressed. All of his hole cards were used, but step by step, he was still crushed by the will of this heaven.

Pei Junlin is not reconciled. The power of the will of Heaven is not very strong, nor is it invincible. However, the will of Heaven seems to control some essential things. Compared with the will of Heaven, Junlin’s control of power is far inferior to that of the opponent. .

Sometimes Pei Junlin knows that he can’t accomplish certain things with his bravery alone, and sometimes Pei Junlin has some extraordinary advantages, such as he will be calm, such as he can think, such as he can Absorbing experience, etc. At this moment, the battle with the will of the heavens is approaching white-hot, Pei Junlin suddenly calmed down.

His mind is turning rapidly, thinking of some ways to fight with the will of Heaven, and Pei Junlin understands a lot of things. The battle of the will of Heaven is like a person hitting a stone with his hand, so that his hand will hurt. The stone does not necessarily crack.

This Heavenly Dao is invincible and indestructible. Now if you fight stubbornly, you will only have one end in the end, that is, the Heavenly Dao has never been out, and Pei Junlin can feel the will of the Heavenly Dao, and seems to be learning, understanding, and strengthening Strength, and every moment will have a powerful change, and his own strength increase is too slow.

If this goes on, one will lose one's strength, and being late will be completely wiped out by the power of heaven. So after Pei Junlin calmed down, he began to think of some solutions. For example, once he used the world of chaos into the cave, once grasped a trace of the will of heaven, and learned from the past, Pei Junlin naturally had some ideas.

The avatar of the will of Heaven that he once arrested was just a weak world, but now this is the will of the Great Thousand World, representing the entire Great Thousand World, or the Central Great World, the main will of the entire universe. To catch or trap the clone of will, it will cost tens of thousands of times the previous force

The silver-gray light gradually pushed up from the surface of Pei Junlin's body, and as Pei Junlin suddenly fell to the ground with a ball of silver light, it gradually formed the body of King Kong. The two masters and servants became one and the will of the heavens still cannot escape. When it comes to the good, Pei Junlin knows that it will be no good to continue doing this brutally.

If you want to solve the problem at this time, you must use your brain to think carefully and think about some solutions. This is the real solution.

A flash of light appeared on Pei Junlin's head and a thunder pool appeared. There were infinite thunder and lightning flashes in this thunder pool, completely shielding Tian Dao from spying on Pei Junlin.

Countless thunder and lightning have built a great king, completely covering Wang Ziyu's body. Pei Junlin is using this method to block the continued attack of the will of the heavens. He is delaying time, as long as the time is up, then The will of heaven will naturally dissipate, after all, in this forest of ghosts, that is a world forged by Jiang Taixu.

Although Tiandao's will can invade this plane, it can't last for long, so Pei Junlin only needs to delay the time and wait until the time is up to solve it naturally.

However, the problem Pei Junlin can think of is naturally able to think of Tiandao Will. Under the rolling power of Tiandao Will, Pei Junlin's wanting to support to the last moment is simply a dream.

So when the incarnation roared again that day, countless power seemed to be surging in the darkness, and the power released by Pei Junlin with the thunder pool was gradually weakening.

Pei Junlin frowned and watched the changes in front of him quietly. He knew that he had absolutely no power to turn the tide. If he wanted to completely defeat the will of this heaven and protect his sister-in-law's life and death, he must use some special moves.

At this time, the progress of the chaos was constantly rotating, and there was a breath of chaos, and the power was brewing in it. Pei Junlin was brewing in it. Looking at the timing, five figures immediately appeared around him. This is exactly the five souls of Pei Junlin.

The moment these five primordial spirits appeared, it seemed that the entire space had some changes. Although these five primordial spirits were the primordial spirits that Pei Junlin personally brewed, they are not at all one with Pei Junlin now, because these five primordial spirits are completely different from each other. The primordial spirit has been integrated into the inner world of chaotic progress and has become a **** of nature.

When these five primordial bodies appeared, the power of nerves enveloped the surroundings, and the will of Dao seemed to be aware of that day, but it was too late. These martial arts primordial spirits were gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and the five emperor spirits.

When the five emperors and primordial spirits were integrated, Pei Junlin's Yanhua boxing method was the essence of Wang Chao's boxing method. At this moment, Pei Junlin's boxing method can destroy the world.

After Pei Junlin calmed down, he came up with the best way. The male warrior Wang Chao once came from the earth into the starry sky, hit the world invincible, punched through the universe with his hands, and hit the heavens to break down, and the most powerful boxing technique of the dynasty back Pei Junlin Incorporated into the Five Emperors.

The Wudao Yuanshen reincarnation revolves, and Pei Junlin has practiced a type of boxing technique called Di Wudi Reincarnation Mopanquan. A punch out of the time cycle, the universe of heaven and earth reversed, it seems that there is rolling darkness, shrouded in the world, this is the current strength of Pei Junlin.

Pei Junlin was in a battle with the will of Heaven, but this time Pei Junlin no longer fell under the wind, but pressed step by step, relying on the essence of the boxing skills left by Wang Chao, coupled with his own invincible and primitive posture, Pei Junlin It can be said to be advancing so hard, all the way to the dark.

At the beginning, Pei Junlin's plan was to delay time. When the time comes, Pei Junlin will become more and more courageous, and his willpower has surpassed the matter itself.

The fierce battle gradually made Pei Junlin gain the upper hand. Even if it was the avatar of Dao Will that day, under Pei Junlin’s fierce onslaught, the matter was retreated and roared. After only a moment, the two sides fought together. The blood light fell from the midair.

Heavenly Dao has been sending out and falling behind, but was evacuated by Pei Junlin's boxing technique. The five emperors who suppressed Pei Junlin merged into the boxing method, like a rolling wheel, crushing everything and destroying everything, even if it is a clone of this Tiandao will, and then Under Pei Junlin's boxing technique, he was also beaten to his head.

The purple blood flies, this is the blood of the heavenly path, Pei Junlin manipulates the mysterious earthen jar and begins to collect the blood of the heavenly path!

In the distance, Jiang Taixu was sitting in the pavilion, trembling all over, watching Pei distance evolving fist technique, his eyes showed a terrified look, as if the scene appeared in front of him again many years ago, Pei Junlin He was too familiar with the punches he played. The power that destroys everything was the source of his fear!

From the very beginning, Jiang Taixu was just betting on Pei Junlin, but now, after realizing the strength of Pei Junlin, Jiang Taixu’s belief has changed. Although the strength between the two is still very different, She Jiang Taixu is still the pioneer of human purification sitting on the high altar.

But at this moment, all the psychological advantages of Pei Junlin collapsed and disappeared, because Pei Junlin was related to that person in the legend.

The person who once fought the universe and shattered the immortal world with the power of one person was the Valkyrie Dynasty, because from Pei Junlin's body, I, Jiang Taixu, saw some of the shadows of Valkyrie Wang Chao, from Pei Junlin in the boxing technique, Pei Junlin saw the essence of Wang Chao's boxing technique.

"A Wang Chao hit the sky and the earth dimly, and the universe he hit was about to collapse. How come another Pei Both of them came from the earth. Is this a coincidence?" Wang Chao murmured, but his children trembled uncontrollably, and his mood couldn't calm down at this moment.

In the middle of the woods, the battle between the will of King's Land and Heaven's Path seems to be disintegrating. Pei Jun's body is suspended. At this moment, the power of Pei Jun's body seems to be connected into a line, violent. Pei Junlin is driven by the power of the world.

When the light flickered, Dao kept roaring that day, and his body was almost split. Pei Junlin had too much lethality with this sword just now! It seems that it is just a simple sight, but it incorporates the essence of the whole law. It looks like a sword, but in fact it is still an extension of the boxing method.

Pei Junlin's mouth showed a sneer, and his face also showed a cruel smile. He knew that at the last moment, he would never be able to back down.

If the sky wants to stop me, I will kill the sky. "Pei Junlin's whole person is as strong as a mad tiger, like a ghostly demon king.

At this moment Pei Junlin seemed to have forgotten everything, and seemed to abandon everything. The heavy shackles on his body were completely abandoned by Pei Junlin. In this lesson, Pei Junlin seemed to become an unfettered person.

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