Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 2002: As good as ever

In the end, the dawn of victory was about to usher. At this moment, Pei Junlin was excited because he saw Wang Ziyu’s shadow from this group of brilliance. The appearance of the two sisters, Wang Ziyu and Wang Ziqiong, was very similar. Eyes, Pei Junlin felt a sense of a sudden.

It seems to see that the corners of his beloved wife, Wang Ziqiong, are a little wet at this moment. Even though they have been separated for so many years, Pei Junlin’s miss for Wang Ziqiong has never stopped. Recalling the days when the husband and wife were together, Pei Many ideas arose in King's Landing.

This time, Wang Ziyu’s soul is damaged, and some memories may be lost. These are all that Pei Junlin can predict in advance, but now that Wang Ziyu repairs the soul step by step and slowly recovers, Pei Junlin’s mood is still There are many touches.

Pei Junlin was in agitated mood here, and his soul was flying away, while on the other side, Jiang Taixu continued his plan of resurrecting Wang Ziyu step by step.

The plan has reached the final step, and Jiang Taixu also appears cautious. When the soul-attracting lamp completely melts Wang Ziyu's soul into one, the final infusion of spiritual energy is needed.

At this time, the pure purple spiritual energy was suspended in the air, and accompanied by the monitoring Taixu, his hands were rubbed into handprints. This is the treasure bottle of Buddhism. It should form a group of purple brilliance with the seal of the treasure bottle. , Like Yunxia, ​​enveloped Wang Ziyu.

Accompanied by spiritual energy, like a hatched eggshell, the residents gradually discovered that Wang Ziyu seemed to have regained his spirit. Spiritual fluctuations spread from the soul, and there seemed to be a trace of joy and sorrow brewing in it.

When the intact primordial spirit recovered, Pei Junlin felt tears in his eyes. He finally saw the moment when Wang Ziyu was truly resurrected. When the primordial spirit entered the body, Pei Junlin's body was trembling slightly, his expectation The expectant Wang Ziyu slowly opened his eyes, and when his eyes were facing each other, Pei Junlin determined that Wang Ziyu was intact, or that Wang Ziyu was the same.

"Brother-in-law..." Wang Ziyu had some doubts and some sadness in his eyes.

All his memories stayed at the moment when his life was about to die. When he saw Pei Junlin again, he thought he was dreaming. An unreal feeling made Wang Ziyu look around.

When seeing the surrounding trees showing a reverse growth, the surrounding space is a reverse rule, which made Wang Ziyu a long sigh of relief, but the eyes looking at Pei Junlin were full of sadness. : "Brother-in-law, even you are dead? Did we meet again in the Yin Cao Netherworld?"

After a long absence, Pei Junlin did not expect that when he saw Wang Ziyu, the first sentence he heard was such a statement. Pei Junlin was a little bit dumbfounded, and it was a long time before he shook his head towards Wang Ziyu and said.

Seeing the two reuniting after a long absence, Jiang Taixu left quietly, leaving Pei Junlin and Wang Ziyu, the two of them facing each other in the middle of the forest, and neither of them could speak.

"This is not the place you imagined. You were injured. I found you later, and then we met." Pei Junlin just briefly said the matter.

Hearing that he was safe, Wang Ziyu didn't seem to have too many mental fluctuations. Instead, he looked at Pei Junlin, with a trace of incomprehensible affection in his eyes.

Although Pei Junlin wanted to ask what happened after Wang Ziyu left, but now Pei Junlin can't ask anything because he knows that Wang Ziyu has just regained, and he needs to be familiar with the surrounding environment and stabilize his mood.

"The banquet is ready, let's take the two." An old servant's voice came from the woods.

Pei Junlin nodded towards Wang Ziyu, the two walked into the woods, followed the old servant step by step towards the depths of the woods, and finally came to the pavilion.

Inside the pavilion, Jiang Taixu sat there and saw the arrival of the two, with a faint smile on his face. There was a table above the pavilion on which some delicacies were placed.

These foods are absolutely extraordinary. You can feel them just by looking at the ingredients, color, and fragrance. Some of the dishes are even slightly shining. They are definitely treasures in the world and are rare for ordinary people.

"This is a farewell banquet. After eating this meal, let's not spend it here." Jiang Taixu smiled and invited Pei Junlin and Wang Ziyu to the table.

Pei Junlin will naturally not be polite. The so-called nothing is troublesome. The second master already owes Jiang Taixu a lot of favor, so naturally he does not owe a meal, and Pei Junlin can feel this meal, which is comparable to a miraculous medicine. , Has an unusual meaning for Wang Ziyu, who has just awakened.

"After leaving from here, does Uncle have any plans? Where do you plan to go?" Jiang Taixu asked, knocking sideways.

Jiang Taixu stretched out his hand and pointed out that the beautiful woman painted on the screen came down alive, picked up the jug and started to pour the wine.

The green liquor reveals a sharp fragrance, Pei Junlin has not quoted yet, and he can feel that he seems to be fascinated by the wine.

Pei Junlin was holding the wine glass and hesitated, this matter, he really hasn't figured out where to go, and there is still no good result, but Pei Junlin has to return to the Great Thousand World first, this is absolute.

After returning to the Great Thousand World, Pei Junlin must first find the mysterious organization, and it is best to get the news of Wang Ziqiong from them, so that the family can be reunited.

"I have a suggestion. Now when you return to the Great Thousand World, the first to find you is the exquisite fairy. This exquisite fairy is extraordinary. He is a reincarnated body, and his previous life is very intertwined with me. And there is also an extraordinary relationship between you and her. After you find him, it will be a beacon for the future." Jiang Taixu actually took the initiative to mention Linglong Fairy, this Pei Junlin was very surprised.

He has never mentioned the relationship between himself and Linglong Fairy, but this relationship seems to be known to everyone, no one does not know, which made Pei Junlin feel a little helpless and speechless from the beginning.

Whether it is Jiang Taixu or the legendary Kong Xuan, the two seem to be very familiar with them. Could it be said that once you have cultivated to a certain extent, you already have the function of reading people's hearts, and all the memories can be known without telling them.

However, from Jiang Taixu’s words, the origin of the Linglong fairy is very mysterious. Even the masters of Jiang Taixu’s space must respect Linglong fairy. This also makes Pei Junlin a little shocked by the master Linglong in his previous life. What kind of origin does the fairy have?

"Let's do everything, Master used to send me news, but I haven't found out the specific position of Master. After meeting Master in the future, I will definitely greet him on your behalf." Pei Junlin spoke without leaking, and was also tentatively exploring The relationship between Jiang Taixu and Linglong fairy.

It's a pity that Jiang was too humorous, did not give Pei Junlin any chance to spy on secrets, and made Pei Junlin feel very disappointed. After eating a meal like this, when Pei Junlin woke up, he discovered that he and Wang Ziyu were together. On a grass.

As for the ghostly spirit of the Hundred Ghost Forest has disappeared, Pei Junlin can feel that he is now fighting a thousand worlds, because he is surrounded by familiar rules of heaven and earth.

"Brother-in-law, you finally woke up, let's talk about it." Compared with before, Wang Ziyu seems to be a lot more mature now. His expression is a bit sluggish, and he looks into the distance with faint tears on his face.

Pei Junlin thought for a while, but finally rejected Wang Ziyu's proposal, recalling that he had waited to uncover the scars in the past, which was a secondary injury to Wang Ziyu.

Since Junlin Pei also wants to know some news about Wang Ziqiong from Wang Ziyu, but he knows that these things are absolutely unrealistic. Wang Ziyu's original strength is absolutely unable to influence the battle. He wants to know some information from Wang Ziyu, not at all. Realistic.

Talking to Wang Ziyu about some of the things that happened at the beginning is undoubtedly equivalent to uncovering the scars and sprinkling a handful of salt on the wounds that Wang Ziyu has healed.

"What happened in the past is equal to the past. This is the Great Thousand World. Coming here is equivalent to coming to a new world. Let everything start again." Pei Junlin interrupted Wang Ziyu's memory and saw the distance.

Pei Jun came to observe the surroundings and finally determined that this place was still Nanfang Buzhou. Unexpectedly, going around and going back here directly from Nangan Buzhou.

There are many memories here. There is the greatest enemy of Pei Junlin's life. The Dragon Emperor is here, and the Dragon Emperor is at the dojo. He and the Dragon Clan have cooperated and contributed to the decline of the earth back then!

In any case, the Dragon Emperor Dojo is the initiator. UU Reading is also the enemy Pei Junlin wants to destroy in Chile, indicating that Pei Junlin’s current strength has the qualification to challenge the Dragon Emperor Dojo!

Returning to this Nanfangbuzhou, Pei Junlin's mood has completely changed, completely different from the way he was fearful. At the beginning, Pei Junlin fled in embarrassment, but now although it is not the return of the king, he already has a foothold.

"Brother-in-law, sister is also in this world, I seem to have a feeling that my sister is not far from us?!" Looking at the plains of Ma Pingchuan in front of him, Wang Ziyu seemed to have regained the appearance of the savage girl once again.

Pei Junlin’s group did not continue to mention the past. He just responded in silence. Soon Pei Junlin took Wang Ziyu to a market. Pei Junlin in this crowded market seemed to be from Wang Ziyu. I saw the old smile on his face.

"Brother-in-law, I want that one. You can send me a bead flower." Wang Ziyu pointed to a small stall on the side of the street.

Pei Junlin smiled and nodded. The two came to the small stall and found that the stall owner was a disabled woman. This woman was very young but lacked an arm.

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