Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 2003: Disabled woman

This woman has a cigarette in her mouth, and her face has a sense of vicissitudes that does not match her age. Pei Junlin knows that this is a woman with a story, and judging from the fluctuations in this woman, she was once a cultivator, maybe It was an accident that made this woman fall.

Pei Junlin looked at the booth, and the products on it were all things used by women. In addition to some gestures for dressing up, there were also some other small videos. They were all very delicate and handmade.

There are also some videos specially made with the skin and bones of monsters, which look extremely exquisite, and Pei Junlin also feels very surprised. Because these things look so delicate and energetic, they don't look like things made by such a carefree woman.

Pei Junlin didn't have much interest in these things. Instead, Wang Ziyu walked back and forth at the booth with great interest, seemingly hesitant.

"If you like it, you can buy it all." Pei Junlin habitually said of the days he used to be on the earth, he also spoiled his sister-in-law in this way.

Hearing Pei Junlin's generous words, the woman raised her head and glanced at Pei Junlin's face again with her eyes, but soon lowered her head, her face faintly disdainful.

"Brother-in-law, these things are very exquisite, but just pick one. There are many beautiful things in this world, but how can you own them all?" Wang Ziyu picked a small pearl flower and put it next to his ear. It looks very beautiful.

Hearing Wang Ziyu called Pei Junlin's brother-in-law, the stall owner showed a mocking look on his face, which seemed to confirm the thoughts in his heart. In her mind, Wang Ziyu and Pei Junlin in front of her were seen as a pair of eloped dogs. The two men and women broke through the shackles of the world, regardless of shame.

Pei Junlin has been paying attention to the face of the stall owner. When seeing Ji Feng in the eyes of the other party, he will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable, but when he thinks that he is just a passerby, everyone just passed by, maybe there is no chance to meet again in this life. , Why bother, Pei Junlin was relieved soon.

"How much does this pearl cost? I bought it." Pei Junlin said to the stall owner.

I thought that after paying the money, the money and the goods were cleared, and everyone would never have an intersection, but Pei Junlin found that things were far from simple.

The stall owner raised his head and looked at Pei Junlin, then looked at Wang Ziyu, and shook his head firmly and said: "I won't sell you any money, these two dogs and men. Take your stinky money and get out."

Wang Ziyu, who was originally smiling, suddenly solidified his smile on his face, while Pei Junlin was a little angry. He did not expect this stall owner to be so provocative. To this stall owner, he was just a guest. He did not expect the other party. With such a weird temper, he actually ridiculed in the street.

Pei Junlin's face was a bit ugly, but it didn't happen. Instead, Wang Ziyu, who was just a little stunned, his expression suddenly became gloomy.

With his sister-in-law Wang Ziyu’s character, Pei Junlin still knows some sullen and gloomy elves and weirdness, and sometimes he doesn't care about the consequences. At this time, seeing Wang Ziyu's face gloomy, Pei Junlin is a little worried about the stall owner!

After all, this stall owner is just outspoken, and there is no such thing as a tyrant. Although it is a bit hateful for such a person, Pei Junlin is not angry.

"Forget it, don't need anything, let's go to the shop opposite, that shop is decorated in a magnificent style, and the contents in it should be more awe-inspiring. Let's go there and have a look." Pei Junlin hurriedly reached out and held Wang Ziyu towards him. Walking across the street, it was a pity that he stretched out his hand but caught nothing. Like a loach, Wang Ziyu slid over with a side step.

"Brother-in-law, you have a good temper. I can't bear it. Do you see this woman's expression? You clearly treat us as a couple of dogs. Whoever stipulates that the sister-in-law and brother-in-law cannot go shopping together, and whoever stipulates that the brother-in-law cannot give gifts to the sister-in-law. Is it?" Wang Ziyu seemed to be afraid that the person next to her would not know, so she yelled.

His voice rose by an octave, and immediately attracted the attention of the people around him. Originally, this street was full of people, and there were many cultivators and ordinary people. But at this time, he heard Wang Ziyu's wave and shield. The gossip heart of many people has been yelled.

Seeing more and more people gathered around, the place was quickly surrounded by water, and Pei Junlin's face showed a helpless expression.

She was worried that after this change, the personality of the sister-in-law Wang Ziyu would have some changes, but now it seems that she still thinks too much about fish, the original recipe, the original little chili, nothing. After the change, Pei Junlin's mood improved inexplicably. Even when so many people watched him, he didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he folded his arms and watched with interest the argument between Wang Ziyu and the stall owner. .

In the end, Wang Ziyu had the upper hand, and the stall owner was refuted to be speechless. However, the stall owner’s performance was beyond Pei Junlin’s expectations. She thought she was a woman with the blade of a blade, but she knew that the truth didn’t make sense. He admitted wrong and gave Wang Ziyu a bunch of gifts.

These gifts are of course free of money. Wang Ziyu happily played with Pei Junlin with a pocket of gifts. Your hands continued to go shopping, while some people around looked at the pair of golden boys and girls with interest.

It is a relatively closed small town. Everyone knows each other. Few outsiders come here. Pei Junlin and Wang Ziyu came to this small town, adding a little vitality to the whole town.

"The scenery around my brother-in-law is good. Let's stay here for a few more days. It would be nice to find an inn for a few days." Wang Ziyu wears a few pairs of pearl flowers on her head. Jun Pei was around and around.

Sometimes practicing is like an ascetic monk, and many times there is no chance to breathe. Is there such a leisure time, Pei Junlin naturally agrees, in fact, sometimes Pei Junyi also gradually understands that the practice is more than one day, although Most cultivators work hard every day, but occasionally they need some leisure time.

For example, in this small town, Pei Junlin also found some long-lost feelings. Although those friends of the past are scattered around the end of the world and don't know where they are now, Pei Junlin will think of those friends.

When the two walked into the house, Pei Junlin was surprised to find that this small inn usually has no people living in it, but at this time it is full of guests from other places, most of whom are highly capable. , All of them are unsmiling.

Seeing Pei Junlin and Wang Ziyu walking into the shop, Xiao Er came up with a smile on their faces, but told them very sorry that there was only one room.

This is embarrassing. Pei Junlin has been living in the same room with a lone man and a widow. However, there is nothing wrong with his sister-in-law Wang Ziyu, but the two have just had an argument on the street, and now they have to live in another room. Room, it is inevitable that I feel a little embarrassed.

"One room, one room, if you linger, I guess there will be no place to stay." Wang Ziyu's face was slightly red, and he directly agreed to the shop's second request.

Wang Ziyu didn't care, Pei Junlin didn't care much, anyway, staying in the inn was not sleeping.

"You can't live with someone. We quoted ten times the price of this room." An indifferent voice passed. Pei Junlin looked back and saw a man standing not far behind him.

A cold breath from the surroundings of this man pervades, making people feel extremely uncomfortable. This man is obviously also a cultivator, and his realm is not low. It seems that he should be above the true monarch.

Pei Junlin frowned, with a cold face on his face. Pei Junlin was never used to being provoked by someone. When Pei Junlin was about to book it back, suddenly a powerful breath came in from outside the door. A strong man at the sage level.

Moreover, the aura on the opponent's body also made Pei Junlin extremely uncomfortable, because the strong man's aura actually belonged to the Dragon Emperor Dojo, that was Pei Junlin's deadly opponent.

In order not to reveal his identity, Pei Junlin reached out and caught Wang Ziyu. The two of them walked out of the inn without saying anything.

"Why didn't my brother-in-law tell that person clearly? We have already booked the room, and he suddenly came out and slammed in. What's this? I found that your personality has changed a little. After coming to this world, you seem to have become a little bit different. Cowardly and afraid of trouble." Wang Ziyu raised her mouth, an expression of anger on her face.

Pei Junlin naturally knew Wang Ziyu's character, that was not to suffer, and his eyes couldn't rub the sand. Being so bullied just now, UU reading naturally couldn't bear it.

"Did you see the person who came in just now?" Pei Junlin said in a low voice.

Seeing Pei Junlin's solemn expression, Wang Ziyu knew that things might not be what she thought: "I noticed a bald head of that person. He is very strong. Isn't my brother-in-law afraid of him? Don't be afraid of him. I'll poison it later, and just poison it to death."

With a fierce and decisive look on Wang Ziyu's face, she seemed to be a murderous female assassin, but Pei Junlin knew her sister-in-law very well. Although Wang Ziyu was sometimes stubborn and willful, it was definitely not an indiscriminate killing. Innocent people.

Don't listen to Wang Ziyu talking about fighting and killing all day long. In fact, he really kills very few people. He is not the kind of treacherous and evil people. Wang Ziyu will not kill people casually.

"That is a saint-level powerhouse, he is very strong. And he comes from the Dragon Emperor Dojo, that Dragon Emperor Dojo is my dead opponent, once the Dragon Emperor Dojo is alarmed, the good days for the two of us are over. I am afraid that I will be chased and killed soon." Pei Junlin showed a wry smile on his face and explained clearly to Wang Ziyu.

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