Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 208: Natural honeydew (middle)

"Wan Miaozhen, shall I let you prepare the things?" Pei Junlin said.

Wu Wanmiaozhen quickly handed a parcel that had been carried on her back to Pei Junlin: "It has been successfully completed!"

很好 "Very good! From now on, this old spring water has become one of my Danzong forbidden areas!"

Pei Junlin said solemnly: "I will set up a powerful psychic array around this spring, and at the same time, I will set up a powerful lethal array. Once people below the innate level break in, they will directly die without the whole body. ! "

"When you go back, warn all Danzong children to avoid accidental injuries!"

During the conversation, Pei Junlin had opened the package and started to arrange the array.

I watched Pei Junlin shoot the weapon deep into the ground one by one with a unique technique and restraint, and everyone left far away. When the spirit gathering was successful, an invisible wave suddenly escaped, like an electric wave.

The people present are all strong, and can clearly feel that the flow between heaven and earth around has accelerated slightly, and many tiny cold factors have appeared in the air. This is the root of the cultivation of all warriors and spiritualists in this world-Reiki!

不到 In just a few breaths, the naked eye can see that a faint mist has appeared over the small pond.

"Reiki Fog ?!"

The exclamation sounded, and everyone was shocked. Even Wan Miaozhen, who had crafted the instrument by herself, had widened her eyes.

The effect of her refining the magical material is naturally very clear. It is far from reaching this obvious effect, but it is so obvious in front of her for a while.

However, the thing that shocked everyone was far more than that. At the moment of the success of the Spirit Circle, Pei Junlin suddenly bloomed with dazzling green brilliance in her whole body, and her hands were stunned.

"Eastern Taiyi, all things are long-lived, millions of plants and plants listen to orders, thorns, soil thorns, bondage, entanglement, poisonous stings, heavenly nets!"


With the call of Pei Junlin, the thousands of plants that were originally calm all around suddenly started to grow wild. On the cliffs of thousands of trees, each plant was like a gecko, spreading down on the ground and cracking, the roots were like pythons. The thick thorns broke through the ground, shining with sharp barbs.

The branches of the giant towering tree also seem to be alive. The branches and leaves cover the sky, and the roots are shuttled under the ground. Even the inconspicuous weeds on the ground are growing crazy, and thousands of roots are gathered together ...

Such a scene, shocked everyone!

"Wooden method, so powerful woody method!"

"This one-handed manipulation alone, the world can be compared to only a handful!"

裴 Before Pei Jun came to the war, he showed a powerful martial arts technique. Not only martial arts pass through the sky, but the first-hand flame technique is also amazing. I did not expect that at this moment, such an amazing wood-based technique was revealed, and everyone was shocked!

怎么 How can a person control two completely different shapes at the same time?

At this moment, the evil spirit of Pei Junlin shocked everyone again!

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, in less than a few minutes, the surrounding area of ​​this old spring water really turned into a murderous celestial net. The thick vines of the arms were covered with cold light barbs. The thorns, and the roots of plants and trees above and below the ground, make people feel creepy and dangerous!

Almost all of these plants were blessed by Pei Junlin, and their texture changed dramatically. Ordinary swords are hard to damage. Unless they are congenital or real-world powers, they cannot break in!

After the arrangement of the Luo Di Net's wooden array was completed that day, Pei Junlin kept moving, and received a parcel from Julia, and then opened it in front of everyone, where there were also some prepared artifacts.

This was made by Pei Junlin during his free time in these three days. Pei Junlin flew out, as a ghost, with uncertain traces. He turned around in various directions in the northeast and southwest. When he came back, his feet pressed **** the ground. , And spit out a word: "Oh!"


Everyone was shocked to discover that the sight in front of them suddenly changed, and the wood array method of Bu Lao Quan Shui and Tianluo Di Net were all gone. It was replaced by a stone mountain as high as a hundred feet, with clouds and mist, making it difficult to see everything inside.

"This array is called the Thousands of Vientiane Array, which can specifically create illusions and disturb the mind. In the future, if you are not a holder of my jade charm, enter it and die for a lifetime!"

Pei Junlin opened his mouth and introduced, and then Shi Shiran patted the dirt on his palm and turned to leave.

After a long time, everyone in the daze was gradually awake, and the horror in each eye was difficult to conceal.

"The martial arts double cultivation, proficient in the fire system, wood system, alchemy is unfathomable, and now shows such a powerful and powerful array of magic, is he the lord of the omnipotent? What else can he not? ! "

类似 A similar idea emerged in almost everyone's heart. The awe of Pei Junlin became stronger and stronger for a while. I only felt that Danzong had such a new evil master, which might be the biggest source of blessings accumulated in the past 100 years!

After returning to Danzong, Pei Junlin called Dongfang Ao and asked how the herbs were collected.

Dongfang Ao said that the collection had been completed, Pei Junlin nodded and said good, and then he was sent to all his medicines in the room, and then announced to the public that he would be closed, and no one should be disturbed during the period, even if Li Chaoran and Julia were both No!

After a while, half a month has passed.

During this period, Dan Zong was energetic and energetic. It was only because those Dan Fangs that were modified by Pei Junlin had been used by several alchemists under Dan Zong during this period, the effect was very amazing.

Almost all the elixir of Pei Junlin's modified alchemy are far superior to the previous elixir. Some elixir is one point stronger, some elixir is three points stronger, and the effect of individual elixir is More than twice as strong!

All of this is enough to prove that Pei Junlin's initiative to improve Dan Fang was unprecedentedly successful and had a huge impact. For a time, thousands of children in the entire Danzong had unprecedented worship and awe to this new suzerain. No one was skeptical.

At the same time, when Danzong was up and down, all the members were boiling and excited, deep in Danzong, in a quiet yard, it was quiet and terrible.

Outside the courtyard, Julia walked around anxiously. Pei Junlin has been in retreat for half a month. Nothing has been heard so far. Since Pei Junlin ordered that anyone should not be disturbed, even she did not dare to break in. .

"I said, beauties Zhu, don't you just walk around in front of me, okay? Boss, he will never go wrong, you will be fine!"

Under a big banyan tree, Li Chaoran dangled a cigarette in his mouth, swallowing clouds and misting there, while his eyes were slipping, admiring several Danzong female disciples who were busy in the distance, the exquisite curves He tickled his heart, seemingly not eating meat for a long time!

"You can't make medicine, how do you know if Mr. Pei is okay?"

Julia didn't give Li Chaoran the young master any good-looking face at all. She already found out that this guy has a heavy heart. When she met the beautiful woman, she wanted to make a good match. Compared with Pei Junlin's specific character, Li Chaoran Really worse!

还有 "And oh, if you dare to hook up Danzong's female disciples here, be careful when Mr. Pei comes out and I will sue you!"

"People say that rabbits don't eat grass on the nest, you'd better, and you have the idea of ​​a female disciple of Danzong, and you are not afraid to lose Mr. Pei's people!"

超 Li Chaoran: "..."

The two were in a noisy room, and suddenly squeaked, and the door of the courtyard that had been closed for a long time was suddenly pushed open, and then a slender figure walked out of it, and under the hot sunlight, the picture of Pei Junlin was refracted. Show pale faces.


"Mr. Pei!"

Two surprises sounded at the same time, and Li Chaoran and Julia gathered together at the fastest speed.

Pei Junlin looked at the two worried and anxious faces in front of her, and smiled slightly: "Relax, everything goes well!"

As soon as this remark came to an end, Li Chaoran and Julia patted each other's palms excitedly.

"Boss, where is the natural nectar you configured, let me see!" Li Chaoran rubbed his hands in excitement, hehe laughed.

Pei Jun came to Waner and motioned Julia to call Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen, Dong Biao and others.

For a short time, several galloping figures in the distance have been coming at a rapid speed, and the people here are Dongfang Ao and others. Every face exudes strong excitement.

Pei Junlin's eyes slowly glanced at the group of people, and the people gathered almost all the elite members of the entire Danzong. Everyone's eyes showed strong excitement and curiosity. Obviously everyone wanted to see Pei Junlin's consumption in person. For more than half a month, it consumes countless precious manna made from medicinal materials.


Under the eager gaze ~ ~ The closed door suddenly opened, and Li Chaoran's figure came out from it. For a moment, everyone's eyes gathered on Li Chaoran's body, exactly In other words, it was gathered on a delicate jade bowl that Li Chaoran carefully held in his hands.

This jade bowl is almost the same size as a regular bowl. The prohibition is blinking. Through the prohibition, you can clearly see that the inside of the jade bowl is filled with a bowl of thick blue liquid. With Li Chaoran The cyan liquid seemed to be jelly, shaking gently, as if dancing.

Everyone's minds were all attracted, followed by one after another expressing doubts. Could this be the natural nectar of Pei Junlin who spent half a month and consumed countless treasures?

There are too few of these things, and I don't feel enough to eat them alone.

However, none of the people present dared to say this. The crowd just waited for the answer from Pei Junlin. They believed that there would be a perfect explanation.

Suddenly, under the gaze of everyone's doubts, unexpectedly, Pei Junlin did not open his answer, but just said softly, "Go to the old spring water!"

Soon, the party was arrogant and came to the location of the old spring water. Pei Junlin had an extra jade charm in his hand. He pointed his finger at the air, and the jade charm flew into the air, appearing above the formation, next Seconds, Yufu exudes a bright light.


It can be seen with the naked eye that, in a huge roar, an irregular portal appeared at the bottom of the mountain surrounded by clouds.

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