Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 209: Natural honeydew (below)

Pei Junlin took the lead in and stood in the position of the old spring water.

The crowd behind him also rushed in, but soon the exclamation sounded into one!

I saw the inside of the formation, I do n’t know when it turned out to be foggy, overhead, as if a thick layer of clouds were on top, but this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that everyone walks in here and breathes It's all an unprecedented sense of refreshing and refreshing.

Almost every breath, the whole body's internal organs and body cells are exuding excited excitement, the pores of the whole body are relaxing, a hundred times stronger than the feeling of a hot spring!

"God ... this ... it's so full of aura!"

"The old man has lived for more than 70 years, and he has never seen such a strong heaven and earth aura!"

An old white bearded alchemist trembled with excitement, staring at everything in the formation magically.

After half a month's incubation, inside the array of the old spring water, under the action of the powerful gathering spirit array arranged by Pei Junlin, the aura has already converged to a very abundant level, and the aura has completely fogged.

Not only the alchemists looked shocked, Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen, the east side, and even Li Chaoran, etc. Many knowledgeable people were shocked.

Because the aura here is really abundant, it is simply the legendary heaven and earth. If anyone can stay here to practice, then one day's work is worth three or more days outside.

At this moment, everyone finally understood why Pei Junlin chose to make this place forbidden that day, and arranged the layer-by-layer array method by himself. If it is exploded by outsiders, it will definitely cause a lot of scourge.

"Don't be dazed for a while, don't you all want to know what is the treasure of this natural nectar I developed? Now it's time for you to witness the miracle!"

As everyone was shocked by the aura of the aura within the formation, Pei Junlin's voice sounded a little, awakening everyone.

I saw that Pei Junlin took the jade bowl from Li Chaoran's hands and removed the seal from it. Suddenly, the frozen crystal liquid in the jade bowl was completely exposed under everyone's eyelids.

Pei Junlin was about to pick up the prepared jade spoon and put the natural nectar in the jade bowl into the crystal clear pond at his feet. It suddenly seemed like something had come to his mind, and he stopped and said, "Do you have anybody want to taste, now Is there any difference between this old spring and half a month ago? "

Hearing Pei Junlin's words, Dongfang Ao, who was behind him, immediately moved.

"I come!"

"I come!"

Everyone was a smart person, and they immediately felt that there was something in Pei Junlin's words. Immediately, several people enthusiastically signed up, of which Dongfang Ao also participated.

The last four or five powerful men are like squatting at the edge of a pool of water, bending over, reaching out, holding up a ju spring, and drinking with a big mouth.

Soon these powerful men became stiff, and everyone widened their eyes and looked at each other.

Just the moment they drank the spring water, they just felt like they were drinking Qiongyeyuyu, their body was soothing, do n’t want it, sweet and cool, and even more than that, they also sensitively sensed that the spring water entered the body and was moisturizing. Silently moisturizing cells throughout the body.

That kind of comfort even surpasses many elixirs, not to mention anything else, this spring alone is already a very rare essence of life, and the benefits to the human body are beyond words.

"This ... isn't this my illusion? When did this spring water become so delicious and still possess such a rich essence of life?" Wan Miaozhen looked shocked.

Unbelieving, she bent down again and took a few sips, then she closed her eyes and realized that at the same time, Dongfang Ao and several powerful men did the same. In a few minutes, the powerful men all widened their eyes and looked difficult. Cover up shock.

Their expressions naturally attracted the elders and alchemists who did not drink spring water, one after another rushed to the spring water to drink, and then the screams of exclamation went together.

Everyone almost has a horrible expression, and his face is incredible!

"Sovereign, is it possible that this spring has such an effect because of the role of the spirit gathering?"

In the end, Dongfang Ao first thought of the key point and asked in shock.

Pei Junlin nodded with a smile.

The crowd was stunned again, then Dongfang Ao's eyes became brighter and brighter: "So, now, put these springs into suitable containers and sell them outside, which is definitely an astronomical profit! The effect is nothing short of improved Qi and Blood Dan! "

Besides, he did not say that the cost of this spring water is so low, it is a big deal of great profits. With this old spring water, it is impossible for Danzong to be underdeveloped!

With the words of Dongfang Ao falling, everyone's eyes were all bright, one by one, as if they saw countless Jinshan and Yinshan, even some people couldn't help the heart beating.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly poured cold water in front of everyone, waking everyone up completely.

"Don't dream, these spring waters can't be taken out at all. Even if they are taken out, the aura in them will evaporate and become ordinary spring water in less than three or four hours!" Pei Junlin said coldly.

In a word, everyone was completely awakened from sexual immorality, one by one, disappointed, regretful.


However, at this time, I could only hear Pei Junlin and continue: "All of this was created by me, and I naturally knew it all. Otherwise, you think I spend time and energy retreat for half a month these days, yes For what?"

Pei Junlin's words made everyone's hearts feel like riding a roller coaster. Suddenly, they went straight for nine days, and suddenly fell into eighteen floors of hell, forming an unprecedented stimulus. The original people were full of regret and disappointment, and their faces turned from yin to clear, and they radiated burning again. Light.

"I have said before that I want to formulate a potion that is much stronger than the modified Qixuedan, and its name is the natural chemical dew!"

"Now the crystal liquid in the jade bowl in my hand is the mother of the manna, and its effect is similar to that of today's extremely high-purity alcohol. As long as it is blended with this spring, it will instantly turn into a real manna. And extend that volatilization speed infinitely! "

Pei Junlin held up the goodness of manna in his hand and said, "And what I want to tell you is that the mother of this goodness of manna has a medicinal effect that is 100 times stronger than that of 100% pure alcohol!"

"Do you see this little pool of water in front of me? With so many springs, I only need such a small spoonful of the mother of manna, and I can exchange it all!"

"And the effect of the spring water after being redeemed will be at least doubled!"

what? !!

The content of Pei Junlin's discourse was too amazing. Many people didn't even respond for a while, and then saw that Pei Junlin picked up the jade spoon and dug out a small spoonful of the mother of nectar in the jade bowl. Into the pool of water.

The mother of the natural nectar melts into the water, and soon merges with the spring water, regardless of each other.

"Now everyone continues to taste the spring water at this moment is different from before?" Pei Junlin smiled.

"I come!"

An alchemist standing next to the spring took the first step to lie on the ground and opened his mouth wide, which was a few mouthfuls in a row. Then everyone was surprised to find that the face of the alchemist became like a monkey's ass. It was red, wow shouting on fire, and the body was on fire, quickly sitting cross-legged on the ground, eyes closed to practice.

This scene attracted everyone's curiosity. Everyone went to the pond again to start drinking spring water. However, due to the over-reaction of the alchemist just now, the big guys were very careful, basically all of them. Taste like drinking.

Soon, the exclamation sounded again, and everyone's eyes widened again!

"Bottom trough, so powerful essence of life, I feel like drinking fairy water, my whole body is going to heaven!"

"How do I feel that some of the dark injuries inside my body are gradually being repaired?" Another exclaimed.

"I think the qi in my body is starting to increase!"

"I feel like I've been young for a few years!" The old alchemy master with white beard trembled.

"This is simply almighty magic water!"

"Natural honeydew is well-deserved!"

Pei Junlin stood aside and smiled and looked at everything in front of him. He had already anticipated this ~ ~ It is really hard to imagine. If I tell these people the natural nectar they drink, it is just The defective nectar in the defective product is blended with a ratio of one to several thousand times. I don't know what these people will look like.

From this we can see how powerful the true fortune nectar that Pei Junlin once drank was.

At the moment of making the natural nectar, Pei Junlin had already tried it for himself. With his current strength, this natural nectar can indeed play a significant role. Unfortunately, the configuration of this natural nectar medicine is also Expensive.

But it doesn't matter. As long as this natural nectar is introduced, Danzong will earn a lot of wealth, and there will naturally be countless treasures of medicinal materials to repurchase.

At this moment, I realized the powerful benefits of having a perfect and powerful sectarian power system. Otherwise, if Pei Junlin practiced alone, then the nectar will not be known when it will occur, or it will be completely ignored by Pei Junlin. ...

Next, after everyone was excited, Pei Junlin immediately let all the spring water here be transported into Danzong, thereby comprehensively improving the physical fitness of thousands of children in Danzong. This is also his promise to obtain great benefits for his children.

Anyway, there is a bowl of the natural honeydew mother that he configured, which can support the spring blending more than ten times!

"Sovereign, can you think about this, if we are selling this natural nectar, how should we price it?"

When the big guys were all excited and busy, Dongfang Ao asked quietly.

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