Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 214: 3 big foreign beauties

After clearly feeling Julia's strong vibes and the master's momentum, both Zhu Zhenting and the brother Zhu Zhenzi changed color.

They did not expect it to be such a result. Those who have been ignored by their Zhu family unknowingly cultivated it as a martial arts master. Such a qualification is outstanding even among the young generation of the Zhu family.

Except for the accumulation of numerous resources from a small age, Zhu Xi, who has successfully broken through the guru a year ago, no one can compare. Zhu Kang has been living in an environment with numerous resources since childhood, but due to qualification restrictions, Nowadays, he is just a master with a dark peak. He is still far away from Wu Po Grand Master.

It can be said that Zhu Xu from the entire Zhu family can barely suppress Julia's head, and no second person is Julia's opponent. Especially at this moment, Zhu Xu, who has high hopes, has been destroyed due to poisoning and has a bright future. Obscure, Julia has become the best candidate other than a well-deserved successor.

For a while, the brothers Zhu's face was much better, especially Zhu Zhenting. His biological father loved Qian Fengying especially, and coupled with Julia's motherhood, she was just an ordinary woman. She was never seen since she was a child. It is a state of stocking.

Unexpectedly, after leaving home, Julia gave him such a big surprise today, not to mention the complex mood!

There are not many ups and downs with the next thing. With the participation of Pei Junlin, Julia's identity as the new owner of the Zhu family is so determined, and Julia is completely transformed, from a chicken to a phoenix, attracting envy of countless people.

Pei Junlin stayed at Zhu's house for a day, then left with Li Chaoran, because he missed home!

When she left, Julia cried in tears at the airport, and she almost made Pei Junlin, the Shura warrior, could not help but hold her softly in her arms to comfort her, and finally held back!

He is not an insane person. Since he already has a wife, he decides not to provoke other women, otherwise, it is an irresponsible attitude!

Julia became the new owner of the Zhu family, and it was his best reward!

Since I can't give you happiness and responsibility, I will give you a lifetime of prosperity!

"Mr. Pei!"

Seeing that Pei Junlin walked more than ten meters away and was about to merge into the vast crowd, an indescribable deep call suddenly came from behind him. Just after turning back, Pei Junlin felt the fragrance of the wind, a soft and boneless beauty. His body rushed into his arms fiercely, hugging his waist tightly.

When Pei Jun felt helpless, he could only stand complexly and let Julia hug him tightly, ignoring the envious and envious glances from the surroundings.

After a long time, until the airport sounded again, Julia just reluctantly released Pei Junlin, lowered her head and wiped the tears on her face, tearful eyes, watching Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran disappear.

"Mr. Pei, although you gave me the glory and wealth of a lifetime, but where do you know, in fact, what I really want is not these!"

Julia was crying with tears in her eyes, standing in the waiting room where people came and going, her eyes blurred, but soon this blur turned into an unprecedented firmness: "Wait for me, I will not let you down!"

"Next time we meet again, I will definitely appear in front of you in a brand-new manner, because you are really so eye-catching, like the most dazzling star, anyone will be overshadowed by you!"

Julia, who had put down her mind, changed the attitude of the little woman before, and replaced it with an unprecedented firmness and fierce popularity. She turned and strode away, and under a black windbreaker, her steps and back were strong and powerful!

At the same time, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran have entered the luxurious business class, found a seat and sat down.

"Boss, I didn't say you, you are too cold-blooded!"

Li Chaoran couldn't hold back his gossip and indignant thoughts even before his **** was still hot: "If I didn't know you were married, I really doubt you are still a man!"

"Julia is such a superb woman, she is so devoted to you, you are still indifferent!"

"Strange! Strange!"

"Now in this materialistic society, how can there really be a man like you who can't be confused? How can you admire it!"

"Man, who doesn't want the red flag at home not to fall, and the colorful flags flutter outside ..."

Pei Junlin didn't seem to hear anything. He held his chest with his hands, closed his eyes and sat down on the seat, and immediately made Li Chaoran's old punches feel like he was hitting a pile of cotton. The feeling of strength and powerlessness almost depressed Hematemesis.

Suddenly, Li Chaoran's eyes brightened, and his eyes fell straight to the position of the aisle. At this moment, there were exactly three blond, tall girls talking and laughing. The place I passed was really amazing. The eyes of all business class owners.

The business class that can take a fare of up to 10,000 renminbi is basically an extraordinary person or a successful person, but at this moment, both men and women are showing similar stunning expressions.

This is the case for women, and the eyes are shining for men. The three foreign girls who came together are too normal, with white skin, bee waist and hips, crisp peaks, and clear white long legs. Straight and charming!

"I'm going, a great Yanmar on time! And not one, but three!"

"Ah, hey, boss! Don't pretend to be cold. Look at the three big horses there. It's almost like the superstars in Hollywood or supermodels!"

Li Chaoran raised Pei Junlin's arm with his arm. Pei Junlin was helpless and could only open his eyes.

I saw the three foreign women coming through the passage, all of which were very eye-catching, with blond hair and bright eyes, full of the special customs of foreign countries.

And all of them are more than one meter tall, one person wears tight denim shorts, and one pair of exposed long legs exudes thrilling charm, which is an ideal thing for all people who love beautiful legs in the world.

The other two beauties, one wearing skinny jeans, black military boots, and ponytails, showed a proud curve and were grim and aggressive.

The last person wore a snow-white dress, and even a princess hat on his head, covering most of his face, but from the occasional shocked glance of the crystal-clear skin and face, the appearance was definitely Not much worse.

The appearance of these three foreign beauties stunning all the people in the business class. Then, with a pair of stunning eyes, the three beauties came to the seat next to Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran to find a seat. sit down.

Li Chaoran was instantly excited, and he was eager to try. It was clear that the animal hormone was a bit uncontrollable. Pei Jun appeared to be too lazy to deal with it. Everyone has different hobbies. Li Chaoran likes beautiful women, and it is understandable.

Suddenly, at this moment, Pei Junlin noticed that the woman in a white dress and a princess hat reached out to get the magazine on the table. In the sun, the woman's fingers were almost transparent, as if they were transparent amber, almost Look at the bones and blood vessels inside.

Pei Junlin's gaze was instantly fixed, this is a pair of very special fingers, far enough to be possessed by people, and now he showed the color of contemplation, followed by a look of shock.

But soon Pei Junlin calmed down again, and he was a passer in each other ’s life for no reason, so why bother with him!

At this time, Pei Junlin found that Li Chaoran around him had already started talking with the three foreign beauties next to him, and his mouth was very fluent in English. The words were round and the pronunciation was very standard.

I do n’t know if it ’s because of the natural openness of foreign beauties, or whether Li Chaoran ’s face value is also very online. In short, Pei Junlin found that Li Chaoran quickly chatted with the three foreign beauties, especially for the one wearing denim shorts. The foreign beauties with big long legs are extremely attractive, and they are especially concerned.

Through introduction, the name of the long-legged beauty is Eva, and the name of the cold and aggressive woman is Talisa, and the name of the last woman in a dress is Belin.

The three women are from Italy. Among them, Belin is the most mysterious, and the etiquette is very thoughtful and elegant. It seems to be a kind of aristocratic temperament cultivated from a young age, far from being a nobleman who is halfway home.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot to introduce, this is my boss, Pei Junlin!"

Suddenly, Li Chaoran pointed to Pei Junlin and explained to three foreign beauties: "Three beauties, don't care, my boss is born with a cold look, not good at interpersonal communication, just ignore him!"

Pei Junlin ...

Are you afraid that my face value and talent surpass you, so you are so low!

But it doesn't matter. Now he is thinking about Prince Qiong and his family who are far away in Jinling City. Where will he care about all this.

Even if Li Chaoran was able to win all three foreign girls with one brain ~ ~ he was very sleepy, he was very calm, and would not even raise his eyebrows!

However, the tree wants to be calm and the wind is endless. Pei Junlin obviously underestimated his charm. When he was about to continue to pretend to be a god, a very nice Chinese language came from him, and Belian, who had always been more mysterious, looked up. , Exposing a delicate and moving exotic face, beautiful eyes flow, speaking a fluent Chinese language: "Dare to ask Mr. Pei, who is it, and where is it?"

Pei Junlin replied with a smile: "I'm from Jiangbei, so I wouldn't dare to be high, so I ran a company to dine!"

Belin chuckled her mouth and chuckled: "Mr. Pei is too modest, just looking at your temperament is not an ordinary character! Oh yes, tomorrow evening in the Shencheng area, a large international financial reception will be held. Friends from multiple countries will participate together. I wonder if Mr. Pei can be invited? "

International financial reception?

Pei Junlin showed her doubts and immediately shook her head: "Sorry, I didn't receive an invitation!"

Belin suddenly showed her disappointment and sighed, "Oh, that's really regrettable!"

During the talk, the plane had taken off, and everyone was temporarily silent, but it seemed that there was an extra barrier. After all, the two sides were not characters on a level and were destined not to come together.

PS: Ask for a free ticket to the IP contest. Each person has three tickets per week. They have the ability to reward one person. Ten yuan equals a little popularity. Langya will create more refreshing plots to reward brothers and sisters!

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