Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 215: International financial reception

After nearly seven or eight hours of continuous flight, the plane finally landed smoothly in Jinling City.

Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran walked out of the airport with Belin, Talisa, and Eva, three beautiful women from Italy.

However, most of them are Li Chaoran and Eva joking with each other. As for Pei Junlin and Bei Lian, they are completely foiling, and occasionally inserting one or two words is absolutely necessary.

After knowing that Pei Junlin had not received the invitation letter of the International Financial Cocktail Reception, Belin's attitude towards Pei Junlin became a lot colder and did not say a few words along the way. Pei Junlin was even more indifferent to this. Just right, I can sleep well!

As for the last Talisa, according to the research on such a long plane, she is completely similar to Belian's personal bodyguard, and she has a special breath in her body.

It is a kind of energy fluctuation that is totally different from the warrior or the strong in the Eastern World. Pei Junlin feels that it is very similar to the foreign awakening that General Lu Qingkong told him.

Although Talisa had covered up very well along the way, how could she escape Pei Junlin's powerful spirit perception.

Interesting, it seems that such a woman named Belian is extraordinary in status!

According to Pei Junlin's estimation, the energy of the Awakener in Talisa is almost equivalent to that of a top master Jiupin. Being able to use the Awakener in this capacity as a personal bodyguard is definitely not an ordinary family child. .

When several people walked out of the airport gate, although it was already late at night, there was a long line of luxury convoys waiting outside the airport, and the contingent outside the convoy made Pei Junlin familiar.

That seems to be the Lin family, and there are some figures of Pei Junlin who have some vague impressions, but the name can't be called.

The news of Pei Junlin's return didn't notify anyone, so presumably the Lin family did not know.

At this moment, there was a voice next to it. Belin reached out and pointed at the Lin's convoy outside, and said, "Mr. Pei, since you are from the Jinling City in Jiangbei, then you must know the Lin family?"

Pei Junlin nodded: "OK!"

"That's right, the Lin's team is already outside. It's not good to take a taxi late at night. Let's join together! I'll let the Lin family wait for Mr. Pei for a ride, right?" Belian said.

Pei Junlin nodded after a little groaning, "Yeah!"

During the talk, a group of people had walked out of the airport gate. At the same time, a luxurious RV door was pushed open at the same time by Lin's convoy, and from there came a tall, fluttering hair, wearing a cap, and most of the night. Women all wearing sunglasses.

Even if this woman is so mysteriously dressed, Pei Junlin still recognizes the identity of the other party at a glance, it is the star Lin Xianer!

It turned out that the person with the best relationship with Belin turned out to be Lin Xianer, no wonder!

Pei Junlin was finally stunned, and just when he was in a daze, he found that Lin Xianer and Beilian had embraced each other very closely.

"Oh, my dear Miss Belin, but I look forward to the stars and the moon, and finally waited for you!" Lin Xianer and Belin hugged together excitedly, with an excited expression.

Suddenly, Lin Xianer, who looked up inadvertently, looked at Pei Junlin standing behind him, and the whole person was still, and he whispered, "Pei Junlin, how can you ..."

"Hello star, how are you!"

Pei Junlin stood there with a smile.


An excited scream sounded, and Li Xianer, who had originally embraced Belin enthusiastically, loosened his arm directly, and Fei generally rushed to Pei Junlin's face, took off the sunglasses on his head, and exposed the delicate and picturesque picture. The dusty fairy air trembled, "Pei Junlin, it's really you! How did you get together with Belin?"

Pei Junlin stood in place, looking at the surprised Belian, Eva, and Talisa who had turned around, and smiled, "It just happened, I don't know the good friend in Miss Belin's mouth. , You will be a superstar! "

"Hate it! Don't bite a big star and say, okay! It sounds awkward!"

Lin Xian'er was stunned, but how she looked like a fairy in the air, and she didn't eat the fireworks on earth. She looked surprised at Belin and Eva.

Is this ... Is that the big star Lin Xianer they know abroad!

And more importantly, what is Lin Xianer's identity, how can she be such a small woman like Pei Junlin who is ordinary, and all these things make them wonder, and she is curious about Pei Junlin's identity again.

This guy in front of the plane must not have told the truth!

With the opportunity of Lin Xian'er, Belin and others to speak, Pei Junlin was pulled aside by Li Chaoran and said with a thumbs up: "Boss, my brother really admires you and admires you like the sea. Water, choppy! "

"Julia will be fine, and now there is a more amazing big star. Although I don't chase the stars, I also know that Lin Xianer is the hottest flower dan of the moment, and his fame is well-known both at home and abroad!"

"Fortunately, you got married early, otherwise you don't know how many women will be scourged by you ..."

Looking at Li Chaoran rushing in front of him, Pei Jun flew the black line of his eyebrows and spit out a word gently: "Go!"

After some quarrels, in order to avoid the impact, everyone finally got on the car. Along the way, Pei Junlin sensitively noticed that he had received unprecedented attention on his body. Even Belian, who had previously lost interest in him, seemed to regain it. He became interested and looked up and down.

Pei Junlin was also very helpless about this. He simply could not think of it. He simply asked about the recent situation of the Lin family and the recent situation in the Jiangbei area.

Lin Xian'er knows everything, she can't say anything, after the words, Lin Xian'er suddenly seems to think of something, and said to Pei Junlin: "Oh, yes, Pei Junlin, you should come back quietly, as far as I know , Xunzi is not in Jinling City these days! "

Pei Junlin wondered: "Where is she now?"

"If I'm guessing right, Xunzi must be already in Shencheng, the big devil, and ready to participate in tomorrow's international financial reception!" Lin Xianer said.

It was another international financial cocktail party. Pei Junlin murmured in his heart, which was inevitably a little disappointed. He originally wanted to surprise the other party!

"Pei Junlin, since the sister-in-law is not here, otherwise you and Belian will go to my house together. Tomorrow we will also go to that reception, we are just together!" Lin Xianer suggested hopefully.

Pei Junlin shook his head and refused: "No, although your sister-in-law is not here, my parents and sister at home must be there, and tomorrow's things will be said tomorrow!"

Lin Xianer heard that his mood was slightly low, but he still let the driver drive to Pei's home garden. After about half an hour, Pei's home arrived. Eva.

Sitting in the car, I saw that the direction that Pei Junlin was heading turned out to be a vast city garden. Even in the middle of the night, you can still see the magnificent huge scale and area. The garden buildings of this scale, even in Rarely abroad.

Belin couldn't help but ask Lin Xian'er, who was sitting beside him, "Xianer, what exactly is this Pei Junlin's identity, how could he live in such a luxurious and luxurious garden building? Are these all his properties?"

Lin Xianer looked at the back of Pei Junlin through the window and nodded without hesitation: "Of course! These garden buildings are all his own. Pei Junlin is the legend of the entire Jiangbei land, the entire Jiangbei land No one can compare it to the Jiangnan region. He is a myth among the younger generations of China today! "

"Myth? This is too exaggerated, mere mortals, no matter how strong it can be, where can it be!" Talisa, who rarely spoke, interrupted with arrogance and a little disdain.

"Ha ha!"

Hearing that, Lin Xianer just smiled slightly: "Mortal ?! Pei Junlin's power, can it be seen by ordinary human eyes and mortals!"

"But since he is so powerful, why can't he even receive an invitation letter from the International Financial Reception?" Eva wondered.

The International Financial Cocktail Reception is the super proud reception of all businessmen in the world. It gathers celebrities from home and abroad, and the world's richest businessman, Jia Guixun. I don't know how many businessmen are fighting for a place.

Being able to participate in such a reception is definitely an affirmation of one's own strength, and there are many large 500 companies in the world.

"International financial reception?"

Lin Xianer's expression became even more scornful: "If I tell you, Pei Junlin doesn't care about this so-called world-famous name, I wonder if you believe it?"

"Also, even if there is an invitation letter, Pei Junlin does not need to go to in person, because someone will participate in all of this instead of Pei Junlin!"

Belin was very intelligent, and when she heard that, she said, "You mean his wife ... this Pei Junlin is already married?"

Lin Xianer nodded, and the figure of Wang Ziqiong could not help but emerge in her mind. Even the woman who was so beautiful, intelligent, and imposing, could not help but feel a little embarrassed, maybe this was Pei Junlin. Reasons to love Prince Joan!

At the same time, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran have entered the depths of Pei's home garden. His appearance has naturally shocked Yuan Molong, Jackal, Xu Dong and others in the garden. After perceiving the return of Pei Junlin, these martial arts powers hiding in the depths of the garden appeared one after another, respectfully saluting each other to Pei Junlin, and shouting Mr. Pei in his mouth.

Pei's Garden is the home base of Pei Junlin at a great cost. Here he has a powerful gathering of spirits and a variety of formations, which are both offensive and defensive. It is definitely an enviable place for everyone.

Practice here for a day, far more than a few days outside, so almost all the martial arts of the Pei family scrambled to hide and practice in the formation.


As Pei Junlin smiled and chatted with these martial arts strongmen who had not seen each other for a long time, there was an enthusiastic call from the distance. Then, several figures passed through the courtyard of the courtyard and appeared in front of Pei Junlin.

"Dad! Mom! Nianci!"

When Pei Junlin saw someone coming, his heart was as strong as his, and his expression was hard to hide, and he strode up!

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