Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 219: problem!

Feeling the sudden outburst of iron blood from Li Chaoran, Pei Junlin was slightly surprised.

A Chinese cultural relic, let's not lose it!

A simple sentence brings together the obligations and responsibilities of being a Chinese soldier!

I have no regrets in this life, and I will be a Chinese in the next life!

Although Pei Junlin has always been detached from his own status, he has not forgotten his roots. In front of these foreigners, he dares to make such unbridled disorder in China, it is really plucking hair on the tiger's head, and he does not want to live!

"Relax, none of these people can run tonight!"

Pei Junlin said faintly, although his tone was indifferent, it revealed an unprecedented firmness.

"Thank you, boss!"

Li Chaoran is grateful. Although he is very confident in his own strength, he is limited in strength even if he is strong. How can he keep an eye on everyone, but with Pei Junlin's help at this moment, it is very different!

The two people who had the same opinion quickly returned to the reception. It was unexpectedly discovered that for just such a short time, the seat they had previously occupied was occupied, and Wang Ziqiong gathered at least ten men and women by their side. These people They all have charming faces, trying to get Wang Ziqiong's other eyes to treat him.

Nowadays, Junlin International is the strongest commercial dark horse that has emerged. Although the rise is short, the development speed is unparalleled, leaving countless enterprise groups behind their butts.

Now the market value has reached 100 billion. Although it can't compare with some old predators, it is also a leader in the new generation of business circles. Naturally, it will be admired by countless people and countless personalities who want to have a good relationship with it.

Seeing this, Pei Jun signaled that Li Chaoran would take a step ahead, and he took a big step, with invisible power radiating from his body, and the crowd could not help but separate a road and appeared beside the trapped prince Qiong.

"Sorry, everyone! I'll take my wife away first. If you have a need, you can first find the assistant of President Wang, she has enough rights to take care of everything for you!"

Pei Jun spoke loudly, and then when the crowd was in a daze, he stretched out and pulled Wang Ziqiong out of the seat, leaving Wang Ziyu alone to face a group of people like a wolf.

"Dead brother-in-law, smelly brother-in-law, the two of you have gone romantic, but left me here alone!"

Wang Ziyu was indignant, but he had no choice but to accept the facts.

"Junlin, let's leave Ziyu alone, isn't it?"

After leaving, Prince Qiong could not help but open his mouth and looked back at his younger sister, who was surrounded by men and women.

"In such a small battle, Ziyu can definitely handle it perfectly! Besides, the young eagle cannot always stay under the protection of the female eagle, she must learn to fly by herself!" Pei Junlin didn't care.

"Hate, who do you say is the eagle!"

The prince Qiong rarely exposed his children's gestures and secretly sniffed Pei Junlin. In fact, deep inside, she was very eager to be alone with Pei Junlin. After all, the two haven't seen each other for a long time!

"Wife, I was wrong! Wrong! You are a little fairy, a goddess of perfection!"

Pei Junlin immediately begged for mercy, and while Wang Ziqiong wasn't paying attention, she took a sip on the white jade's flawless face. Suddenly, Wang Ziqiong secretly watched as if he was a thief, only to find that nobody was paying attention to her. Breathed.

"I'm going to die for you. Before you were so arrogant and overbearing, I haven't settled with you yet, now come again ..."

Prince Qiong Qiao's face was crimson, and Jiao was unconvinced, but the tone seemed to blame, it might as well be said to be the daughter's coquettish.

"Hey, I can't help it! Who made your wife so beautiful, and we've all been apart for so long, I think ..."

"Stop, stop! Stop now!"

I found that Pei Junlin said more and more unspeakable, and was about to drive. Wang Ziqiong immediately raised his hand to surrender. A heart was like a deer, although she also thought a bit ...

Pei Junlin looked at the coquettish expression of the woman around her, and only felt full of happiness in his heart. This feeling he had never experienced in the last two lives, only that God was not thin to him!

In this life, his parents and sisters are still alive, all of them are healthy and happy, and there are such wispy wives. If anyone dares to destroy all this, even if it is Huangquan in the last nine days, he cannot escape the fury of Shura!

"Wife, I'm hungry. Let me eat something!"

Pei Junlin suddenly said, Prince Qiong readily agreed. Since the moment when Pei Junlin appeared, this strong woman who was devoted to her career suddenly felt that her career was no longer so important.

In this way, with a pair of envious eyes watching, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong were snuggling together, sometimes whispering, sometimes cleverly laughing, and unknowingly, the two went around hundreds of square meters. The venue turned around.

The reception is in a self-service mode, with a variety of high-end food, fruits, and drinks. After almost a circle, Pei Junlin has eaten and drank.

At the same time, Pei Junlin also has a general understanding of the entire venue, and only one conclusion has been reached, that is, this financial reception is really a hidden dragon.

Leaving aside everyone's identity for the time being, they are only strong men above the master level, there are at least 30 or 40 people, and the average training is all above the third master grade, and some of them have achieved amazing results. Grand master seven grades and eight grades.

Of course, all this is nothing but scum to Pei Junlin today, but Pei Junlin can't look at it all with his own eyes, but must look at it with the eyes of the public.

At the same time, his focus fell on those foreigners. As Li Chaoran said, the motivations of these foreigners are not simple. There are nearly 20 foreigners in four or five countries. Eight of them are actually all members. The awakening.

That unique energy fluctuation of the awakened person, even if it can be hidden, can hide it from ordinary people, how can it not hide Pei Junlin's powerful spirit perception, among which Pei Junlin is slightly dignified that he is on two foreigners, The perceived energy fluctuations are almost comparable to those of the innate.

What does this herald?

The answer is obvious!

Is it necessary to bring such a powerful bodyguard or **** if you simply want to participate in a financial reception?

The title of congenital strong dragon is the supreme status in Huaxia. Pei Junlin believes that awakeners of this level have a very high status abroad. Even if the financial reception is important, it is not necessary to send such a level. The top powerhouse!

From the beginning, these foreigners were probably unsettled. All financial receptions were all under the guise of those cultural relics and ancient books that were stolen.

However, the only thing that puzzled Pei Junlin now is that there are too many awakened people in the foreigner, and he can't be sure that the group of people stole those cultural relics and ancient books.

Pei Junlin looked down and thought that it was necessary to inform Li Chaoran and Lin Zhanlong of this news. Now he asked Wang Ziqiong to wait for a while, and then took the opportunity to go to the bathroom to bring Li Chaoran and Lin Zhanlong together.

When hearing the news broke out by Pei Junlin, both Li Chaoran and Lin Zhanlong were taken aback, their faces revealed an unprecedented severity.

Both of them knew Pei Junlin very well, knowing that the strength and horror of each other were far from what they can compare today, so they had no doubt.

"Damn, these **** aliens!"

Li Chaoran yelled angrily: "Lao Tzu has long thought that their purpose is definitely not simple, and it is so! I will call the above now, and send more people to come, and all of them will be cooked!"

"Little brother, absolutely!"

Seeing Li Chaoran directly using the communicator on his wrist, although Lin Zhanlong still didn't know the specific identity of Li Chaoran, he immediately blocked it. His expression was as serious as never before: "It is possible to report to the upper level, but it is absolutely impossible!"

"This incident is completely beyond our personal control. If there is an accident, it will be a major international event! Not only will it hurt our Chinese power, but it will also be very detrimental to foreign relations. After all, we ca n’t determine which aspect of the people are now Stealing cultural relics and ancient books! "

"There is no direct evidence, and if something goes wrong, this responsibility is too great!"

Lin Zhanlong pointed directly at the serious points and key points of the problem.

"So what do we do now?"

Li Chaoran was anxious: "After the tonight these foreigners will all go back, can we just watch it like this?"

At this moment, the atmosphere is extremely solemn, and even Pei Junlin feels a bit tricky. After all, the objects involved in this world are special ~ ~ It is really a big trouble to make it difficult.

But just watching these thieves chic outside, as Chinese people, how can they be willing?

"Now we can only pin our hopes on the top, hoping that they can find clues on the clues left on the battlefield, and thus have a new breakthrough!"

After a long silence, Lin Zhanlong spoke.

"And all we can do now is to mobilize everyone as much as possible to maintain the peace of this meeting, and at the same time, arrange the entire network of the magical network and monitor everything closely! I don't believe that these foreigners will really be a **** magic. Can these cultural relics and ancient books be changed out of thin air! "

After speaking, Lin Zhanlong took out a special military communication device and began to make calls. It was related to the dignity of the country and precious cultural relics and ancient books. One of his calls went down and immediately shocked the national power of the magic city. Countless people went forward and continued throughout the magic city. All began to lay out the large net of Tianluodi.

At this time, Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran accompanied each other and returned to the reception.

The two talents just entered the venue, and suddenly, their eyes were fixed at the same time, and they saw that somewhere in the venue, the beautiful and peerless Prince Qiong was being surrounded by several foreign men and women.

If this is the case, Pei Junlin clearly sees that the master Kuhn Bruce from Italy made some ambiguous actions on Wang Ziqiong from time to time, and the foreign men and women around him not only did not prevent the situation but instead Drinking, laughing, laughing and joking as if to help.

A sudden chill erupted suddenly from Pei Junlin, striding forward!

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