Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 220: domineering

The luxurious and splendid cocktail party proceeded smoothly. In the banquet hall of the 68th floor of Jinmao Building, covering an area of ​​several hundred square meters, a well-dressed or beautiful man and woman were whispering and holding elegant red wine glasses. Graceful and luxurious, calm and easy-going.

At first glance, there is a scene of aristocratic clouds, a gathering place of high society and celebrities.

However, only real savvy people know that the darker and harder to describe the darker the crowd is, the more invisible they are, and sometimes even the lower-level civilians are inferior.

Sincerity, simplicity, and kindness ... these words have long been completely away from these people, and the education they received since childhood was all kinds of conspiracy.

The various hidden activities in the high society, every time they are exposed, will cause a series of scandals. I don't know how many celebrities and noble children are eating, drinking, and having fun.

And in ancient history, the growth of any wealthy family can not be separated from the blood and rain. The more powerful the wealth, the more bones will accumulate under your feet.

At the corner of the reception, Wang Ziqiong was surrounded by several foreign men and women. The identity of these men and women is extraordinary. They are one of the objects climbed by countless people at the reception. Behind them are huge identity backs. They Some came from Michigan, some came from Great Britain, and some came from Italy.

Therefore, even if Wang Ziqiong is in his current status, facing these people, he can only welcome each other with a smile, especially Master Bruce Kuhn of the Bruce family from Italy, which is also an important object for Wang Ziqiong's intention to cooperate this time. Long before, the two sides have met on video.

The reception was an important key point in determining the final contract. Even if it was long felt that Master Kuhn of the Bruce family had no plans, Wang Ziqiong could only resist the disgust in his heart. The body avoided the invasion of the opponent without any trace.

This may be the weakness of women, especially women in beautiful mixed shopping malls. Almost everyone inevitably encounters similar experiences.

After all, this cooperation is also of great significance to Junlin International!

"Dear King, you are so beautiful, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in this country!"

Master Kuhn from Italy did not hesitate the words of praise and admiration. The foreign men from various countries next to him looked amazed at Wang Ziqiong. After all, Wang Ziqiong was so beautiful Peerless looks are really beautiful!

It is a pity that such a beautiful and peerless woman was taken the lead by the Bruce family from Italy and was also an important partner of Wang Ziqiong, which made many foreign men extremely sorry.

Wang Ziqiong just smiled a little at this, and the smile that made the whole world amazing once again everyone!

Master Kuhn became more and more enthusiastic, only to think that he was alive in his life, and that all the women he had played with were not enough for a woman's hair.

"Dear King, I just discovered that there are still a few shortcomings in the contract we are negotiating. There are a lot of elegant rooms at the reception, or should we enter them and discuss them carefully ?!"

Master Kuhn suggested that he saw Prince Joan's face hesitate, and quickly turned his eyes, hitting the railroad while he was hot: "Relax, as long as you make up for these contract defects, this contract will be completely fine!"

Wang Ziqiong wondered: "But I don't think there are any flaws in our contract. Or, Master Kuhn will give pointers here or two. If there is a problem, I will let someone modify it right away?"

The smile on Master Kuhn's face suddenly disappeared, and he looked seriously at the prince Joan in front of him, and said lightly: "Miss Wang, your attitude makes me very doubtful about the sincerity of your cooperation this time! You know, I am Bruce The family is the leading luxury manufacturer in Italy as a whole. There are many, many people willing to cooperate with our family. Some even bid far more than Miss Wang! "

"But I am still under tremendous pressure. I chose Miss Wang. You are all smart people, so you don't need to understand too much, right?"

This was almost a threat from Chi Guoguo. Looking at the undisguised desire deep in the eyes of Master Kuhn in front of him, Wang Ziqiong's cheeky face immediately changed, and his anger was agitated!

What kind of aristocracy is this? It's even more hooligan than hooligan, it's a wolf in sheep's clothing!

Several people from other countries around him saw this, and pretending to be like they didn't hear each other, clinking glasses and drinking each other.

This situation is a common occurrence for any of them, and any one has already experienced it and does not want to experience it.

Suddenly, at this moment, they noticed that a man with a chill all over came in the distance, and the faces of several foreign men and women changed when they saw the appearance of the people, because they recognized that the person was there before. At the entrance of the red carpet, the man who kissed Prince Joan arrogantly.

Someone was just about to remind Kuhn Bruce, but it was too late. The man exuding chills all over his body, like a sharp knife, staggered into the middle of Master Kuhn and Prince Joan.

Under that powerful impact, Master Kuhn, who was caught by surprise, slammed into the body, almost fell to the ground, and couldn't help anger: "Who ?! Which blind **** ..."

"It's your grandpa!"

The cold and bitter sound came to his ears. As soon as Master Kuhn looked up, he saw a pair of dull eyes. The coldness in those eyes made him look like he was falling into an ice cellar, only to feel that he had become One of the humblest bugs.

This feeling made Master Kuhn extremely annoyed, and with the movement of his thoughts, there was a special energy movement in his body, only to find that it was a lot easier, and then he finally saw clearly the appearance of Pei Junlin.

"It's you!!!"

It's almost the same as Pei Junlin. When Pei Junlin investigated him, Master Kuhn also promptly investigated the identity of Pei Junlin, but the results of the investigation were very difficult for him to accept.

In his mind, Prince Joan, who always believed that the most perfect goddess existed, was already married, and the man he married was the young man in front of him.

"Foreign guy, you are really concealed. This is the first time I have appeared. You can recognize me at a glance!"

Pei Junlin sneered, and the domineering and fierce blooming on his body did not care about the identity of the so-called Bruce family.

Next to him, Wang Ziqiong found that after Pei Junlin suddenly descended from heaven, he obediently didn't say any more words, but leaned on Pei Junlin's shoulders like a little woman.

The abnormal situation that happened here soon attracted the attention of everyone around you. Everyone was fascinated. It seemed completely unexpected that there would still be trouble at this high-level reception tonight, and the target was actually a few A distinguished foreign friend.


Suddenly, at this moment, there were two figures rushing in the distance, using the most standard Italian language, appearing beside Master Kuhn Bruce, full of vigilance. They are Master Kuhn's bodyguards. Everyone ’s body Du faintly exudes a domineering breath, and the look towards Pei Junlin is full of hostility.

Master Kuhn moved his sore shoulder, a handsome face filled with yin, his gaze fell on Wang Ziqiong's face, and his voice was somber: "Ms. Wang, is this your sincerity for cooperation?"

"Your husband bumped into my honorable Bruce child for no reason. You not only did not have any apology, but you were silent and indulgent. I think it is necessary to reconsider the intention of cooperation!"


The threat of Chi Guoguo, Master Kuhn only felt that he had grasped the lifeline of Prince Qiong, with a tone of unprecedented pride. For those of them who have such a distinguished status, one word and one attitude is enough to affect a family or group. Destiny, its effects, even far exceeded the force of some of the world's top powerhouses.

However, what was unexpected was that Prince Joan, who was desperately trying to cooperate with the Bruce family, was at an unusually calm at this moment, and the word was only light: "Since Master Kuhn has no intention to cooperate, then our agreement is void!

"The Bruce family does not lack me as a collaborator of Junlin International. Similarly, as a corporate representative of China, Junlin International is not inferior to a collaborator like the Bruce family!"

"In this world, there are many luxury brands, not only Italian countries, but brands owned by other countries! They are also very famous!"

"Oh, right?"

Master Kuhn heard the anger and could n’t help but smiled. The smile carried a high level of arrogance and ridicule: "If I tell you that you rejected my Bruce family today, then no matter which country you choose in the future, As long as you enter the world of luxury goods, you will always be restrained everywhere, I wonder if Miss Wang will still have the confidence that she has today? "

"I don't think it is a wise decision for you to offend a heir of a noble family like my Bruce today in order to defend your husband ?!"

"And according to my investigation, your so-called husband is actually exactly one ... Well, in your Huaxia words, it is an 'embroidered pillow', except for its appearance, it is useless in other places, it is completely a waste!"

At this moment, there are more and more people gathered around. When everyone saw that the object of the dispute was the famous King Lin International and the Bruce family from Italy, they all showed strong curiosity and listened quietly one by one. Do not interfere.

This is definitely two behemoths fighting at ~ If someone else doesn't have real strength and inserts it arrogantly, I am afraid it will be torn into residue directly, and even a splash cannot splash.

When I heard Kuhn Bruce was arrogant and full of insulting words, many people present showed anger. Although the identity of the Bruce family was amazing enough, it attracted countless people to go to worship. Before that, the first thing I thought of was that I was still a Chinese person!

As a Chinese, seeing a foreigner so insulting his fellow citizens, how can he be different from his enemies? !!

Some people with strong bloodiness could not help anger burning and rolled up their sleeves, but soon these people's actions were quickly stopped by those around them, with coldness and thick gloats on their faces, quietly pointing The figure with Pei Junlin whispered to the friends around him: "What are you doing ?!"

"I can't stand it anymore. This foreigner is so **** aggressive, I really want to go up and give the goods two earscrapers!"

"Why are you in a hurry! Without us, someone will naturally clean up that foreigner!"

"What do you mean ?!"

"Did you not recognize who was targeted by that foreigner?"

"Prince Joan!"

"You stupid pig, I'm talking about the man standing next to Wang Ziqiong, but that's the famous Pei Junlin! He also has a name called Pei Shura!"


The little friend was so scared that he almost bit his tongue, his face gazed!

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