Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 236: Modu 1 flow children

The panicked woman was not someone else, but it was his young aunt Wang Ziyu!

Earlier when calling, Pei Junlin heard that the place where Wang Ziyu answered the phone seemed to be a nightclub. At that time, he didn't care. After all, Wang Ziyu had grown up and had his favorite circle and friends.

Unexpectedly, I met here at the moment, and in this case ...

Anger at this moment, the unprecedented frenzy condensed, without any warning, Pei Junlin directly picked up a cup on the table, and in the crackling sound, the crystal glass directly turned into a pile of fragments, and then Pei Junlin waved in his hand. The glass shards in his hand turned into a sharp hidden weapon, with a piercing sound, and shot at the dog legs with several teeth and claws below!

Below, several bodyguards in black were chasing after the prince Yu Yu who was running away. Suddenly, the screams burst into one piece. The bodyguards were splashing with blood, as if they were shot. They looked pained. On the ground, there were screams.

The sudden scene scared the people around the bar. Everyone was unaware. So I watched four or five black bodyguards who suddenly fell to the ground until ... these bodyguards had scarlet blood flowing on the ground. These bodyguards are inlaid with pieces of glass stained with blood!

what! !! !!

Some timid women have been so scared they can't help screaming, hiding far away, and many men are also pale, but as for Wang Ziyu, who had closed her eyes in front and was waiting to be caught, the whole person She froze, and then she looked like she thought of something.

Unfortunately, the environment in the bar was too dark, and she couldn't find out who was helping her.

In fact, it ’s not just Wang Ziyu, many people in the bar are looking around. After all, the pieces of glass inlaid on the black bodyguards that fell to the ground are so eye-catching. At first glance, someone secretly helped Wang Ziyu, but Who it is is impossible to tell.

In the whole bar, except for the person at Pei Junlin's table, no one knew who had just shot it.

Seeing Pei Junlin crushing a crystal glass with a thickness of one centimeter at hand, and struck four or five fierce and unusual bodyguards under his fingertips, besides Li Chaoran on the table, the other three men and two women all had bright eyes.

Especially the **** and charming little Yaoyao, looking at Pei Junlin is even brighter. Just as Li Chaoran said just now, as long as the bun is waving well, there is no corner that cannot be dug!

After marriage, the man is more mature and attractive, and knows how to hurt people!

"Who? Which friend shot in secret and has the ability to stand up!"

Just then, an angry roar rang out in the chaotic hall below, and the voice didn't fall. I saw a tall, sturdy man out of a saloon near the corner.

The man was in his thirties, and his body was unusually wild. His muscles were like rocks, like a wild wolf, full of heart-warming breath.

With the appearance of this man, the atmosphere in the bar hall was short-lived, and then many people took a breath of air, and some people couldn't help but exclaim.

"Wolf Lord! It turned out to be Wolf Lord!"

"I'm afraid there's fun to watch this time, but I didn't expect it to be the ruthless wolf man!"

"This man is a ruthless man who is famous in the entire underground city of the magic city. Whoever follows him will definitely be a bad ending!"

Wolf Lord, that is, a wild man with a wolf-like atmosphere, the real name is rarely known, but in the entire underground city of the magic city is very famous, a member of the magic city Donghua Group.

The Donghua Group, formerly known as the Donghua Gang of Megatron ’s entire magic capital, has covered nearly a quarter of the underground city of the magic capital. However, since the reform and opening up, the country has gone to great lengths to eliminate evil, and the Donghua Gang changed its shape and became Donghua Group.

The more prosperous the place, the darker it becomes, full of unimaginable collusion of interests. This Donghua Group is one of them. The main work of this group is in money-laundering, gambling, and protection fees. .

Unexpectedly today, Lord Wolf would appear in the bar on the Bund.

The moment the wolfman's roar fell, the lively bar was silent, everyone was silent, with awe.

"What? Friends hiding in the dark, do you have the ability to hurt me, but you haven't the courage to stand up and show the true face for everyone to see?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was dead and no one answered, the breath on Wolf was becoming more and more violent. In his opinion, it was obvious that the man who secretly shot was afraid of his strength and status, so he did not dare to show up.

"Well, I haven't been here for a few years. I can't imagine that today's demons have fallen to such a point. A small slapstick stuff is so prestigious, old black, little gold, and crazy. What an eye-opener! "

Just as the so-called Wolf Lord below kept clamoring, on the second floor, Li Chao suddenly laughed softly, and there was a hint of anger in his smile, because he also recognized the panicked Prince Yu below.

Without Pei Junlin speaking, Li Chaoran could not bear the anger in his heart, playing with the wine glass in his hand, his eyes contained thick Yin Yin, glanced at the three men sitting opposite.

Li Chaoran's ridiculous words counted down, and the three men sitting opposite each other could not help showing a touch of shame.

"The three of you, one is the newly-appointed Captain of the Interpol Team of the Modu Police Station, the father is the chief of the police station, and the other is the Secretary-General of the No. 2 Town Hall. Behind him is the famous King of the Magic City. Group, there is another person who is even more excessive, the youngest deputy director of the Land and Resources Bureau ... "

"Oh, by the way! There are Zhong Ling and Xiao Yaoyao. Behind your two young ladies, one is the deputy mayor's dad, and the other is the director of the Urban Construction Bureau. You have such great power. Is it for wiping the butt! "

Li Chaoran's unrelenting count of the three men and two women in front of him is just like an adult scolding a child, but these first-class children are enough to run rampant throughout the devil. He is a fart and dare not put one.

This made Pei Jun, who was originally indifferent and angry, slightly differentiated. On the one hand, he was surprised at the identity background of these young men and women. He already noticed these three men and two women at the first sight. The background of the person's identity is extraordinary. I did not expect that the power behind it was so strong.

On the other hand, Pei Junlin was secretly surprised at Li Chaoran's identity. This cynical young man who has always been behind his buttocks, although he was a little scornful, was otherwise very good, very bloody, and excellent in qualifications.

Li Chaoran didn't tell Pei Junlin his identity background, and Pei Junlin never took the initiative to ask, but from Li Chaorong's father Li Xiurong's identity as the master of the distribution of the Yanhuang organization of the Transverse Mountains, it is enough to prove that Li Chaoran has a strong identity background.

At this moment, this scene is a complete proof of his conjecture!

Li Chaoran was so relentlessly reprimanded. Among the people sitting opposite him, the young man with dark skin, strong body and clear muscles couldn't bear it first. He is the old black, and is now the Interpol of the Modu Police Station. Captain of the team.

Dad is the leader of the police station. He has a strong background and will have unlimited achievements in the future.

"Fuck, I'm going to pack that **** below!"

The old black anger burned, and if he had a sense of absentness, he was also a warrior, but his strength was not strong, only in the dark mid-term, but these strengths were already regarded as top special forces.

"I am going too!"

Wearing gold-lined eyes, Xiao Jin, who is the Secretary-General of City Hall No. 2, stroked his glasses up and said.

"You two are both gone. How can you be without me?"

The youngest deputy director of land and resources, Diao Erlang, laughed.

Between the words, the three male brothers who were enough to run through the entire demon stood up from their seats and walked downstairs.

"The girl downstairs is my sister!"

Li Chaoran suddenly opened his mouth, and the old black, little gold, and lunatic who had already made footsteps stagnated at the same time, followed by a look on his face, and strode away.

"Boss, don't worry! Sister Ziyu will be fine!"

When the three of them left, Li Chaoran immediately smiled and smiled at Pei Junlin.

What happened next was Pei Junlin's young aunt Wang Ziyu. If there was any accident, it would be like slap in the face. Li Chaoran really could not afford to lose face.

Even if his power is not in this magic city, but in Kyoto, which is thousands of miles away ...

Pei Junlin nodded slightly, then suddenly said: "Aloof, have you heard about the bidding for the Magic City?"

Li Chaoran nodded: "I have heard it occasionally, but I didn't care ~ ~ What's wrong?"

After a bit of groaning, Pei Junlin said, "It's no big deal, even your sister-in-law wants to participate in the bidding, but I heard that the opponent is very strong. If you are capable, you can help ..."

"Well, I thought it was a big deal, it scared me!"

Before waiting for Pei Junlin to finish speaking, Li Chaoran shouted, and then patted his chest to assure: "Boss, you can take a hundred hearts, this little thing is on me!"

Just as the two talked, in the downstairs hall, the three men, Lao Hei, Xiao Jin, and Maniac, had already walked towards the angry Wolf Lord. Seeing that no one had appeared, the wildness of the Wolf Lord became more mad, and the spitting stars scattered. Loud abusive.

Suddenly, a slamming sound and a clear slap sound rang through the bar lobby, blinding the whole wolf man directly, staring at the three men who suddenly appeared in front of him.


The wolf Lord saw the appearance of the coming man clearly, his wild eyes suddenly bulged outward, and he was surprised!

As a character in the underground world, how could he not know the famous Interpol Captain Heihu, when he was about to speak, his stomach was suddenly hit with a severe blow, and his footsteps slammed, falling to the ground with pain in his face. Color.

The sudden change directly made the original crowd in the bar look at the lively crowd again, do not understand where the three young people who appeared suddenly are sacred, even dare to face the famous wolf grandfather!

PS: I wish all goddesses a happy holiday!

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