Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 237: Congenital poison body (on)

But what everyone didn't expect was that at the moment that Lord Wolf fell to the ground, the Black Tiger not only did not stop, but showed a cruel color on the face that was completely opposite to the thick and thick face. It's so hard to step down!

boom! boom! boom!

Each foot was heavily sinking, and Wolf Lord, who had stepped directly on the ground, couldn't help shrinking into a shrimp shape, reaching out to protect his body, but the Wolf Lord was also hard-hearted, and was hit like this with a bang. Nope.

But the black tiger is getting more and more angry. Tonight, he is really a big loser in front of Li Chaoran. All this is caused by this short-sighted thing, especially when Li Chaoran said that the wolf Grandpa bullied turned out to be one of his sisters, which made the black tiger and others even more disturbed.

In less than two minutes, the wolf Lord on the ground was covered with blood by the black tiger, and the bones did not know how many were broken.

"Apologize! Apologize to this lady right away!"

The black tiger stood up straight, wiping the blood on his fist with a napkin, and his voice was cold like a thousand years of ice.

Collapsed on the ground, the immature wolf grandfather opened his eyes weakly, don't look at what he is the famous wolf grandfather in the underground world, but that is just for ordinary people, and he has the power and power to face the black tiger. When the first-class male brother is expensive and unspeakable, he is just like a slave.

In particular, the identity of the Black Tiger is the captain of the Devil Interpol. He was born to restrain them from the existence of a gray force in the underground world. He conceded that Wolf was even stronger than the Black Tiger, but still did not dare to have any idea of ​​fighting back.

This is the terrible place of power. Unless a person is trained to marshal the master or even become the supreme innate power, the characters in the gray area will always be inferior to the first-class children such as Black Tiger.

Among the crowd, Wang Ziyu, who was originally panic-stricken, heard the words of Black Tiger and was stunned again. She vowed not to know the three Black Tigers at all, but why did the other party help her?

There was someone who secretly shot and injured those wolf-like tiger bodyguards. Everything tonight made Wang Ziyu ’s heart seem to be riding a roller coaster. The only thing she can be sure of is that someone is actually helping her secretly, but who is it? How about it? Wang Ziyu is not sure!

With a pair of unbelievable gazes, the **** wolf man was beaten all over his body, looked up weakly, looked at Wang Ziyu's direction, and apologized, "I'm sorry!"

"Nima, cry a little louder! Where did you go to bully the lady?"

The black tiger was furious and stepped on one foot again. When this foot fell, Wolf could not help humming, and there was scarlet blood from the corner of his mouth, which directly suffered internal injuries.

"Black tiger!"

At this moment, a voice containing obvious anger suddenly came, and saw that in an elegant seat near the corner, finally someone could not help but stand up.

This is a middle-aged man full of aggression, aggression, a slim body of 1.8 meters, and the slightly dim environment of the bar at this moment, which makes him shrouded in a shadow.

Around this middle-aged man, there were also several men and women who were also wrapped in the shadows, full of mystery.

"You guys also hit and scolded, so did this apology, what else?"

The middle-aged man stepped forward and stood opposite the black tiger.

When we saw this man full of aggression, the people in the quiet bar couldn't help but talk about the identity of the people.

Suddenly, someone seemed to think of something and suddenly exclaimed, "Donghua Group, Hua Wuye ?!"

As soon as this word fell, it seemed like a deep water * exploded in deep water for a moment, setting off a shocking wave, and many people's faces completely changed.

If the Wolf Lord was just a tough general who feared ordinary people, then this five grandpa is a real lion. Don't look at him now, he seems to be in his forties, but his real age may already be Reaching fifties.

This is one of the big men who rose up in Shencheng Modu 30 years ago, and one of the real powerful men in Donghua Group. The whole mobo is a well-known big man in the underground world. No one knows no one knows.

I really didn't expect that in such a small bar tonight, there would be a big man like Hua Wuye. According to rumors, this bar on the Bund No. 7 is an industry under the name of Donghua Group. It seems almost true!

"Aloof, do you understand this Donghua Group?"

Somewhere on the second floor, Pei Junlin looked down at the relative situation below, and suddenly asked, his eyes drifted unintentionally through the dark corner where Hua Wuye came out. Somehow, his powerful spirit always felt that corner. In the shadow, there was a breath that made him very uncomfortable, like a poisonous snake hidden in the abyss.

People who can make Pei Junlin such a powerful practitioner can have this uncomfortable feeling. It can be seen that the people there are definitely not ordinary people.

Li Chaoran groaned for a moment, and when he was about to speak, suddenly, a crisp and sweet voice sounded.

"The Donghua Group's predecessor was the Donghua Gang of the early demons, but now it's just a layer of skin!"

"The main benefit of this group comes from various channels such as money laundering, gambling, bars, and protection fees. It is definitely one of the biggest maggots in the magic city, but this group is very cunning, it is very secretive and it works with some people. The relationship is inextricably linked, and the country has made several large-scale deployments, and no direct evidence has been found! "

It was the dignified and elegant woman named Zhong Ling who spoke. Her father was the deputy mayor who was famous for his magic capital. He was definitely a first-rate child and had a distinguished background.

Pei Junlin nodded in understanding. When he was about to speak, he suddenly noticed that a pair of cold eyes in the dark corner below lifted up and fell on him.

It was a pair of eyes completely unlike human beings, lonely without any emotional fluctuations, really like the cold abyss poisonous snake.

The eyes of the two sides collided in mid-air, and then those eyes closed back. Pei Junlin could be sure that the uncomfortable feeling came from the owner of the eyes, and the other side's cultivation was very strong.

"This Donghua Group seems far from simple on the surface!"

Pei Junlin muttered to himself, the person who can make him feel uncomfortable, the last time is the existence of innate or real people, neither of these should not be a casual person in the world, but nowadays But it appeared here, and it was clear that something was weird.

At this time, Pei Junlin suddenly saw that several men and women sitting in the shadows stood up, walked together, and left the bar.

And just when these people left the bar, the five grandfather Hua who was fighting against the black tiger also hurried a few words, leaving the injured wolf grandfather to leave quickly.

A small-scale battle ended so hastily. In a word, weirdness was revealed everywhere.

After the incident was over, Pei Junlin let people call Wang Ziyu up.

"Brother-in-law, it's you?"

When seeing Pei Jun sitting on the second floor, Wang Ziyu was originally uneasy, his heart full of doubts opened up instantly, and surprise came.

Pei Junlin quickly and seriously scolded: "Ziyu, I ask you a few questions, you must answer them seriously!"

Although Wang Ziyu didn't understand what was happening, she nodded quickly and looked like you asked casually.

"First, how did you appear here tonight?" Pei Junlin asked.

Wang Ziyu replied quickly: "Of course you are here to play! You are not unaware of your elder sister, and you have no fun at all. In addition, the company has encountered problems recently, let alone ... and you are not Take care of me, I have no choice but to come out and play alone in this magic city! "

Pei Junlin drew a little from the corner of his mouth, and then asked again: "So what did you just scream?"

Hearing Pei Junlin asking about this, Wang Ziyu Qiao's face was angry: "The ghost knows it! I sat in the corner drinking well, and suddenly I found a pair of disgusting eyes staring at me!"

"Brother, don't you know, that person's eyes are very scary, just like a poisonous snake. I was shocked. When I was about to leave, the neurosis did not let me go, and said that I was a very rare congenital poison. Body, only one month left to live! "

"Then he asked me to accompany me to drink, and said that only he can save this congenital poison in this world, so that I can be blessed by misfortune and become a peerless master from now on!"

"What do you say they are not neuropathy? Of course I disagree. I just scratched a person's face and turned and ran!"

Wang Ziyu Su Xuyu finished talking ~ ~ Suddenly found that Pei Junlin's gaze was staring at his body, motionless, wandering, he couldn't help coming forward and shaking his pink hand: "Brother! Brother-in-law! Did you listen to me! "

Pei Jun came back and grabbed Wang Ziyu's little hand, his face became extremely serious, gloomy and scary, and Shen said, "Let's go back to the hotel!"

After all, Wang Ziyu didn't wait for her to answer, and she had left the room in great stride, leaving only a group of people who looked at each other.

"Brother, what's wrong with Brother Pei? What congenital poisonous body, how do I feel like listening to fantasy novels!" Xiao Jin looked surprised.

Li Chaoran shook his head blankly. His knowledge was also good, but he had never heard of the name, but judging from Pei Jun's over-excited reaction, the congenital poison seemed to be very serious.

Besides Pei Junlin and Wang Ziyu, after leaving the bar, Pei Junlin quickly drove back to the hotel where he lived.

Along the way, the crazy speed scared Wang Ziyu's screaming. When she returned to the hotel door, her face turned pale, but looking at Pei Junlin's unusually serious face, she could only endure it. live.

Wang Ziyu rarely saw Pei Junlin as gloomy as water. Even when facing the enemies of Pei family in Jiangbei that day, there was no thunder cloud rolling.

Pei Junlin was so abnormal that he couldn't help making Prince Yufang's heart gradually upset, and began to think about the scenes in the bar before, his heartbeat began to accelerate.

Could she really ...

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