Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 240: Strength again

Pei Junlin in the hotel naturally didn't know all of this, of course, even if he knew it, it didn't matter, because at this moment all his mind was on the spar in front of him.

Almost without hesitation, Pei Junlin's hands rested on the mountain spar, and the Jiuzhuan Nine Gong of hunger and thirst in the body for many days seemed like an old hungry wolf who had been trapped for many years and encountered delicious food. Furiously rushed up and opened a big bite.

A mysterious air flow poured into Pei Junlin's limbs and bones. Under this air flow, the breath of Pei Junlin's whole body began to change again. The mana in his body seemed to be a thunderstorm, and the roar was endless.

I do n’t know how long, after the mountain spar placed on the table completely lost all its energy, Pei Junlin opened his eyes slowly, and two horrible vertical lights were sprayed out of a pair of painted black eyes. Disperse.

With a little regret on one of his faces, it was like a person who had only eaten eight full and had almost never eaten.

It's really only a little bit. If there is another similar spar, then the Nine Turns of Nether Gong can break through to the third. At that level, Pei Junlin's practice will double again and become a complete one. Famous land fairy, has the power to activate magical powers!

The third weight of the Ninth Turn Nether Gong is equal to the Jindan level of the practitioner!

What is Jin Dan?

From ancient times to the present, the ultimate practice of secular martial arts is also the god-level power of martial arts today!

As soon as Jin Dan came out, who was fighting!

Feeling the majestic sense of strength in his body, Pei Junlin felt that at this moment, even if the innate Jiupin is here, he has no fear, unless there is a legendary god-level strong appearing!

But soon, he thought of the young aunt Wang Ziyu, who was troubled by the congenital poison, the joy brought by the improvement of his strength immediately dissipated and replaced with anxiety.

For meditation, Pei Junlin could only say hello to Wang Ziqiong, and put everything into a space ring, leaving the hotel.

He needed to find a quiet environment to refine the elixir for Miss Belin to treat extreme cold.

Almost an hour later, on the Huangpu River, where Modu is best known, Pei Junlin appeared on a luxurious cruise ship. He contracted the entire cruise ship for alchemy alone.

At the same time, it can be considered to relax yourself, Wang Ziyu's congenital poison caused him a lot of trouble.

In this way, a flash of time is a week later, and this day has reached an agreed date with Miss Belin.

On the cruise ship, Miss Belin, Master Ori, Talisa, Talna and Eva were all present.

In a luxurious room on the top of the cruise ship, Miss Belin was quietly lying on a soft big bed, surrounded by people, all looking forward to Pei Junlin's next treatment.

Success or failure, today is a crucial day!

"Miss Belin, I will release all the cold in your body with gold needles later. I am afraid this process is a bit painful. You have to hold on!"

Pei Junlin stood in front of Miss Belian, looking extremely serious.

"Then I will give you the elixir that I have refined, and then use the gold needle to guide the medicine to completely expel the chill in your body. The whole process takes about two hours."

Miss Belin nodded. "I can! Come on Mr. Pei!"

Pei Junlin no longer hesitated, and he waved the gold needles on the table next to him in a sudden volley, and the thin gold needles trembled and filled with Pei Junlin's unique magical power and the gloomy fire.

The faint golden needle, at this moment, exudes a sharp edge that belongs to the peerless sword.

That breath made Master Ou Li, Talisa, Talna and others standing back watching scared. They seemed to have never seen Pei Junlin's strength.

Then, with a pair of tense gazes, Pei Junlin acted like a flashlight, quickly inserting gold needles into the major points such as Miss Belin's chest and Dantian.

Huh! !!

It seems that the tire was punctured by a sharp needle. When these gold needles pierced into the big hole, Miss Bellen, who had no abnormalities, suddenly began to release a cold chill, and saw the point of the acupuncture point where the gold needle penetrated. Every eruption erupted like a substantial mist.

As soon as this mist appeared, the temperature in the original warm room suddenly dropped sharply, which was several times greater than that of air conditioners. The glass of the window in the blink of an eye was covered with a thick layer of hoarfrost.

In this scene, everyone in the back was stunned, and it was hard to imagine that such an amazing chill would come out of a person's body. This is fine if it is the awakening of the ice system, but Miss Belin is an ordinary person!

At the same time, at the moment when these amazing chills emanated, Miss Belian, who was lying on the bed, suddenly showed an extremely painful look. The temperature of the entire body was extremely reduced, her face was bruised, her body was trembling, and her throat was more It was a painful roar like a beast.

Fortunately, Pei Junlin has controlled the other person's whole body with gold needles. Seeing that the cold in Miss Belle's body has been completely released, and the temperature in the room is getting lower and lower, Pei Junlin directly took out the Dan that had been successfully refined from the space ring. The medicine, the tongue thundered, and thunder screamed, "Open your mouth!"

This included the wrath of the blow of the spirit, which made Miss Belian's painful consciousness temporarily awakened. Pei Junlin directly blasted the elixir into the opponent's mouth and ordered to swallow it.

Immediately after the elixir entered the body, a hot energy opposite to the cold erupted like a volcano, and a fierce battle began with the chill in the body.

Even the person standing in the room can clearly see that Miss Belian lying on the bed presents a trend of polarization. The chest and Dantian in the center are reddish in color, just like the hot sun, but in other parts of the body. , It is covered with frost.

The fire and cold are two diametrically opposite energies. With Miss Belian's body as the battlefield, you can't make a difference between you and you.

Among them, the most painful torture is Miss Belian. Fortunately, Pei Junlin has already used gold needles to control the action. Otherwise, at this moment, Miss Belian may have been tortured crazy!

At this moment, Pei Junlin's fingers again added a few dazzling gold needles, which were inserted into the major acupoints of Miss Belian's body at an unbeatable speed and accuracy.

It ’s also amazing. Whenever Pei Junlin ’s gold needle falls, the intensity of the flame in the body soars by one point. The gold needle is like a famous tyrant who acts as a vanguard in the battlefield. Everyone passes by, leading the army, troop Captured cities.

Time passed by one minute and one second. Gradually, those amazing chills were gradually forced out of the body. At this moment, the temperature in the room had reached a kind of amazing coldness, and it formed on the walls, on the glass, and on the ground. Thick layer of ice.

Fortunately, none of the people standing here are ordinary people, otherwise they would not be able to bear it anymore, and then seeing the amazing cold that was constantly being forced out of the body, Master Ou Li, Talisa, Talna and others all showed up. Hard to suppress surprises.

Finally, I don't know how long it took. After Miss Belle's last chill was forced out of her body, Pei Junlin finally closed her hands and switched to a gentle method. She closed the acupuncture points with gold needles and finally stood up.

At this moment, his face became extremely pale and sweaty, and it seemed that this shot consumed a lot of energy.

"Fortunately, Miss Belian was saved!"

Pei Junlin grinned ‘weak’ and smiled at the people behind him, then sat down on the chair with one buttock, panting heavily.

At the moment of hearing the final result, Master Ou Li and others were so excited that they constantly thanked Pei Junlin and praised Pei Junlin as a contemporary sacred hand. The Chinese medicine acupuncture method of Huaxia Kingdom is profound and profound.

Then, as per Pei Junlin's order, the crowd transferred Miss Belian, who had fallen asleep, to the room.

When the night came, Miss Belin opened her eyes. Although she was extremely weak, she was so excited that everyone stepped forward to check it. The result was the extremely cold illness that had troubled Miss Belin for many years. Disappeared!

Feeling the long-lost warm body temperature, Miss Belin was also very excited and thanked Pei Junlin all the time.

In this regard, Pei Junlin just waved his hands lightly, bluntly that the O'Brien family, as long as it is performed in accordance with the agreement, is the best return.

But Miss Belian's life can be compared in a single cooperation. Master Ou Li directly gave Pei Junlin a card with 10 million in it, which is another reward.

Pei Junlin simply refused, turned around and left, and soon disappeared into the night, leaving only a group of dazed O'Briens.

"Sister, I think this guy named Pei Junlin is actually pretty good. Does the family really disagree with this cooperation?"

Seeing the back of Pei Junlin leaving, Master Ou Li suddenly said.

Miss Belian lying on the bed, although she was very weak, her pair of royal blue eyes sparkled.

"I've tried my best, but you don't know the stubbornness of the old guys at home ~ ~ They said that the Huaxia Kingdom, a country that does not even own its own national brand, how can the noble O'Brien family Bend over and cooperate? "

"Isn't this a joke for international friends!"

"What do you mean now?" Master Ou Li continued to ask.

Miss Belin's blue eyes exuded a strong arrogance, and said lightly: "Since the family does not agree, then I can't help it! The interests of the family are greater than everything!"

"What's more, this cooperation is completely verbal agreement. There is no direct evidence, even if I O'Brien really depends on the account? It will be a big deal when I return to the country in the future and just take a sum of money and deposit it into this King Lin International account! "

Everyone in the room was silent, and suddenly, the female bodyguard, Talisa, said solemnly: "Miss, if we really do this, we will completely offend Pei Junlin and Junlin International!"

"Junlin International doesn't matter, but this Pei Junlin is obviously a powerful warrior in Huaxia Kingdom. He is very strong. I'm afraid he will ..."

This time, without waiting for Talisa to finish, Talner sneered and interrupted: "Talisa, do you want to say that you are afraid of this revenge on Pei Jun?"

"This is a big joke. What kind of existence does my O'Brien family have, would you care about a yellow-skinned dog from China to retaliate? As long as he dares to come, I will destroy him first!"

The words did not fall, Tarna's body directly showed an overbearing and arrogant terror, and its strength was already comparable to a top-ranked powerhouse ...

As for the others, they are full of sneer and arrogance, as if never treating Pei Junlin and Junlin International as one thing!

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