Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 241: Background of Hongsheng Real Estate

After leaving the cruise ship, Pei Junlin chose to return to the hotel directly.

In the hotel room, Wang Ziqiong was accompanied by his sister Wang Ziyu, who was lying on the bed with a shawl.

In just a week or so, Wang Ziyu's whole body lost weight. The original bright and moving, the live wave was completely disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented decadence and depression, without eating a few mouthfuls of food, tears all day Wash your face.

Even if Pei Jun came in, his eyes didn't move, as if he had become a vegetative, and he looked completely different from the previous look.

The sisters felt attentive, watching her only sister's sudden change, and became like this. Wang Ziqiong also had bloodshot eyes in the past few days. None of the sisters dared to tell the parents the news. The pressure in their hearts It is conceivable.

In the face of this situation, Pei Junlin's mood is also very uncomfortable, but for the time being, he really can't find any solution, the terrible congenital poisonous body, even if he has never encountered it, he also knows well Great.

This is a problem that cannot be solved by current medical technology. Even if the state forces are asked to take the shot, the final result will probably become a white mouse and become the research object.


Seeing Pei Junlin coming in, Prince Qiong, who was accompanied by Wang Ziyu, stood up, his eyes bloodshot, and a beautiful and peerless face full of exhaustion.

Pei Junlin couldn't help feeling distressed for a while. He simply talked about the treatment of Miss Belian's condition. Wang Ziqiong finally had a hint of spirit: "So, has Miss Belian's extremely cold illness been completely cured?"

Pei Junlin nodded, his eyes dazzled deeply: "Oh, as long as they don't die by themselves ..."

The tired Prince Qiong, although he heard it, didn't care, but just nodded gently: "After they return to Italy, I will let the company's people propose cooperation intentions."

"By the way, Junlin, is there really nothing in Ziyu's body?"

Wang Ziqiong's words turned with anxious expression.

Pei Junlin's distressed look could not help but step forward and hug the prince Qiongrou's boneless body, comforting him: "I was thinking, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, I will never give up!"

Wang Ziqiong weeped and nodded, suddenly, she seemed to think something, and said, "Jinglin, during the day, I suddenly remembered what you said before, according to you, the one who first discovered Ziyu's congenital poisonous body The person is not you, but the mysterious person, right? "

As soon as Pei Junlin moved, a pair of obscure eyes lit up gradually: "You mean ..."

Wang Ziqiong nodded: "Yes! I still think of it as if Ziyu once told me that the only person who can guide this innate poisonous body in this world is the mysterious one!"

"Are we now able to solve Ziyu's congenital poison as long as we find that mysterious person ?!"

Pei Junlin's eyes were getting brighter, and he patted his head hard, cursing himself stupidly!

The so-called concern is chaotic, and he ignored such an important clue, which is simply unforgivable!

"I'll go now!"

Feeling agitated, Pei Junlin directly turned and strode away from the hotel room. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and quickly called Li Chaoran. He severely ordered that in any case, he should also investigate what the mysterious person who was with Donghua Group that night was. Identity.

And when Pei Junlin turned around and left the hotel, no one noticed that Prince Wang, who had been lying quietly in bed, with a dull look, suddenly moved his eyes ...

Besides Pei Junlin, after leaving the hotel, he drove all the way directly and came to the place agreed with Li Chaoran.

"Boss, what happened suddenly? How do you investigate the person who was with the fifth master of Donghua Group that night?"

After the meeting, Li Chaoran asked in confusion, and immediately did not wait for Pei Junlin to speak, and then said, "Oh, right! You asked me to help the sister-in-law bid for the land, there are some eyebrows!"

"Among them, the Yang family and Qianxi Group from the magic capital are good at saying that no matter how they will give me Li Chaoran's face, only that Hongsheng Real Estate is a bit tricky, do you know what I investigated?"

All of Pei Junlin's thoughts were at that moment with Donghua Group, and Wen Yan didn't have much interest, but said lightly: "What happened in the investigation?"

Li Chaoran looked up and said: "Behind the Hongsheng real estate in Zhuchuan City, there are tentacles of overseas Qinghongmen. This is just a big fish!"

"Overseas Qinghongmen?"

Hearing this word, Pei Junlin finally raised his interest, because there is really a lot of grudges between him and this super power. The two elders of the other party have already folded in his hands, and there are children of the doorkeeper. Qinghongmen will definitely seek revenge from him in the future.

Unexpectedly, nowadays Junlin International will even run into this super power. It seems that the fate between them is really not too shallow!

"Aloof, what are you going to do?"

Hearing that there was a tentacle of overseas Qinghongmen behind that Hongsheng real estate, Pei Junlin didn't dare to care, because this force was really powerful, it was almost pervasive, and it had been driven out overseas. However, this power has been dancing on the tip of the knife. Recently, it has continuously developed domestic power, and the plan is not small.

Li Chaoran sneered with an undisguised expression on his face: "Now that it is discovered, it will be eliminated by thunder!"

"But the country strictly ordered Wushen to ban this force from acting in the country, but this Qinghongmen was so ignorant of life and death. They thought they were secretive, but they did not know that the country had long understood the power of many of their strongholds. Take this opportunity to give them some cruelty this time! "

With Li Chaoran's remarks, Pei Junlin felt relieved a lot, and the two rushed directly to the base camp of Donghua Group.

The predecessor of the Donghua Group is the Donghua Gang, which is located on the thirteenth floor of an office building in the golden stage of Pudong District of Modu. When Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran arrived, they entered the entire area of ​​the office. Men and women gathered together to joke with each other. Some women were unusually coquettish, with low-cut mini skirts and letting some men's brazen oils not be angry.

At the front desk, two charming women, about twenty-four years old, are holding makeup mirrors to draw eyebrows. When they saw Pei Junlin and Li Chaoran coming in, their eyes immediately turned on, on the one hand because they were so tall On the other hand, the face value comes from the extraordinary temperament and clothing of the two.

"Two handsome guys, do you need anything?"

One of the flirtatious women pulled down a low-cut dress that was already low, exposing a large white deep ditch, dazzling people.


Li Chaoran slapped the table with a slap, and the table trembled. An obvious fingerprint appeared on the table, and the whole person exuded a sense of unruly temperament, and said loudly, "What about your five grandpas, let him see you I!"


Perhaps it was too much movement here, which directly made all the men and women in the entire office area full of laughter and juggling turn their heads towards this side.

At the front desk, the woman who had wanted to show off and showed her charm saw the clear handprints on the table, immediately opened her throat, and shouted, "Jie, Hong, someone is making trouble!"


This shout immediately seemed to sting the horse honeycomb. Originally, those men and women who had obvious bad looks pushed open the stools. In a rush of noise, there were directly seven or eight big men wearing black vests with strong muscles and piercing tattoos. Furious and aggressive, he came to this side.

"Well, where are the things that don't have long eyes from where you dare to make trouble in my Donghua Group, don't want to live ... oh!"

Suddenly a loud cry sounded, before waiting for the big Chinese who was in front of him to speak and scold him, Li Chaoran flew up and kicked the other person like a toad, lying on the ground, and the whole person was in pain.

Then, Li Chaoran's action did not stop, but like a wolf entering the flock, a gust of wind swept through, and in less than a minute, none of the Donghua Group's minions who stood in front of him stood up. , All hugged their stomachs, and fell to the ground in pain, humming.

"I would like to ask you again, Lord Fifth?" Li Chaoran's face was dark, and his whole body was shrouded in a layer of dark breath. That breath directly frightened everyone in the entire office area.

"Five ... God is really not here!"

Shouted a frightened man.

"Then hurry up and call him. I only give him half an hour. If you are late or not, you will be at your own risk!"

Li Chaoran's voice was cold, and when he was finished speaking, he turned his head to Mo Peilin, who was standing expressionless beside him, and said, "Boss, there is a rest area over there. Let's wait there!"

Pei Junlin nodded ~ ~ and walked over. The place where the two passed away scared the employees of the entire Donghua Group to flee, like a plague.

Regarding this, neither Pei Junlin nor Li Chaoran ignored them directly. With the current strength and vision of the two, if it is not the case this time, they will not have any intersection with the group of people who are obviously social residues.

For half an hour, blink of an eye, the five grandpas did not arrive within the limited time. In the lounge, Li Chaoran suspended the game of eating chicken. A face was overcast, and some people peeked out directly were shocked. Biliary tremor.

"How dare to fart with Lao Tzu's words, it seems that I will not let you cut some meat, and I will never remember the pain!"

In the murmur, Li Chaoran dialed a phone number, without concealing his inner anger, and said loudly: "Xiao Yaoyao, no matter what you are doing, immediately immediately take a group of people to seize the name belonging to the Donghua Group Several industries! "

Xiao Yaoyao is the **** and charming woman who felt Pei Junlin not long ago. She works at the Modu Industry and Commerce Bureau. Perhaps her current position is not very high, but don't ignore the family background behind her.

Afterwards, Li Chaoran, with a somber face, continued to call: "Zhong Ling, help me investigate the abnormality of Donghua Group's recent company account? Any account involving unknown sources of money and tax evasion and tax evasion will be blocked for me! "

Zhong Ling, also the dignified and elegant woman who had a drink with Pei Junlin a few days ago, is now working at the National Taxation Bureau of Modu, and there is a deputy mayor father behind him!

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