Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 248: 1-step dragon

Regarding the value of the land in Modu, it involves astounding wealth of tens of billions. If the bid is successful, the net profit will be more than 10 billion, which does not include the various profits in the later period.

With such a staggering profit, no one can not fail, all the real estate crocodile in the entire business are like cats who smell a fishy smell, unfolding their tusks and claws, showing ugliness.

For this reason, some people even took the risk and took various measures.

Originally, with the background and background of Junlin International, at most, he could be ranked in the top ten. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Pei Junlin gave such a big surprise. Wang Ziqiong could not react for a while.

But then, it was an unprecedented big surprise. After repeatedly confirming that the news was accurate, Wang Ziqiong immediately took out his mobile phone and called the team below.

Now that Junlin International has the help of Heavenly Landing Soldiers, this time we must win this bid perfectly. Once the time is successful, it will definitely be the most important milestone since the establishment of Junlin International, which has far-reaching impact.

Seeing Prince Qiong, who was so passionately engaged, Pei Junlin smiled helplessly and didn't bother to say anything. He simply invited Li Chaoran to go out for a drink together.

The two found a restaurant nearby, ordered a few dishes, asked for a few bottles of white wine, and lengthened while eating.

"Aloof, I observe that you have accumulated enough in the realm of Master Jiupin. Do you want to go further?"

After drinking the wine, Pei Junlin suddenly asked Li Chaoran.

Li Chaoran, who was already three-points drunk, heard that his body was full of excitement and drunkenness. It was replaced by an unprecedented excitement and excitement. The blood flow in the body accelerated, and his voice was swift: "Boss, can you let me Stepping into that threshold? "

What is the realm above Grand Master Jiu Pin?

That is naturally innate!

Do not look at the master Jiu Pin is only one level away from the innate realm, but this step seems to be an insurmountable nature. From ancient times to now, I don't know how many martial arts hopes have been blocked, never save one!

Otherwise, there will not be so few congenital powers in the world today, and the congenital powers will not have the title of supreme true dragon, with respect for status.

The martial art world often says that the master is like a dragon, but only the real strong can know it. Only when they step into the innate, is it a true dragon. One is like a dragon, and the other is a true dragon. The gap between the two is a heavenly one. Underground, the sun and the moon are different.

Now, Pei Junlin has proposed, whether you want to go further, of course, Li Chaoran thinks about it, he also dreams about this day!

Unfortunately, it is difficult for a congenital strongman to make a breakthrough, and no matter how outstanding his qualifications are, it is impossible to enter the congenital in a short time, and he can only wait for the opportunity to come.

Looking at the incoherent Li Chaoran in front of eyes, Pei Junlin smiled slightly: "Of course! It is a congenital one, I can let you break through at any time!"

"It's just that your previous accumulation is still not enough, so I haven't mentioned it. Today, I observed that you have already sent that door, and I will help you to help the dragon!"

The words didn't fall, Pei Junlin suddenly shot lightning, and put it on Li Chaoran's arms. The next second, the immense mana in his body was injected into it.


At this moment, Li Chaoran finally realized the power of Pei Junlin himself. Compared with the true energy in his body, Pei Junlin's mana is like a mighty Yangtze river, boundless and invincible, and the truth in his body Qi can't even match a small stream!

Almost instantly, Li Chaoran felt a sense of swelling in the body's meridians, which is why Pei Jun's mana is full of meridians.

Then the feeling of swelling became stronger and stronger. Later, Li Chaoran felt that the whole body was almost exploding. The meridians and bones in the whole body made an overwhelming sound, but he just kept silent and endured it!

Because he has a blind faith in Pei Junlin, knowing that Pei Junlin will never harm him, all he needs is to completely hand over the control of the body to Pei Junlin.

"Meditation, patience! I need to open up the meridians in your body by three points to lay a solid foundation for you, and finally I will help you open the acupoints and turn the dragon in one step!"

Pei Junlin's voice came into Li Chaoran's mind, which is a kind of sacred knowledge transmission, a skill that only the innate can master.

Li Chaoran could not speak, but he did not say a word, and represented his thoughts with actions.

Time passed by, and as Pei Junlin's strong mana continued to wash the meridians, Li Chaoran magically noticed that the meridians in his body really seemed to be getting tougher and wider than before. Saying that his meridian was a rural road, then he has been promoted to be an asphalt road, a flat road, and very strong.

"Take your heart, be patient, I'm going to hit your congenital aura!"

Pei Junlin's voice suddenly came into Li Chaoran's mind, and before Li Chaoran had time to react, he suddenly noticed the vast energy that had been running in his body, turned into an angry dragon, and rushed into several very strong points in his body. !!


When the strong energy hit the several solid acupoints, Li Chaoran heard a roar of noise in his mind, like a landslide, and the situation was like a flooding flood, rushing to a solid dam.

He could only hear the sound, and felt that his soul was about to explode for a split second, and he didn't belong to himself, and his brain fell into a blank.

I don't know how long it took before Li Chaoran felt that his soul was slowly returning, and then he suddenly opened his eyes and revealed an incredible look.

Because he had an unprecedented feeling, as if the whole world had become 100 times clearer than before, his spirit was extremely sharp, his ears and eyesight became abnormally sharp, and he could clearly hear the various sounds in the restaurant outside the private room. Some people Talking about heaven and earth, some people are whispering, while others are doing invisible work in the private room ...

"This feeling……"

Li Chaoran clenched his fists, and then his heart rose again with an invincible thought. The unprecedented sense of power filled the whole body. No matter what kind of masters are nine or eight, such top powerhouses can come even with a hundred. He was easily bombed!

The most important thing is that he also noticed that there is a mysterious and mysterious connection between the mind in his mind and this world, and he can vaguely control it all.

"Is this ... the so-called innate state?"

Li Chaoran murmured unconsciously. This unprecedented experience will fascinate him and even have a deep understanding of the martial arts he has learned in the past. It is amazing!

Suddenly, Li Chaoran's mind was awake, and when he raised his eyes, he saw that Pei Junlin sitting opposite was drinking alone, and when he saw him, he smiled slightly: "How do you feel?"

Li Chaoran nodded: "Very cool! Very cool!"

Pei Junlin smiled with satisfaction and moved his thoughts. He took a bottle of Guiyuandan from the space ring and threw it to Li Chaoran.

"You have just been promoted to congenital, and your realm is not stable. After you go back, take the medicine and strengthen your realm."

Li Chaoran was not polite, and put the bottle of Guiyuan Dan into a pocket. He had seen Pei Junlin's powerful Yuandan with his own eyes, and naturally knew the precious place very well.

"Boss, I took note of this big grace, but in the future, if there is any mission, you can just say!"

Li Chaoran looked solemnly.

Unexpectedly, Pei Junlin laughed and cursed: "Go! This time you helped Junlin International to win such a big project, even if you don't say it, I know you must have paid a big price. Since we are brothers, we should not go so far. ! "

"Come and drink! Tonight this wine is a celebration of your breakthrough innateness, and it is also a big man with the title of true dragon!"


Li Chaoran was very excited, and Wen Yan did not hesitate to look up with a large cup.

Time flies, two days flick, and it's finally the day that Junlin International looks forward to most.

Because today is the final day of bidding for the plot of land, who will die and who will spend it? Everything will be announced after today.

Early in the morning, Prince Joan got up early and started to pack up. At the same time, her phone has not been interrupted. Obviously, she attaches great importance to the bidding.

After all, this is related to tens of billions of amazing profits, and if it is successful, Junlin International will be on a higher level and thoroughly raise its reputation in China, so this bid must not be lost!

Pei Junlin has already been neatly dressed, and is now nestling at the door, quietly admiring the busy Prince Qiong. Even if the two people have already stabilized their relationship and shared the same bed many times, Pei Junlin will still be utterly exquisite by Prince Qiong Amazing temperament and looks.

The prince Qiong who is being dressed has long felt the scorching eyes of Pei Junlin. Although the two are already very familiar, but being so stared at by such a man, Wang Ziqiong cannot help but feel a little confused. hit.

"Non, haven't you seen it, why are you staring at me so much? Don't be afraid of jokes!" Wang Ziqiong finally couldn't stand it, and glanced back at Pei Junlin. With a touch of blush.

Pei Junlin was very calm: "I see my wife is justified! Who dares to joke!"

Wang Ziqiong was speechless, with a defeated expression, but Fang's heart couldn't hide his pride.

A woman ~ ~ Whether you are a nine-day fairy, or any ordinary woman, as long as you can conquer a beloved heart with your own charm, that is a very proud thing!

"Husband, do you really want to accompany me to the bidding meeting today?" Wang Ziqiong was afraid that Pei Junlin would have another rogue attack again and quickly shifted the topic.

Pei Junlin nodded: "Of course, today is such an important day. I must accompany my wife to witness it ... eh?"

The words had not fallen yet, suddenly, Pei Junlin raised his head, a pair of lacquered black eyes stared out to the sky outside the window, and then the whole face gloomed.

"Wife, I'm sorry! I'm afraid I can't go with you, we have guests!"

Wang Ziqiong's face was in doubt, and when he was about to ask, he suddenly saw Pei Junlin step out of the open bay window, his body disappeared instantly.

They lived in a hotel floor as high as 30 floors. Even if they knew that Pei Junlin was extraordinary, Wang Ziqiong was shocked, hurried to the window, and then saw a distant sky with a back. The figure of the wings, the wind galvanized the sky.

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