Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 249: Tianzi Pavilion

It is a great person who turns true elements into wings and flies in the air, and is the best!

After the strength enters the innate, the warrior has the ability to fly in the air, which is almost the standard for the innate.

Some strong people can gather the true Yuan into the soles of their feet to form two rocket-like eruptions, flying in the air, and some strong people turn the True Yuan into wings, like a big bird, flying in the void, and there are lotuses on the soles of the feet. Lotus, step by step lotus, walk in the air.

Such powerful skills are actually a kind of energy use, and the person with the wings and gallops in front of the sky is the extreme power who turns true qi into wings.

call out!

The sound of breaking air suddenly started, and Pei Junlin's figure surpassed the sound barrier, and appeared directly in the high altitude of hundreds of meters. His face was cold and calm, waiting for the approaching person quietly.

The figure that could not breathe, and was thousands of kilometers away appeared in front of Pei Junlin's eyes. Due to the high speed, he brought a fierce howling wind and long waves, and the waves were strong enough to make countless powerful The warrior was awed by heart.

Because the comer is definitely a terrible extreme power, the momentum on his body is as powerful as prison, even if just standing there quietly, it also brings a strong sense of suffocation and oppression!

This is a tall man about 30 years old, about 1.99 meters tall and black. He looks very ordinary and belongs to the character of a passerby. However, his pair of eyes sometimes show sharp eyes, but let No one dares to ignore his existence.

Pei Junlin's first thought was strong, very strong. The breath brought by the man in black was the second he had encountered since his rebirth. The first was Li Chaoran's father, Li Xiurong, who traversed the mountains. The owner of the word cabinet.

But the breath in front of the man in black and the powerful real elements in his body are not much weaker than Li Xiurong, which is absolutely amazing.

You must know that Li Xiurong is the best of innate Jiupin!

Congenital Jiupin ... These four words alone are enough to frighten me. I do n’t know how many martial arts powerhouses, but that really exists at the top of this world. Except for the legendary powers of the gods, no one is such a strong class. Opponent.

When Pei Junlin was in the hotel room early, he noticed an unusually strong idea and locked him from dozens of miles away, so he knew that the person came straight to him.

However, although it is known that the comer is a congenial Jiupin, but Pei Junlin has no fear. He recently absorbed a spar from the Belin O'Brien family, repairing In order to improve again, one step can break through the third turn of Nine Turns of Nether Gong.

Therefore, his strength at this moment is almost the same as that of the congenital nine-class powerhouse. Even if some powerful chassis is exposed, it is possible to kill.

In the void, Pei Junlin was looking at the man in black in front of him. Both sides seemed to be a bit surprised at the cultivation of each other, especially the man in black. He couldn't detect the depth of Pei Junlin. In the end, it was the man in black. At the bottom, the tone was cold, making people shudder: "Pei Junlin, can you confess your sin ?!"

The fall of a single simple sentence shows that the two sides are in a hostile situation. Pei Junlin couldn't help squinting, and did not hide the cold mang in his eyes: "Where the wild dogs come from, bark at random!"

The other party was able to call out his name in one go, and the goal was very obvious. He naturally would not have a good attitude. He Pei Junlin was the kind of timid and timid man, even if he knew that the black man in front of him was extraordinary.


The man in black was furious and sent a terrifying coercion throughout his body: "This seat is the black dragon of the Tianzige Pavilion in the Hengduan Mountains subdistrict. You have hurt my people. Now you dare to say something good to this seat. Do you really feel that? Can no one in this world restrain you? "

Hengduan Mountain District, the main character of the Tianzi Pavilion Pavilion, Heilong, is definitely a powerful person who gathers power and cultivates a body. He can shake one party with every movement of his feet. I did not expect to come to Pei Junlin to settle the accounts in person!

Although Pei Junlin had long guessed that the identity of the man in black was extraordinary, he didn't expect it to be so big. The owner of the Tianzi Pavilion was a three-pointer than Li Chaoran's father Li Xiurong.

However, since he has offended, there is nothing to be afraid of. Recalling the face of the deputy chief and other people who were called Shui Ningbing a few days ago, the chill on Pei Junlin's face continued to increase, and he could show that. The people under him must not be any good!

At the moment, he said coldly, "That's their fault. If I do it again, I will definitely start more!"

The evil spirit of the entire Black Dragon erupted, so Pei Junlin ignored the majesty of the owner of the Tianzi Pavilion one after another. This situation was beyond the bottom line. He did not know how many years no one dared to be so arrogant towards him. Now, and still a junior!

Under the flames of anger, the Black Dragon suddenly shot without warning. When punched out in the air, the punches were like a bright sun with bright rays, setting off a storm of energy in the void, and the thunder continued.

This is the great horror of the congenital nine-class powerhouse. At this level, the powerhouse already has a deep understanding and connection of the energy of heaven and earth. He can carry the power of heaven and earth as if he were a god.

"Pei Junlin, since the class is so stubborn, this one has to arrest you into Yanhuang organization and wait for trial!"

The sound of the black dragon sounded again in the moment of a punch.

"And I tell you that the guilt on your body is far more than that. The ring you wear should be the ring of the legendary god. As a member of the Yanhuang organization, you dare to swallow treasure. This is a great sin. ! "

"And your little sister-in-law, Prince Yu's congenital poison, I am very doubtful whether Junlin International has anything to do with that Yin Shazong, otherwise, based on your cultivation, how could you make your little sister-in-law be used by the Yin take away……"

This series of guilts is enough to make Pei Jun sit in prison and it will be difficult for him to stand up forever!

Listening to the series of guilts listed in the mouth of Heilong, Pei Junlin also exploded with a terrible momentum. When he pointed out the air, the strong mana in his body was stimulated, and he faced the fist of Heilong!


The fists collided in mid-air, centering on the bodies of the two, and there was a change in the heavens and the earth. Thunder clouds rolled, the storms rolled up, and the vision continued. Fortunately, the two were in the sky up to hundreds of meters. This collision alone is enough to damage a skyscraper.

Ok? !!

Seeing that Pei Junlin actually punched him so easily, the black dragon's pair of sharp eyes revealed a touch of light, although it was already learned from a group of men that Pei Junlin's cultivation was very strong. The name is congenital seventh grade or higher, but the black dragon is still unbelievable. After all, the youth in front of him is too young ...

"Interesting, no wonder you dare to be so wild, and you don't even take my Yanhuang organization into my eyes. It turned out to be very young!"

Heilong started to speak, but his voice was getting darker and darker, and his body suddenly disappeared. At the same time, different voices came from all directions: "That seat is for you to see how big you are. ability!"

A strong sense of danger suddenly came from behind his head. The shape of the black dragon did not know when he had appeared behind Pei Junlin, and his fists smashed into the sky, smashing down.

But Pei Jun appeared to have eyes behind his head, and waved it with his hand!

The two fists collided at once, as if the two mountains were banging loudly, and each other's bodies set out a long trajectory in mid-air.

This time, the Black Dragon was finally shocked and had to face up to Pei Junlin's practice, because he vaguely realized that Pei Junlin's practice was comparable to his, even if it was worse.

This is too incredible. He consulted Pei Junlin's files. This year, he was just 23 years old. A warrior of this age, even some hidden family or super ancestors, has just set foot. Entering the innate realm, even the master Jiu Pin is rare.

But Pei Junlin now shows the same strength as him. In order to congenital nine products, Rao is based on the powerful insights of the Black Dragon.

This requires a lot of demon evil qualifications. Is there really a demon evil in this world?

The black dragon did not believe in evil, and the sound of dragon groan suddenly came from his body. At the same time, the momentum of his body was raised again and again, and finally he saw a dark, wicked ghost of the dragon wrapped around the back of the black dragon's head. Looking at Pei Junlin in front of him, his whole body exudes a grand majesty that seems inviolable!

Obviously, the Black Dragon used a powerful chassis!

Dragons have been high since ancient times, but they are the emperors of all beasts. Especially in the country of Huaxia, dragons are respected as a certain kind of religion and sacred and inviolable.

Unexpectedly, the black dragon can use his own cultivation to condense into a Shenlong look, which shows his great strength.

At this moment, the exercises performed by the Black Dragon come from a powerful heavenly method in the Yanhuang organization. It is called Dragon God Purgatory Techniques. Since the establishment of Yanhuang Organization for 100 years, there are three people who can practice this Dragon God Purgatory Techniques. Man, the Black Dragon is one of them!

"Pei Junlin ~ ~ Yan Huang's dignity is insultable, and today I will catch you back!"

At the moment when the Dragon God Purgatory tactics were exhibited, the black dragon was built to climb to the highest level, especially at this moment there is a whole body of mighty power behind him. The black dragon needs to be entangled, and it is like a high god, boundless majesty. The field covers an area of ​​10,000 meters.

But the answer to him was Pei Junlin's unabashed sneer and ridicule: "Black Dragon, don't put gold on your face, whether you are trying to catch me or the ring of God, we all know very well!"

"The so-called Yanhuang organization is nothing but a group of goods blinded by interests, which is really disappointing!"

"Since you have to find yourself unpleasant, then why should I be Pei Shulu to complete you ?!"


With the fall of this last sentence, Pei Junlin's lacquered black eyes suddenly appeared two cyan flames. At the same time, his whole body was covered by the cyan flame, completely transformed into a flame. Shendi!

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