Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 250: Threat!

The fierce world war begins!

Whether it's Pei Junlin or Black Dragon, they are both the best in the world. The horror cultivation of the innate Jiupin is that few people are their opponents except the legendary gods.

When the two of them practice sky-level exercises, the Dragon God's Purgatory Technique opens, and the Black Dragon really seems to turn into a black dragon turning over the clouds and raining down the mountains. A fierce mess, where the boiling real element passes, there will be space faults in the void, and a large area will appear. Large swaths of air are evaporated, creating a vacuum zone.

And Pei Junlin used the horrible flames of ignorable fire between the heavens and the earth. Between his hands, the green flames sometimes danced like elves in his hands, agile and quick, like lightning, and sometimes turned into a thick sea of ​​fire. , Overbearing and incomparable, burning the world.

At the beginning of the battle, it entered the most intense stage directly. With the bodies of two people as the center, the world of ten thousand meters became dark, the lights flashed, and the vision overlapped, which caused the panic of hundreds of meters of people in the metropolis.

People all looked up at the sky, wondering what happened to this god, why was there a fire, and how did the rolling figure in the dark cloud look like a dragon in the legend? !!

In the end, Pei Junlin and Heilong discovered this situation. They simply took off again in the fight, and flew directly to a high altitude over a thousand kilometers, completely letting go of their hands and feet!

"Dragon Elephant Prajna!"

Suddenly, the black dragon's face was grim, a pair of eyes showed a cold cold light, and a roar, the black dragon's shadow that had been entangled behind him seemed to become clear at this moment, and the pressure between heaven and earth doubled.

In the next second, the black dragon punched out, and the black dragon's virtual shadow also flew out, with a fierce stance, and the prey in front of him must be torn at any time.

In the face of this fierce offensive, Pei Jun's face was cold and cold, but his hands were moving like lightning. With his actions, complicated and complicated decisions were made. With his actions, the blue flames of his body gathered into his hands and turned into a beautiful lotus. The pattern, the last cyan flame lotus bloomed in his hands.

Lotus Seal!

One of the powerful magical powers contained in the Nether Industry Fire can burn the heavens and earth, refining the stars and everything, that is, Pei Junlin's cultivation is not strong enough at present. The lotus seal cast by him can only be regarded as a spell, even the fur of the magical power. No.

But even so, the dragon elephant to deal with the black dragon is enough. After all, this is the prestigious ghost industry fire in thousands of worlds. When Pei Junlin was a Shura warrior, he used this flame magic power to know how much. Young Tianjiao, a great evil has become his soul!

Even the phoenix family, who is most adept at flame magical powers, is extremely jealous of this nether karma!


If the Lotus Seal and the Dragon Elephant collided in mid-air, the expected terrible energy storm did not erupt, and the two were in a state of competition, which is difficult to distinguish.

"Pei Junlin, you are indeed a rare cultivating genius for a century. It is truly shocking to have such cultivation at a young age, but you are destined not to be my opponent today. After all, the salt I have eaten here is better than the rice you have eaten. want more!"

During the contest, the black dragon's low and majestic voice sounded: "As long as you obediently follow this seat and return the ring of that god, and explain clearly all the relationship between the congenital poison body and the Yin Shazong, this seat can guarantee that as long as you Innocent, then it will definitely not hurt you! "

The battle lasted for more than half an hour, and personally felt the strength of Pei Junlin, and the Black Dragon could not help but also raised a kind of prudence. He believed that as long as Pei Junlin was given time, he would be able to win the higher ranks in the future. Divine Realm, become the first-class land fairy.

However, in the face of the words of the Black Dragon, Pei Junlin did not hide his sneer on his face: "Black Dragon, don't I look down on you. Do you think you have the capital that caught me back?"

It's not that Pei Junlin is arrogant. He and Heilong are at best in the middle of the middle. This is also the case that Pei Junlin is unwilling to move the chassis. Otherwise, Heilong's innate nine-pin cultivation is not necessarily his opponent.

As soon as this word came down, the black dragon was stunned first, and then his complexion suddenly became extremely gloomy, and the unspoken scum was revealed deep in his eyes.

"Pei Junlin, it seems you want to be iron-hearted and do right with this seat!"

"Don't forget, you are not alone now, but you have a home. Even if you escaped today, can your family escape?"

"Black Dragon!"

The roar of ghastly anger suddenly blew up, interrupting the black dragon's words, and then saw Pei Junlin's original cold face, which has completely changed at this moment. If it was only cold outside, then it is an unprecedented moment. Boiling killing intention.

"How dare you threaten me with my family?"

Pei Junlin's most cherished life in this life is his beloved ones. After being rescued by the exquisite master goddess in the last life, he was fed up with that kind of loneliness, without any loneliness. In this life, it was difficult to seize the opportunity. How can we not cherish it?

Therefore, the family is where Pei Junlin's inverse scale is located. No one is allowed to hurt. If anyone dares to touch his loved ones, he will definitely endure the anger of Shura of Pei Junlin.

Seeing Pei Junlin's suddenly changed look, Heilong was surprised first, and then he wasn't surprised. What he just said was actually at most a try. I didn't expect that Pei Junlin's reaction was so intense. This was unexpected. Joy.

"I'm just telling the truth!"

Heilong's performance was indifferent: "Since you care so much about your family, then how precious is the Ring of God and your family and friends, you should know very well!"

Pei Junlin did not expect that the owner of the Tianzi Pavilion from the Hengduan Mountains would be so despicable. Suddenly, the intention of killing pervaded the whole body.

"Old dog, you will die today!"

The words didn't fall, and Pei Junlin was suddenly full of glaucoma, and a ghostly fire full of several times richer than before broke out from the body, and instantly burned the entire void. Within a kilometer of his center, it seemed to change. Become a purgatory, burn everything at high temperatures.

"Seal of silence!"

There was a roar in Pei Junlin's heart, and the flame erupted from his body gathered above his hands, and finally turned into a blue dazzling seal. When the seal was formed, the black dragon standing opposite him suddenly felt a strong life and death crisis. .

His eyes were beating wildly, and it seemed completely unexpected that Pei Junlin could launch such a powerful magic attack, which almost exceeded the dragon **** purgatory he trained.

"Shenlong possessed!"

In a critical moment, he never dared to hold back anymore. His inner body was fully bloomed, and the real element of the whirling laziness poured into the shadow of the black dragon behind him.

And with the endless true yuan injection of the black dragon, the black dragon's ghost image became more and more solid, exuding a sense of vast floodland, as if a true dragon possessed.

Suddenly, a pair of closed eyes of Shenlong began to tremble slightly. It seemed to want to open a pair of dragon eyes, but the power of the black dragon was insufficient and it was always difficult to open.

At this time, the seal of burning silence of Pei Junlin had roared, with the breath of destroying the earth and burning everything, the black dragon was anxious, spit out a thick essence and sprayed on the black dragon's shadow .

Buzz! !!

The black dragon's shadow finally opened a gap between the eyes of the two dragons. Two terrible beams of light flew out like lightning and lightning, colliding with the burning silence of Pei Junlin.

A devastating storm of energy blew up, covering dozens of miles of land, and the entire sky of the magic city has completely changed. Countless martial arts powerful people, real people, etc. who live in the metropolis of magic city, no matter what they do At this moment, they stopped at the action, staring directly at the rolling sky full of depression, full of depression.

Just now each of them felt that a devastating atmosphere was swept away. In this terrible atmosphere, each of them had no resistance, and some were just waiting to be killed and vulnerable as ants.

At the same time, at a height of 1,000 kilometers, the entire black dragon was turned over by a few terrible energy storms and withdrew from the distance.

One of his faces was extremely pale at this moment, blood was stained on the corners of his mouth, and his clothes were ragged. Obviously, the last move cost him a lot.

Heilong's eyes stared at the center of the energy storm opposite him. He wanted to determine if Pei Junlin was seriously injured or dead.

In the atmosphere full of depression, time passed by one minute and one second, and after almost seven or eight breaths, suddenly, the black dragon's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he whispered aloud, "What? This is impossible!"

I saw that the boiling and terrifying energy had dissipated, and a slender, straight figure stood there unscathed. Except for his pale face and broken shirt, everything else was intact!

At a distance of kilometers, the sight of Black Dragon and the sight of Pei Junlin met in mid-air, and the heart almost turned into a stormy sea, and it was difficult to accept this fact.

Pei Junlin's Zhenyuan Xiuwei is even more powerful than hiss. Such a huge amount of consumption can hardly endure him, but Pei Junlin seems to be an innocent person!

Especially when Heilong saw Pei Junlin's eyes that were killing him coldly, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated ~ ~ A face was completely gloomy like water, his fists clenched and rattled.

"Heilong, the famous owner of the Tianzi Pavilion, do you only have such a little strength?"

There was a sound of Pei Jun's imprisonment in the heavens and the earth, and then he took a step forward, an instant at a distance of 100 meters, and quickly approached the black dragon.

The black dragon was startled, and the whole person turned into a shooting star, retreating quickly and extremely fast!

At the same time, he already knew that today he had failed completely, and it was impossible to capture Pei Junlin back.

"Pei Junlin, this seat is not in the state today, and the internal injuries have not been repaired!"

"You wait, it won't be long, this seat will look for you again, and it will be your last day!"

Seeing Pei Junlin rushing towards him frantically, the speed was like a lightning, the black dragon roared loudly, turned and flew towards the distant sky.

The dignified Tianzigegezhu, the ingenious Jiupin, escaped ...

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