Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 254: Hitman Leaderboard!

The entire international underground world is boiling!

What is the concept of six billion dollars? !!

Maybe 99.99% of people don't know what concept this is. Then we use the most intuitive weight unit to calculate.

One hundred million dollars is almost equal to a little more than one thousand kilograms. Taking one hundred million dollars as one thousand kilograms and 2,000 pounds as an example, the six billion dollars is 120,000 kilograms.

Twelve thousand pounds, such a massive weight that can almost smash a congenital one-strength strong can exist, is really a money mountain.

Such an amazing wealth, even some of the most powerful people who have been hidden for many years, will be moved. After all, in this world, there are no real saints, and the interests are touching. In the face of huge wealth, everything is empty. Only money is the most important. touching.

The entire international underground community has caused an unprecedented earthquake to this end. In the past, the average number of online users on the dark web was only 30,000 to 40,000. In just a few hours, the number of online users has soared to 100,000. And it is increasing rapidly.

Countless powerful men in the underground world remember a peerless genius named Pei Junlin from the Huaxia Kingdom. He was only 23 years old.

Such an age, such a powerful cultivation, is indeed worthy of the four words of the peerless genius, but unfortunately, geniuses are sometimes accompanied not only by halo such as envy and awe, but also sometimes the source of disaster.

Many strong men in the underground world are wondering if Pei Junlin's talent is too strong, and he is jealous of secret villains. Therefore, he has issued such a staggering price reward, even for his wife, even his wife. Involved, this young couple will be completely extinct!

It's just that the countless international underground killers are just sneer for gloating over it, and there is no emotion other than that.

Each of them cares more about the six-billion-dollar sky-high bounty, which one is spent.

Although the amount of this reward is extremely huge and very tempting, the same is the difficulty in trying to kill such a peerless genius, especially the country where this peerless genius lives in the country of Huaxia. The country has always been known for its mystery, of which the strong is hiding the dragon and lying down.

There is even a world-famous and powerful organization such as the Yanhuang Organization, which adheres to the world barrier. The killers of the international underground world are in no way difficult to enter this country.

And since Pei Junlin has reached such a wicked practice at this age, it must be the kind of the most mysterious practitioner in the Eastern world who can kill with a sword.

For a while, don't look at the noisy and noisy relationship on the entire dark web, but there is no killer or killing power, dare to take the hot potato lightly.

It is really this task, it is too difficult and difficult!

But there are also many people who are familiar with the killing power of the underground world.

"This mission, I think only the major forces on the killer list can take over!"

As soon as this message came out, I immediately received the top stickers from many characters in the underground world. I felt that this statement was valid. The topic of discussion for a while was actually transferred from Pei Junlin to these killer rankings.

As the saying goes, dogs have dogs, cats have cat roads, and **** naturally eat bugs!

Three hundred and sixty lines.

In any industry, there must be its true pinnacle, as does the international underground world.

As the world's largest and only international underground communication center, here is a mix of dragons and snakes, strong people gather, and masters come out. After decades of development, hundreds of years of development, there have been real rules.

The killer ranking is the most iconic focus of all these developments.

In the killer world, mysterious characters have long written a killer list, thus revealing the most impartial killer organization in the world today.

On the killer list, there are less than 500 killer organizations in the global underground world. Among them, the most noticeable is the presence of killing power within the top 100. Of course, if it is the most noticeable, it is naturally the top ten. A powerful killer organization.

The number one killer organization comes from the North American Assassin's Club. It is said that the number one killer organization is omnipotent and even assassinates the real gods and S-level awakeners, so it deserves to be picked. Under the throne of this killer ranking!

The second-ranked force on the killer list also comes from North America. The name is Skull Club. This killer organization is equally horrifying. Rumors have also assassinated the existence of the strong and powerful S-level awakeners, but they have failed Record, so it ranked second.

The third-ranked force on the killer list is from Asia, named Suzakutang. According to reliable information, the person who founded the Suzakutang is a Chinese, with a thorough approach.

The fourth force on the killer list is also from Asia. It is called Sifanglou. This killer organization has a great reputation. Since its debut, it has almost won every battle and has no record of failure.

The killer in his name is ruthless and ruthless in all means, and once uprooted a royal family in the Middle East overnight, shaking the entire underground world.

The fifth force on the killer list comes from India, named Sagar, but more people like to call it the Strangle Group, the same means as the Quartet, is fierce and fierce, very ruthless.

The killer ranks sixth, from the famous Mafia of Italy. This killer organization has a very long history and a very large heritage. It is a pity that in recent years, due to excessive internal conflicts, the strength has declined, and it is ranked sixth.

The killer ranks seventh, from the Takeda Club in Higashi Roku, who is famous for his unique ninjutsu assassination.

In addition, the eighth, ninth, and tenth killing powers come from different countries, but each killer organization has unpredictable terror energy, which is any family or sect in this world. Individuals are unwilling to offend.

In a word, any one of the top ten killing powers on the dark web makes everybody creepy.

Once the post about the price of Pei Junlin's sky-high rewards appeared, it instantly made these top ten killer organizations on the cusp at the same time, because in the hearts of many people, I am afraid there are only these powerful ones. The killer organization can make such a big list!

Even if everyone actually wants this bounty than the huge sky-high bounty, more people understand that they have no ability at all.

After all, although the killer is cold, hard-hearted, ruthless, cruel, insidious, and deceitful, and regards benefits as everything, it is also a life-saving, unsure thing, they will not pick up, otherwise, it is not only money that is lost, but life !!

Time is passing quickly, and two days have passed, and the entire dark web has a matter of this astronomical reward. Not only did it not decrease, but it has intensified. The number of online users has increased from the previous 100,000 to more than 200,000, and it continues. increase.

Everyone has organized the top ten killer rankings of Aite to take over this task, and the situation is almost everyone's hope!

At this moment, in a luxurious villa in Zhuchuan, China, a gentle young man with gold-rimmed eyes and outstanding temperament is holding a notebook in his hand, bloodshot eyes, staring at the screen. On everything.

This young man is not someone else, it is Xue Yang, and the page he is staring at is naturally a dark web forum!

Two days have passed since the release of the reward task, which greatly exceeded Xue Yang's expectations. The sky-high reward task that he thought would be scrambled by countless killers turned out to be blank during these two days.

Without a killing power to take on the task, those omnipotent killers who were touted were actually in the water forum every day, and there was no actual action beyond that.

This made Xue Yang very irritated and did not know how many times he had cursed the killer organization of the entire international underground world.

Two days and two nights of sleepless sleep made his eyes boil, but Xue Yang was still holding his ground. He wanted to see a powerful killer organization with his own eyes. He was the first one to take over the rewarding task!

Otherwise, he will not be able to sleep well when he sleeps, and he will not be able to eat!

And just as the strong killers in the entire international underground world are looking forward to the discussion, finally, an ID called Sifanglou posted, with a very cold tone: "Since the previous seniors are giving way , Then I have taken this task in Sifang Building! "

"After all, the moon first comes near the water platform ~ ~ I think the reason for the former seniors and some older brothers is also this!"


The killers of the international underground world, who have been silent for a long time, long awaited for a long time, are excited by countless forces at this moment.

What is Sifang Building? !!

That is the fourth killer organization on the killer list. It is an idol in the minds of countless killer organizations. Since the establishment of this killer organization, there has been no missed record. This is absolutely amazing, and it also represents the Quartet. Terror killer ability.

At the same time, the headquarters of this Sifang building is located in Asia, and it is also the closest killer organization to Huaxia Kingdom. It really does meet that sentence, and the moon is near the water tower!


Located in a luxurious villa in Zhuchuan City, there was a loud noise. Xue Yang, who had been waiting for a long time, saw this post. The whole person slammed the table with excitement and jumped in place. The whole face showed an unprecedented look. Excitement and excitement.

"Pei Junlin, Prince Qiong, your pair of **** are dead! From now on, make a pair of bitter lives in the depths of hell!"

"Sifang Building, haha! It turned out to be the famous Sifang Building. The next task is really good for me!"

Xue Yang, in an unprecedented excitement, danced with hands and feet, like crazy!

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