Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 255: 4 square floor

When Pei Junlin knew that he was hanging on the dark web rewards list, it was already the second day. This was what Li Chaoran told him. Otherwise, he did n’t have a dark web member account, so he could n’t know all of this. of.

Originally, when I heard that he was rewarded on the dark web again, Pei Junlin just smiled indifferently, because he had already experienced similar things. He used to be able to cope with the so-called dark web when he was the first in the Ninth Turn of the Netherworld. International killer, let alone now.

But as Li Chaoran told him that when Wang Ziqiong was being rewarded together, Pei Junlin's calm face suddenly gloomed and replaced with a cold chill.

No matter how many enemies he has erected, these people are irrelevant no matter what they want to do against him, but this time it is related to Wang Ziqiong, which is something he can't stand!

Li Chaoran asked for an account and password on the dark web to log in. When Pei Junlin saw the six billion US dollars that belonged to the scarlet big character top prize on the reward interface, he also took a breath and made a big effort!

Zhao Feihuang, the crazy woman who gave him a reward last time, was only two billion dollars. I did n’t expect that the price would soar threefold. In the face of such an amazing price, I think it will attract more powerful killer organizations. .

Sure enough, Pei Junlin soon saw countless people in the forum talking about the Quartet House, and also knew that this time there was a reward for him. The task was taken by an organization named Quartet House, ranking fourth in the killer list. Super killer organization.

"Aloof, do you know the details of this Quartet?"

Pei Junlin inquired, but found that Li Chaoran's face was not good-looking.

"Boss, although I know you are strong, this time I'm really troublesome!"

Pei Junlin frowned: "What do you mean?"

Li Chaoran explained with an ugly look: "Boss, use the most intuitive sentence to describe it. If Yin Shazong is the leader of the evil forces in China, then this square building is the third existence of evil forces. ! "

From Li Chaoran's discourse, Sifanglou belongs to a powerful and mysterious killer organization in Asia. Its headquarter is located in Southeast Asia, but the founder is an authentic Chinese.

As early as the Huaxia Kingdom was not established, the organization of the Quartet already existed. How many years have passed since then, and the powerful intelligence capabilities of the Yanhuang organization cannot be accurately determined.

But one thing is certain, this Sifang building is really very powerful, second only to the existence of Yin Shazong and Suzakutang, ranking third, but different from the high-profile of Yin Shazong and Suzakutang, the Sifang building acts The style is very low-key and cautious, and all actions are rarely carried out in China, generally in some other countries in Asia.

"Boss, based on past experience, the Sifang Building should also be very jealous of my Hua Xia Kingdom, so these years have been the practice of keeping well water away from river water!"

"But the Sifang Building unexpectedly accepted the reward task this time, I am afraid that the money is really moving!"

"The sky-high price of six billion U.S. dollars, my God, so much money, even if I can't even imagine it! It's enough to destroy a small country!"

Pei Junlin was silent, I am afraid there is only such a reasonable explanation!

But then, a cold chill appeared in his eyes.

What about the powerful killer organization that ranks fourth in the international underground world and second in Asia? As long as these killers really dare to commit crimes, how much they kill is how much they even come, even if he doesn't mind killing each other's nest!

Taking Pei Junlin's strong practice today, he really doesn't fear all of this. The only thing he needs to worry about is Wang Ziqiong. After all, Wang Ziqiong's current practice is still very weak.

At this time, Li Chaoran suddenly cursed and said, "I don't know which stupid person posted this reward. Even the boss did not investigate your true cultivation, so he dared to come up with a sky-high price of six billion dollars ... haha, Cultivation is the highest congenital five products ... This stupid person is no one! "

"Wait until the killer of the Sifang Building and the high-level of the Dark Web know that the boss has truly cultivated you, the guy who rewards you behind it will definitely be bad! Not only the Dark Web will find him, but also the Sifang Tower I will let him go! "

Pei Junlin heard the words and smiled coldly. His enemies have a lot of good things, but he can offer a six-billion-dollar sky-high reward, and there are not many people. I am afraid that the overseas Qinghongmen is left ...

"It's just a late revenge ... It's just that all this is too low-level, and even his strength is not clear, the approach is so stupid!"

Pei Junlin thought silently, but although he was not afraid of the sky-high reward, he still felt that he had to make some preparations, especially Wang Ziqiong's personal safety issues. Not enough, you have to re-make a more powerful amulet immediately.

Not only Wang Ziqiong, but his parents, younger sister, and Wang Ziqiong's parents also need a major blood exchange.

The protective devices on these loved ones were all made by Pei Junlin before the cultivation of the second congenital product, which can withstand the full blow of the strong congenital one product. Now, the repair of Pei Junlin is comparable to the innate Jiupin, naturally, can make a more powerful protector.

The situation is urgent. Pei Junlin immediately called for Hong Tianlei and Yuan Molong, and ordered him to prepare six pieces of fine jade. It doesn't need to be too big, just enough to make some pendant jewelry. He needs to make more as soon as possible. For a powerful protector.

Hong Tianlei and Yuan Molong have very high efficiency. The jade has been sent in less than half an hour. The pure Hetian Meiyu is made of crystal clear materials, and nothing else, these six Hetian jades are worth ten million.

Pei Junlin took these six Hetian Meiyu and chose to retreat. When it was night, he had already stepped out of the room.

Just at this time, Wang Ziqiong and his parents, sister, father-in-law, and mother-in-law returned from work outside, and the family sat down to eat and enjoyed a rare reunion time.

Pei Junlin took out six refined bodyguards and made them all wearable. As for the eliminated artifacts, Pei Junlin simply gave one to Li Chaoran, and the remaining five were rewarded. Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong, Jackal, Xu Dong, Aoigawa and others.

Although these protectors are eliminated, they are all brand new, and they can fully withstand the full blow of the innate one. They are absolutely amazing protectors. For them as masters, Is the highest gem.

The rewarded Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others are very excited. Since they have turned to Pei Junlin, they have not really made much contribution. The most common thing every day is to protect the safety and security of Junlin International, and at the same time to train His Majesty. Eagle security.

More time is spent in the garden of Pei family to cultivate with the unique aura resources, let alone say that the effect is significant. Hong Tianlei, who is the strongest, is now a top master of nine masters, Yuan Molong. Slightly worse, Grand Master Eight Grades, Aoigawa has made rapid progress, and now is Master Six Grade!

Xu Dong, Jackal, Wild Ape, Black Snake, etc. have all made great progress.

"Jinglin, is there something wrong?"

Pei Junlin's mother, Guo Shiyun, was very sensitive and couldn't help but ask. Pei's father Pei Donglai also stared at Pei Junlin, as did Wang Ziqiong, Pei Nianci, Qin Yan, and Wang Haishan.

Pei Junlin said with a smile: "What can happen, and now everything is safe, I just suddenly feel that the body protectors on your body are a bit out of date, temporary whim, and re-refined a new batch of you!"

"Look at you one by one, eat quickly, eat! After you eat, you want to sleep, and you want to cultivate!"

After supper, Wang Ziqiong stared at Pei Junlin's face in a separate courtyard deep in the garden.

"Wife, why are you looking at me this way? It's still early, even if I have to practice, do I have to take a shower?" Pei Junlin laughed.

Hearing the word cultivation, a touch of crimson appeared on Wang Qingqiong's peerless face, followed by a stern face, and said deliberately, "You know I didn't mean that, let's say, it's out what's up?"

Looking at the bright wife in front of her, Pei Junlin smiled helplessly, but tonight, don't say it is not to sleep anymore, and simply talk about the rewards on the dark web.

Unexpectedly, after listening to the six-billion-dollar astronomical reward, Wang Ziqiong not only did not change color, but gave a disdainful sneer: "A bunch of ignorant rats, are our husbands and wives' lives worth this little? ridiculous!"

Pei Junlin was in a daze for a moment, and then smiled ~ ~ It was really like Wang Ziqiong said. If it is true value, the value of the couple is definitely more than that, and the value of one person is also far away. Not only that, tens of billions of dollars are not excessive.

"Junlin, is there any way to quickly improve cultivation practice, starting today, I will work hard to cultivate!"

Prince Joan looked seriously.

Pei Junlin raised her eyebrows slightly, wondering: "How did you suddenly change your mind, didn't you least like to cultivate?"

Wang Ziqiong is a very ambitious person. Otherwise, Junlin International will not develop to such a scale in just over a year.

Once, Pei Junlin repeatedly asked Wang Ziqiong to cultivate, don't waste the rare talent of pure Yin body, Wang Ziqiong promised to forget it all the time, and devoted himself to his career.

At this moment, when he heard Pei Junlin's inquiries, Prince Qiong suddenly became confused, his eyes faintly said: "At this moment, Zi Yu is now unknown whether he is alive or dead. I can only watch, without any fight back ... I don't want to continue like this! "

"At this moment, I feel so useless ..."

Pei Junlin felt distressed and couldn't help but reach out and hold Wang Ziqiong's soft, boneless body in his arms.

"Fool, as long as you have a husband, then even if this day goes down, you will be fine!"

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