Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 257: Quietness goes away!


The entire Pei family garden seemed to tremble at this moment, as the earthquake came, shocked countless people practicing in the garden, one after another rushing towards the direction of the earthquake, including Li Chaoran, Wang Ziqiong, Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong et al.

Even Pei Junlin's parents and Wang Ziqiong's parents were in the house. A terrible killer sneaked into his house late at night and touched the formation. Almost everyone sensed it instantly and then madly dispatched.

All this is slow to say. In fact, the entire process took less than half a minute. When everyone rushed to the scene of the incident, they were all stiff, and their eyes were widened because the battle was over.

The eye-catching sight is a large courtyard, and the entire ground has dropped a lot. If you look down from a high altitude, it is a huge palm print. The traces of the five-finger marks on the ground are very clear and cover hundreds of square meters.

And in the center of this huge palm print, there is a large human-shaped pit printed on it, and there seems to be a **** figure embedded in it, motionless, life and death unknown.

But soon, everyone felt that the figure hadn't died, and a trace of breath remained, but it was very weak.


Li Chaoran was the fastest and appeared directly next to the killer. He stretched out his hand and lifted the other person. In this regard, his face changed again, because he felt that the whole body of the killer in his hand seemed to be broken. .

You must know that since the strength of a warrior has entered the innate realm, he will be thoroughly washed by the energy of the heavens and the earth. Even if he is not a warrior who is good at horizontal training, his physical quality will be greatly improved. Invincible.

This situation will become more arrogant and horrible with the training of a martial artist. Although Li Chaoran does not know what the killer is in front of him, he is also a congenital fifth grade, or even a priori six. The innate killer of this level is definitely a nightmare for countless forces.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be so bird-like in front of me, and looking at the battle in the courtyard, it seemed that Pei Junlin was killed by a palm ...

Li Chaoran didn't dare to think about it anymore, a pair of shocked eyes couldn't help raising, looking at the figure like a demon in the air.

His boss is more and more awesome, and his strength is getting deeper and deeper.

And just as Li Chaoran was shocked and complicated, in the void, Pei Junlin's figure fell to the ground, a pair of dark and deep eyes fell on the broken bones killer, his voice was cold: "Don't pretend, I'm so good at you He is also a congenital sixth grade, even if his bones are broken, it will not be so easy to die! "

Pei Junlin's voice was very bland, as if he was telling something trivial, but the speaker didn't listen to it intentionally. When a phrase of "Congenital Six Pins" came down, all the faces in the courtyard changed completely!

Wang Ziqiong, Pei Donglai, Guo Shiyun, Pei Nianci, Wang Haishan, Qin Yan, etc ... on the one hand are shocked by Pei Junlin's powerful strength, on the other hand, they are shocked by the killer.

In front of him, the stubborn and dying killer turned out to be a terrible congenital power of six. If there is no Pei Jun here tonight, even if it is blocked by the formation, it may be a nightmare for everyone!

Although the formation of Pei's garden is powerful, it can't stop the breakthrough of a congenital six-class strong. Once the formation is broken, everyone in Pei's garden is completely dangerous!

Thought of this, everyone could not help but palpitations.

At this time, the killer who was lifted by Li Chaoran holding his neck like a chick slowly opened his eyes and fell on Pei Junlin's face, full of complexity, fear, and resentment.

The killer also did not expect that he would plant it so fast, and what shocked him was Pei Junlin's terrifying strength.

"Pei Junlin, your strength is beyond the intelligence too much ..."

"But don't do whatever you want with your strength. You don't want to get a hint of intelligence from me!"

Having said that, the killer closed his eyes and set aside the expression of life and death, because he already knew his own result tonight.


Unexpectedly, when the killer closed his eyes and left to slaughter, Pei Junlin suddenly sneered and did not hide his inner ridicule: "You are just a slightly capable killer in Sifanglou, how much useful it can be. Intelligence! "

"I am just a little lamented by Pei Xiuluo. The fourth-ranked killer organization in the fourth square of the killer list is so easy to deceive. Any casualty of 6 billion US dollars can allow a congenital killer to actively kill him. The sale is really stable and not loss! Hehe! "

Pei Junlin's voice was undisguised and resounded throughout the courtyard. The ridiculous laughter shook the innate Liupin killer's eyebrows fiercely, but still did not open his eyes.

"What? You don't believe it?"

Pei Junlin sneered: "It's a fool, so easily used by others. You don't move your pig's brain to think about why this time, so many killer organizations have not accepted this task, but they have been accepted by your Quartet. ? "

"Also, why did the person who posted the reward offer make such a huge mistake in my strength, which caused you to lose the game as soon as you came in, and suffered heavy losses ... Hehe, have you thought about all this?"

The killer who had closed his eyes originally, at this moment, a pair of eyes finally opened.

At this moment, I could only hear Pei Junlin continue: "It is really a beautiful strategy to kill two birds with one stone. It can not only cause conflicts between you and your Quartet, but also consume each other's strength. Wait until both of us have When we were exhausted, the man behind the scene was jumping out to sit in for the benefit of the fisherman, hey, how beautiful! "

"You're bullshit, you're the real picker, I don't believe it!"

The killer roared, his face sullen, and seemed unable to accept the result of such exploitation.

Pei Junlin sneered: "Don't worry, after you die, I will personally go to the upper floors of your Quartet to liquidate the responsibility this time!"

The words fell, and Pei Junlin suddenly turned his head and shouted, "Zi Qiong, come here!"

Prince Qiong, who was not far away, heard the words and was surprised, but walked over.

"kill him!"

Pei Junlin waved his palm, and a cold cold light flew out. It was the killer's long sword, maybe because of killing too many people. This sword was as thin as a cicada-winged sword, with an amazing Morality, Sen Leng is compelling.

Wang Ziqiong stayed at once. At the same time, it was not only Wang Ziqiong who stayed, but Pei Donglai, Guo Shiyun, Pei Nianci, Wang Haishan, Qin Yan, etc. who were standing in the distance.

Even though everyone has already known their identity, today is far from ordinary people, but today's society is the era of the rule of law after all, the **** killings of martial arts are very far away. Among the people present, except the Pei Junlin family, No one in the Wang Ziqiong family has actually seen blood.

At this moment, Pei Junlin turned the sword in front of Wang Ziqiong in front of everyone and let Wang Ziqiong kill. This really scared everyone!

"Jinglin, stop me!"

The sound of scolding sounded, and Pei Donglai couldn't stand it anymore. Wang Ziqiong, his daughter-in-law, had a colder personality, but was very much loved by them and very filial. How could he be contaminated by the dirty killer blood in front of him.

At the same time, Guo Shiyun and Pei Nianci also came one after another, beginning to blame Pei Junlin with a tone of blame.

"Give me the sword, I'm here to kill this messy dog!"

Pei Dong came to speak.

Unlike the Wang Ziqiong family, the Pei family had actually experienced the blood rain. At that time, the Pei family in Qingzhou was almost destroyed. Whether Pei Donglai or Guo Shiyun, or Pei Nianci, they had really killed and seen blood. It's really rare for a family to be together now!

Nowadays, although many years have passed, their family can kill individuals with no blood on their fingers, but they are no strangers and have no inner burden.

"Come east, give me the sword!" Guo Shiyun also said.

"Dad, mom, give me the sword, I'll kill this beast!"

Pei Nianci's voice was cold. At the moment, her eyes were full of indifference and killing. It was almost the opposite of the temperament in normal days. Although Pei Nianci's personality is usually taciturn, but he also occasionally talks and laughs, but now it is full of A thick coldness.

The performance of the Pei family really caused everyone in the yard to be surprised, even Li Chaoran, Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong, and others were no exception. Obviously everyone did not expect that Pei Donglai, Guo, who was very kind on weekdays, were very kind. Shi Yun and Pei Nianci, at this moment, can express such a cold and irony breath.

Among the people present ~ ~ Pei Junlin is the most calm and indifferent. If possible, he also hopes that his loved ones and family members will keep their hands clean and carefree for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, ever since the moment when the Pei family in Qingzhou encountered bad luck, they are destined to live farther and farther away from ordinary people. Even if Pei Junlin has tried his best to try to protect the family's safety and give the family the biggest protective barrier, but the tree wants to be quiet and The wind is endless, but some people do not want to make them peaceful.

The killer in the Sifang Lou tonight is the best example. If Pei Junlin is not tonight, even if his relatives have the protective weapon he has made to protect their lives, what about Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others?

An innate Liupin killer is absolutely terrible, and can almost kill everyone in the Pei family. Is this kind of harm that Pei Junlin would like to see?

Therefore, the only way is to let the family members also learn to have self-protection. The premise of this self-protection is that blood murder is the most basic first step.

Tranquility has gradually drifted away, only the sword in his hand can protect himself!

Pei Junlin feels that he can no longer let his family members slack off like this!

Even if he is strong, it is impossible to stay by his side for twenty hours a day, and he always leaves ...

With extremely complicated thoughts, Pei Junlin set his eyes on his face and turned pale, holding on to the face of Prince Qiong, who clenched Mori's long sword, but he did not speak again, just waiting quietly ...

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