Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 258: Fury of Shura

Night, getting deeper!

Jinling City, the courtyard of Pei's garden, the atmosphere became deeper and darker with the night.

"Sister, give me the sword!"

Pei Nianci looked at Wang Ziqiong who was holding his sword tightly, his face was pale, and he was biting his lips tightly.

While talking, I couldn't help but reach for the Morin long sword clenched in Wang Ziqiong's hand, but found that Wang Ziqiong's fingers did not loosen, but the grip became tighter and tighter. Due to the force, the green tendons on the back of the hand were raised.



This scene fell into the eyes of Pei Donglai and Guo Shiyun next to each other, and couldn't help but be full of anxiety and worry, and then, the couple gave a severe glance to Pei Junlin standing next to him.

No matter how powerful Pei Junlin is, they are also their sons. Parents scolding their sons to blame their sons are justified. Obviously, what Pei Junlin has done tonight has aroused the dissatisfaction of Pei's father and mother.

In this regard, Pei Junlin only has helplessness. If he has a choice, he doesn't want to do this. It is better to see the blood on others now than to see it on you in the future. Yin body, Wang Ziqiong is destined not to be ordinary in this life!

See blood early in the morning and late in the blood, why not come earlier?

"Junlin, Ziqiong, she's just an ordinary girl, you do this ..."

At this time, the anxious and worried couples Wang Haishan and Qin Yan also rushed forward, apparently somewhat dissatisfied with Pei Junlin's move tonight.

Pei Junlin's face was so dark that he almost rolled his eyes to his parents-in-law.

You really have two "very, very, very ordinary" daughters, and a pure yin body that is rare in a thousand years. After all, in the world of thousands, there are all kinds of wonders. Although the pure yin body is rare, it also appears occasionally. Yes, but Wang Ziyu turned out to be also a very rare congenital poison.

The two sisters are stronger than one, and this chance is unique in the whole world.

Where is his NN? Ordinary girls ...

At this moment, Rao is also strong in Pei Junlin's strong heart and has a urge to scold his mother!

Buzz! !!

When Pei Junlin was extremely depressed and helpless, the sound of the sword in his ear suddenly passed in. The next second, he saw the original strong grasp of the sword, his face turned pale, and the horrified Prince Joan suddenly emerged a powerful body. In the Qi field, the wrist flipped, and the sword in his hand marked a cold gloom, piercing the killer's chest directly!


The sudden change shocked Qin Yan and Wang Haishan, who could not help but cover their lips tightly, their faces were incredible. At the same time, Pei Nianci, Li Chaoran, Pei Donglai, Guo Shiyun, and Wan Miaozhen, Julia and others also had their eyes widened. It seemed that Wang Ziqiong would have shot so crisply!

The long sword pierced the killer's chest, and the scarlet blood slowly leaked out, dripping down the blade-like body of the cicada, and the eye of the killer suddenly stared up, staring at the prince Joan in front of him. Eyes, and then a crooked neck, hanging down weakly.

The prince Joan, who had been holding the long sword, saw this. His original stubborn eyes suddenly became loose, and the whole face began to look pale, and even the whole chest had something toss up and down, and his limbs became weak.

"Stabbed, he's not dead yet!"

However, at this moment, Pei Junlin's indifferent voice suddenly sounded.

"Jinglin, you are too much!"

Pei Donglai's harsh reprimand suddenly sounded, and she was completely angry. As long as she was not blind, it can be seen that Wang Ziqiong had done his best, and now the whole person was vomiting, and was about to hit the limit.


Even Guo Shiyun will blame the eyes on Pei Junlin's face, but Pei Junlin chose to ignore directly, a pair of cold faces, without any emotional fluctuations, cold like a sculpture, just staring coldly Prince Joan.

I don't know if it was stimulated by Pei Junlin's indifferent look. Originally weak and weak, Prince Qiong, who was near to the limit, suddenly issued a light tap in his throat, and the sword in his hand turned into the coldness of the sky, and once again stabbed the body of the killer opposite.

This time, it was not just a direct stab, but a hacking action such as chopping, chopping, or cutting. In short, it was a choppy chop with closed eyes.

Scarlet blood splattered, and sharp sword wounds appeared on the killer's body. The chest, stomach, neck, face, head ... all were terrible sword wounds, and in a blink of an eye the killer completely turned into a scarred hole. The dead body of the dignified innate Liupin finally died like this, which is unprecedented in history!

I don't know how long it took, until Prince Qiong exhausted, all this slowly stopped.

At this moment, Prince Qiong, a clean dress has been splattered with blood everywhere. There is blood on that delicate face, the whole person is pale, his body is shaking, and finally the sword in his hand is suddenly discarded and covered Fluttering to the corner of the yard with her lips fluttering.

Looking at Wang Ziqiong squatting in the corner, everyone's complexion is very complicated. In fact, everyone understands why Pei Junlin did this, but understands and understands, executes, and looks at Wang Ziqiong's hands. The goddess of Yang Chunshui was forced into this way, and everyone was still a bit unbearable!

"The culprit killer has been killed, but the danger has not been lifted!"

Pei Junlin's gaze was just a glance at Wang Ziqiong who was squatting in the corner, and then his cold voice sounded through the courtyard. His pair of lacquered black eyes fell on the crowd's face: "Hong Tianlei, tomorrow I will leave for Southeast Asia On one trip, board the gate of the Sifang Building. After I leave, the entire Pei family's safety will be delivered to you! "

"If there is any difference, just ask!"

"Yes! Mr. Pei!"

Hong Tianlei bowed his arms and held his fists with a firm face. He was the steward of the Pei family, the strongest master of Jiupin. The whole Pei family was the strongest except Pei Junlin, and he naturally had the responsibility!

"All right, then, let's all go away!"

Pei Junlin opened his mouth, glanced back at Li Chaoran, and walked away.

A few minutes later, in a separate room, Pei Junlin was sitting quietly at the table, while Li Chaoran on the opposite side showed anxiety like never before.

"Boss, do you really want to set off to find the Quartet in Southeast Asia?" Li Chaoran asked anxiously.

Pei Junlin looked calm and said lightly, "Since the moment the reward was settled in the Sifang Building, we are destined to be deadly enemies!"

"Now that the other killer has already come to the door tonight, why can't I return it to his own person?"

"My Pei Junlin has always acted in my life. It has always been my job to bully others. It was ridiculous to have tried to bully others but not dare to fight back!"

"Do you also think that Pei Junlin is the kind of person who can be bullied casually ?!"

Thinking of him, Pei Junlin, conquered hundreds of races, conquered hundreds of races, the sword was unstoppable, and now he was bullied into his head. If he did not respond, the name of Shura warrior would be white. It's up!

Moreover, this time it can be regarded as killing chickens and tamarins. Otherwise, if this unbridled continues, all the enemies can spend some money casually, and they can find the so-called international killer to assassinate him. Then, what kind of face does he have in Pei Junlin? world!

More importantly, because of the clutter of the Quartet, he forced Prince Qiong to get blood on his hands.

Li Chaoran looked anxious and quickly waved his hand: "Of course not!"

"But this quadrangular building is completely different from ordinary families and families, this killer organization ..."

"Li Chaoran!"

Pei Junlin raised his hand to stop Li Chaoran's words: "You only need to tell me the headquarters of the Sifang Building, and it will be your business!"

Seeing that Pei Junlin's idea had been decided, Li Chaoran was filled with helplessness immediately, and then sat down on the stool with an ass, saying, "Boss, I don't want to tell you, but I don't know the specific headquarters of the killer organization in Sifanglou. Where is it? Southeast Asia is just hearsay ... "

Ok? !!

Pei Junlin raised an eyebrow. Obviously, this answer was somewhat unexpected.

"Then you call and check it now!"

Li Chaoran didn't hesitate, just dialed the special communication watch on his wrist, and began to contact the personnel inside the Yanhuang organization.

Almost half an hour later, accurate news came.

On the side of Southeast Asia, the Quartet does exist, but it is a branch. As for the specific headquarters of the Quartet, there is no accurate information.

"Boss, the Sifang Building is the third evil force in China's Huaxia Kingdom. Natural energy is not trivial. Where is the headquarters? No one can accurately determine it."

"It is rumored that this quadrangular building may be built on some kind of isolated overseas island like the No. 1 Yinshazong and No. 2 Suzakutang ~ ~"

Pei Junlin was silent, tapping his finger gently on the table, Shao Qing, standing up suddenly, exuding an aggressive momentum.

"Since the headquarters of Sifang Building cannot be found, we have to find this branch!"

"I will completely destroy this branch and declare to the world that I can never be bullied by Pei Junlin!"

When Li Chaoran saw this, he could only sigh, but if he were to be the protagonist of this incident tonight, I am afraid it would be similar to Pei Junlin's behavior.

For today ’s martial arts world, it is almost a godlike existence. Except for the legendary gods, the innate Jiupin is the strongest.

How can such a superpower be allowed some young people to bully their heads at will, this is simply plucking hair on the tiger's head and don't want to live!

"Boss, according to the information in the intelligence, the branch of this Sifang building is located in Laiguo. Although it is only a branch, it cannot be underestimated. It has now developed into Laiguo's state religion. The big fanfare of the past is simply equivalent to declaring war with the entire Lai nation! "

Li Chaoran said.

Pei Junlin sneered with his finger. Lai Guo knew it. It is a small country located in the projectile region of Southeast Asia. The land area is not as large as that of the Huaxia country. The monarchy system is implemented. so what? !!

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