Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 259: Set foot in Lai

It was just a bright day, and many people in the Pei's garden had already got up and were moving around the garden.

In fact, since that happened last night, many people have not slept at all.

At this time, a handsome young man with dark hair and black clothes appeared in the yard. Wherever he went, no matter what he did, everyone came to stop his movements and made a sound full of awe.

"Mr. Pei!"

"Mr. Pei, good morning!"

"Have met Mr. Pei!"

Pei Jun nodded his head, stepped into an independent courtyard, and just entered the door, he saw his sister Pei Nianci practicing sword, like a dragon, fierce, bright swords, cold stars, and quite the essence of kendo.

The long sword in her hand was exactly the weapon of the killer of the Quartet last night. It could be seen by a congenital Liupin strong, which is obviously a sharp weapon to blow hair.

Pei Junlin nodded slightly. Although his sister Pei Nianci may not be as gifted as Wang Ziqiong or Wang Ziyu, but it is not bad. In addition, after the improvement of Yuji regeneration Dan, he has experienced the aura of heaven and earth in the garden day and night. Improvement, qualifications can be considered top-notch.

Especially in the Kendo room gate, it is very talented. In just a few months, it has already reached the point where martial masters have been broken. I believe that it won't be long before we can completely break through the martial arts.


Seeing Pei Jun coming in, Pei Nianci immediately put away the sword and touched the sweat on his forehead.

Pei Junlin nodded, walked over and began to point out some precautions and shortcomings in Kendo. Pei Nianci listened intently. After a long time, a bright smile appeared on that delicate face, which was obviously very rewarding.

Pei Junlin smiled and reached out and touched her sister's head, and her eyes fell on the closed door.

"Brother, you have to apologize to your sister-in-law. You offended her completely last night!"

It seems that the main reason for Pei Jun's arrival is here, Pei Nianci said.

"All night last night, the sister-in-law never came out after entering, no matter if Mom went in or Aunt Qin went in, it didn't work!"

"In order to be afraid of something, I had to stay here for the middle of the night ... Hey, you're the culprit, and didn't come all night."

Pei Junlin suddenly had a black face, but he and Li Chaoran were discussing how to destroy the Sifanglou branch last night, and then stepped up the process of refining and manufacturing the nectar matrix. Finally, the refining was just completed ... well, he did There is a dodging mind, after all, it is impossible to discuss things all night.

With a bit of depression, Pei Jun came forward and pushed open the door, came to the bedroom door, and found that the bedroom door had already been locked.

With his strength, let alone the door of the house, it is no problem to lift the yard casually, but is it possible?

And his behavior last night was indeed a little radical, and he had some losses, but he was a dignified warrior, not to mention this life, even in the last life, he never apologized to any woman. A woman or anything else is just a cloud.

He doesn't care about the goddess, the maiden, the witch, the princess, and so on. It's all plaything. Where does the apology experience come from?

Standing outside the closed bedroom door, Pei Junlin, the dignified Shura general, for the first time showed a tangled expression on his face, and finally daringly said, "Zi Qiong, I'm leaving, go to Southeast Asia! "

"That ... Last night maybe my behavior was a bit overdone, but I think you can understand me, right?"

"What's more, isn't it just killing a person, is there any psychological burden, and that guy should be damned!"

"If you think about it, if we didn't kill him last night, it would be our relatives who could die in the reverse, your parents, my parents and sisters, and other people in Pei's family ..."

"In the future, things like this will not only decrease, but will increase. If you want to become stronger, it is necessary to kill a few people!"

Pei Junlin was standing at the door and hesitated. He didn't know how to start, but he didn't expect that once he opened the lock, it seemed like he couldn't stop the car. He stood alone at the door for about four or five minutes.

"Why ... my eight o'clock plane is about to leave! After I leave, you should get up too, and save your parents from worrying!"

A long time after Pei Junlin left, there was a sound in the still bedroom, and then the door was opened from the inside, revealing a slightly pale and cold face.

Wang Ziqiong looked at the empty courtyard, a pair of beautiful eyes showed the most complicated color, as clever as her, why didn't you know that Pei Junlin did it last night, in fact, it was all for her and the entire Pei family, just like Pei Junlin It is said that since the moment when they entered the martial arts world, in fact, everyone has gradually gone away from the lives of ordinary people.

Want to live better, only the sword in hand, and the sword is naturally used to kill and protect!

Just understanding and understanding, acceptance is another matter, and in the presence of so many people last night, the **** was so powerful that she lost her manners and was ashamed like never before, how could she forgive so easily?

"Sister, you woke up!"

Suddenly, a voice full of surprises came. Pei Nianci, who had just finished practicing the sword, just walked in and saw the Prince Qiong standing at the door, and immediately said.

There was a slight embarrassment on Wang Ziqiong's pale and pretty face. Now she can be described as wearing a shawl and slack, but fortunately, only Pei Nianci is alone.

"Nianci, please invite my parents and your parents later, I have something to talk to you!" Wang Ziqiong began.

Although Pei Nianci was puzzled, she immediately nodded in agreement.

Almost half an hour later, in the cool yard, around a marble table, there were six people including Prince Qiong, Pei Nianci, Pei Donglai, Guo Shiyun, Wang Haishan and Qin Yan.

At this moment, Wang Ziqiong has finished cleaning and regained the formerly powerful, cool and peerless female CEO. When she saw that Wang Ziqiong was able to recover so quickly, everyone's tight heart was relaxed a lot.

There are close relatives all around, and Wang Ziqiong is not polite, and expresses her thoughts very simply.

From now on, she will give a lot of power to everyone and shift her focus to cultivation. Although the position of President of Junlin International is still her, unless it is a particularly important matter, some trivia will be given to Pei Donglai, Guo Shiyun, Wang Haishan and Qin Yan.

After all, whether it is Pei Donglai, Guo Shiyun, Wang Haishan, or Qin Yan, the two couples are not very old, both are in their fifties or so. Men and women of this age are actually at the peak of their careers. period.

What's more, today's couples Pei Donglai and Wang Haishan have also embarked on the road of cultivation. After taking Yuji Regeneration Dan, their health has been greatly improved. At first glance, they look like they are only in their forties. Essence of energy is extremely strong, even if you are creating some younger brothers and sisters, there is no problem at all.

Moreover, the abilities of the two couples are very good. After so many days of studying at Junlin International, their abilities have risen sharply and they are fully capable of coping with some common incidents.

Therefore, Wang Ziqiong decided to make major personnel changes directly from now on. Wang Haishan and Pei Donglai, one was promoted to become the vice president of Junlin International and the other was promoted to the director of Junlin International.

At the same time, Guo Shiyun and Qin Yan were special helpers to counsel their husbands and handle all trivial matters.

As for Pei Nianci, it is Wang Ziqiong's first special assistant!

After dealing with all these huge personnel changes, Wang Ziqiong looked at the void with a pair of cold eyes, and gave a cold hum to a guy who was flying in an airplane. From today, she will also go all out to enter the practice Road!

"A sneeze!"

At this moment, Pei Junlin, who was flying at a high altitude, suddenly sneezed, and there was a hint of coldness in his whole body. Mader, now he is comparable to the congenital Jiupin cultivation. Why would he still get cold all over? Design him ...

This time Pei Junlin went to Southeast Asia without taking anyone, even if Li Chaoran was going, he was rejected. After all, this time was completely his private affairs, and his opponent was a powerful force like Sifanglou, even if Li Chaoran ’s identity No matter how extraordinary, being involved is trouble.

Immediately, Pei Jun sent Li Chaoran back to the Yanhuang organization of the Hengduan Mountains. Now Li Chaoran has entered the innate powerhouse, titled True Dragon, and he will definitely be reused when he returns.

And just like Pei Junlin's mixed thoughts, a few hours later, the plane landed in the magic capital ~ ~ Because there is no direct flight to Lai Kingdom in Jinling City, only the magic capital and Xiangjiang are available. Select the nearest magic capital and transfer.

Lai Kingdom is not very far from Huaxia Kingdom. The two countries are across the sea, only a few thousand miles away. Seven or eight hours later, Pei Junlin's figure appears here.

The moment he walked out of the airport, Pei Junlin looked at the country with a very small area in front of him. The next moment, the vastness of unbelievable knowledge spread out without any cover. It was so vast and full of provocation and started a large area. Cover the whole city.

With Pei Junlin's current practice, his dedication is fully exerted, enough to reach a 50-mile radius, which means that he can almost cover four-fifths of the capital of Lai country under his feet!

The breath of millions of people is all shrouded in his divine thoughts. This kind of large-scale divine knowledge is distributed, and as long as there are congenital powers in this city, they will be immediately sensed.

Sure enough, at the moment when Pei Junlin's powerful consciousness was circulated, he was soon located in all directions of the city, and there were five powerful people!

There are five congenital powerhouses hidden in a small city of projectiles, and the levels are generally not low, which proves that the water in this city is very deep!

"The Supreme People are here, and my country is prosperous, and I welcome your visit on behalf of the entire country!"

At this moment, a powerful idea full of old voices emerged out of thin air, and collided with Pei Junlin's powerful deity!

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