Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 275: Li Feng's choice!

At 11 o'clock in the morning, in a luxurious five-star hotel restaurant named "Sea Cloud Palace" near the Victoria Harbour, a pair of men and women with bright temperament are sitting at the window.

Sitting in such a position to eat, you can not only enjoy the distant view, the magnificent sea at a glance, but also the beautiful scenic line overlooking half of Victoria Harbour, which is absolutely refreshing and comfortable.

"Mr. Pei, I toast you!"

Su Youning, who has a dignified and elegant temperament, lifted the wine glass on the table, and did not hide the admiration and awe of the beautiful eyes. Qiaoyingying stood up and set off the proportion of the perfect line that belongs to a woman.

"The help you gave me is so great. I ... I don't know how to repay. When I return to Jinling City this time, I will report everything to my father and let him be the master!"

Su Youning's expression was inscrutable, even if it had been more than an hour since the port incident in the morning, Su Youning still had difficulty controlling her inner emotions.

It is really that Pei Junlin has helped their Su family so much. In a word, the Su family's jewellery entered the Xiangjiang River, and it will receive the full support of the Shi family, Wu family, and Yu family. This may be a certain super group. For the big family, it is just a very ordinary thing, but for the Su family, it is an adventure that the family has never encountered before!

As long as this opportunity is firmly seized, the assets of the Su family will at least double up. This is definitely an unprecedented breakthrough since the founding of the Su family. Su Youning can hardly hide her excitement and excitement when she thinks of these things.

Pei Junlin looked at the excited and incoherent Su Youning, and shook her head with a smile: "Miss Su, you're so polite, this is just a matter of a sentence, why are you so out of sight!"

"No! Mr. Pei, this is different!"

Su Youning's look became extremely serious: "Perhaps for a big man like you who does not belong to the world, it is just a casual sentence, but for our entire Su family, it is a family that continues to this day. An unprecedented adventure! "

"This great grace must be remembered by everyone in my Su family and will never be forgotten!"

"In the future, as long as Mr. Pei needs it, my Su family will definitely be the first!"

"Stop, stop! Stop!"

Seeing that Su Youning talked more and more seriously, Pei Junlin couldn't help but smiled and raised his hand to interrupt: "Let's eat quickly, okay? The food is cold, after the meal, while the flight is still there, just go to rest!"

"Come, toast!"



Hong Kong, Kowloon Bay.

There is a huge private estate with an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. The scenery is extremely beautiful and tree-lined. There are racecourses, golf courses, outdoor swimming pools, and even private airfields. Three steps, one post, five steps, one post, security. Called the best in the whole Xiangjiang!

Without him, because this is one of the bases of the famous Li family consortium.

At this moment, in the lobby of a villa in this luxury mansion, all the high-ranking members of the Li family gathered, with Mrs. Li standing first, and all the high-rise members of the Li family standing.

At the forefront, Li Chenghao, the current owner of the Li family, took Li Feng and stood there.

"Dad, this time it was my poor discipline that caused Feng'er to make a big mistake!"

"At the same time, it also brought hundreds of billions of losses to the family. Such faults, I will definitely give everyone a satisfactory account!"

In the quiet hall of the villa, Li Chenghao's voice was low.

In the first place, Mrs. Li sat quietly drinking tea. No one knew what he really thought, but there were some senior members of the Li family standing around, and some people blinked when they heard that.

"Brother, what you said is easy, but what kind of explanation this explanation is, I think it is necessary to say something clearly, otherwise, I am afraid there is no way to convince the public!"

A loud voice sounded, and the person who spoke was Li Chengtian and Li Chenghao's brother. Compared with Li Chenghao, the literary master of the Li family, Li Chengtian looked like a reckless person. Fierce and evil, at first glance, it is the type with simple minds and developed limbs.

But if you just look down on the second child of the Li family's consortium, then I'm afraid you don't even know how to die!

The Li family's consortium is a typical family business. Grandpa Li has two sons and three daughters, which is considered to be a strong population. The reason why Li Chenghao was the head of the family was only a little more than half of Li Chengtian's victory. .

"That's it, brother! Li Feng has really made a big disaster this time, but that's hundreds of billions of dollars of money. It's such a vain loss. Even if our Li family has a great career, the money isn't brought by the gale?"

At this time, there were different objections, and one of Grandpa Li's daughters was speaking, and she was very capable, and she played an important role in the Li family.

With two successive objections, the originally quiet hall immediately became lively and noisy. Many members of the Li family expressed their opinions, and almost all of them severely punished Li Feng.

Listening to the buzzing sounds around him, Li Feng's face at the forefront had already become gloomy, his fists clattered, and Li Chenghao's face was a bit ugly.

As smart as a father and a son, how can you see all the situation in front of you? As one word puts it well, there are rivers and lakes in some places, as well as big families. The Li family has a great career and is known as the largest consortium in Xiangjiang. It's just the flourishing surface of the Li family. Few people know that the internal struggle for power is also fierce.

The object of this struggle for power lies in the third generation of the Li family. Today, Li Chenghao, the owner of the Li family, has two sons and a daughter under his knees. Except for Li Feng's outstanding performance, the qualifications of one child and one daughter are very ordinary. Li Feng has a huge physical defect, which is a born waste body and he cannot practice martial arts.

Li Chengtian has only two sons under his knees, but these two sons are capable of writing and martial arts, and they are very qualified. It is definitely the most advantageous for the next Li family owner to compete for candidates. In addition, Li Chengtian seems to be preparing for this. All these things are planned, so for the time being, Li Chengtian's popularity in the Li family is even on par with Li Chenghao.

This time, Li Feng suddenly had such a big accident, Li Chengtian didn't take the opportunity to make trouble, hell!

"Ahem !!"

As the atmosphere in the entire hall was chaotic, suddenly, the old lady who had been silent in the first place, coughed a few times. Suddenly, the noisy hall immediately returned to a quiet state, and everyone's eyes widened and their eyes gathered to the first place. The old man's body contained a strong awe.

In the entire Li family, Mrs. Li absolutely has the supreme position. No one can shake it, and no one dares to touch it.

"Xiaofeng, grandpa asks you, what do you think?"

Mrs. Li looked kindly at Li Feng and asked.

Li Feng looked respectfully: "Grandson has no opinion. This time, it is indeed grandson's mistake and willing to bear all punishment! But ..."

At this point, Li Feng suddenly raised his head, staring at Old Lady Li sitting in the first place, saying, "I want to know what Pei Junlin really is? Why should my Li family be so quiet? Is it because of the family in Beijing? "

"Fenger, shut up!"

As soon as Li Feng's words came to an end, Li Chenghao's expression on the side had changed greatly, and he was coldly scolded.

But Li Feng's words had been asked aloud, and everyone in the entire hall heard it. Suddenly, all the people except Li Li, Li Chenghao, and Li Chengtian raised their ears and waited for the answer quietly.

It was a while ago that the scene at the Victoria Harbour gave all the Lee family a lot of shock. It was as powerful as the Li family. They even whispered to a young man, not only made his brother Li Feng kneel and apologize, but also gave 100 billion yuan. The huge amount of compensation was unacceptable to many Li family members.

Under the gazing eyes of both eyes, Mrs. Li was silent for a moment, and then she said, "No! This time, it doesn't really have much to do with the family in Beijing. The reason why we in the Li family whispered so completely is because of Pei Junlin.

what? !!

A low cry sounded, and many young children were shocked, even Li Feng showed an incredible color.

How could this not be because of the family in Beijing?

"Xiao Feng, you are not a person in the martial arts world, so sometimes you don't know much about martial arts things, and you won't understand how terrible a true martial arts power is!"

Mrs. Li's gaze was faint, looking at the blue sky above the mirror above her head, and her eyes exuded a very complex look, with loss and envy, but more turned out to be a kind of unwillingness.

"Whatever you have the wealth of the world, the life of mortals is like that of a white horse. For decades, the powerful martial arts are different. Not only do they have superpowers flying across the river and crossing rivers, they also have Strong blood and blood support, life will be extended infinitely, at least more than 100 years old, and even more than 200 years! "

"You said, can our Li family be offended by such martial arts ?!"

"My biggest regret in my life is that I'm too chasing fame and fortune, but I missed it at all!"

The audience was silent, and many young children were scared and scared. The horrible life span of more than one hundred to two hundred years old was simply incredible!

"Grandpa ~ ~ Is Pei Junlin the type of person he is?" Li Feng's voice hurried.

Mrs. Li nodded and then shook her head: "Yes ... and no!"

"What do you mean?" Li Feng frowned.

Suddenly Li Chenghao said, "Your grandfather means that this Pei Junlin is more terrible than those martial arts!"

"Because he is already a terrible congenital Jiupin strongman now, as long as there are no accidents in the future, he can definitely ask the legendary state of God!"


It seemed like a heavy artillery shell that had blown everyone's minds and bombarded many young children of the Li family. Li Feng was as dead as a chicken!

Although he had long anticipated the strength of Pei Junlin, he is still shocked nowadays. No wonder on the port or on the cruise ship, the other party is a lazy and lazy appearance, feeling what he has done, I am afraid in the other party ’s eyes Funny as a child!

I don't know how long after that, Li Feng suddenly looked back, a pair of crazy decisive rays flashed deep in the eyes.

"Grandpa, Dad! I decided, as a punishment this time, you will remove all positions in me, but one thing must be retained, that is my identity in the genetic laboratory, and the entire genetic laboratory From now on, the highest person in charge must be me! "

"Xiao Feng, you are crazy!"

Li Chenghao's face changed so much that even Old Li Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and he was surprised to see the grandson in front of him.

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