Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 276: People from Shennongjia District

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a passenger plane directly from Xiangjiang to Jinling City took off.

In the first-class seat, Pei Junlin and Su Youning were sitting together and leisurely flipping through the magazine. Pei Junlin didn't know that because of his stimulation, Li Feng's unprecedented crazy desperation had been thrown, and a genetic geek was born in the future. All this is for the time being.

The plane ran smoothly in the clouds and nothing happened. Pei Junlin couldn't help but think of the post he posted on the dark web a few days ago, he simply took the mobile phone out of the space ring, and then ... Shut down because of no power.

No wonder these days have been so quiet. Pei Junlin smiled helplessly and asked Su Youning around if he had a charger installed. Su Youning immediately pulled out her charger from the bag, which could be used universally.

The phone just turned on and fell into a crazy vibration mode. Messages kept pouring in for half a minute.

There were dozens of missed calls. Among them, Li Chaoran was as high as twenty or more, and then there were General Lu Qingkong and two or three.

Followed by parents, sisters, and Dongfang Ao on Dan Zong's side.

Pei Jun Lin looked at these missed calls and suddenly found that there was one very important person missing-Wang Ziqiong. This woman was as stubborn as ever. When she left, she annoyed others. For four or five days, everyone else gave He called, but Prince Joan did not.

"Mad, haven't you used family rules for a long time, this woman is flying again!"

Pei Junlin secretly decided his idea, and then took the lead in dialing Li Chaoran's phone. The phone was quickly connected without ringing twice, and Li Chaoran's familiar voice came out: "Hey, boss! Is it you? You can Finally panting! "

Pei Junlin, who was still preparing for the emotional mood, suddenly had a black line on his face. Why wouldn't he or she talk to people? If not, I'll hang up!

"Why do you make so many calls? Just let it fare!" Pei Junlin was not angry.

Li Chaoran screamed, "Bad, boss, what else do you ask me, don't you know what kind of earth-shaking event you have done?"

"Now you really have a big name, no one in the entire international underground world knows your name, no one knows your big name! The three words Pei Shuluo resounded through the entire dark web, and almost everyone is praising your great achievements. Alone, wiped out a branch of the Sifang Building, killing five inborns, resulting in the loss of the Sifang Building to hundreds of billions of dollars! "

Pei Junlin said lightly: "What then?"

"Then ... I'm going, Boss, how can you be so calm, do you know that your things have even alarmed the top of the Yanhuang organization, General Lu has come to me a few times and asked about your whereabouts? ! "

"It's such a trivial matter, General Lu's busy man is a little overreacted, right?" Pei Jun was surprised.

On the other side of the phone, Li Chao suddenly fell silent. After a moment, his voice was low and said, "Boss, are you back from Lai Guo now?"

"Yeah, I'm sitting on a plane directly to Jinling City, and I will arrive in Jinling City in a few hours!"

Pei Junlin replied, followed by a puzzled look: "I said what happened to your boy today? How do I feel you are abnormal!"

"Boss, as a brother, I have to remind you that you are really taken care of this time. I wonder if it will take a long time ... our relationship may go further and become real comrades! Haha!"

On the phone, Li Chaoran said a sudden laugh and the laughter was very unexpected and excited.

Pei Junlin could not help but cursed the neuropathy, and then hung up the phone.

When he wondered whether to return a call to Lu Qingkong, suddenly, he felt something and looked at the entrance of the corridor of the passage. There, at this moment, a man and a woman came in. They were all about thirty. It may look bigger.

"Congenital, but still from the military?"

Pei Junlin couldn't help squinting, even if the breath of the man and the woman was so good, how could he conceal his sense of consciousness, the walking posture of the two men and the iron blood breath on his body were definitely in the army. The strong are no doubt.

And just as Pei Junlin looked up at the man and the woman, the two set their eyes on Pei Junlin's face with a hint of curiosity.

"Mr. Pei Junlin, we are members of the Tianzi Pavilion from the Yanhuang Organization. Could you please come with us, the owner is waiting for you next door!"

After the man and the woman approached, the heroic woman took the lead.

"Grandmaster? The master of Tianzige? Your master is Black Dragon ?!"

Pei Junlin's tone suddenly became extremely indifferent. He didn't have any good impression of this black dragon. On the day, a war broke out between the two men over the magic city, and finally the black dragon was forced back.

The two members of Tianzi Pavilion froze, but then quickly shook their heads: "Mr. Pei, I think you misunderstood. We are from the Shennongjia Subdistrict. The black dragon you said in your mouth belongs to the Tianzi Pavilion in the Hengduan Mountains Division. Lord, although everyone belongs to the Yanhuang organization, they are not together! "

This time, it was Pei Junlin's turn that surprised her. She was surprised and looked at the two strong men who belonged to the army in the first place. It was unexpected that these two people came from the Shennongjia Division.

According to his knowledge, the Yanhuang organization was divided into three sub-regions, namely the Hengduan Mountain Sub-district, the Shennongjia Sub-district and the Taihang Mountain Sub-district. The people in the Shennongjia sub-district also had contact with it once, that is, the cultural treasures in the magic capital The theft incident was just that the people at Shennongjia were directly driven away by him at the time, and he did not expect to meet again today, and the other party seemed to intentionally come to find him.

For a while, Pei Junlin's thoughts flickered. Could it be for the ring of space. If so, I am afraid these people are destined to return!

For the time being, I can't figure out what these people in the Shennongjia subdivision come from. Pei Junlin didn't bother to think about it again. After saying hello to Su Youning, a man and a woman came to the depths of the special class.

This should be a dedicated rest area for the flight attendants, but it has been directly expropriated. When Pei Jun came in, he saw a star wearing a military uniform with a star on his shoulder. It was no worse than General Lu Qingkong. The mighty man, sitting alone, played chess on his own, and played backgammon with interest.

Seeing Pei Jun coming in, the man in military uniform greeted enthusiastically, "Come for a round?"

Pei Junlin didn't refuse, he nodded and said good, then he sat calmly opposite the man in military uniform, playing white chess, the two were inextricably difficult to kill, you gave me a suit, I gave you a suit, you blocked My way, I bet you way ...

"It's terrible after all. I am so famous as a chess player, I can't even take advantage of you, oh!"

After three games and three games, the men in uniforms marveled.

Pei Junlin drew a little from the corner of his mouth, and looked weirdly at the man in military uniform in front of him. Rao was almost at the moment with his mind and concentration!

The **** of chess, this is nothing more than a game of backgammon. Where does it contain any technical content?

"Hello, Pei Junlin, I'm from Yanhuang Group, Shennongjia District, and the host of Tianzi Pavilion is Yan Qingshan!"

At this moment, the man in military uniform suddenly reached out and said to Pei Junlin.

"Hello Lord Yan Ge, I'm Pei Junlin!"

Pei Junlin also extended his palm.

"No! You are not Pei Junlin!"

Yan Qingshan shook his head and said, "You are Pesulao, who is famous for the entire international underground world, stirs the dark web, dares to be alone, and singles out Pesulao, the killer of the Quartet!"

"You don't know, how excited I was when I saw this news! I can't wait to replace you, but unfortunately, my body is too heavy, and I can't do anything without restraint!"

"Pei Junlin, is there anything more exciting that you are interested in?"

Yan Qingshan looked after Pei Junlin with unexplainable excitement.

Pei Junlin once again ...

How did he feel that the owner was abnormal?

But he quickly said, "No, I've always been indifferent ..."


Before waiting for Pei Junlin to finish his speech, Yan Qingshan sitting across from him suddenly threw a thick portfolio in front of him, interrupting all the rest of Pei Jun's words, especially the top secret 2 printed on that portfolio. The words are very dazzling.

"If your boy is still indifferent, then there will be no fighting in this world!"

Yan Qingshan laughed, and then gave a chin, and motioned to Pei Junlin to open the portfolio: "Look, I guarantee you will be very interested in the contents!"

Pei Junlin shook his head: "Master Yan Ge, you guessed wrong, I'm not interested in the contents of this portfolio. If you have something, just talk about it. If it's okay, I'll go back!"

After speaking, Pei Junlin had stood up from his seat.

"Ah, hey, Pei Junlin ~ ~ You are not such a timid person in the information! What's wrong? You can't even eat a portfolio!"

Yan Qingshan pouted his mouth, then opened the seal on the portfolio, took out a stack of thick materials from it, threw it on the table, and said, "Now I opened it, so you don't have to worry about me giving you What is it? "

Pei Junlin lowered his head at will. Suddenly, his eyes were attracted by the contents of the photos that fell out. He couldn't help but quickly reached out and picked them up. He stared at the photos in his hands, flipped through them, and breathed. Rare became very excited and whispered in a voice: "Space tunnel? This is a space tunnel? Lord Yange, where did you get these photos?"

I saw the contents of those photos. It was a huge black hole in the sky with undulating colors, overlapping mountains, and full of mysterious colors. The black hole did not know where to go, and it was extremely mysterious.

No one knows better than Pei Junlin. What do these so-called black holes represent?

That represented his way to the thousands of worlds, unexpectedly, it would appear in front of him so soon!

"Space tunnel? Pei Junlin, have you ever seen something similar ?!"

However, when Pei Junlin was extremely excited, at this time, the original Dang Erlang, who was not a Yanyan Mountain, was suddenly taking off the frolic on his face, and replaced it with an unprecedented serious attitude, staring at it With Pei Junlin's eyes.

At the same time, a horrible fluctuation in his body appeared vaguely, and the fluctuation was not much worse than the previous Black Dragon.

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