Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 277: Peerless Secret-Tiankeng!

But Pei Junlin ignored the breath of Yan Qingshan directly. All his attention at the moment was on the few photos in his hand, and there was a thick pile of information.

The sudden appearance of the space tunnel brought a great impact to Pei Junlin. You should know that this almost foreshadows that he can leave the earth and enter the magnificent and magnificent world again.

It was the place where he lived for 300 years in the last life, and there was also the most respected Master Linglong Goddess in his life, and tens of thousands of children and millions of troops in Linglong Pavilion!

In the heart of Pei Junlin, the earth is his home, and Linglong Pavilion is his home. The exquisite goddess is the most respected person in his life. Without the exquisite master goddess, he has been in a hurry in the last life.

Since rebirth and reincarnation came to earth, Pei Junlin has been waiting for one day. After his strength is strong enough, he went to find a space tunnel that can enter the thousands of worlds. Unexpectedly, the surprise came so suddenly and quickly. Pei Junlin was all caught off guard.

"Hey, Pei Junlin, let me ask you something? How do you know this is a space tunnel? Also, have you ever seen a space tunnel like this before?"

When Pei Junlin started flipping through a pile of information on the table, Yan Qingshan's voice sounded again.

Pei Junlin finally raised his head. When he noticed Yan Qingshan's immense nervous alertness, his eyes flickered and he said, "Of course I know, the photos of the space tunnel above are not the pictures of those wormholes on the computer. It ’s almost the same, everyone knows when they come here. What ’s so strange! ”

Yan Qingshan ...

"Take a closer look at me. Can those patterns that are casually searched on the computer be the same as those in front of me?" Yan Qingshan was anxious.

"Huh? Tiankeng? Your name is Tiankeng!"

At this time, Pei Junlin suddenly stared at the data in his hand and was surprised: "And it appeared more than 600 years ago, and now there are twelve tiankengs found in the world, twelve? How can there be so many? ! "

Pei Junlin is really shocked this time. The space tunnel is not something that can pop up casually. It needs a supernatural person and a peerless strong person who is extremely proficient in the laws of space, or some super The civilization and power of the era can only be created with ultra-era instruments. The ultimate purpose is to connect the planet and the direct channel between the planets.

This is just like the highways of various countries on the earth and the air routes in the sky. It is a transportation hub for the whole world, a great thing that can be accomplished by non-personal forces.

If there was only one space tunnel, Pei Junlin might think it was an accident. You can learn from top-secret information that there are now twelve similar space tunnels on the entire earth. This is no accident!

Suddenly, Pei Junlin's heart raised a very terrible idea. Lightning reached out and grabbed the clothes on the chest of the opposite Yan Qingshan, with an unprecedented dignity: "Yan Qingshan, tell me honestly, what is going on?"

"Also, I ask you, have you discovered a special and exotic life in the depths of this space tunnel?"

Yan Qingshan's eyes widened and looked at Pei Junlin in shock, even ignoring the moment when Pei Junlin grabbed his chest's fingers: "How do you know? Have you ever entered the Tiankeng yourself?"

Pei Junlin let go of Yan Qingshan's clothes, his face lost his soul, and he kept quietly whispering: "How can this be? How is this? Is this the rhythm of the earth's extinction?"

As a Shura warrior who once swept across the vast world, Pei Junlin naturally knew a lot of secret knowledge. For example, he once led His Majesty's Shura Legion and broke through the planets many times, thereby robbing various resources.

At the same time, not only his Linglong Pavilion, but also some of the star power on other planets, for their own strength, they also sent their own teams to capture one planet after another, plunder resources, and mine veins. The blood of them is definitely beyond human Imagine.

The genocide is simply pediatrics, and there are not a few examples of the entire planet's annihilation. All wise beings in this world are selfish. In order to strengthen their bodies, they do everything. It is simply a rule of the jungle that expands many times.

Powerful races, for resources, often squeeze and plunder some races with small powers. Sometimes, once resources are scarce, powerful racial powers will use the magical powers of the powerful people in the tribe to directly develop one after another. Space tunnel, then directly to some resourceful planets, sending troops to plunder them.

But what Pei Junlin did not expect is that one day, the earth will be stared at by aliens, and even up to 12 space tunnels will be opened?

"Pei ... Pei Junlin, who the **** are you? How could you know so much?"

Yan Qingshan's voice filled with shock, interrupted Pei Junlin's thoughts.

"I know more than you think! Less nonsense, please give me a detailed explanation of what is going on in this pit! And, take me right away to see your top person in charge, I need to know this day Pit everything! "

Pei Junlin's cold voice sounded. At this moment, he had no previous indifferent attitude, and replaced it with an unprecedented dignity.

Alien invasion, earth crisis!

One that is not handled well, all the living beings on the entire planet, tens of billions of living beings, will fall into a hellish life, the lightest is also enslaved by foreigners, and it is better to die, or the whole earth will be washed by blood, and the resources and mineral veins will be excavated As soon as it was empty, it became a waste planet.

This is definitely not a joke, because Pei Junlin has seen too many such examples.

As a warrior of Shura, he also captured other planets and plundered countless resources, but he didn't care about all of them. People are selfish. As long as they don't damage their own interests, whoever lives or not.

But now, the earth is about to face a world-wide catastrophe, but Pei Junlin can't sit still!

The earth is his hometown. His relatives and friends all live here. How can we watch alien invasion, regional crisis, and tens of billions of souls being enslaved? !!

"The history of the appearance of this pit is at least estimated to be about 600 to 700 years ... Hey, Pei Junlin, I'm the chief now, okay. I'm older than you on the post, and on the age of seniority, I compare You are also big. When it comes to information, I know more than you. Why should I listen to you? "

Perhaps because of Pei Junlin's powerful momentum and seriousness, Yan Qingshan spoke without hesitation about the ins and outs of the tiankeng, but only answered it, and Yan Qingshan responded quickly, yelling with eyes wide open.

Pei Junlin squinted his eyes and said: "Then all the birds are used, the fist is the truth!"

"Fart, Lao Tzu is the solemn master of the Tianzi Pavilion, and the strength is congenital and nine qualities!" Yan Qingshan jumped.

"Cut, is the congenital Jiupin very strong? Can you slam the gods? If not, answer the questions obediently!" Pei Junlin looked indifferent.

But Yan Qingshan's eyes widened: "Well, Pei Junlin, I know your strength is very strong, but you have to have a limit for bragging, just because you also want to harden the powerful gods? Have you seen the real Is it a powerful god? "

Pei Junlin shook his head and said, "No!"

Yan Qingshan laughed at once, and at this moment, he could only hear Pei Junlin's voice quietly: "But I have seen a stronger existence than the strong one?"


Yan Qingshan, who was laughing out loud, was like a big invisible hand, pinching his throat, and couldn't laugh again: "You ... aren't you framing me? I haven't even seen God's Land Supreme Supreme, you ... "

"That ’s why you are a weak chicken. Hurry up and talk about what is going on in this pit?" Pei Junlin frowned.

Yan Qingshan gritted his teeth and looked with resentment: "Pei Junlin, today you blow me up and remember, if I knew you lied to me, I would definitely find you!"

According to Yan Qingshan's words, Pei Junlin finally learned that the history of the so-called tiankeng has been more than 600 years and 700 years. The most significant feature is that every day that the pit is about to appear, it will be accompanied by a natural disaster. .

According to historical records, the first tiankeng appeared almost in the 1950s in the 14th century. The place where the tiankeng appeared was in Europe, which was simply the most tragic period in human history.

At that time, the plague plague, the most famous "black death" in human history, broke out, killing 25 million people, accounting for one third of the total population at that time, and the severity of the disaster was far more than that. .

The most famous Black Plague plague ~ ~ In the 6 years from the beginning to the end, it has taken 200 million lives, which is definitely an appalling number!

Subsequently, the second catastrophic catastrophic change in the tiankeng was the famous Icelandic volcano eruption, which caused the death of nearly two million people, ignoring the starvation and freezing death of livestock, triggering the largest volcanic eruption event in human history. .

In the third tiankeng, the natural disaster that occurred was a volcano. A large volcanic eruption in Indonesia in 188 generated 26 times the energy of the largest test, causing the death of 40,000 people.

The fourth Tiankeng, the natural disaster that appeared is the world-famous San Francisco earthquake!

The fifth tiankeng, the natural disaster that occurred was the Indian Ocean tsunami ...

In the sixth tiankeng, the natural disaster that occurred was a large earthquake that occurred in Dongpu ...

Following Yan Qingshan's narration, Pei Junlin learned that Huaxia Kingdom occupied four of the twelve tiankengs in the world. One of the largest natural disasters was the Tangshan Earthquake, and it happened in Sichuan Province. The Wenchuan earthquake that shocked the world at the time was accompanied by flood disasters and droughts.

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