Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 281: Set off

Li Xiurong, Yan Qingshan, Yuan Ye, and other congenital powerhouses of the Yanhuang organization finally left after eating a meal at Pei's house. They have a lot of tasks this time and need to visit a lot of hidden people in China. Family and Zongmen. 35xs

The reason why the three families gathered together in Jinling City was because of Pei Junlin's qualifications for evil spirits. Such evil talents are talents that either side wants to recruit.

But unfortunately, there were too many people who played Pei Junlin's idea. In the end, Pei Junlin played Tai Chi, and no one agreed. Li Xiurong, Yan Qingshan, and Yuan Ye did not mind this. Choice, so that none of the three have succeeded, all have a chance!

However, before leaving, they told Pei Junlin that the deadline for the national convocation order was one month. After one month, all the ancestors, families, and martial arts must arrange everything, and set off to the goal. The land will reconcile.

After the people in the three major areas of the Yanhuang organization left, Pei Junlin looked at the sky solemnly and sighed, then quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the Oriental Pride far away in Zhongzhou.

How long was the phone in each box, someone was picked up, and Dongfang proud and respectful voice came: "Sovereign!"

"Oriental pride, do you know anything about Tiankeng World?"

Pei Junlin asked directly and neatly.

Dongfang proudly wondered: "Tiankeng world? What kind of tiankeng world?"

"It seems that the people of the Yanhuang organization have not yet arrived in Danzong, but this is also a matter of time. As a hegemon in Zhongzhou, there are also three congenital powerhouses. It will definitely be one of the important targets of the call."

Pei Jun thought for a moment, then quickly instructed Dongfang Ao to bring Wan Miaozhen and Dong Biao to discuss important issues.

It ’s not a long time, and soon Dongfang Ao sent a video invitation. After Pei Junlin was connected, he saw Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen and Dong Biao in the video. They have not seen each other for many days. Yes, apparently thanks to the results of the cultivation of nectar.

Recently, natural manna was swept across the martial arts world, setting off an unprecedented buying storm. Almost every time natural manna was launched, it would be sold out quickly. It was a situation of oversupply, even for the black market. A bottle of forged honeydew was copied to 200,000 bottles, which is still valuable. 35xs

Correspondingly, Dan Zong, as the most beneficial object, is full of money. This is just the beginning. It is hard to imagine that if this trend continues, the revenue will be doubled.

Nowadays, the entire Danzong is moving up and down, and all the children are trapped in a vibrant atmosphere. Thanks to the assistance of the natural nectar, each Danzong child has made great progress, which has led to the overall strength of the entire Danzong to rise rapidly.

All this, Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen, and Dong Biao all looked at them. At the same time, it was inevitable that the awe of Pei Junlin became deeper and deeper. If Pei Junlin used powerful force to dominate the entire Danzong, The words of possession that have led many people to be unconvinced, then this objection has already completely dissipated.

With the passage of time, when Pei Junlin informed the three of the world of the tiankeng world, the three people on the opposite side of the video, Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen and Dong Biao, were shocked and speechless.

Even if they are strong in the congenital realm, they can still be shocked and shocked in the face of the tiankeng world like science fiction movies, which is difficult to accept for a while.

Alien invasion, earth crisis!

Such a thing is an earth-shattering event for anyone on the planet!

"Master, are you ... is your news reliable?"

In the end, Dong Biao spoke like this: "I'm not doubting you, but this thing is really too big and makes me hard to accept at once!"

Pei Junlin shook his head and sighed: "The things in the Tiankeng world are not wanted by any earth person, but just now, the people of the Yanhuang organization have already found me. I believe it won't be long before their people will find them. Danzong! "

"This time the national order has been issued. All innate realms must participate. We can't avoid Danzong, so I asked you to tell you this in advance. I also want you to prepare in advance and arrange the inside of the gate. everything of!"

"But, Sovereign, if all four of us are requisitioned, then the entire sect gate will be headless, I am afraid something will happen!"

Wan Miaozhen anxiously said, "The people who have the most powerful skills in Danzong's alchemy are us. Once we leave, the refining of elixir will cause major problems, and many advanced elixir will be completely broken!"

Pei Junlin was silent when he heard the words. In fact, he had already thought about this problem, but there was no good way to solve it. Compared with the invasion of alien races and the global crisis, what is Dan Zong's interests?

Therefore, the answer is naturally to respond to the call of the country!

Although Pei Junlin is cold-blooded and indifferent, it also depends on what he is facing. The earth as his home and his roots will absolutely not allow any aliens to invade. Flash Dance Network 35xs

Here his relatives, his friends, countless Chinese children, and descendants of Yan and Huang, can they be invaded by those cheap and rude aliens?

"In the matter of alien invasion, we do not allow any ambiguity. At that time, you will talk about the difficulties of Danzong. If the country really needs it, then we have no responsibility!"

Pei Junlin finally cluttered the clapper.

"Yes! Lord!"

Dongfang Ao, Wan Miaozhen and Dong Biao in the video immediately respectfully agreed.

"Okay, now you can arrange things. The deadline for the national call is one month. Within this month, you must arrange everything!"

"Oh, by the way, divide the good fortune nectar and transport it to Jinling City. When the mutation comes, we must first improve ourselves and have enough self-protection!"

By the end of the video call, it was almost half an hour later, Pei Junlin came to the backyard with a heavy footstep, and Prince Qiong was still asleep in the room, apparently really tired.

His parents, sister, and father-in-law are working outside, so that Junlin International can continue to develop at a high speed. However, who knows how long such a peaceful life can last. Once the Tiankeng world is broken by an alien, the result will Unimaginable ...

"Strength! What is missing now is strength!"

"Only with strong strength can we protect the safety of our family in this earth crisis!"

In a murmur, Pei Junlin turned around and walked out of the room. Perhaps from the perspective of others, he has reached the innate horror cultivation at an early age. He can be called the talent of evildoers. It is unique on the whole earth and is a well-deserved youth. King.

But when it comes to certain major events, the so-called congenital nine products is actually not enough, such as the major crisis of alien invasion, so how to improve the strength as soon as possible is the most urgent now!

The breakthrough of the third turn of the Ninth Turn of the Nether Ghost, due to the lack of mountain spar, is unlikely to make any progress for the time being, but some other places, such as the top magic weapon Qinghong sword, can be sacrificed again. Efforts have been made to truly achieve the unity of man and sword, and the sword is born from the heart.

Pei Junlin was sitting in a quiet closet, summoning the blue rainbow sword in the space ring. The hazy blue light covered the entire closet. The sharp light of the sword body caused the temperature of the entire closet to drop to the freezing point, forming a thick layer. Frost.

Pei Jun copied the method of sacrifice and started the sacrifice of Qinghong sword again!


The next time, in addition to refining the Qinghong sword, Pei Junlin was staying in the Pei family garden, while accompany his parents and sisters, and instructed the practice of Wang Ziqiong, Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others.

Alien invasion, earth crisis!

Only when you are strong can you protect your own home.

Coupled with Dan Zong's transportation of some of the forsaken nectar, in just twenty days, the strength of all the members of the entire Pei family has made rapid progress.

Finally, on this day, Pei Junlin received a call from the staff of the Yanhuang organization. He was notified on the phone that he could leave.

After Pei Junlin hung up the phone, he simply packed his gifts, and then said goodbye to his family and walked out of Pei's garden.

He didn't tell anyone in the family about the tiankeng. It was just an increase in sorrow. When the family knew about the tiankeng one day, that was the real danger!

"Jinglin, wait for me!"

Just when Pei Junlin had just stepped out of the gate, an off-road vehicle galloped galloping and stopped in front of him. The window was lowered to reveal a red face.

Lin family ancestor Lin slaughter monsters!

"Unexpectedly, you are also one of the candidates for this call!"

Pei Junlin said with a smile. The whole Jinling City, as he and Lin Tumon are innate powers, some time ago they ignored Lin Tumon's existence.

"Haha, although the old man is not as good as your famous Pesiuro, he really has to deal with the aliens in the heavenly world, and the knife in the old man's hand is also unambiguous!"

Lin Tu Yao laughed loudly and had a loud voice. He is already in his eighties, although it is not too old for the average life expectancy of the inborn strong one hundred and fifty, it is definitely not young!

At this moment, it was the heroic cover cloud, the veteran style was revealed, and he held a golden tiger-headed sword in his arms, magnificent.

"Yeah, it just happens that we can be partners! Also keep me from being lonely!"

Pei Junlin got into the car with a smile, and the off-road vehicle soon started again. The driver was Lin Zhanlong, the owner of the Lin family. Soon, the car rushed to the airport in Jinling City, and Pei Junlin and Lin Tumon got out of the car.

Lin Zhanlong stood by, and he stopped talking. He seemed to know about the Tiankeng world, but it was right to think about it. Lin Zhanlong was the deputy commander of the Jinling Military Region, and it was normal to know some hidden things.

"Okay, people have already arrived, you can hurry back! Save the eyes here!"

Lin Tumon drove his son ~ ~ Lin Zhanlong's eyes turned red slightly. The famous deputy commander suddenly raised his hand to Pei Junlin and Lin Tumon, saluting the military salute: "Dad! Take care!"

"Mr. Pei, if possible, I also hope you take care of my dad for one or two, these are some of my extravagant demands as a son!"

Pei Junlin nodded, his voice faintly said: "The battlefield is ruthless, the sword has no eyes. If I encounter it, I will naturally not sit idly by, but I never hope that day will come!"

Lin Zhanlong held his fist, and when he wanted to say something, Lin Tumon, who was standing with a big knife, kicked Lin Zhanlong's ass, kicked the son of this dignified deputy commander, and scolded him: Damn it! I'm not dead yet, what are you trying to do? "

"As a soldier, when Marge is wrapped up in the body and bathed in the blood, what is your awareness ?!"

Having said that, Lin Tumon straddled Pei Junlin's shoulder and strode toward the plane.

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