Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 282: Congenital gathering

Tohoku, snowfield!

This is one of the most famous virgin forest areas in China. It is white all year round, backed by Changbai Mountain and vast snowy fields. It has endless views and rich resources.

It is an extremely important strategic area following the eastern region and northern Mongolia.

However, in peacetime, places like snowfields were not popular, except for some adventure enthusiasts and hunters, as well as indigenous peoples in the snowfield areas.

However, today, the atmosphere in the calm snowy area was quickly broken, and an armed transport aircraft belonging to the military headquarters appeared from time to time and stopped on the endless flat snow.

Subsequently, the hatch of the transport plane was opened, and men and women in different costumes and costumes were walked out. These men and women were of different ages. The young were 30 or 40 years old, and the older were 70 or 80 years old. And almost every one of these people is armed.

Some shoulders are up to two meters long *. The sharp blade has no cover, and under the refraction of the sunlight in the snow field, it emits a splendid coldness.

There are also people with long sheathed swords in their arms. Even if the long sword is covered by the sheath, they can still feel a strong evil spirit.

There are also people carrying cold iron spears on their shoulders, and the Mitsubishi body's gun point is eye-catching, so cold, it seems that they can pull people out of a transparent cave at any time.

In addition, double knives, double swords, giant axes, long sticks, meteor hammers, daggers, chains, fist gloves, etc., can be called eighteen types of weapons, a variety of, dazzling.

At the same time, these people are also dressed in strange costumes. There are scholars wearing robes similar to ancient times, Taoists in Taoism, monks wearing monk clothes, and seedlings, but more of them are modern clothes. Some people wear suits and shoes. Some of the big bosses of listed companies are casually dressed, like working class ...

With the landing of an armed transport plane, the number of people gathered on the flat ground of the Daxueyuan has been increasing, and there are already hundreds of them. Among them, many people know each other, and they all come together to fight. Hello.

After all, the martial arts world is large and small, and it is also known to the Chinese martial arts world. They are all strong innate realms. Most of them know, even if they do n’t know, they have heard of each other ’s name.

"Brother Tang, I didn't expect you to come too! We haven't seen each other for almost forty years, have we?"

"Yeah! It was a farewell year, and it's been more than forty years now. I never thought we would meet in such a situation. It really makes people miss the years!"

Two old couples with a rare age shook hands with each other and groaned. Beside them, there were also some middle-aged men and women in their forties and fifties, and each one was chatting enthusiastically.

The strong men around them saw these two groups of people, and they all cast a slightly daunting glance, because these two groups of people are very famous, one is the famous Tangmen strongmen from Sichuan Province, and the other is the Wuguan Museum all over the north. Chen's Xingyi Boxer.

These two parties are the kind of martial arts family that has been passed down for hundreds of years. They have deep and powerful heritage and many disciples. The most intuitive manifestation is that at this moment, there are three innate powers in both parties.

Congenital strong, that is the existence of the title true dragon. As long as one person of any family or sect reaches the congenital realm, then it is enough to rank into the first-class power. The power of the three congenital strong existence is absolutely powerful and unmatched. !!

For example, it is Danzong. As the hegemonic force in Zhongzhou, there are only three or four inborns!

In addition, the men and horses of the other forces are also strong in spirit, powerful and dazzling.

"Countless celestial beings!"


A group of people were surrounded by two Taoist men wearing grey robes, holding Buddha dust, and Xianfeng Tao bones, and two old monks wearing charismatic and good-natured eyes. This was an innate strongman from ancient Wudang and ancient Shaolin. By.

Ancient Shaolin and Ancient Wudang are the kind of martial arts with a longer tradition. In the ancient martial arts period, the two martial arts shined, and there were many disciples. Even now, the so-called thin dead camel is larger than the horse. Congenital powers participate.

In addition, the innate powerhouses present are concentrated, and there are many secret and low-key powerhouses from all over the world. They are the heads of a listed group, mixed with the world, or leisurely cranes, living in the mountains and forests, and more people. Or a farmer, with a sickle in his hand ... If it were not for the country to come forward this time, it would be impossible to bring together so many innate powers at once.

When Pei Junlin and Lin Tumon arrived, they saw hundreds of congenital powers on the vast snowy field. The blood power of the horrors of the congenital powers was dozens of miles away. Can be obtained by telepathy.

"There are so many strong ones, many of them are top performers with more than five innate qualities!"

After seeing so many innate strongmen gather together, Pei Junlin was a bit shocked. There are still many strong men who have not yet arrived, otherwise, the number will be greater.

At this moment, Pei Junlin can truly understand why some other countries say that Huaxia is a country with hidden dragons and crouching tigers. At this time, it seems that there are really rumors. There are too many low-key people in Huaxia. If the mountain is not exposed, if it were not for this country's call, many innate strongmen here would not have met in their lifetime.

Even the Lin Tumon next to him was a little bitter-eyed, especially when he realized with consciousness that many of the strong players present were above the second-class innate, and he was a first-class Alexander.

Seeing the arrival of a new powerhouse, many powerhouses in Uehara Ujihara who had a lively chatter and jokes projected their eyes with curiosity. Many powerhouses looked at Pei Junlin's particularly young face a little, In fact, among the people present, the youngest were almost in their thirties and forties, and none of them was as young as Pei Junlin.

"Is this the genius of a descendant of this family? At such a young age, we have reached the innate level, which is really enviable!"

Some older generations could not help but have such thoughts.

Some people, after seeing Pei Junlin's familiar appearance, had different changes in his face, and his expression was horrified. Obviously, he recognized Pei Junlin's identity.

"Haha, who am I? It turned out to be Lao Gui, you! I haven't seen you for so many years. I thought you had died a long time ago. I didn't expect you to be in the innate!"

At this moment, a loud laugh sounded, and saw an old man about the same age as Lin Tuju step forward, carrying a cold iron spear on his shoulders, burly, sturdy, want to come in young At the time, he was also a fierce general.

Lin Tumon raised his eyes and saw that the person could not help but look cold, reached out and touched the big ring knife in his hand, and sneered: "You Yun Changlong is not dead, how can I die!"

Listening to that strong tone, obviously the two men seem to have a grudge.

However, no one will have any surprises about this. There are so many strong people here, and the martial arts world is not large. It is normal to have resentments between each other. Not long ago, there were strong people who directly attacked, and finally almost died. Opposing, was stopped by the strong military.

It is very good to have resentment. If you want to compare it, you will choose the Tiankeng world. It is more powerful than killing more enemies than it is. It is completely meaningless to waste your energy here.

"Lao Gui, is this young man the seed of your Lin family? Yes, you can have such a young genius in your Lin family. This is the rhythm to rise!"

Yun Changlong's gaze fell on Pei Junlin's face, with a surprise. It was that Pei Junlin was too young. He was a bit out of step with him, and he would definitely be regarded as a junior when walking with Lin Tu Yao.

"But unfortunately, such a young genius may not take long before it will fall, oh!"

Yun Changlong's face was regrettable, and even some people couldn't help showing the same expression.

The dangers of the Tiankeng world are well understood by everyone present. Almost everyone has made sufficient preparations before coming. Horseskin corpses, **** battlefields, the country is in trouble, and the husband is responsible. They can obey the call and appear here. Good proof.

"Yun Changlong, close your stinky mouth, Mr. Pei is not my junior. Your mouth will not open the door again, be careful that someone will be torn one day!"

Hearing Yun Changlong's unhindered words, Lin Tuju was startled. Others didn't know the strength of Pei Junlin, but he was very clear.

The junior of the Lin family? !!

Ha ha!

He really hoped that such a wicked junior would appear in the Lin family, in which case he would wake up smiling in his dreams, but unfortunately, not even the Lin family now has no Pei Jiaqiang!

Hearing Lin Tuyue's slightly anxious scolding tone, Yun Changlong was slightly surprised that he and Lin Tuyue were enemies for many years, but because they were enemies ~ ~, they only knew each other very well. The anxious mood is very rare.

Is this young man the child of a super-family? Otherwise, why is Lin Tu Yao so jealous?

Pei Junlin didn't mind it, and looked calm.

"You ... Are you Mr. Pei Junlin?"

Suddenly, at this time, some people in the crowd came out with a little suspicion. This man was a congenital strongman from Tangmen, Sichuan Province, and he was not too old, that is, 35 or 66 years old.

Pei Junlin wondered: "I am, who are you?"

"Mr. Pei, you really are!"

The innate strong man suddenly became very excited: "I am Tang Zhen from Tang Men. I have long admired Mr. Pei's name! You are just an idol in my heart. Can you please give me Sign a name? "

The inborn strong man named Tang Zhen was very excited. Between words, he seemed to be playing tricks and didn't know where to pull out the paper and pen, so he strode forward to find an idol signature.

"Tang Zhen, stop me!"

Such a scene immediately caught everyone's attention. Some elders in Tangmen couldn't stand it anymore.

Tangmen is a martial arts family that has been passed down in the martial arts for centuries. The hegemonic level of Sichuan province has always been worshipped by others. Why did Tangmen turn to the Tangmen strongman? It's a complete loss of Tang Men's face!

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