Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 299: Invincible


This time, it was absolutely rock-shattering. The ground was directly broken into a huge deep pit, and the ground was constantly cracking, like an earthquake. The crack stretched for hundreds of meters, and the whole body of the big python was directly buried.

Monk abstinence is the top arrogance of Luohan Temple. Cultivate the dragon elephant-like magical power in the eighteen magical skills of Luohan Temple. If you practice to the extreme, you can have the terrorist power of Kowloon Nine Elephant Power.

Moreover, the monks who abstain from sacrifice are the most powerful people in the whole training camp except Pei Junlin. If anyone is deceived by his handsome appearance, he will not know how to die!

This severe blow directly shocked the big python and almost died of cerebral hemorrhage. All the internal organs and six maggots were shocked to fly out, and scarlet blood droplets appeared from the whole body, showing how deep the wound was.

However, this demon emperor of the Black Wind Snake is one of the top powerhouses. He is extremely arrogant in his practice, and is comparable to those arrogant people in the human race. Even if he is seriously injured, he will die in a short while, huge. The snake body began to shake vigorously, and a black dense fog erupted all over the body.

As soon as the black mist appeared, Nalanhao, who was near, was immediately shocked: "Pooh, poisonous! The monk retreats!"

"Retreat, Grandpa must drink this big snake stew today!"

The monk abstained from speaking and yelled, and a strong golden light erupted suddenly throughout his body, dazzling, blocking all those poisonous mists directly.

At the same time, the muscles on his arms were like dragons, and the roots were raised. The sound of a dragon elephant sounded from the void, and behind the monk who abstained from the monk, a ghost of the dragon and the idol appeared--the dragon Like magical powers!

At the moment when this powerful supernatural mystery was unfolded, the monk monk looked like a Vajra buddha who descended from the dragon and the devil, Baoxiang *, picked up the tail of the big snake in his hand again, and smashed hard toward the ground!


At this moment, the body of the big python, which is 50 to 60 meters long, seems to have been shrunk by countless times and turned into a small earthworm in the hands of the child. Slamming it down, so again and again ...

Within a hundred meters of the monk monk, there was a blank space, and no one could hardly shake his edge. Even the demon emperors of the demon tribe were hiding away.

Finally, when everything stopped, I saw that the giant snake in the hands of the monk, had already softened into a ball, and was infected with blood. There were many cracked wounds on the hardest snake skin. Pile of minced meat.

The demon emperor of the Black Wind Snake family was actually slain by a monk and smashed it with brute force. The death was miserable!

Looking at the same kind of tortured and tortured, the three demon emperors who besieged Pei Junlin not far away tightened their pupils. Obviously, they were shocked by the strong men on the human side of this pit battle.

These people are not very old, but each one is terrible and powerful, and one is fiercer than the other, and one is better than one. Before Pei Junlin killed one or four of them, the monster-level powerhouse, Out of a bald head, one of them was smashed to death by brute force.

Seeing Tiger Eyes, the monks and Nalanhao who are dangerously dangerous, one Pei Junlin is enough to make them jealous, and they can fight together, let alone the two of them suddenly appear!

"Squeak! Squeak !!!"

Suddenly, at this moment, a golden rat rat made a sharp scream. As soon as the call came out, another golden rat and python also made similar sound waves. This strange behavior attracted people. Jie Monk and Nalanhao were puzzled and couldn't figure out what the three beasts were doing.

However, Pei Junlin's face suddenly changed, and he shouted sharply, "They are calling for helpers, hurry up! Let's kill them all together!"

"It's insidious enough!"

Nalanhao was furious, and a large sword broke out directly in his hand. He slashed directly at the nearest golden rat. At the same time, Pei Junlin and Jiu Monk also moved and chose their opponents.

Pei Jun chose the only big python left, and the monk who chose to sacrifice chose another golden rat, and the battle began directly.

However, this time the three demon emperors were obviously well-educated. Instead of head-to-head with Pei Junlin, they chose a fighting method, with more defense and less offense, which made it clear that they were waiting for reinforcements from other partners.

They have seen that the real fight for life and death is probably not the opponent of the three human beings.

They are all top players. If one party intentionally delays, it is really difficult to kill. For the time being, there is no way to kill them all at once.

"Mad, this **** makes it clear that I'm forcing Lao Tzu to do his best!"

Nalanhao was furious. He was fed up with the sly dodging golden armored rat, and the attack-intensive move in his hand suddenly closed, and the whole body of the body disappeared, just like an ordinary person, but with a weird start. formula.

The golden rat on the other side stunned, it seems that it is not clear what this human is doing, but the next second, from the strong warning of danger by the strong, he immediately turned his hair upside down, screamed, and played his best. Fast, turn around and run away!

"The sword cuts the sky!"

At the moment when the golden rat rat ran away, a thunderous roar suddenly broke out in Nalanhao's mouth, which had been accumulating power. The knife in his hand was dazzling, and the knife was against the running golden rat. Strive down!

A tens of meters of sky-shattering swordman landed from the sky, the amazing sword gas covered the square, tearing everything, and the air machine had already firmly locked the escaped golden cricket rat.


When the amazing swordman fell, he slashed the running golden cricket rat in half with a slash, and the blood rain blew. After splitting the stab, Nalanhao's face became a little pale, Obviously this knife consumed him a lot of real dollars.

He quickly took the elixir from his underwear pocket, swallowed it quickly, and began to recover.

"Amitabha, do a good job!"

The monk's voice came, the whole body was covered with golden light, and the phantom of the dragon elephant meeting appeared again behind him. Suddenly, the monk of the monk banged out, and with his action, the golden phantom of the dragon was flying out Open your mouth and sharpen your mouth, and swallow the golden rat in the distance.

"Oh, all the tricks are on display! Kill the enemy so soon!"

Pei Junlin chuckled, his voice didn't fall, and the Qinghong sword that he had been holding tightly flew up, bringing out a long white air wave, directly nailing the python that was about to escape in the distance to the ground His head was pierced, leaving only the huge snake body still dying and struggling. In the end, he had no interest!

At this point, the four top powers in the realm of the demon emperor were all killed, Pei Junlin, Jijie Monk, and Nalanhao smiled at each other.

"Go, let's go to the central area and help Huangfu Phoenix and Leng Shuangshuang!"

Caution monk proposed that Pei Junlin expressed no opinion.

"Wait a minute, the spoils are not packed yet!"

Nalanhao shouted that the four great powers of the demon emperor should be able to exchange a lot of points, although the snake skin of the python is not easy to peel, but the python's teeth can be taken back.

The three men took hands together and took away their respective loot. Pei Junlin incidentally pulled out the teeth of several Black Wind Snake Powermen who had been neglected before and put them into the backpack behind him.

In this way, Pei Junlin, Jiyong Monk, and Nalanhao walked together. Wherever they went, they really swept everything, they were invincible, and there were constantly strong demons who fell like wheat.

Nalan Hao's whole body was excited, and he shouted happily. He found out that following Pei Junlin and Jiyue Monk, it was really not easy to kill the enemy, although he was very confident in his strength. But I have to admit that it is indeed a little weaker than the two in front of me.

The sharp combination of three iron triangles led to such a strange picture on the entire battlefield, but wherever they went, countless monster powerhouses fell down quickly, and the powerhouse in the realm of monster power also returned. It's easy to say that it can still resist a little or two. The demon clan below the level of the demon king is really a lamb slaughtered at will without any resistance.

Later, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, Xia Houping, and Bai Lifeiyan joined the four when they saw the situation, making the entire Iron Triangle team grow again and push everything.

Gradually, strong human beings discovered this, and they began to learn the triangular formation of Pei Junlin and others. Groups of three or five were combined to form a formation, which greatly improved the efficiency of killing the enemy. Guard each other.

This scene was quickly seen by the gods or demon gods who have been paying close attention to the battle situation below. The human side is very excited. Pei Junlin and others have just learned how to rehearse the formation of the army. The efficiency is far better than the previous kind of hacking.

On the other hand, on the side of the demon clan, a famous demon **** strong face was gloomy and terrible, and his whole body was shrouded in a thick layer of evil spirit.

They have noticed that the power at the level of the demon emperor has suffered the worst this time, and the human race has died less than five innate powers since the beginning of the battle. More than 20 people ~ ~ Even if there are many strong people in the demon tribe, it can't help to consume such a proportion.

At this time, a demon **** strong with a golden armor rat mark on the eyebrow in the void, suddenly turned his eyes, winked at a companion not far away, and then gestured to a certain person on the battlefield below. Office.

The demon **** strong attacked his opponent with a scream, and his body lightning fell below the battlefield. Coincidentally, the place where the demon **** fell was the iron triangle formed by Pei Junlin and others. Over the formation.

"Rat monster, you dare !!!"

Mu Shenshen and Cai Shenseng waited, and immediately found the cats were screaming and roaring.

Divine Strong or Demon Strong are absolutely not allowed to participate in low-level battles according to the rules. Of course, there are exceptions at any time. For example, there are Divine Strong or Demon Strong. After falling to the ground, you will inadvertently hand in. No one said anything when stepping on a few small crickets, or hitting several bottom ants while flying.

But this time, the people of the demon clan even aimed at the arrogant sons of the heavens where Pei Junlin was located. How could he not let the gods on the human side be angry.

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