Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 300: End!

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Almost at the moment when the evil spirits of the demon clan were discovered, someone on the strong side of the human race had already responded quickly.

In the high air, a strong armyman hit several cold stars at once, and the sharp weapon was as fast as lightning, shooting directly at the demon **** of the falling golden rat rat family.

At the same time, another strong man also moved. It was a master of arrogance from Luohan Temple. He was a pounder, as fast as a thunder, and stomped on the head of the demon **** strong.

The old monk, who has always promoted compassion, no longer has any ethereal Buddha nature. Instead, he is a King Kong Luohan who lowers demons and removes demons. The two powerful gods join forces to strike, exuding a sense of extinction, forcing the demon **** The strong man had to take a shot to dodge quickly.

Otherwise, even if he doesn't die, he will be seriously injured instantly. Any living thing is a life-saver, and the demon tribe is no exception. He can cultivate to the realm of demon gods. Every cultivation is hard-won, and no one wants to kill himself.

Seeing that small movements were discovered, the demon **** strong of the golden armor rat family is not good to continue, and can only fly a little with reluctance to fly high.

"Dark King City Lord, you guys are so shameless!"

"Is it true that I am a human being so bullied ?!"

Seeing a crisis lifted, the strong man on the human side was furious, and the demon tribe was really deceiving too much. At that moment, everyone was full of momentum and launched a sharp counterattack one by one, boiling the sky for dozens of miles. Already.

Among them, Cai Shenjiang and Mu Shenjiang have the strongest momentum. They are the main responsible persons of this Dongyang Tiankeng. Once the Tiankeng war fails and the Overlord City is lost, they will be the sinners of the entire human race. !!

"Dead to Lao Tzu !!!"

Suddenly, Cai Shen uttered a roar like a beast in his throat. His whole body was golden and dazzling. The horrible true element was like a angry dragon, roaring from his body, as if to explode his body.

The divine strong, the title true god, is a kind of existence that is more powerful than the title of true dragon, the connotation means that when this realm is reached, it is really comparable to the legendary **** and Buddha!

Whenever a strong person enters the level of the **** level, the whole body will undergo a complete metamorphosis, the flesh and bones will be reborn, and the various cell potentials of the human body will be stimulated. Gods and Buddhas, even if the limbs of the strong are really cut off, as long as there is sufficient energy, the flesh will regenerate.

Therefore, it is difficult for a strong person in this realm to be killed unless it is a fatal threat such as hitting his head or heart.

However, at this moment, Cai Shenjiang, the flesh and blood is constantly cracking at this moment, and there are scary wounds. Scarlet blood splashes, but he ignores it and becomes a blood man in a blink of an eye!

An extremely dangerous breath came out of Cai Shenjiang's body, making everyone's face change!

"Lao Cai!"

The shepherd whispered, and seemed to think of something terrible, and his face changed greatly.

But Cai Shen will ignore it, and finally spit out a large mouthful of viscous blood. The blood is different from other blood, and it has a rich golden light, like gold, glittering.


All humans on the earth lost their voices and whispered, even when those demon gods and strong men saw the golden blood again, their faces changed one after another, the Lord of the Black Gold City yelled: "Retreat!"

But it was too late, and I saw Cai Shen dropping the splendid innate sperm directly on the magic weapon in his hand. At that moment, the sound of the sword screamed, the golden weapon of the magic weapon soared and was Tsai Shen clasped her hands tightly and slashed down at the two closest demon gods!


At this moment, the sky of the land of a thousand kilometers has turned into a rich golden yellow. The terrible sword is shaking the earth and covers Fangyuan. Many powerful people, whether humans or demons, are being killed on the battlefield below. Look up and look at the sky.

Pei Junlin also looked up at the sky, and then he saw the two monster-level powerhouses, who were just torn apart. Cai Shen held the gold sword in his hand, the majesty was invincible, the **** blocked the god, and the Buddha blocked *.


"Will my warriors be afraid of death, then they're done!"

"Skin of horses, bathe in the blood! Haha, how **** happy!"

"It's Huaxia that commits me.

"Demon, let's die for Lao Tzu!"

In the golden sky, there was a roar of anger. A strong military man with a terrifying blood power broke out. Some people simply learned the way of Cai Shen, and directly used his destiny. Fear of physical damage, in exchange for extraordinary lethality, and immediately turned the sky into a **** storm.

They are soldiers. The soldiers should protect their country and protect their country!

At the moment when you decide to join the army, everyone is ready to dedicate themselves to the country. At this moment, all soldiers have the responsibility to fulfil their duties!

The scene was so horrible and spectacular that directly made the powerful gods from the four hidden families and two martial arts sacred places stunned, their minds were struck by lightning.

To put it bluntly, although these powerful men from all major forces came to participate in the war in response to the national order, everyone actually carried a selfish attitude. After all, no one in this world was hesitant.

Since it is a matter of life, once fighting, naturally will not go all out, there will always be reservations to prevent any mutation.

But at this moment, seeing a famous military strongman at the expense of a warrior's most important destiny, but also to kill the evil demons, such a tragic and spectacular scene, gave these strong men a lot of heart Shock!

"Malgobi, Lao Tzu is over 80 years old this year, enough to live! Kill one without loss, kill two and earn! Rabbits, let's die!"

A roar exploded, and Xiahougong, with black hair flying all over his body, burst into an overwhelming momentum, and the sound of a magic weapon sword in his hand oscillated. The Xiahou family was most proud of the peaceful chaos. Out, the sword light is rippling the sky and the sky is terrifying.

"Amitabha, the Buddha said that I would not go to hell, who would go to hell, and today the old man also worked hard!"

The master's originally weak body suddenly began to change at this moment. His whole body was entangled with golden light. His appearance between his breaths was suddenly dozens of years younger, and he became a mighty middle-aged monk.







Six-character Daming curse!

One of the 18 supernatural mysteries of Luohan Temple, the most powerful supernatural mystery of the master of delusion. Whenever the master of delusion gently reads out a mantra, it is visible to the naked eye that there are countless "ghosts" glowing in the void. The character, appearing out of nowhere, flew to the demon **** strong opposite.

This is one of the most powerful and magical magical powers of the demon monster town in Buddhism. It can ignore any physical defense and directly attack the soul. It is extremely overbearing. Based on the current practice of the master of delusion, once it comes out, there are several The powerful monsters in the realm of demon gods are all wounded, and they only feel the turbulence of the spiritual soul.

At the same time, in the void where the energy of the heavens and earth is boiling, there are thunder clouds converging, and the light flashes. This is the imperial school of the Huangfu family.

Immediately, without waiting for the power of thunder and lightning, a piercing cold dared to assault, the cold elder Hanbing Ning of the Snow Temple released an amazing chill all over his body, and the shot was the Snow God ’s "Wushuang Hanbing Jue" , Sen Leng's sword spirit is immense, frozen in the world.

Then there was a big foot from the sky that contained the power of the sky. It was the Barryson of the Barry family who was performing the family stunt flying to the sky ...

In short, stimulated by the tragic and magnificent scene of all the strong men in the military, these divine strongmen from the four major hidden families and martial arts holy places are no longer reserved, and began to use the ability of the bottom of the box.

The benefits in this way are very huge, killing a demon tribe directly caught off guard, and immediately there were four or five demon **** powerhouses falling down, and another four or five demon **** powerhouses were injured, which made the original number a lot of advantages The monster power is greatly reduced, and the war shows a state of stalemate.

Such a sudden scene, almost mad the city leader of Black Gold City, roaring again and again. First, the strong man in the realm of the demon emperor was killed consecutively. He was painful enough. I did not expect that in the blink of an eye, there were four or five strong people Their names fell, and four or five were injured.

When did such a powerful helper come to Dongyang Tiankeng, it was not like this before ...

When the human gods in the sky and the demon gods of the demon race also played real fire, and the strong ones continued to fall, the battlefield on the ground was also in full swing. The most prominent nature was the group of heavens led by Pei Junlin. The trigonometry formed by the proud!

However, after a while of slaughter, some people suddenly proposed that the efficiency of this killing is still too small. Although the seven of them are invincible, the demons are not stupid. They are slaughtered by others, and when they see that they cannot fight against these evil gods Many demon races have retreated far away, instead of confronting directly, they have instead killed ordinary soldiers.

"We have too many people. It's a waste to form a camp!"

"I suggest that we divide the seven of us into two formations so that we can kill more enemies!"

As soon as this suggestion was put forward, it was quickly approved. Finally, Pei Junlin began to split. He led the two people, Leng Shuangshuang and Na Lanhao, and the remaining monks who abstained from the monk, Huangfu Phoenix, Xia Houping, and Bailifeiyan. Form a formation ~ ~ Kill! "

After the grouping, the two formations each chose a direction. They rushed to the battlefield like wolves and tigers. Wherever they passed, countless demons were quickly beheaded and killed. They are invincible and invincible!

The battle was killed from morning to afternoon. After four or five hours, until Pei Junlin felt that some of the killers had softened. Suddenly, someone on the side of the demon clan blew the horn of retreating, followed by the human side. The horn of retreating.

At this point, a **** and brutal war was over, and after the withdrawal of the large troops, each side left only a small team to clean up the battlefield's endgame.

This is also a tacit agreement on the battlefield. Not only humans, demons, but also the fallen leaves, the soldiers who died in the war need to be buried in their homeland.

At a glance, on the battlefield of more than twenty miles, it has already become a Shura hell, there are corpses everywhere, the limbs and arms are all over the ground, the blood has stained the ground red, and stepped on Can slip people, the sky's evil spirits are floating in the air, like a thick layer of dark clouds, will not disperse for a long time.

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