Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 308: Black Mist Cliff

Two large fireballs in the sky exuded hot temperatures, and the person in the photo was dizzy, and his clothes were soaked, as if they had just been removed from the water.

It is surrounded by towering trees, dense vegetation, familiar and unknown, and a lot of weeds on the ground. It is hard to imagine. Why is the vegetation so luxuriant under such hot temperatures in the tiankeng world?

And in this unknown forest, there are a few sneaky figures at the moment, moving forward. Due to the high temperature and humid and sultry, everyone's clothes are clinging to his body, looking very embarrassed.

"Mad, what the **** is this place, it's too hot!"

During the walk, a resentful curse suddenly came out. The next second, the complaining figure was kicked on the buttocks. Nalanhao cursed fiercely: "Xia Houping, are you a pig brain? I will tell you How many times, we are now the demon, and we will all use the language of the demon! "

Xia Houping's eyes widened, and his face was angry: "Well, Na Lanhao, you idiot dared to hit Lao Tzu ... what kind of demon language, so strange and strange pronunciation one by one, Lao Tzu's brain is almost dizzy! Why? Maybe learn so soon ?! "

"Then you will become dumb then, otherwise you will harm us all!" Na Lanhao said.

Xia Hou was wronged and helpless.

At this time Pei Junlin said: "Xia Houping, Na Lanhao's words are not good, but they are also for the benefit of everyone. You must train your demon speaking as soon as possible. At least the simple dialogue must be learned, otherwise, really Very constrained! "

Hearing that Pei Junlin spoke, Xia Houping suddenly said nothing, other people can be unconvinced, but since Pei Junlin has spoken, he has nothing to say.

Don't look at them all being Tianjiao, each one is very proud, born with pride, born in the same level, no one is convinced, but I do n’t know when it will begin, these arrogant sons have subconsciously led by Pei Junlin.

Because Pei Junlin's performance is amazing enough, whether it is that unparalleled physical strength, the horrific sword art that has been lost for a long time, or the spiritual force they just learned recently, they have to serve.

There is also a distinction between strength and weakness in the so-called Tianjiao, and undoubtedly Pei Junlin gradually became the strongest person!

At this moment, four people rushed in the middle of the night and were in an unknown mountain range hundreds of miles away from the Black Gold City. Four people were careful, covering their breath, and coping with several patrolling monster soldiers. It ’s been a long time for Rao to come here.

Really don't say, the method of spiritual power used by Pei Junlin is very easy to use, along the way, all the demons who encounter them treat them as similar, not to mention they also speak a language of the demons, especially Pei Junlin, the fluent demon language, is even more standard than the demon.

"Amitabha, Pei Junlin, where is the black mist cliff you are talking about? I'm about to faint!" Jie Monk suddenly asked.

Pei Junlin looked around, and then carefully recalled the map of Dongyang Tiankeng in his mind, and said a moment later: "It's still early, we're all the way south, there are almost four or five hundred miles away!"

"Then let's go quickly and get there before dark!"

Unlike the outside world, they can't rush unrelentingly in the air, and they must be careful about the demons around them at any time to prevent their feet from being exposed, so the speed is naturally not much faster.

Along the way, a group of people found that the demons lived everywhere. There were many small villages, market towns, etc. around the city. In addition, even some remote mountains lived deep. Some demons without transformation.

Of course, these are the most low-level little monsters, the ones with the least status.

In the demon world, the hierarchical system is more obvious than in the human world.

The weak have no status at all. They can only be regarded as the lowest level of labor as in the old human society, and in exchange for cheap physical labor, in exchange for some life needs.

For example, when Pei Junlin and his team came along, in these remote mountain areas, they encountered several types of low-level demons. After seeing them, these demons all showed their horrified eyes and knelt far away. Pick your heads on the ground to welcome them.

Because in the level of the demon tribe, only when the strength reaches the level of the demon king can the transformation ability. Pei Junlin and his four people each appear as human beings, which represents the power of the four demon king levels. This is definitely the supreme existence for the bottom-level demon of the demon tribe.

Regarding all this, Pei Junlin, the four of them were all handy, and almost no need to pretend to reveal an indescribable temperament, and then left proudly under the gaze of a group of little monsters.

Na Lanhao and Xia Houping, who were several times together, were eager to kill all these little demon, but were stopped by Pei Junlin.

Although this time is a race war, it has nothing to do with right or wrong, as long as it is a demon, whether it is men, women, young or old, you can kill anyone you encounter. Definitely not worth it.

To do them this time, they will have a big, earth-shattering little monster, which is the lowest level.

Next, the four continued to move forward. In the process, the group finally realized for themselves that the Tiankeng world is rich in resources. Along the way, there are all kinds of herbs everywhere. Although most herbs are ordinary, ants are small. It's also meat.

As the so-called accumulation of less and more, when these herbs are brought back, they can all be redeemed for points ...

In particular, Pei Junlin also carried a precious space magic weapon, which even exaggerated the behaviors of the monks, monks, Nalanhao, and Xia Houping. They really walked away, scraped the ground three feet, and were clean. And don't leave anything good.

Finally, when night was about to fall, four people turned over a mountain, and their eyes suddenly lighted up, and they saw a magnificent and magnificent mountain range in front of them. This mountain range was steep and mountainous, and the terrain was extremely dangerous.

But what is most attractive is that at this moment, nearly two-thirds of this rugged mountain range is shrouded in a thick layer of black mist, as black as ink, like the curse of the devil. All beings cannot approach.

At the moment, at the bottom of this precipitous mountain peak, which is the only entrance, there is a city with bright lights and demons coming and going. Everywhere, a famous demons incarnate into human beings, and shuttle around there.

It was a garrison stationed by Hei Jincheng in Heiwu Cliff to protect a spiritual vein deep in the bottom of Heiwu Cliff.

When seeing the dark mist-covered mountains in the distance, all four of Pei Junlin were all excited.

After a long day and night, finally arrived!

The mountain in front is the famous Black Mist Cliff. Not only is Pei Junlin looking for a place where Lingsu fruit grows, it is also an important spiritual vein for Hei Jincheng. It is just that I do n’t know what happened recently. As a result, this extremely rich spiritual vein could not be mined for the time being, which is a period of suspension.

But even if it is stopped, Heiwuya is an important source of spiritual veins, and it is definitely guarded by heavy soldiers, and even the powerful gods are in town!

"What shall we do now?" Xia Houping asked, "Did we just mix in directly?"

Pei Junlin immediately shook his head. Although at this moment they have changed their breath, but the spiritual method is not omnipotent. There are no shortcomings. The most direct point is that once they encounter a **** who is stronger than them, it is very possible. Will be discovered by the strong mental power of the other party.

"I think we can find a place where the terrain is slightly gentle, and then fly into it!"

Jie Monk said, "This black mist cliff is so large that even if there is a strong **** sitting in the town, it is impossible to use the mental power to detect everything in the entire mountain all the time. We have a chance!"

Everyone felt that this solution was feasible, and immediately began to carefully go down the mountain, almost half an hour later, at the moment when night fell completely, four people reached the foot of the black mist cliff.

The distance is closer, and you can clearly see the monster army stationed in the Black Mist Cliff. The number is actually very amazing, at least there are more than 3,000, and you can feel a horrible amount of energy by investing a little energy. Enchanting, hovering above.

The demon kings and demon emperors are densely packed. There are no less than twenty demon emperors alone. This shows that the number of demon celebrities is really very large.

What's more amazing is that among them, the four people in Pei Junlin felt deep in the city, and there was a breath like Tianwei, where they were dormant, even if they were motionless, it also brought a strong psychological pressure to everyone.

Don't think about it, it must be the ultimate power of the demon realm!

Pei Junlin's four people became more cautious and cautious ~ ~ Each one turned his mental strength to the extreme, thereby covering his breath, then hiding in the dark and moving forward slowly.

Soon after, they came to the eastern location of the Black Mist Cliff, which is already thousands of kilometers away from the station. Four people looked up and looked up. The peaks of hundreds of meters were like straight sharp swords without any **** at all. .

The four men shook their heads and walked deeper. Finally, they finally found a slightly gentle mountain, and then one by one light weight operation, like a ghost, stood up and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Who? (Demon language)"

Unexpectedly, I just stepped forward and saw two monster soldiers patrolling in front of me with burning torches in hand. The four people who were caught off guard were all stunned. I didn't expect such good luck.

Immediately afterwards, Nalanhao and Xia Houping both burst into lightning at the same time, and twisted the necks of the two monster soldiers in a thunderous situation.

Watching the two dead soldiers turn into two obese golden-clad rats, Pei Jun simply used the Nether Industry Fire to directly burn the two golden-clad rats into air, leaving no residue.

When he finished all this with light and light wind, he found that the three friends around him were all staring at him, Pei Junlin couldn't help wondering: "Why are you watching me like this, I am a dead body!"

Monk Ji and Xia Houping nodded quickly.

Suddenly, at this moment, only a voice filled with infinite shock slowly heard: "Pei Junlin, what kind of flame are you, so scary!"

Pei Junlin immediately showed a hint of embarrassment and said modestly: "Nothing, it's just a very ordinary flame technique!"

PS: For flowers, for rewards, for comments, for everything! !! New week is here!

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