Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 309: Mysterious realm

"Pei Junlin, if your flame technique is also common, then there will be no truly powerful flame in this world!"

As soon as Pei Junlin's words fell, Xia Houping couldn't bear it.

"Don't think that we ca n’t see the strength of it without knowing how to play with fire. The flame technique you used just now is absolutely extraordinary! You can directly burn two monster king-level golden armor rats into the air, and The speed is so fast, I am afraid that the flames of the Nalan family are not as strong as yours, right? "

Na Lanhao, who stood aside, nodded his approval very much. Although Pei Junlin shot very quickly, the mysterious flame power displayed at that moment made the different kind of fire in his body tremble, as if the situation was as if I'm afraid of something.

For Na Lanhao, the shock is too great!

It is not unusual for Pei Junlin to play with fire. After all, Pei Junlin is the master of Danzong. Who is the master of alchemy in the world who is not a master of fire, but the flame technique is also divided into strong and weak. It is because they have a different kind of fire that is far better than ordinary flames.

Who would have thought that just now, Nalanhao had been proud of the different kind of fire in his body, and was trembling with the mysterious flames displayed by Pei Junlin. How could this not surprise Nalanhao? !!

"Pei Junlin, did you also find a powerful alien fire?"

Nalanhao said suddenly.

Pei Junlin heard the words and nodded slightly awkwardly: "It's true! Na Lanhao, I didn't mean to grab your limelight, just now the situation is more urgent ..."

This is true, after all, now there are enough chassis exposed by Pei Junlin, whether it is a strong physical quality or a sword of great lethality, and a method of spiritual training ...

All this is enough to make him famous throughout the Dongyang Tiankeng, so, not a special case, Pei Junlin no longer wants to expose other chassis.

There is an old saying that is good, money is not innocent, and another sentence is called *!

If a person is too proud to show off, and does not have enough strength to guard, then it will no longer be envious eyes, but disaster!

Pei Junlin has been practicing his mind for more than 300 years, can he not know such a simple truth?

"Relax! I'm not so careful!"

"You can master a strange fire that is your skill!"

He heard that Pei Junlin admitted that he also had a different kind of fire, and that it might even be stronger than the fire of his own family. Nalanhao's mood was slightly complicated.

"Pei Junlin, I really want to treat you like an idol now!"

At this time, Xia Houping said, with a grudge on her face.

"What do you say you can't do, than the flesh, you are stronger than the bald head, and now it shows that you are still in control of a fire that may be stronger than the Naran family's strange fire. Different fire! Compared with the technique of killing, you also have the long-lost imperial sword technique, which is stronger than my family's weapon control and peace and chaos! "

"Tell me about you. Did you send us on purpose to stimulate us?"

At the end of the remarks, even the monk monk who had not spoken had a complex nod in recognition. They were indeed Tianjiao, but since the contact with the guy in front of them, the blows have been so large compared to the length. It's more, as long as you stay with this guy, you can greatly reduce the sense of existence.

Pei Junlin could only smile awkwardly, and said haha, "It's getting late, let's hurry into the mountain!"

"Everyone is careful, I feel weird and weird in this dark mist cliff!"

Everyone calmed down and didn't say much, and headed for the mountain.

During this period, we encountered several waves of monster soldiers on patrol, but this time Pei Junlin and others did not take any action to prevent grass and snakes and expose their tracks.

Soon after, four people have begun to approach the real fortress of the Black Mist Cliff. They saw many caves that were cut directly from the mountainside, ranging in size, and they should all be mines mined by the demons.

However, at the moment, all of these mines have been stranded. It should be that the spiritual crystals inside have been mined, or it is temporarily suspended due to the abnormal changes in Heiwu Cliff.

After arriving here, the patrol monster soldiers have disappeared, and the entire black mist cliff seems to be in a permanent darkness. The black mist rolls around, making people feel an inexplicable sense of fear.

"Everyone be careful, this dark mist is poisonous!"

The monk who walked in the forefront suddenly whispered, and between speaking, a thick layer of true element barrier bloomed on his body, wrapping his whole body to prevent the invasion of poison in the mist.

Na Lanhao and Xia Houping did not dare to have any intentions. They ran the real yuan and released the real yuan barrier. Of the four, only Pei Junlin looked calmest. Not only that, his eyes twinkled in the darkness. The light, the look with some doubt.

The dark mist here brought him a familiar feeling, it was really like a special biological breath he encountered when he was in the world.

However, he was not sure for the time being, would that kind of creature be the darling of heaven and earth, would it really appear here?

"No, why can't I feel that my real yuan can't be used!"

It didn't take long to go again. Suddenly, Xia Houping's frightened voice came forward. As soon as the words fell, Pei Jun, who was behind, immediately stagnated.

At the same time, the monstrous monk and Nalanhao's slightly frightened voice also quickly spread.

"My Zhenyuan can't use it!"

"mine too!"

"Spiritual power has also been suppressed. At most, it can detect a distance of several meters!"

Pei Junlin took a few steps and stood at the forefront. In a split second, he felt that the poisonous mist between the surrounding heaven and earth had increased countless times, and overwhelmingly poured, his strong mana was also suppressed and difficult to excite.

The powerful sacred power in his mind was also curbed, and he could barely detect the area of ​​10 meters around him.

The mysterious toxin in this poisonous mist seems to be the natural restraint of all the energy between heaven and earth, suppressing the true elements, spiritual power, and all the body in all the body, it is difficult to excite.

This weird situation not only did not make Pei Junlin startled, but on the contrary, the light deep in those lacquered black eyes was getting brighter, and there was a touch of excitement that could not be concealed.

"It's really that kind of creature! I didn't expect that in this tiankeng world, you can meet that special creature, it's just incredible!"

Pei Junlin murmured to himself, because this special "domain" manufacturing is definitely the standard for that particular creature.

Pei Junlin forcibly suppressed the inner excitement, and then said loudly: "Don't panic! The poisonous mist here is only aimed at the true elements and spiritual power in our body, and it is not harmful to the flesh!"

"Everyone just needs to be happy!"

After hearing Pei Junlin's words, the three monks, Monk, Na Lanhao, and Xia Houping, were all a little stunned. Finally, they slowly relaxed their body, and allowed the strange mist around them to cover their bodies. Then, the three found All right.

"Pei Junlin, how did you know what was going on here?"

Xia Houping asked in confusion, they were regarded as well-informed people, but never encountered such a strange situation.

Pei Junlin casually made an excuse: "I have seen it in some ancient books occasionally! You read too few books ..."

The three were speechless, was this despised!

"So what do we do now? Zhenyuan is suppressed, and his mental strength is also suppressed. This is absolutely bad!" Na Lanhao said.

Zhenyuan and spiritual power have always been the most powerful reliance of all warriors. Now these two things are deprived, it is almost like a person standing on the pyramid is pushed directly to the bottom, the kind of back and forth difference The psychological loss of security is hard to accept.

Originally, they were the cultivation of congenital Jiupin, but now I am afraid that even if there is a congenital Wupin here, they will pose a huge threat to them.

"Rest assured, this is a very special field. Of course, you can also understand that it is a special magnetic field. The strength of any creature entering here will be suppressed, leaving only the purest physical power! "

Pei Junlin explained: "Our strength is deprived, so are other beings. Everyone is still on the same level."

Such an explanation finally reassured the three monks, Monk Nalanhao, and Xia Houping.

"So, aren't you and the bald one of the four of us now the main force?" Nalanhao said depressed.

In the case of purely physical power, he and Xia Houping really became completely supporting roles. Although the physical power of the two of them is also good, compared to Pei Junlin and the monk monk, it is still a lot worse A section.

"Amitabha, so say two little donors. From this moment on, you'd better be obedient, otherwise, watch out for the little monk to pack you!"

Monk monks chanted the sound of the Buddha, but the words did not touch the so-called Buddha at all ~ ~ More like a bandit, it made Xia Houping's eyes widen.

"Well, bald, are you bullying? Don't think you ... oh, I'll go!"

Nalanhao was not convinced, but did not expect that the words had not been finished, he was kicked by the monk, kicked on the buttocks, fell a dog to eat shit, and was extremely embarrassed.

Pei Junlin looked at all this with a smile, and finally fell on Xia Houping's face, a eager expression: "Would you also hit me two sentences?"

Xia Houping knelt directly, and stepped forward and hugged Pei Junlin's thigh tightly and said, "How is that possible? From this moment you are my boss, you will let me do what I do, you will let me go east to me Never go west ... "

Na Lanhao fell to the ground with a look of sorrow and indignation: "Xia Houping, what about your backbone?"

Xia Houping snorted directly: "Stupid, now I want the bones to be a fart, can the thing eat or drink, or can it save your life?"

"Nalanhao, from now on I will follow Boss Pei, as for you, just follow the bald!"

"Why? I don't ..."

Nalanhao immediately retorted, but his words were not finished. Suddenly, he noticed the dangerous gaze of Jie Monk and kept silent.

The monk smiled and said, "Nalanhao? What's the matter? Following the little monk feels wronged you?"

Na Lanhao quickly climbed directly from the ground, turned and ran, who had thought that before he ran two steps, he suddenly screamed, and the whole person disappeared.

The sudden change directly frightened the monks who were abducted from the fight, and the faces of Pei Junlin and Xia Houping also quickly changed, and they flew up.

PS: The new week is here, please ask for fire support! Thank you big guy!

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