Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 310: The Power of the Original Nirvana?

When they ran to the place where Na Lanhao disappeared, they saw a bottomless black hole above the ground, which was supposed to be the action of the spirit beast by the monster.

"Grass, this **** really doesn't make people worry!"

Jie Monk directly cursed, but at this moment they came in sneakily, shouting loudly, hesitated a little, hesitated, Jie Monk immediately said to Pei Junlin: "I will go down to find this boy, you two are on this side Be on the lookout for spiritual fruits! "

Pei Junlin shook his head: "Since everyone came out together, it is natural to help out if something happens! We are all unfamiliar with this black mist cliff, but we are still together for the time being!"

The words didn't fall, Pei Junlin took the lead in jumping into the mine, and the monk abstained from talking, and then jumped in, followed by Xia Houping.

It seems to be a slide, all the way, buttocks rubbing against the uneven ground of the horns, the left and right conflict, the three figures circle down in the mine, the head of the person is almost dizzy, and finally there is a continuous burst of sound, appearing deep in the ground An empty area.

Here, the three of Pei Junlin saw Nalanhao, who was also just climbing from the ground, covered with mud, apparently also just following this curved mine hole and fell out.

"Oh, my ass!"

Xia Houping rubbed his **** and rubbed his hands, then gritted his teeth and stared at Nalanhao in front of him, gritted his teeth and cursed: "You are a second-hander, there is a hole in the ground that you can't see, which has caused us all to find you. Come to this underground mine like a mouse. "

Nalanhao stared, with a bit of grievance: "I ... I ... who the **** knows that there are so many underground mines, am I not seeing the way under my feet!"

But even so, we can see that the three people of Pei Junlin appeared in front of him so quickly. Nalanhao was still slightly moved. At least these guys were kind of morale and left him without directly.

"Well, let's break each other!"

Pei Junlin stopped Na Lanhao and Xia Houping from exchanging each other. Two more torches were in his hands, and they were all lighted up with the magical technique. Suddenly, the underground mine with no fingers in the dark became much brighter.

Monk monk reached out and took one of the torches. With a dignified look, he began to look at the environment in front of him. Gradually, the eyes of the four people gradually started to light up.

I saw them on the walls and on the ground, there were crystals emitting faint light everywhere.

"Lingjing, a lot of Lingjing! We're rich!"

Xia Houping's eyes lighted up, like a hungry wolf hungry for many days, seeing delicious food, lying directly on the ground regardless of ritual, and began to dig with his hands, after a while, a few irregular crystals in his hands Each crystal is about the size of a baby's fist and emits a faint light.

At the same time, Na Lanhao also reached out and dug a few, and Pei Junlin released a divine investigation, and can clearly feel that these crystals contain unequal energy one by one, even if he has not seen the spirit crystals of the demons, but Also convinced that this is the Lingjing no doubt!

However, Pei Junlin looked a bit frowning at these Lingjings in his hands, because there was a black poisonous mist entangled on each Lingjing. Obviously all Lingjings could not be used directly for a while, so they must After certain methods have been used to deal with those poisonous mists, they can be used for cultivation.

For example ... Peng!

A flame suddenly emerged from the palm of his hand, scaring the three monks, Xia Houping, and Nalanhao who were around him. Then, under the eyes of these three, Pei Junlin burst into a cyan flame. Began to continuously burn the poisonous mist above the Lingjing.

And under the burning of these nine ghostly fires, the naked eye can see that the poisonous mist above these lingjings quickly evaporates and disappears, and finally presents the body of the lingjing, crystal bright.

This should be the original appearance of Lingjing!

"Well, how useful is this flame technique?" Xia Houping's eyes widened.

Seeing this, Nalanhao quickly learned how to act like he did, but no matter how he used the energy in his body, he could not ignite the flame. The whole person was anxious and sweaty.

"No, isn't it what kind of area here, suppressing all our cultivation and exercises, how can Pei Junlin excite the flames?"

Nalanhao asked, looking back in shock.

After Na Lanhao reminded him, the monk monk and Xia Houping also looked back and looked at Pei Junlin with a doubt.

Pei Junlin heard the words for a while and stared straight at his palm ... He just seemed to have a real idea that inspired the Nether industry fire, very smooth, without the slightest hindrance, what is going on? ?

Wait, no ...

Pei Junlin carefully recalled that when he just ignited the Nether karma fire just now, it seemed that the exercises he used were not the Nine Turns Nether Revolution, but the line of action from the original Nirvana.

Is it ...

Pei Junlin thought of a possibility. A pair of dark black eyes suddenly burst into two bright lights, as if they were two aurora, which scared the three people across from them.

In order to test the thoughts in his heart, Pei Junlin immediately tried to use the line of work on the original Nirvana to stimulate the mind in his mind. At once, his mind spread directly without any obstacles, and the situation was like outside. The world is generally smooth and unobstructed.

In addition, Pei Junlin tried to punch out again. The strong mana in his body was like the flood of a dike. It was massive and directly condensed into a punch. He opened a transparent hole on the wall. I do n’t know how much. Meter.

Later, Pei Junlin switched to Jiu Gong Gong Gong and tried to throw a fist, but the result was that the mysterious poisonous mist erosion appeared again around him, suppressing all his cultivation, and Pei Junlin did not believe it. , And then changed to Ogi long life strategy, the results obtained are also the same!

"This ... this original Nirvana is terrifying !!!"

Pei Junlin raised a powerful shock in his heart. If this is really the place of the mysterious and special creature that he thinks, then at this moment he is not only one of the unique existences in this heavenly world, even if it is in There are also unique existences in those thousands of worlds.

As far as he knows, no creature in this world has ever been able to spread wild in the realm of that particular creature, but now this taboo has been broken by him!

However, in the face of the three pairs of curious baby-like eyes in front of him, Pei Junlin was suddenly embarrassed. I do n’t know how to explain it. After all, his situation at this moment is too special. As for the practice of the original Nirvana, His most powerful hole card can never be exposed.

"That ... I just tried to run another special technique of mine, it seems to be able to break the seal taboo here!"

Pei Junlin's innocent show of hands explained that his answer directly made the three monks, Monk, Nalanhao, and Xia Houping speechless, but after thinking about the mysteries that Pei Junlin has been endless, the three of them were shocked again.

Perhaps this is why Pei Junlin is stronger than them. This guy contains too many secrets, and even they are sometimes envious.

"Let ’s go. The Lingjings here are just some of the lowest-level Lingjings, so there is no need to take them!"

Pei Junlin opened his mouth and led the way. Since he discovered that the original Nirvana can ignore the taboo seal here, he deservedly became the leader of this operation.

With the help of powerful consciousness, Pei Junlin's four people directly increased their speed several times, and the three people behind him were also trembling.

Pei Junlin can ignore the seal taboo here, which is a great thing for everyone.

For four people, the more they walked along the tortuous underground passageway, the higher the level of the phantoms they encountered, and some phantoms with high energy purity gradually appeared, and the energy around them became more and more intense.

Even Pei Junlin feels that as long as he stays here to practice without absorbing any spirit crystals, he can also make Xiu Wei soar.

As for the three monks who followed the instructions of Pei Junlin, this time was already deeply shocked. While everyone was on their way, they were digging around on the ground and walls with rich energy crystals.

The packages carried on the back of the three of them gradually bulged, apparently gaining a lot.

Although these spirit crystals were all contaminated by the mysterious poisonous mist, but since Pei Junlin could be expelled by flame calcination, they also believed that as long as they were taken back to Overlord City, someone could naturally solve these poisonous mists.

By then, everyone will really be rich!

With this feeling of excitement and excitement, the three monks, Monk, Nalanhao, and Xia Houping, were really motivated. Suddenly, at this moment, they found that Pei Junlin, who had been leading the way, stopped still.

"Go ahead, why don't you move?"

Xia Houping was puzzled. He was digging up the spirit of Lingjing, and was suddenly interrupted ~ ~ It felt like he was interrupted while doing that on the bed, very unhappy.

Caution monk and Nalanhao were also puzzled, but when the two raised their heads, they directly persecuted. There was no way ahead. They seemed to have entered a dead mine. There was no channel around them.

"Well, there's no way out, what shall we do now?" Xia Houping said with his eyes widened, his eyes still staring at the shining crystals on the wall under the torches.

Those are all money and points. It's a golden mountain here. It's so worth it!

"What to do? Of course it is digging!"

Pei Jun waved arrogantly: "With the strength of the four of us, let's not say that it is a dead mine, even if it is the entire black mist cliff, can we dig through it?"

"You know, this spirit vein that has not been mined is the place where the treasure is really contained!"

Pei Junlin's words had just fallen, and in the next second, the three pairs of eyes looked like wolves.

"Mad, dig! Just dig! Lao Tem likes to be a hardworking bee!"

Xia Houping took the lead and took out the magic weapon sword in his hand. This magic weapon that was worth a lot outside was directly turned into the cheapest low-grade gimmick at this moment and was used for mining!

At the same time, the monks and monks and Nalanhao did not hesitate to come up with their precious instruments, and began to work as hard-working bees.

Really don't say, these artifacts are indeed the crystal of wisdom of the refiner. They are very powerful in terms of hardness and sharpness. They dig up the mine like cutting tofu, and only hear a burst of gravel. Then, one by one, Lingjing with crystal light rolled down ...

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