Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 323: Kill the Ring (Part 1)

By the side of Pei Junlin, Wang Qingqiong's face of Qingli's peerlessness was now shrouded in frost, and his fists were clenched with anger.

How could there be such a shameless person in this world? Thanks to her, she still feels good about this family before. She thinks that she has found a happy partner and wants to grow together to make a lot of money. The affection of this O'Brien family is completely A group of wolves in sheep's clothing.

When you need you, the gesture is called a low-hearted attitude, and you promise what you say. When you reach the goal, you will turn your face away in a blink of an eye and kick you away, cold-blooded and ruthless.

In order to be able to cooperate with the O'Brien family, Junlin International has really consumed a lot of financial and material resources in this period of time. I did not expect that it would be such a result in the end.

The prince Qiong gritted his teeth, and his face was frosty: "O'Brien is a big family with a century-long heritage in Italy, and is also hereditary Count. It is well received outside the world. I didn't expect that you turned out to be Such a group of shameless people! "

"Miss Wang, please pay attention to your words!"

Master Ou Li took a step forward, and his handsome face was full of solemnity, with a high-down attitude of looking down, coldly: "Your Huaxia state-owned sentence is called 'Rice can be eaten randomly, but the words cannot Talking nonsense, whether you believe it or not, based on what you said just now, I can sue you for slander! It will make you unable to leave this Italian country in a short time! "

"Yes! Sue her! They have injured so many of us, we must let them pay heavy compensation!"

The words of Master Ou Li have just fallen, and some members of the O'Brien family have begun to exert pressure.

"The compensation is small, let them go to jail!"

"They thought it was this place, but it was Italian. Two dog men and women who had never seen the world before, even dared to come to my O'Brien family for wanton life."

The sounds of coldness and ridicule kept ringing, and for a moment, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong became the kind of wicked men that Wanfu meant, as if they had committed an unforgivable sin.

Looking at the mocking and indifferent faces in front of him, and the increasingly shameless words, Prince Qiong shivered with anger.

Suddenly, at this moment, a warm and powerful hand was put on her shoulder. Wang Ziqiong only felt a cool breath injected into her body to help her stabilize her mood. When she raised her head, she saw a warm and mellow Faces.

"Ziqiong, have you seen this, this is the dark side of human nature in this world!"

"It is said that good people are being bullied, and Ma Shan is being driven. Whether it is business or martial arts, in fact, it is where fists determine the status. We are so bullied by others because we are not too weak. Anymore? "

Pei Junlin's voice sounded slowly: "So, what should we do in this situation?"

"There is only one answer-fuckin '!"


The moment Pei Junlin's words hadn't fallen, he suddenly waved, and a blue ridge with a length of several meters appeared out of thin air, with the momentum of destroying everything, directly cut off the two guards blocking his way!

what! what!

The screams full of pain and screams sounded. The two guards cut off by the waist did not die directly, but sent out a painful roar of pain. The broken two flesh and **** bodies were still struggling on the ground.

Everyone was frightened. No one expected that Pei Junlin said he would do it, and that his shot was so fierce that he would start killing people!

"Jinglin, you ..."

Wang Ziqiong was so frightened and pale, although she had also killed someone, but that time she was completely under the pressure of Pei Junlin's persecution. At this moment, she saw that Pei Junlin directly chopped two people, she was still a little unacceptable.

"Relax, it's okay!"

"In this world, the so-called laws are just tailored for the weak. As long as you have enough strength, you can override everything!"

"I will give you a lesson today, what is the real martial arts world!"

During the speech, Pei Junlin took another step forward, and the blue swordman in his hand swelled again, like the sickle of death dancing to death. Wherever he passed, the pieces of guards were quickly cut off by him, without exception, in the blink of an eye, About a dozen guards were all in a pool of blood, **** on the ground.

"Shot! Shoot me this mess!"

O'Brien's seniors were startled, screaming and yelling. When Cangjie backed, he shouted loudly.

Dense gunfire erupted at this moment. Hundreds of guns fired at the same time, like bullets like rainstorms, shooting at Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong.

Wang Ziqiong closed her eyes in fright. Although she is now a strong master of Qipin, she has never seen such a big battle before, and at the critical moment, she even forgot to inspire her inner spirit.

However, when the rain-dense bullets approached, many people saw an incredible scene. They saw a cyan mask suddenly burst from Pei Junlin, and all the rain-dense bullets were covered by the light. Obstructed, the bullet shot on the cyan mask, although the gyro still spins, but it is difficult to enter any inch!

"God, is this still human?"

Someone shouted in horror, and the fear in their faces was really the scene in front of them. It was incredible, like a miracle.

On the field, there are only a few senior members of the O'Brien family, such as Master Ollie, Lawrence, William and others. The level of contact with them is far from ordinary mundane figures. It is naturally known already. all of these.

It ’s just that understanding is one thing, seeing it is another thing, seeing Pei Junlin is really afraid of bullets, these high-level can not help but look dull and watery.

At this moment, Pei Junlin in the field took action again. I saw him standing in place and waving with his hand, the gesture was like driving away flies, but the power was terrible.

I only heard a loud noise, and the blue mask burst directly, like tens of tons of strong zha medicine. The screams suddenly sounded, and dozens of guards who had originally fired around them screamed and fell to the ground. All the bullets that were reflected were killed, and in a blink of an eye, the people who surrounded Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong cleared a large area.

There were only a few dozen people hiding in the distance. They all shook their hands and couldn't hold the guns in their hands, because they were not humans at all, but monsters, and the bullets were not afraid!

"Pei Junlin, you are also a strong innate, so how can you feel at ease in slaughtering these ordinary people like this?"

With extreme anger and fear, someone could not help yelling.

"Ordinary people? Slaughter?"

Pei Junlin heard the words, and showed an unabashed cold mockery on his face: "As you say, I should stand there obediently and let these people kill me with a gun?"

"A mess of the O'Briens, are you idiots or am I stupid?"

"Today, as long as you don't surrender the **** of Belin O'Brien, all of you here must be buried, believe it or not ?!"


With the fall of Pei Junlin's words, a more terrifying momentum suddenly broke out on him, as mighty as Tianwei, overwhelming everyone.

All the members of the O'Brien family changed their faces when they felt the powerful momentum of Pei Junlin.

How could it be so strong? !!

In the information, Pei Junlin's information is at most a congenital cultivation of about three or four grades. Now this momentum ...


The roar suddenly sounded, and in the distance there were two flowing figures, lightning struck, carrying heartache fluctuations.

"It's Mr. Phil and Mr. Ron!"

A sound of surprise filled the voice of O'Brien's members.

The words didn't fall, and two streamers in the distance seemed to have landed, standing right and left in front of the owners of the O'Brien family, as if two big defenders.

These are two middle-aged men of similar age. One is burly and has a height of two meters. His muscles are rocky and full of pressure. He holds a large hammer in his hand and weighs at least a kilogram. about.

As for the other person, he was thinner, carrying a large sword on his back, and long hair, just like the big swordsman who had been admired in the Western world, with a sharp momentum.

These two people are the two strongest guardians of the O'Brien family. Unlike the prevailing awakeners in the Western world, Phil and Ron are the hardest roads in the Western world. child.

They are all dedicated to Kendo, and one is dedicated to Hercules. They have a great reputation throughout Europe, and they are the same as the top A-level awakeners.

"Mr. Phil, Mr. Ron, kill me!"

Seeing the two saviors rushing, a group of O'Brien's family was full of vitality, and William O'Brien simply gave up the death order, killing his face.

Pei Junlin's unbridled style today ~ ~ thoroughly angered the Earl of the O'Brien family. In any case, Pein Junlin must die today, otherwise the wiseness of the O'Brien family will be destroyed.


Wang Ziqiong couldn't help showing a worried look when he saw the two suddenly appearing strong men.

Unexpectedly, when Pei Junlin heard the words, he smiled indifferently: "It's okay! It's just two ants that are slightly bigger and can be crushed to death!"

"The arrogant yellow-skinned monkey, I'm going to die !!!"

Phil, who was practising the method of Hercules, was furious at first. He knew the Huaxia language, and immediately talked about the sledgehammer that weighed thousands of pounds.


The horrible big hammer hammered across the air, which caused a burst of sounds, magnificent, and invincible. This hammer is enough to knock down a small hill.

Seeing Mr. Phil's earth-shattering hammer, all members of the O'Brien in the manor could not help showing surprise expressions, shouting and smashing him! Kill him!

It seemed to be encouraged. A sudden **** bloodthirsty smile suddenly appeared on Phil's face, which had been throbbing the hammer, and his strength increased by another three points. The horrible blood power was entangled on the entire hammer. The legendary Hercules of the West smashes the sky!

"Dead! Boy!"

Phil had a cruel smile on his face, as if he had seen the abominable yellow-skinned monkey in front of him, and he was smashed into a meaty ending.

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