Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 324: Kill the Ring (Part 2)

Howling winds, wind and sand stone!

In the empty space, the big hammer has not yet fallen, and the amazing energy fluctuations that it has driven have continuously cracked the ground within a hundred meters of the square, and pieces of hard marble have shattered, and everyone in the crowd is shocked to keep away.

A few unlucky ghosts couldn't avoid it, and they were directly crushed by gravel like powerful bullets. They passed through the body and fell into a pool of blood.

However, in the face of the blow that seemed to be angry with God, Pei Junlin was unmoved in the field. I do n’t know when a layer of cyan mask appeared again around his body, completely covering him and the prince Joan behind him. among them.

This is mainly to prevent Wang Ziqiong from getting hurt!

Then, with everyone's gaze staring, Pei Junlin not only did not escape, but slowly raised a white Ruyu like a woman's arm, the most fist, and daringly rushed up!

From the beginning to the end, his face did not change at all, always with a cold look.

"He's looking for death!"

Pei Junlin's behavior was seen by the O'Brien family. Many people were stunned. This guy dared to use his flesh and blood to shake Phil's sledgehammer?

This is almost a self-death. At this moment, even the Ron Swordsman who had not yet shot, a cruel sneer appeared on the indifferent face.

He did not believe that Pei Junlin could use his flesh and blood to stop Phil's sledgehammer. Phil had to be a rare ascetic monk in Europe. He had physical strength, outstanding, and few rivals.

Even those awakened people did not dare to compare physical strength with Phil, but this Chinese man used his flesh and blood to confront Phil's sledgehammer.

"Jinglin !!!"

At this moment, Wang Ziqiong was also frightened, and the whole pretty face turned pale and full of horror.

Now she is not the one who did not know how to cultivate a rookie. She is already a master of seven grades. How can she not feel Phil's horror, but Pei Junlin ...

Just when everyone thought that Pei Junlin was crazy, in the air, Pei Junlin's fist glowing brilliantly had already hit the big hammer.

Beyond everyone's expectations, the scenario where Pei Junlin was smashed into a piece of meat by a hammer did not appear. On the contrary, when the flesh fist collided with the heavy hammer, the air rang out in mid-air. The sound of crickets like golden iron fighting.

The next second, with the stunned gaze of countless people, a horrific explosion of energy broke out in the air, and then a burly figure flew backwards and fell heavily on the rocky ground tens of meters away. .


The hard ground was directly smashed into a huge deep pit, and it was impossible to see the specific situation inside, but everyone in the entire courtyard was already in a dumbfounded face, with a look of horror.

Because they actually saw Pei Junlin standing there intact, without even moving his footsteps, and the right arm that collided with the big hammer was just rubbed by Pei Junlin's left hand constantly, as if to rub. Drop something dirty on the back of your hand.

"I'm a god! Is this still human?"

At this moment, not only did the people of the O'Brien family stagnate, but even the Ron Swordsman suddenly straightened his body, with an expression as imminent as the enemy.

Behind Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong's mouth opened wide, and she could not close her mouth for a long time. There seemed to be thousands of stars shining in a pair of beautiful eyes, like a fan girl, full of worship.

"Weak! It's really too weak!"

At this moment, Pei Junlin's voice sounded slowly, and a pair of indifferent eyes fell on all the faces of the O'Brien family, cold and bitter: "Is this your card?"

In the distance, hearing Pei Junlin's unabashed mocking words, all O'Brien's faces were cloudy and shameless, but there was no more pride and arrogance before, and it was replaced by an unprecedented panic. .

The strength demonstrated by Pei Junlin completely exceeded all their expectations. This is not the case in intelligence ...

Hum! !! !!

The sound of an amazing sword suddenly sounded, and the Ron the Great Swordsman pierced his sword without warning. The amazing sword was like a hot sun, bright and dazzling.

"Be careful!!"

Prince Joan was frightened and couldn't help exclaiming.

Pei Junlin gave a cold hum, and lightning flashed out the crystal-like palm of the jade. When the giant sword approached, he clamped the sword body between his hands.

"Dare you attack? You're looking for death!"

Pei Junlin held the huge sword directly with both hands. The sharp blade hit the flesh and blood of his palm, sparks splashed, and Ron the Great Swordsman widened his eyes as if looking at a monster.

How could human flesh be so powerful?

At this moment, Pei Junlin's hands were in the middle of strength, and her body suddenly rose into the air, her feet turned into a sledgehammer, and she stepped on Ron's chest severely.

How powerful Pei Junlin is now, it is already reaching the limit that the innate strong body can have, 100,000 kilograms of power. At this step, Ron only feels that the internal organs have broken, the bones in the chest explode and collapse. Go in.

A large mouthful of scarlet blood that couldn't be suppressed, like tap water, sprayed out, and it was difficult to hold the great sword in his hand. Release the giant sword directly and fly out.


The earthquake shook and the dust filled the sky, and Ron stepped into Phil's footsteps.

Under the gaze of everyone in the entire manor, Pei Jun came to the huge sword that belonged to Ron, the tip of the sword rubbed against the ground, Mars splashed, and walked step by step towards the pit in the distance.

At this time, in the first large pit not far from Ron, Phil felt stunned by Pei Junlin's punch, and his head was swayed from the pit with a big hammer.

The pupils of the crowd tightened. Until this time, everyone found out that on the sledgehammer belonging to Phil, I did not know when it had sunk into a deep fist print, more than an inch deep, which caused the whole sledgehammer to deform. .

Everyone was a little shuddering, how much effort would it take to make such a horrible result with one punch ...

"Mr. Phil, be careful!"

Seeing that Pei Junlin was dragging a giant sword, he was gradually approaching Phil standing up from the big pit, and someone in the O'Brien family had already yelled for warning.

The warning sounds on the side finally made Mr. Phil's dizzy head awake. He was really smashed by the punch of Pei Junlin just now, and it was only the conductive force from the big hammer.

Therefore, when seeing Pei Junlin's slow approaching figure with a huge sword, Phil, who had always been fearless, showed an insidious fear in his eyes and shouted, "Mr. Pei, I lost! I Not as good as people! "

Not far away, all members of O'Brien, who were still full of anticipation, showed an incredible look as if they were struck by lightning.

Mr. Phil, but their O'Brien family spends a lot of money. The top powers they have invited have spent 30 years in the O'Brien family. In these years, I don't know how much resources have been consumed, and no one expected This guy would have surrendered so little choice.

William O'Brien yelled angrily, cursed a traitor, and then coughed violently, causing chaos in the entire O'Brien family.

Zhao Feihuang, who has been hiding behind her, has a dark haze and a grudge in her eyes at this moment. Pei Junlin's strength is beyond her expectations. Unexpectedly, even Phil and Ron are not opponents.

How could this be? !!

Is she hopeless in this life?

At this moment, Pei Junlin was already holding a great sword, standing in front of Phil, looking at the scared and scared Phil in front of him, Pei Junlin slightly evoked a cold arc, "Sorry, I won't accept your surrender!"

The words did not fall, and the giant sword in Pei Junlin's hand suddenly fluttered and flashed a dazzling swordman's arm, passing directly along Phil's neck.

The sound of the sword rang through the whole manor, and the smile on Phil's face suddenly became frozen. He felt a cold chill from his neck, and then he saw himself spraying constantly. Neck with scarlet blood.

Until his head fell to the ground, Phil's face still had an incredible touch on it, and it seemed that he did not expect that a strong man of his level would be planted in the hands of a young man from the East.

There were screams around, and many guards and servants belonging to the O'Brien family ran up in panic, and Phil's death completely frightened them.

You need to know that top powerhouses like Phil are the patron saints of the O'Brien family. Now that the patron saints have been killed, how can they not be afraid.

Pei Junlin didn't seem to hear the screams around him. After beheading Phil with a sword, he strode to the **** Ron in the deep pit.

Seeing Pei Junlin's undisguised killing eyes ~ ~ Ron screamed in horror: "Pei Junlin, you can't kill me! I am a member of the Holy See, if you dare to kill me , The entire Holy See will not let you go! "

Pei Junlin's huge sword has been lifted slightly, and Ron saw this scene, thinking that Pei Junlin was afraid, and immediately looked happy, and continued to shout: "Pei Junlin, young Tianjiao like you, you should listen Said the name of the Emperor Gang! "

"That is definitely the most sacred place in the entire European region, and I belong to a great swordsman under the Emperor Emperor Gang. As long as you do n’t kill me today, I can treat it as nothing happened! I will not even tell the Pope ... ... "

A frosty sword light crossed the void, directly interrupting all the rest of Ron's words. He widened his eyes, incredibly lowered his head, and saw dense blood arrows erupting outward from the neck.

"I'm sorry, I have never heard of Emperor Gang, or Pope!"

Pei Junlin held the giant sword in one hand, his face was indifferent.

Ron the Great Swordsman's head grunted down his neck, and the scarlet blood quickly reddened the ground.

When Pei Junlin's eyes without the slightest affection slowly swept across the O'Brien family, at this moment, everyone in the O'Brien family was ashamed, and the atmosphere did not dare to come out, as if looking at a man from hell. The devil came out.

"You guys, can you hand over Belin O'Brien that **** now?"

Pei Jun's icy bitter voice sounded throughout the manor.

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