Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 344: Break the line (below)

After Pei Jun walked around the entire medicine garden and understood all the forms of the array, he was standing in the air with a solemn expression and constantly saying something in his mouth, all of which were lonely nouns that everyone could hear in the fog, and many things were even heard Never heard of it!

In the end, Pei Junlin began to print his hands, and in front of the entire medicine garden, he dazzled various decisions. Above each decision, Pei Junlin injected different patterns of rune patterns.

After all this was done, Pei Junlin, who had been standing in the air, suddenly burst into a spring thunder, and his **** drew away from the void, and the abrupt change was born!

I saw that from all directions, a large beam of light was sprayed out, and Qi Qi brushed toward the position of Pei Junlin. It might not matter that the beam fell in the eyes of others, but the Pope's complexion who had been watching this scene closely changed immediately. The eyes narrowed for the first time with calm eyes!

One hundred and eight!

No more, no less, exactly 108 beams!

No one knows better than him that the ancient formations laid by this ancient array of ancient gardens are also 108!

Is this just a coincidence? !!

The answer is of course no!

When these eighty-eight thick beams of light converged at one point, Pei Junlin turned into a **** and held his hands high, as if holding a dazzling round of scorching sun, which triggered the shock of the entire ancient formation method, and the lightning flashed and thundered. The sound was endless.


With the moment when the last word of Pei Junlin was spit out, the round of bright sun condensed by 108 light beams rose into the sky and flew directly to the oppressive ancient killing masks directly above.

The earth-shattering energy explosion sounded loudly, accompanied by a cloud of mushrooms soaring out of the sky, enough to kill the Holy See powerful ancient Holy Front to burst!

Outside, everyone who has been watching this scene quietly, at this moment, except for the two Supreme Powers, everyone else is creepy and backwards!

The expression on everyone's face is so incredible, because the formation is really broken!

That ’s the ancient formation that was enough to kill the strongest in the realm of God. For this formation, the patriarchs of the Holy See did n’t know how much effort they had put in, but now they are planted in the hands of a young man. For a time, the Holy See ’s Everyone, the look is extremely complicated!

At this time, a figure erupting with colorful glow from the whole body burst out from the boiling energy aftermath, and Pei Junlin's figure appeared in the eyes of everyone, and he held his fist respectfully to Pang Hu: "I have seen Pang Supreme!"

Pang Hu's eyes were surprised, and he looked closely at the young people in front of him. After a while, he suddenly laughed out loud: "Okay! Very good! Haha! I didn't expect that among the younger generation of China, there are people who are so proficient. Together, it ’s great! Haha! "

Pei Junlin rarely shows modesty, shakes his head, expresses dare not to be taken, in front of this one is really one of the small clusters of the highest pyramid in the world today, the supreme supreme strong person, the heart is arrogant like Pei King's Landing, in the face of such supreme strong, you must also converge some mind.

Moreover, this time, the Supreme Pang, but at the expense of cultivation, thousands of miles of projection, let a spiritual avatar come to this Italian country, even if it is known that there should be someone else's power, but these kind of kindness is enough to make Pei Junlin remember heart.

"Old Paul, since the formation is broken, then I will take these young people to take a step!"

Pang Hu said to the pope, saying, let Pei Junlin and others stand on his shoulders together, ready to leave.

A supreme powerhouse like him, I do n’t know how many things happen every day. It ’s really a day-to-day event, and every second is extremely precious. It is very unexpected to be here today for a younger generation.

"Pang Hu, I'm afraid you can't leave!"

But at this moment, the pope's quiet voice suddenly sounded again.

Pang Hu, who was about to leave, narrowed his eyes immediately, his voice bitter and cold: "Are you going to go back?"

With Pang Hu's words falling, in his huge body as high as 100 meters, there was suddenly a breath of breath, which slowly dissipated, apparently he was really angry.

Everyone on the Holy See's side was very nervous. One by one, the Pope still looked very calm. A pair of eyes that looked like unfathomable oceans fell on Pei Junlin. The voice was soft: "Let him put down his backpack ! "

The two men and women who were both nervous and alert immediately stopped when they heard the words and gathered their eyes on Pei Junlin. To be precise, it was a big backpack carrying Pei Junlin on his back.

Even through a thick layer of cloth, people such as Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Jie Monk, and others can still perceive the sweetness of the breath, and the strong fluctuation of the heaven and earth.

Originally, they were still thinking about how to ask for some exotic fruits and rare elixir from Pei Junlin's hands when they went back. However, at this moment, the Pope let Pei Junlin drop his backpack. For a time, everyone's face was Ugly!

"Pang Hu, shouldn't you be the one who wants you to eat so many exotic fruits of my Holy Religion, the rare elixir is not counted, but you need to pack and take it away?" The pope's voice mumbled.

Pang Hu suddenly shook his head and smiled, "This ... how could this happen?"

Pei Junlin has ruined so many elixir and kiwifruit. The pope can spare a lot of face, and now it is really inappropriate to pack and take it away.

"Pei Junlin, return the backpack to others!"

Pang Hu finally said a little helplessly. Pei Junlin was helpless and could only show the expression of pain in his face. He reluctantly unloaded the backpack. After hesitating, he finally gritted his teeth and threw the backpack down.

"Stand! Let's go!"

When Pei Junlin threw out his backpack, Pang Hu suddenly uttered a low drink. The next moment, a grand body as high as a hundred meters, soared into the sky, and broke out of the enchantment at a speed four to five times the sound barrier. , Disappearing in the vast world.

Outside of the enchantment, there are still a lot of people who are still very persevering and have not gone away. They are still engaged in live broadcasts, yelling for gifts, so that everyone can watch the final outcome.

But I never thought that the figure was too fast. They didn't even react to it and disappeared into the vast sky.

"Look, the enchantment is broken, let's go in and have a look!"

Some strong men yelled excitedly, and a group of people immediately rushed up like wild cats smelling fishy smells, but they hadn't waited for this group of people to approach, and there was a sudden burst of golden light at the broken junction, which restored everything as before. It's a pity that people are stumped.

Inside the enchantment, Pope Paul III, with a somber face, looked at the messy medicine garden, and said, "The medicine garden here can no longer exist. Fred, I will give you half a month. All the elixir and exotic fruits here have been moved to my holy church's backyard! Even the rich heaven and earth aura and soil here are not allowed to waste! "

"Yes! Pope!"

Frayn respectfully commanded.

"Victor, your task is to find the person in charge of the Italian country. No matter what the price is, you will also double the size of my backyard!" The Pope ordered again.

Victor respectfully commanded.


The pope finally set his eyes on the face of Saint Aaron, who was still a bit nasty and swollen, and said softly, "My child, I know that your heart has always been proud, but there is a saying in the Huaxia state that it is very good- There are people outside, there are mountains outside the mountains! "

"This incident today is the best example. I hope you can learn from this lesson, work hard to cultivate, and strive for that step as soon as possible!"

"The young man in Huaxia Kingdom, I believe it won't be long before he enters the realm of God. You should use this as a motivation!"

Son of Aaron bowed down and saluted ...

How fast is five times the sound barrier? !!

The speed of sound transmission is 340 meters per second under normal conditions, and the speed of five times the sound barrier is 1700 per second, which is almost 2.5 times faster than the fastest fighter in the world!

Standing on the shoulders of Pang Hu, Pei Junlin, Xia Houping, Jiyin Monk, Baili Feiyan, and others, finally realized what it means to be a real speed!

Over the mountains, across the sea, try to compete with the eagle!

The scenery on both sides is going backwards, with blue sky and white clouds overhead, and the endless blue sea, and you can't even see what the past is!

Maybe it was intentional. After the Pang Hu unfolded extremely fast, he did not use energy but protected a group of little people standing on his shoulders. At the beginning, the big guy was still very excited and sang loudly to the sky. After all, they were really standing at the moment. On the shoulders of giants ~ ~ The number of people in the world who can do this is really very few.

But soon, a group of people did not dare to speak again after a short excitement, because every time they opened their mouths, the sharp wind that came on them was like a steel knife, tearing everything, that was five times faster than the sound barrier The squall wind brought by it really seems to be a strong and powerful wind blade, tearing and cutting everything.

In the end, they were forced to do so. Except for Pei Junlin and the monk, all others were running Zhenyuan, doing their utmost to start resisting the oncoming winds.

As for Wang Ziqiong, because he was protected by Pei Junlin, he was not harmed in any way.

Later, the powerful body of Monk Monk could not bear it anymore, and the wound was constantly cracking. In the end, he was forced to use the real element to protect himself.

Pei Junlin, who was sitting on the shoulders of Pang Hu, was beautiful and looked like a rock, and a group of people were envious or envious. At this moment, everyone felt the real gap.

It ’s not just the strength that you can repair, but also the emotional one. Look at the little couples, you and me, snuggle together, sprinkle dog food, and see that they are all single dogs. Everyone suffered tons of injuries ...

China is nearly 10,000 miles away from the Italian national football team. However, with Panghu flying at a speed of five times the sound barrier, it only took about one and a half hours to arrive!

Everyone standing on the shoulders of Pang Hu was thrilled when they saw the incomparably familiar grass and things that belong to the border of Huaxia State.

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