Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 345: Break through

Huaxia Kingdom, a sparsely populated northern territory.

When returning to China, Pang Hu turned the people in the northern territory and turned the aurora into disappearance. It seems that the Supreme is really busy, and he doesn't want to waste a minute or a second.

Eight people in the outer suburbs of an international metropolis, Pei Junlin, Wang Ziqiong, Jiyin Monk, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Huangfu Fenghuang, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan gathered again.

For this trip to Italy, everyone was quite distracted and embarrassed. No one had expected that just wanting to go and talk about willful travel in the end, so many things would happen in the end.

First, the Mafia family, and later the Holy See also appeared, either the Holy Son or the Cardinal. Even later, even the world-heavy powers such as the Pope and the Supreme Master Huaxia were stunned, and hurriedly hurried away.

Even if all the protagonists of this time were Pei Junlin alone, they were only playing soy sauce. Everyone still had a little bit of dismay. They were very impressed that they can now stand on the land of their ancestors.

"You guys, I'm afraid I have to go home and accept punishment!",

Huangfu Phoenix first spoke with a smile on her face, and it was clear that her family had already learned about her adventures in Italy.

"I'm afraid I have to go back, too. The phone is going to be blasted all the way!"

Nalanhao answered, but his expression was unconcerned, and a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water.

"Me too! On this way, Zongmen didn't know how much information was sent to me, and has been urging me to go back quickly!" Leng Shuangshuang also said, she has always been a well-known girl in the Snow Temple, this time Without the consent of Zong Men, following a group of troublesome guys and running to Italy did break the precedent.

"Well, I think everyone will be separated now! Go back to your house and find your parents!"

Xiahouping stood up and said loudly: "After all, this time the incident is indeed a bit big, and I don't think it is appropriate to go back for a trip!"

"However, I believe that it won't be long before everyone meets again! What do you say, Mr. Pei?"

Pei Junlin held the hand of Wang Ziqiong tightly, and Wen Yan smiled and nodded: "Of course! Soon, I believe we will meet again in Tiankeng World soon!"

Prince Qiong stood beside and nodded with a smile.

"Okay! In that case, let's all be separated, go our separate ways, we ..."


Pei Junlin interrupted Xia Houping's words. Under the eyes of everyone's doubts, they saw that Pei Junlin suddenly flicked his fingers, and suddenly a bunch of fruits with a fragrant aroma suddenly appeared on the ground. Appeared, immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Na Lanhao and Xia Houping are more like wolves, their eyes are green and faint, they yell and lie down, and they are ready to pounce on them immediately, but they endure stiffly, but they ca n’t stop the saliva. Drop down.

"It's disgusting, both of you get out of me!"

Huangfu Phoenix couldn't stand it anymore, and couldn't help but yell at him, but before he finished speaking, he took a sip and took a big mouthful of saliva. Suddenly, there was a moment of silence in the scene, and everyone followed. laugh it out.

Huangfu Phoenix has a flushed face and can't help it. The bunch of fruits on the ground is really tempting and can't be controlled at all!

"I know, there will always be good things with Boss! Look at it! Look!"

Xia Houping shouted with excitement. The last time he and Jiu Monk and Na Lanhao followed Pei Jun to a trip to the Black Mist Cliff. Although it was indeed dangerous, he made a lot of money. Seven hundred high-quality spirit crystals.

"The Holy Fool's bunch of silly forks, I'm afraid I can't even think of death. Boss Pei actually has a space ring on him! Haha!"

Speaking of excitement, Xia Houping danced with hands and feet: "When Boss Pei was carrying a backpack on his back, I guessed Boss's intentions. Praise me quickly! Praise me!"

"Brother is so handsome and brilliant, so clever ... Whoops, who is kicking me ?!"

Nalanhao scolded angrily: "Praise a fart, you won't get the strange fruit, and praise won't go to you!"

"Among us so many people, who can be praised, besides Boss Pei, who else can have such a blessing ?!"

Speaking, Na Lanhao showed a charming expression to Pei Junlin, which directly made Pei Junlin goosebumps and laughed and cursed: "Go!"

"There are eighteen eclipses here. There are exactly three per person. The energy is almost the same. You divided it yourself! This is also a compensation for everyone following the distress!"

Pei Junlin opened his mouth and explained that before his words fell, the ground ’s heterogeneous fruits were quickly divided up. Six Tianjiao children from the hermit family or the martial arts holy land, one by one, seemed to have never seen earth leopards. All cracked.

Pei Junlin was holding on to Wang Ziqiong's small hand tightly. The two looked at each other and smiled. They broke out instantly and disappeared into the distant sky.

After going around for seven or eight hours, the two finally returned to their homes in Jinling City.

The return of the two at the same time made everyone in Pei Jiayuan's garden overjoyed, especially the parents of both sides, even more excited tears.

Pei Donglai, Guo Shiyun, and Wang Haishan and Qin Yan, two old couples, are not ordinary people now. They are always watching everything in martial arts. Of course, they have already seen Pei Jun in distress on the big live broadcast that shocked the world. All kinds of things are almost breaking my heart.

Now seeing Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong returning intact, the tears of their parents' tears kept falling.

Pei Nianci even hugged Pei Junlin's body tightly and shouted at his brother, he didn't want to release it for a long time.

The deep affection from the blood of the bone marrow was vividly manifested at this moment.

On this night, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong chatted with their family members for most of the night, and everyone left reluctantly. After the family members left, Pei Junlin and Wang Ziqiong finally had time to be alone. The two seemed to be old husbands and wives. After taking a bath together, the wife lay on the bed together. Of course, it was inevitable to do something that should be done.

What surprised Pei Junlin a bit was that Prince Qiong, who had always been a little bit lethargic in this respect during the week, was extraordinarily crazy tonight, and seemed to want to vent all the pressures he had suffered over the past few days.

Pei Junlin was both excited and guilty about this. Of course, the excitement comes from the comfort brought by the prince Joan who was riding on him, and guilt comes from a man who can't even protect his own woman. This is for a man. That is definitely the biggest misconduct!

In fact, according to common sense, with Pei Junlin's current strength and status, don't say that it is a woman who protects herself, even if it is to protect the entire Pei family without any pressure, after all, he is now a stepping **** The innate Jiupin top-level powerhouse in the realm of strength, in the same level, no one is his opponent.

However, his temperament predestined him to live in a home that was not easy to live in, and lived an ordinary life from nine to five. Although his strength progressed rapidly, the enemies he provoked became stronger and stronger, and he would never find peace.

And the only way to solve such a problem as soon as possible is to make relatives around you also quickly become stronger. Only in this way can you worry about it in one fell swoop!


Early the next morning, when Prince Qiong was still in his sweet sleep, Pei Junlin was already sitting cross-legged in a dense room. His slender and powerful body was crystal clear, the power of blood boiled, and there was a glow of light in the pores.

This is a sign of energy accumulation to the peak. There is no doubt that Pei Junlin is really only one step away from breaking through the divine realm.

On this trip to Italy, even Pei Junlin did n’t know how many exotic fruits he had swallowed in the Holy See ’s medicine garden. In short, he felt that the energy in the body was boiling, and he quickly used the original Nirvana, to replenish those abundant energy again and again. , Into the flesh and bone marrow.

At this moment, he let go of the suppression in his body. In the whole body, energy like a boiling volcano, rolling, sound like thunder, unimaginable surging energy, got used to the limbs of the whole body, causing Pei Junlin to turn into a whole person. A hot ball of dazzling light.

Finally, after Pei Junlin went all out, a yoke in the body seemed to be broken, and the mighty energy formed a big Zhoutian, resonating with the powerful consciousness deep in his mind ~ ~ Echoing each other, all the muscles and bones, thunder and thunder.

The bright golden light erupted from the pores of Pei Junlin's whole body. The golden light re-baptized the physical body, and the divine realm was broken!

From this moment on, Pei Junlin finally stepped into the **** of power!

Everything is so natural, there are no waves, this is the result of a strong foundation!

The divine strong, the title true god, is a kind of existence that is more powerful than the title of true dragon, the connotation means that when this realm is reached, it is really comparable to the legendary **** and Buddha!

Whenever a strong person enters the level of the **** level, the whole body will undergo a complete metamorphosis, the flesh and bones will be reborn, and the various cell potentials of the human body will be stimulated. Gods and Buddhas, even if the limbs of the strong are really cut off, as long as there is sufficient energy, the flesh will regenerate.

Therefore, it is difficult for a strong person in this realm to be killed unless it is a fatal threat such as hitting his head or heart.

After the late period, the heart will become indestructible through special baptism and blessing, and it will completely become the golden body, *!

The true physical peak of a warrior will be best reflected in the strongest gods!

After the strength breaks through the Supreme Strong again, the spiritual power will begin an unprecedented transformation, reaching the title of Tongshen. At that time, the essence and blood will be united, and it is truly invincible!

Not long ago, the supreme posture of the supreme Pang Hu Pang, who crossed the mountains and the sea, was the most perfect embodiment!

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