Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 348: Global Challenge Wave

For a while, centered on this post, noisy!

In the end, the person who posted it seemed angry, and posted a series of evidence directly, including an ID card and an account book, and a photo of him and Pei Junlin, affirming that he is the 30th in the world's congenital ranking list. Eight people named Xia Houping!

And swore a poison, the whole family would die if they deceived them, and there would be no birth to their sons ...

The strongest ranked 38th in the world's innate strong list directly reveals his true body, this position is definitely not low, but also very high! Words are very credible!

Once such exact evidence and poisonous vows broke out, the original questioning voice suddenly dropped a lot!

Everyone was even more shocked by the content of this post. Isn't Pei Junlin really broke through to the powerful gods? !!


Countless powerful men from all over the world have lost their voices. If this is the case, Pei Junlin may have broken a certain record and become the youngest strongman to break through the realm in nearly a century. Once he was crowned the 'youngest innate in a century Stronger ', now the name goes one step further!

This is simply evil, how can there be such evil young people in the world ...

No wonder Pei Junlin has deliberately posted before, hoping that the official official website of the Dark Web will publish the global divine list as soon as possible. Emotional people have really stepped into the divine power, and the eyes no longer focus on the so-called innate list.

At this moment, everyone suddenly realized that many people manually @ 裴 君临, calling for the great **** to appear.

At this time, Pei Junlin, who was in the garden of Pei's home, also saw various remarks on the dark web. He just shook his head and smiled, maintaining an attitude of neither denying nor answering, and letting those who are free to do nothing. The person who hurts guess it!

However, Pei Junlin obviously underestimated the shockingness of the post. Soon after, Cai Shen and Mu Shen will call him successively to verify the authenticity of the post. Obviously they also saw it!

In this regard, Pei Junlin could not deny it, he simply admitted it!

On the other side of the phone, Cai Shen and Mu Shen will be stunned for a long time. In the end, the two of them will turn into excitement that is difficult to suppress. Say okay, don't hesitate them to pay a huge price. Projection, to rescue you little bastard!

Pei Jun was aggressive, and then finally understood why the supreme supreme power like Pang Hu would consume energy to save his little man for thousands of miles. The feelings are the achievements of Cai Shenjiang and Mu Shenjiang.

Pei Junlin was touched and asked how much it cost, but Cai Shenjiang and Mu Shen will call Haha at the same time. Even if Pei Junlin asked death or not, he just hung up the phone.

Pei Junlin looked at the phone that was hung up, but he was helpless. The other party did not say that he had no choice but to keep this kind of affection in his heart, and continued his great work of making miracles.

As a panacea that can only be taken by the powerful gods, Ling Dan is cumbersome and complicated to make. It is unknown how many times it is compared with other panacea. With Pei Junlin's alchemy technique, he must always be cautious and cautious.

On the one hand, today's rare elixir is too scarce, and on the other hand, alchemy really has high technical requirements and should not be allowed to be sloppy.

In this way, time passed quickly, and almost a month passed. On this day, there was a roar of noise in Pei's garden, which scared a lot of people, and almost everyone ran from every corner of the garden. Come out and look in the direction of the backyard.

That voice came from just now. Everyone, look at me, I don't know what happened.

"Well, do you smell anything, what is so fragrant!" Someone sucked **** his nose, his face intoxicated.

"I smell it too, it smells so good! It's so sweet! I feel like my stagnant spirit has become a lot more active ..."

"This ... this is the scent of medicine!"

"Mr. Pei, hasn't he been concentrating on refining alchemy in the backyard? Is it because the refining of alchemy has been successful!"

Everyone kept talking, one by one, turning their awe-inspiring eyes towards the backyard.

At this moment, in the backyard of Pei's garden, a figure with a smile on his face had already stepped out of the back room. He held two jade bottles tightly in his hands.

"Congratulations, sir!"

Hong Tian * 's family, who has been waiting outside the closet, respectfully salutes to Pei Jun.

Pei Junlin nodded and smiled. The refining process of Lingdan was very smooth, which made him feel very good. After breaking through the realm of God, the alchemy should be smoother, otherwise it would be difficult to make Lingdan in the innate realm .

"Where is Ziqiong?" Pei Junlin asked.

Hong Tianlei respectfully replied: "Mrs. She has also been training in retreat, and her strength has improved very quickly. In just one month, she has been promoted to Grand Master Jiupin!"

Pei Junlin was surprised: "Is it so fast?"

However, he calmed down very quickly. When he was refining the remedy, he gave Prince Qiong a lot of exotic fruits, and then Prince Qiong was aided by the natural dew, plus the horrible pure Yin body, the progress was rapid. , It is reasonable.

"Does anything special happen recently?" Pei Junlin asked again.

Hong Tianlei nodded: "Yes! Sir! Almost half a month ago, the dark web launched another list of global masters, and his wife also entered the list, but the ranking is not high, only more than 1,500!"

Pei Junlin raised his eyebrows, quickly pulled out his mobile phone, and entered the dark web. Sure enough, he saw the top global master list. The number of people counted on it reached an astonishing 9,083, which was about tens of thousands.

These numbers are indeed amazing. I am afraid that once again exceeded the expectations of many people. If you add some omissions or some people who like to live in seclusion but do not want to be part of the world, there must be tens of thousands!

This number sounds like a powerful lineup of tens of thousands of guru masters. But after experiencing the world of Tiankeng, Pei Junlin is not very optimistic about the backbone of humankind today, because the demon strong Human beings are several times more and even more.

Pei Junlin found Wang Ziqiong's name from the list of global masters, ranking 1,580. The information on the back marked Wang Ziqiong's cultivation as the seventh master.

Pei Junlin is recognized for this ranking. The ranking order of this global master list is obviously based on personal records. Although Wang Ziqiong has already reached the seventh rank of the grand master, no, it is now the nine rank of the master. Without any record, it is natural to fall behind.

"Sir, it's not just that, maybe it's because the list was announced. In this month, the world has also set off a wave of challenges!"

At this time, Hong Tianlei said again.

"Challenge wave? What's going on ?!" Pei Junlin was surprised.

Hong Tianlei began to explain: "It should be the reason for the two lists. Although the dark web is powerful, it is inevitable to be meticulous and fair everywhere. People with strong strength feel that their ranking is low, and they will naturally have unwillingness!"

"My martial arts, what we pay attention to is to catch up, to attack the sky, and challenge the difficulties!"

"The announcement of the two global lists this time has stimulated a lot of arrogant young talents. Some people want to become famous and get more power and status, and they will naturally launch challenges, while some people simply want to Progress, but you also have to challenge the top people to do it! "

"In my country in Huaxia, this wave of challenges is also very large. There are hundreds of battles happening almost every day! Among them are the battles of the innate and the challenges of the great masters. In short, the atmosphere of martial arts is intense!"

Pei Junlin nodded in understanding. This is a good thing. Although the martial arts world was pretty good before, he always felt that something was missing, like a stream of standing water. Now he understands that he lacked vitality!

Martial arts must be contested. Since everyone has chosen to enter this path, it is doomed to be as comfortable as ordinary people in their lives.

Everyone often says, my generation of warriors, life and death are pessimistic, just do not accept it!

Although these words are a bit vulgar, they really express the essence of martial arts!

The warrior should have been the most dynamic group of people in the world, fighting with heaven, with the ground, and fighting with people, just like the boat sailing against the water, if you don't advance, you will retreat!

Pei Jun came to his mind with a hundred flashes of thought. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and asked with interest: "Since this wave of challenges is so big today, has anyone come to challenge me?"

Hong Tianlei, who was standing opposite, heard the words for a moment, and after a while, he shook his head with a bitter smile: "At the moment, it is not there yet!"

At the same time, I couldn't help secretly whispering, unless it was a stupid head who was amused, and dared to come up to challenge you, normal people would never do this!

Pei Jun came to Waner and suddenly said: "By telling me to continue, all the masters of Pei's gardens will take turns to go out from today. The time limit is one month. Whether it is accepting a challenge or not, you must initiate the challenge! More than five battles in the same or higher order, the video is proof, otherwise, he will be heavily punished! "

Hong Tianlei's heart was stunned, he took his fist to lead his life, turned and strode away!

Pei Junlin had a pair of lacquered black eyes deep in the light.

At present, he doesn't want to raise a group of flowers in the greenhouse. In recent days, the strong men raised by Pei's family enjoy abundant resources, but they don't have much training. They are really a little more relaxed!

Pei Junlin is ready to practice this group of men, and he also thinks of a very important problem, that is, now the Pei family, the innate level of the strong, it seems that there is a fault!

Nothing wrong, it's a fault!

In the past, when Pei Junlin was in the innate realm, he was barely able to repair the gap. However, with Pei Junlin's breakthrough, after entering the realm of Pei, the innate strong Pei family really appeared a fault. ~ ~ Such as Wang Ziqiong, Hong Tianlei, Yuan Molong and others!

Hu Lang and Xu Dong have also made rapid progress. They have achieved the master's eight grades, and the wild apes and black snakes have also master six grades. Others have made good progress, except that they are lacking innate strength.

This is not a good thing, it is a shame to spread it!

In the next period of time, in addition to his own practice, Pei Junlin began to concentrate on training a group of subordinates. He personally sat in the town. None of the masters of the entire Pei family dared to slacken and turned into ferocious beasts. A large-scale wave of challenges has set off in the guru world of Huaxia Kingdom.

Not only that, Pei Junlin even invited the masters and innate strongmen in Danzong to participate in this large-scale wave of challenges.

At the moment of great change, only strong strength is the basis for survival! (https: //) "Rebirth of Shura Rebirth" only represents the viewpoint of the author Langya No. 1. If the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only dedicated to providing health Green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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