Shura, The Rebirth

Chapter 349: Resurgence of War

The time of ease is always the shortest. Unconsciously, Pei Junlin has returned to Jinling City for two months.

In the past two months, in addition to fiercely training a group of Dan Zong and Pei's men, he is the changes that have been brought about after the breakthrough of the Divine Power.

In addition, there is the refining of mirabilis. From the plunder in the Holy See's Medicine Garden, many good things were really harvested, which is enough to support the refining of several miracles.

According to Pei Junlin's plan, he originally wanted to wait for the great transformation of the strengths of Pei Jiawu and Danzong, but he decided to leave, but the plan could never catch up with the change.

A call from Mu Shen will make him have to embark on the journey again, because the war in Dongyang Tiankeng has begun again! And more serious than the last time!

I heard that after the heavy losses in the Tiankeng World, the Black Gold City directly joined forces with another powerful demon clan force called God Ape City. It was hoarding soldiers on a large scale in an attempt to wage a second war.

The moment he received the message, Pei Junlin could no longer take care of his family's affairs, and said goodbye to everyone, then, with the reluctant gaze of his family members, he quickly embarked on the journey to Dongyang Tiankeng.

On the way to Pei Junlin's rush to Dongyang Tiankeng, he successively received calls from six monks, including Jiyin Monk, Xia Houping, Na Lanhao, Huangfu Phoenix, Leng Shuangshuang, and Bai Lifeiyan. Also set off!

On the phone, Xia Houping was very proud and shouted at Pei Junlin, and he would definitely give him a big surprise!

Na Lanhao's words were also very wrong, full of anger, a peasant turned over and sang!

This makes Pei Junlin can't help but be a little funny and smiling. Could these two guys have taken that step in these two months?

If that's the case, it really has confidence!

However, even if these two guys really break through the divine realm, if he wants to torture, he can still be a dog!

The integration of essence and blood is not accessible to everyone. This is a privilege only available to the Supreme!

When Pei Junlin stood at the base of Dongyang Tiankeng again, it was already a day and a night later, the whole base was very lively, with familiar faces everywhere, and all the innate powerhouses. Obviously, the changes in Dongyang Tiankeng made The high-level officials reconvened all the strong men who had been on vacation before, and convened again.

The appearance of Pei Junlin has caused a great sensation. He is now really famous, and he has become a big celebrity completely. His halo is countless!

The name of the first person in the list of the world's congenital powers is not something you can easily possess, especially when he cares about the national strength to overwhelm the Holy See and escape from the cardinals. Countless eyes.

Some people even rumored that Pei Junlin's current cultivation has entered the realm of God, which has led many innate powerhouses to look at Pei Junlin's eyes, which has led to a sense of awe.

Seeing Pei Junlin's appearance, many innate strong men who were familiar or unfamiliar came up to say hello, with great enthusiasm, and some people gave a thumbs up, bluntly, Pei Junlin gave China Huaxia a face!

No. 1 in the list of congenital powers in the world. This is an absolutely glorious thing. Even if these names are not theirs, as a Chinese person, he has an inexplicable face and a tall head.

Pei Junlin couldn't cope with the enthusiastic faces around him for four weeks, and finally the emergence of the pastoral generals resolved his embarrassing dilemma.

In a super spacious metal room, Pei Junlin met with Cai Shenjiang, who had not been seen for many days, and the first members of the six major forces. When he saw him in, the voice of the people in the room stopped abruptly, and his eyes were strange. Fall on him, the taste of extraordinary review.

"Really into the realm?"

Perceiving the golden body breath emanating from Pei Junlin at this moment, everyone's eyes showed an unbelievable color of surprise, because this is really too incredible!

Divine Realm, how old is Pei Junlin, and she has already stepped into Divine Realm. Although it is only an early stage and there is still a long way to go, they are already at the same level with them. This makes the first six in the room and even Cai God will not know how to describe the mood at this moment in words.

The young people now seem to be getting stronger and stronger, which makes the older generation really feel a little bit older and can't keep up with the times!

Divine Power, unlike the previous congenital and Grand Master realms, is no longer divided into one grade and nine grades. There are only four levels of early, middle, late, and final peaks. Among all the divine powers present, except Cai Shenjiang In addition to the strength of the peak of Divine Realm, most of the strength is in the late Divine Realm.

It's not that they don't want to make rapid progress, but martial arts. The more resources they need for cultivating, the more they get, and every improvement is difficult. Not only do they need resources, they also need air transportation.

The young man in front of him is very good. He has just stepped into the state of God at the age of twenty-three and is really hit!

Even the elders of the Snow God Palace, Hanbing and Ninghan, who have always been accustomed to Pei Junlin, have a slightly complicated look, and the thoughts in their minds can't help but think of their maiden, Cold Frost, but they do n’t know what the girl is now.

"Pei Junlin, come, release your golden body for us to see!"

Cai Shen, who is sitting in the first place, will speak, even if he has already determined that Pei Junlin has really stepped into the divine powerhouse, but now he wants to witness it again.

Although the first six seats around didn't talk much, those burning eyes represented the inner thoughts.

Pei Junlin was helpless and could only bloom the golden body again. In a moment, in the dim metal room, the golden light was full. Eye-catching, even a thin layer of golden light appeared on his head.

At the same time, a coercion that belongs to the strong in the realm of the gods should be full of mightiness, filling the entire room.


Originally, he looked calm and sat around just to witness the gangsters of Pei Junlin. He suddenly stood up at the same time, his eyes fell on the faint golden light of Pei Junlin's head, one by one, it seemed to have received some strong The irritation seemed to be widened.

"how can that be?"

The shepherd exclaimed the first loss of voice, and everyone else had a similar expression.

"Pei Junlin, what's going on with your head? Why does it shine golden light?" Nalan Yunkong asked directly.

When Pei Jun came to a daze, he soon came to his senses. He suddenly thought of some of the characteristics of the powerful gods. It seems that after reaching the gods, the warrior can only temper his own physical body. As for the most critical part of the skull, because it is related to Step into the supreme realm, so only after breaking through the supreme realm can you quench the biggest weakness of the skull to achieve true *.

Although the gods are strong, their head is the biggest weakness. Only after breaking through the supreme strong, can the body be truly cast into a body without any flaws.

However, the original Nirvana Sutras practiced by Pei Junlin were obviously a bit overbearing. During the Divine Realm, it was the master who scrutinized the head of Pei Junlin without authorization, which led to the emission of golden light.

But can all this be said?

The answer is of course no!

Pei Junlin finally pointed at his glowing head and said, "This golden light you said, I don't know what's going on! But I guess it should be when I broke through the divine realm, there was too much power and I didn't control it well. , The amount rushed to the head! Almost did not shock me on the spot! "

At the end, Pei Junlin showed a fearful expression on his back. He said that his words were seven points and three points false. The original Nirvana was out of control, which really frightened him.

The big guys around were stunned, and then immediately understood why they were crying and laughing, one by one with strange looks.

"Failing to control the power led to a force rushing to the head ..."

Cai Shen will sigh: "Pei Junlin, Pei Junlin, I don't know what to say about you, you can still stand here and live and jump around, I can only say that you are really big enough!"

Just kidding, arrogant as he is, the peak of his state of mind, without sufficient confidence, he did not dare to use his strength to temper the skull, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Unexpectedly, when Pei Junlin just broke through the Divine Power, he had a power to temper his head. It was so great ...

The other six major seats also showed speechless expressions. Similar to this, they also heard it for the first time, and it really is this world of thousands, no wonder!

"So what's wrong with your head now?" The shepherd asked.

Pei Junlin shook his head, saying there were no problems.

This reassures everyone that Pei Junlin is now a real Tianjiao candidate. If the young king of the younger generation of Huaxia Kingdom really has any accidents because of cultivation, it will be a great loss for the country.

"Where is Boss? Boss!"

Just as everyone was chatting in the room, there was a restlessness outside, followed by a yelling sound getting closer and closer ~ ~ Then the closed door was pushed open with force, a raging Figure came in.

"Haha! Boss, do you look at the color of your brother?"

As soon as the figure entered the door, there seemed to be only Pei Junlin in his eyes. The voice did not fall, and a strong golden light burst out from his body. The golden light was extremely striking.


The fastest reaction in the room was not Pei Junlin, but Xia Hougong, who turned into a flash of lightning and appeared directly in front of the figure. A face was filled with uncontrollable excitement and excitement, and his voice shivered: "Pinger , You ... your cultivation is ... "

Xia Houping looked at the excited father and grinned grinning, "Dad, I broke through the realm! Didn't I shame our Xiahou family?"

Xiahougong shook his head constantly: "No! No! You are the pride of my Xiahou family! Haha!" (Https: //) "Rebirth of Shura Returns" only represents the viewpoint of the author Langya No. 1 Content that violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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